Why does the left think the Constitution applies to non-Americans?

Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?
So, none of righties are willing to show us where the Constitution says it doesn't apply to non-citizens on US soil.

Not every righty is an intellectual coward ... no, wait, all of them are.
Here at least. I wonder which one of those genius's wondered about if our laws and protections don't apply to non-citizens, why would they have to follow our laws at all then. Two edged sword.
The US Constitution applies to anyone on US Soil, citizen or not. Unless they're in the US Military. In that case, the UCMJ takes precedent.

There are also special rules for Ambassadors and their families. Another topic.

Outside the US, the Constitution applies to US Citizens inasmuch as the US Government is involved.

When it comes to who can or cannot enter the USA, the Executive Branch has almost exclusive oversight on this. The Judiciary has somewhere around zero. The Congress has a lot but they have given most of their powers to the Executive Branch.

Sorry I had to take a break for a little while and leave you people without Adult Supervision.

Try not to be so stupid from now on
Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?
Which part about not doing anything about Nations that his own administration determined were not only inadequately screening and sharing said screening of travelers to the United States but are also historical origination points for radical IslamicTerrorists and/or State Sponsors of Terrorism other than making a list of them didn't you understand?
Their screening was strengthened, and they disallowed Brits and other friendly Nation's citizens from coming without going through the visa process if they were duel citizens from those countries, they stopped any Brit or friendly country citizens from coming here if they had traveled to any of those countries within the past 6 years, from coming here on a Visa Waiver, and made them go through the 18 month to 2 year plus, visa vetting process.

WHAT did Trump do to make us safer? He extended the process for 90 days? WOW! Did he tell us how they were going to strengthen the vetting process, or what they were going to do to make it stronger during those 90 days or even some sort of plan and why those 90 days was going to make a difference on these people?

and again, 15 of the 19 Sept 11th terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, and the San Bernadino wife was from Pakistan, and neither of those two countries were put on President Trump's ban.....and please, none of this blame Obama for Trump's fiasco.

It was hasty, it was ill advised and ill planned, and meant to cause chaos, for the ratings..... :(
So, none of righties are willing to show us where the Constitution says it doesn't apply to non-citizens on US soil.

Not every righty is an intellectual coward ... no, wait, all of them are.
Here at least. I wonder which one of those genius's wondered about if our laws and protections don't apply to non-citizens, why would they have to follow our laws at all then. Two edged sword.

Wow. How do you think of things that are that outlandishly stupid?
Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.
Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?
Which part about not doing anything about Nations that his own administration determined were not only inadequately screening and sharing said screening of travelers to the United States but are also historical origination points for radical IslamicTerrorists and/or State Sponsors of Terrorism other than making a list of them didn't you understand?
Their screening was strengthened, and they disallowed Brits and other friendly Nation's citizens from coming without going through the visa process if they were duel citizens from those countries, they stopped any Brit or friendly country citizens from coming here if they had traveled to any of those countries within the past 6 years, from coming here on a Visa Waiver, and made them go through the 18 month to 2 year plus, visa vetting process.

WHAT did Trump do to make us safer? He extended the process for 90 days? WOW! Did he tell us how they were going to strengthen the vetting process, or what they were going to do to make it stronger during those 90 days or even some sort of plan and why those 90 days was going to make a difference on these people?

and again, 15 of the 19 Sept 11th terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, and the San Bernadino wife was from Pakistan, and neither of those two countries were put on President Trump's ban.....and please, none of this blame Obama for Trump's fiasco.

It was hasty, it was ill advised and ill planned, and meant to cause chaos, for the ratings..... :(

Obama did in two weeks as much as Obama did in eight years. I see why you consider that to be a failure
Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.

Well it's not like you can teach anybody anything, near as I can tell you are just one more hate filled left wing nut job.
Gotcha, the Constitution was a suicide pact.

So what Constitutional right were non-Citizens deprived of?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.

Yes, you're the epitome of grasping and processing arguments.

So I'm pro-choice, but I don't read into the Constitution that which is not there. I mean wow, only an ideologue would do that
There is some confusion on both sides. Obviously the EO violates the 14th in regards to persons in those countries who have legal status in the US, and Trump's team is already walking that back. Some claim the EO is totally illegal because it singles out Muslims and exempts Christians in those countries. If Trump said we only taking Christian refugees from there PERIOD, there'd be a constitutional problem, but the EO is, at least on it's face, a temporary halt while vetting procedures are reviewed. I'm not sure that is such a constitutional problem.

Nonsense. The President has plenary power under the Constitution. He can apply it to whomever he pleases. There is no restriction of his plenary power as President.
So...you believe the *President can ignore the 14th amendment?
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.

Well it's not like you can teach anybody anything, near as I can tell you are just one more hate filled left wing nut job.

that's adorable coming from rightwingnut bigots.

now go back to your little basement and keep trolling.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? Over and over, we come up on this issue of constitutionality and they consistently want to apply it to people who aren't subject to it. We cannot enforce our Constitution worldwide so we can't apply it that way. It's really as simple as that.

Then they want to make this silly argument about being "on American soil" ...as if, a radical jihadist could parachute into the country and as soon as his feet hits the ground he has instantaneous constitutional rights! That's not how it works. We are a humane nation who believes in basic human rights for everyone, and so we believe in treating people in accordance with basic human decency but that has nothing to do with constitutional rights. It is only the citizens of the United States who are protected by the Constitution. And guess what else? That's not ALWAYS an absolute!

