Why Does the Government Care so Much About Vaccinating You?

Dude, are you really that dense or are you just trolling? My ancestors died of horrible contagious diseases that we have vaccines for now.
Some vaccines do have things in them that can harm you and the point the article is making is the government is making big business out of vaccines...
For those of you that didn't read it then please do so.

I don't read shit from Alex Jones because he's a fucking paranoid asshat like you and most of his "facts" are nothing more than exaggerated bullshit.

The reason the government cares so much about vaccinating people is more than obvious to everyone with more than a first grade education, to eradicate the spread of diseases like Smallpox, Polio, and Tuberculosis, etc. How many people die from those today? It's almost unheard of, yet a few generations ago, quite common.

Then don't shit for brains...oh and he didn't write that article someone else did but you wouldn't know that because you already know everything...right...you don't even realize there is shit in vaccines that can harm you a lot more than the things the vaccines are supposed to stop.

Stop being such a pussy and take your shot
Blow it out your ass.

Another one of those girly men afraid to take a shot

Suck it up pansy

Blow it out your ass. :D

They care so we don't spread deadly Diseases you fucking idiot. Your tinfoil hat is on to tight.

Yawn...shouldn't you be busting some teenagers trying to buy beer clerk boy...
Blow it out your ass.

Another one of those girly men afraid to take a shot

Suck it up pansy

Blow it out your ass. :D

They care so we don't spread deadly Diseases you fucking idiot. Your tinfoil hat is on to tight.

Yawn...shouldn't you be busting some teenagers trying to buy beer clerk boy...

At least I am employed, welfare queen.
Lol's...there you again thinking you know a damn thing about me...you make it to easy...really ya do.
Lol's...there you again thinking you know a damn thing about me...you make it to easy...really ya do.

Why don't you just admit to the rest of us that you would rather your kid develop polio than have the evil GUBMINT tell you he needs a vaccine
Lol's...there you again thinking you know a damn thing about me...you make it to easy...really ya do.

Why don't you just admit to the rest of us that you would rather your kid develop polio than have the evil GUBMINT tell you he needs a vaccine

I do as I please...my kids are healthier than ever..oh and my son isn't circumcised either....that really pisses people off...since its politically incorrect.
Regardless of what may be in vaccines, the risk of injury from them is less than the risk of contracting a fatal disease. BTW, the items listed are in such small amounts or neutralized to such an extent as to effect far fewer people than the diseases they're designed to combat.
You get more mercury in one can of albacore tuna.

Listen. Get your shots on time and get your kids' theirs. Public health clinics use a sliding scale and you can get multiple vaccines at $5 a visit

I have Lupus and take Enbrel shots every week as well as a chemo drug. Your rubella or TB can kill me even tho' I get my vaccines.

Cancer patients have suppressed immune systems, too. We should not lose our battles against our crappy diseases due to BS rumors and foolishness.


Regards from Rosie
Lol's...there you again thinking you know a damn thing about me...you make it to easy...really ya do.

Why don't you just admit to the rest of us that you would rather your kid develop polio than have the evil GUBMINT tell you he needs a vaccine

I do as I please...my kids are healthier than ever..oh and my son isn't circumcised either....that really pisses people off...since its politically incorrect.

God you're pathetic. You seriously just bragged about your child's genitals on the fucking internet.

Despicable excuse for a father
Yep it is the evil Jews killing is all with circumcisions and vaccinations right dissent?
Considering the number of people choosing not to have their kids vaccinated, I think it's past time to do a study of the rates of autism among the unvaccinated vs the vaccinated.
You get more mercury in one can of albacore tuna.

Listen. Get your shots on time and get your kids' theirs. Public health clinics use a sliding scale and you can get multiple vaccines at $5 a visit

I have Lupus and take Enbrel shots every week as well as a chemo drug. Your rubella or TB can kill me even tho' I get my vaccines.

Cancer patients have suppressed immune systems, too. We should not lose our battles against our crappy diseases due to BS rumors and foolishness.


Regards from Rosie

Pregnant women are told not to eat fish due to the mercury in the fish, who in the heck thinks it's a good idea to inject it directly into an infant's bloodstream?

BTW do not, I repeat, do not give your kids multiple vaccines at one time, I don't care how much money it saves you, it's not worth it. Perhaps if I had had my kids vaccinated one vaccine at a time they wouldn't be autistic today.
Considering the number of people choosing not to have their kids vaccinated, I think it's past time to do a study of the rates of autism among the unvaccinated vs the vaccinated.

An honest study on this will never happen. The players that be have decided that the prevention of epidemic, including potential terrorist attack, is a higher priority than any potential side effects from vaccination. Autism is considered collateral damage. It is very sad.

Autism-vaccination connection has not been proved nor disproved. The cause of autism in the majority of cases has not been discovered. All that has happened is a British doctor did a small study connecting thimersol to autism that was later debunked.

There has been a tremendous rise in autism that coincides with increases in vaccination. Children show autistic symptoms shortly after reaction to vaccination. Coincidence? Perhaps?
My main objections to all these vaccines is the sheer number of them in a relatively short period of time. Kids get tons in their first year, when their bodies and especially their brains are rapidly developing/changing. Too much too soon, imo. I'd prefer a later start date and a slower time period to give all these shots and I do no believe that so many are even necessary.

When my youngest (my middle kid is in the autistic spectrum) was getting ready to go to kindergarten I took her to the doc and instead of having whatever shots were required (she had already had all shots up to that point) I asked to have her titers checked via blood draw. All numbers came back within range that she was fully innoculated against whatever disease she had received shots for with the exception of whooping cough which was within range but low. I asked the doc 'if I let you give her another round of all these vaccinations will she be more protected?'. Doc looked at me and said 'no'. No shots given, signed an exemption form.

Oldest got chicken pox during the last week of first grade. I threw the other two onto her hoping they'd get it ... of course, they didn't. Got them vaccinated and last summer got my son the booster for it. My reasoning was he already had the vaccine and if the booster prevented him from getting chicken pox (he's 19 now) or lessened the severity of it, that was good. Also I don't know if he'd get it as pox or shingles at this point and figured either way the vaccine might lessen the severity of whatever he might get.
The last study on autism.


Older men are more likely than young ones to father a child who develops autism or schizophrenia, because of random mutations that become more numerous with advancing paternal age, scientists reported on Wednesday, in the first study to quantify the effect as it builds each year. The age of mothers had no bearing on the risk for these disorders, the study found.

Then there's this study.

can the use of paxil or marijuana cause autism · Childhood Disorders discussions | Emotional & Mental Health center | SteadyHealth.com

Autism is not only concern if you take Paxil or marijuana

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