Why does multi-billionaire, Donald Trump, ask common, hard working, people for money to support his legal defense fund?

Who’s a billionaire?
When your money is invested you can’t touch it.
The Clintons reportedly did not pay 1 dime on their own legal defense because they had millionaire/billionaire friends and dupes giving their last $5 to pay for their expensive lawyers.

Their money was tied up in investments? Poor poor Clintons.

As far as asking people to donate, you know you can actually say 'NO', right?

Why does multi-billionaire, Donald Trump, ask common, hard working, people for money to support his legal defense fund? He could pay all of his legal bills and still have much more money than everyone who donates to him.

Below is one of his solicitations


What recently took place at my Mar-a-Lago home was an unprecedented infringement of the rights of every American citizen.

Scam after Scam, year after year.
This POLITICAL PROSECUTION is merely a continuation of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the no collusion Mueller Report, and more.

This is all the Radical Democrats really know - it is their lifeblood - they have no shame.
And as a result, our Country is paying a very big price.

The Left will do anything to stop me from SAVING AMERICA, but in reality, they are not after ME. They are after YOU, and I’m just in the way.

But they will NEVER win. Not as long as I have YOU on my team.

I need to know I can count on you, Friend. No matter what THEY throw at us, you have always been by my side, and it’s critical for me to know that nothing has changed.

My team just launched our OFFICIAL TRUMP DEFENSE FUND and I’m calling on my BEST supporters to step up to the front lines and BOLSTER our efforts. Every single dollar raised will go directly to FIGHTING OFF the corrupt Left and their LIES.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY towards our Official Trump Defense Fund and stand with me against the radical Left.


What recently took place at my Mar-a-Lago home was an unprecedented infringement of the rights of every American citizen.

Scam after Scam, year after year.
This POLITICAL PROSECUTION is merely a continuation of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the no collusion Mueller Report, and more.

This is all the Radical Democrats really know - it is their lifeblood - they have no shame.
And as a result, our Country is paying a very big price.

The Left will do anything to stop me from SAVING AMERICA, but in reality, they are not after ME. They are after YOU, and I’m just in the way.

But they will NEVER win. Not as long as I have YOU on my team.

I need to know I can count on you, Friend. No matter what THEY throw at us, you have always been by my side, and it’s critical for me to know that nothing has changed.

My team just launched our OFFICIAL TRUMP DEFENSE FUND and I’m calling on my BEST supporters to step up to the front lines and BOLSTER our efforts. Every single dollar raised will go directly to FIGHTING OFF the corrupt Left and their LIES.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY towards our Official Trump Defense Fund and stand with me against the radical Left.
They call themselves supporters, but he sees them as marks.
I truly do not believe he is a billionaire if you liquidate his assets and pay off his fines and debt.

Just my personal opinion and I believe he is a paper Tiger.
His debt is public. Its a tad over 1B.
IDK anything about fines or whatnot though.
His debt is public. Its a tad over 1B.
IDK anything about fines or whatnot though.
Debt we know about and let remember Trump has inflated numbers before, so let not kid ourselves about his possible true worth.

Liquidate his assets and pay off all debt and let see the real number.

Only person I know of that isn’t a paper Tiger is Warren Buffet because he did this awhile back and his wealth has grown even more…
He's not a billionaire. He is however, a grifter.

Grifter how so?

All politicians use tax payer money to pay for their legal fees along with everything else including vacations.

People who aren't even politicians and just running to be a politician also take people's money via donations. Trump is the same thing, he hasn't announced he is running but we all know he is going to and the money used for legal defense is part of that since it will tie into him running again.

Besides, the only people who give him money are ones he wants to. He isn't taking it, it's being given to him.

Besides undoubtedly it's also to protect his own assests. Taking donations for things like this probably effects his taxes in some fashion and I'll never blame anyone for playing the system to fight paying taxes. If I was able to I would also because I'm not a hypocrite.

Why does multi-billionaire, Donald Trump, ask common, hard working, people for money to support his legal defense fund?​

Because that pesky first amendment makes free speech perfectly legal.

And here is a funny corollary. He can ask. And folks can accept the request and donate or choose not to. Pretty cool.
What a terrific nation.
I never said Trump couldn't ask and I never said people could not give.
What I am saying is Trump is a disgusting human for asking people with much less money, than him, for monetary help. People living pay check to pay check are giving him money while he maintains his billions of dollars and lavish lifestyle.
I feel sorry for those who give but what absolute dumbasses. Why not give money to your family, your church, a charity, a children's hospital; not to a slime bucket who is conning you.

But I feel all are free to do so.
He would still be a billionaire if he paid all of his legal fees.
Wow, Trump has tapped into a bunch of people who are providing him more money than his businesses. Definitely those suckers born every minute.
He a billionaire because he's not an idiot. You are what you are because you are.
Grifter how so?

All politicians use tax payer money to pay for their legal fees along with everything else including vacations.

People who aren't even politicians and just running to be a politician also take people's money via donations. Trump is the same thing, he hasn't announced he is running but we all know he is going to and the money used for legal defense is part of that since it will tie into him running again.

Besides, the only people who give him money are ones he wants to. He isn't taking it, it's being given to him.

Besides undoubtedly it's also to protect his own assests. Taking donations for things like this probably effects his taxes in some fashion and I'll never blame anyone for playing the system to fight paying taxes. If I was able to I would also because I'm not a hypocrite.
It is interesting to hear your rationale for giving to Trump. It is mind set of people who gave to Jim and Tammy Baker and the many other cons out there.
The saying that "a sucker is born every minute", is verified by people like you.
I don't think you are, necessarily a bad person but oh so stupid.
But that is your choice. I hope you and others are not giving to Trump and other cons and not taking care of your family and other obligations. If so you are a bad person.

Biden is the head criminal, moron.
Coming to this message board is like going to the zoo. You get to see these strange humans and how they think. I call you one of Trump's trained monkeys but that is an insult to all monkeys.
It is interesting to hear your rationale for giving to Trump. It is mind set of people who gave to Jim and Tammy Baker and the many other cons out there.
The saying that "a sucker is born every minute", is verified by people like you.
I don't think you are, necessarily a bad person but oh so stupid.
But that is your choice. I hope you and others are not giving to Trump and other cons and not taking care of your family and other obligations. If so you are a bad person.

People give money to Trump because they don't want to end up with a lying corrupt pedophile like Biden.

It's as simple as that.
Coming to this message board is like going to the zoo. You get to see these strange humans and how they think. I call you one of Trump's trained monkeys but that is an insult to all monkeys.
Nana nana, boo boo. Do prog morons like you have anything to offer other than cheap insults?
He a billionaire because he's not an idiot. You are what you are because you are.
A person who thinks Trump is brilliant for getting money from poor people to maintain his wealth is calling me an idiot? I don't think so.
I never said Trump couldn't ask and I never said people could not give.
What I am saying is Trump is a disgusting human for asking people with much less money, than him, for monetary help. People living pay check to pay check are giving him money while he maintains his billions of dollars and lavish lifestyle.
I feel sorry for those who give but what absolute dumbasses. Why not give money to your family, your church, a charity, a children's hospital; not to a slime bucket who is conning you.

But I feel all are free to do so.

Who gives a fuck. People can make up their own minds.

Are you a dumb ass cultist with no freewill?

Let me guess, you claim Biden is in perfect mental health ans will run in 2024 and you will not admit the Hunter Biden laptop is real.

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