Many of our constitutional rights have limitations and restrictions. If an American citizen travels to Mexico and returns, they aren't protected by the 4th Amendment against being searched and having property seized. We suspend that right at the border for national security reasons. We've determined that is "reasonable" and so the Amendment doesn't apply. And that's for an American citizen who IS protected by the Constitution!

There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's executive order on restricting entry into the US. The President has plenary power granted under the Constitution and many presidents before him have used precisely the same plenary power to do the same thing. It's not a "Muslim ban" but guess what else? He's within his authority to make it one if he wants to! There is no restriction on this, the President has plenary power and he can make this effective for any country or ALL countries if he so chooses. He can make it against a specific religion... he can make it against people with red hair! There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits him in any way with this. You may not LIKE it... but he has that authority under the Constitution.
The progressives are as stupid as a bag of hammers, the constitution applies to citizens....
They weren't deprived of anything, the people in question were barred entry which isn't a Constitutionally Protected right, if you're barred entry you're not legally on U.S. Soil so for lack of a better phrase you're in "International Waters" a situation which (If I'm not mistaken) affords them international treaty protections but nothing with respect to the U.S. Constitution.

IMHO The left's argument regarding this EO is incredibly specious since it was the Obama Administration that put together the list of 7 Nations and they did it for a very good reason; the Nations on that list either do not have the systems in place or have proven to be unwilling to properly screen travelers and share that screening information with the United States (they're also historically origination points for radical Islamic Terrorist and/or state sponsors of Terrorism) which makes them a PERFECT origination point for those wishing to commit violence and other criminal acts on U.S. Soil. The only reason the Obama Administration didn't issue the same EO that Trump did was they didn't want to face the political backlash from their own party, in other words, they knowing allowed this incredibly risky situation to continue unabated for political reasons.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.

Yes, you're the epitome of grasping and processing arguments.

So I'm pro-choice, but I don't read into the Constitution that which is not there. I mean wow, only an ideologue would do that

you're so funny.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? Over and over, we come up on this issue of constitutionality and they consistently want to apply it to people who aren't subject to it. We cannot enforce our Constitution worldwide so we can't apply it that way. It's really as simple as that.

Then they want to make this silly argument about being "on American soil" ...as if, a radical jihadist could parachute into the country and as soon as his feet hits the ground he has instantaneous constitutional rights! That's not how it works. We are a humane nation who believes in basic human rights for everyone, and so we believe in treating people in accordance with basic human decency but that has nothing to do with constitutional rights. It is only the citizens of the United States who are protected by the Constitution. And guess what else? That's not ALWAYS an absolute!

Many of our constitutional rights have limitations and restrictions. If an American citizen travels to Mexico and returns, they aren't protected by the 4th Amendment against being searched and having property seized. We suspend that right at the border for national security reasons. We've determined that is "reasonable" and so the Amendment doesn't apply. And that's for an American citizen who IS protected by the Constitution!

There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's executive order on restricting entry into the US. The President has plenary power granted under the Constitution and many presidents before him have used precisely the same plenary power to do the same thing. It's not a "Muslim ban" but guess what else? He's within his authority to make it one if he wants to! There is no restriction on this, the President has plenary power and he can make this effective for any country or ALL countries if he so chooses. He can make it against a specific religion... he can make it against people with red hair! There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits him in any way with this. You may not LIKE it... but he has that authority under the Constitution.

there's a body of caselaw that addresses what constitutional protections and what level of constitutional protections are due to people.

you should try studying the issue.
you should take your own advice.
What was this "incredibly dangerous situation" that Obama left us in?

there isn't one.... the loons just keep on trying to justify their bigotry and disgusting hate

You think you're leading the way in teaching us all how to not hate?

I don't think you're learning anything.

Well it's not like you can teach anybody anything, near as I can tell you are just one more hate filled left wing nut job.

that's adorable coming from rightwingnut bigots.

now go back to your little basement and keep trolling.

Jillian your posts drip with hatred, you detest anyone who disagrees with you. The sad part is that you really are not on any type of intellectual level here with anyone on this board.
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So many ignorant right wingers and the nonsensical things they say.

They wouldn't be so bad if they weren't racist and didn't hate so many.
LOL and on cue they show up to reveal their lack o knowledge on the Constitution
Ever read the 14th Amendment, Bi-Catfish?

Here it is:
Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
what does that mean in your words?
It's part of the Globalist belief system. They don't believe in 'American Exceptionalism.' They don't support US sovereignty and independence. And they certainly don't support the US Constitution. They envision their New World Order. A World Government.

And the only way to truly achieve their NWO, is to destroy America as we know it. America is the NWO Globalists' final obstacle. Once it goes, they'll finally have their New World Order. We'll see if Americans oppose and defeat them. Stay tuned.
Are you the resident right wing legal scholar?

Well, I am a constitutional conservative who has studied the Constitution for about 40 years. But no one needs to be a "legal scholar" to get the drop on a dope like you. About a 3rd grade reading level is really all you need.
How could you POSSIBLY have missed the 14th amendment?

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