Why does the left think the Constitution applies to non-Americans?

Sorry, no it doesn't. I've read extensively on it.
the Bill of rights applies to everyone on our soil that is answerable to our Laws,

most if not all, foreign diplomat ambassadors are exempt...

can you show us where the Bill of Rights states that ONLY CITIZENS are protected by our constitution's bill of rights?
Even babies? The why do you kill them?
Who's killing babies?

Planned Parenthood.....by the millions
They kill babies????? New borns? 3 month olds? year olds?
what is conception?
It's part of the Globalist belief system. They don't believe in 'American Exceptionalism.' They don't support US sovereignty and independence. And they certainly don't support the US Constitution. They envision their New World Order. A World Government.

And the only way to truly achieve their NWO, is to destroy America as we know it. America is the NWO Globalists' final obstacle. Once it goes, they'll finally have their New World Order. We'll see if Americans oppose and defeat them. Stay tuned.
Jimminee Cricket!

Your darn faux Messiah is changing America and the World, as we know it! Wake up! He's thrown the whole world in to chaos (as planned, out of chaos comes order, yeah, New World Order) in just a few weeks (because he knows his time is short), what is up is now down, what is left is now right, what is tall is now short, what is big is now small what is small is now big....who were friends are now enemies, who were enemies are now friends, what was unfair is now just, telling a lie is good, Telling many of them is even better and PC, telling the truth is now fake....seriously, you have been snowed, been blinded!

Yes, he has upset the Globalist Order. And i support him 100% on that. I don't want their New World Order.

Right before the end, they get delusional
It's part of the Globalist belief system. They don't believe in 'American Exceptionalism.' They don't support US sovereignty and independence. And they certainly don't support the US Constitution. They envision their New World Order. A World Government.

And the only way to truly achieve their NWO, is to destroy America as we know it. America is the NWO Globalists' final obstacle. Once it goes, they'll finally have their New World Order. We'll see if Americans oppose and defeat them. Stay tuned.
Jimminee Cricket!

Your darn faux Messiah is changing America and the World, as we know it! Wake up! He's thrown the whole world in to chaos (as planned, out of chaos comes order, yeah, New World Order) in just a few weeks (because he knows his time is short), what is up is now down, what is left is now right, what is tall is now short, what is big is now small what is small is now big....who were friends are now enemies, who were enemies are now friends, what was unfair is now just, telling a lie is good, Telling many of them is even better and PC, telling the truth is now fake....seriously, you have been snowed, been blinded!
what the fk are you saying here?
I gotta say, the ignorance of the left is just overwhelming. They all think Trump isn't using attorneys to approve all that he's doing.

The DoJ itself approved the EO. The nasty scrunt running it, Pro Tem, didn't. But she' got her ass booted to the curb with the rest of the garbage.

She will never see another Senate-Approved appointment in her life.

But that's okay. She'll just run for Office in a totally dimocrap scum State or, at worst, end up with a cushy Professor job at some liberal fucktard University

dimocraps are lying scum.
Why does the left think the Constitution doesn't apply unborn Americans?
So...every pregnant woman is allowed to drive in the car pool lane BUT can be ticketed for having two people behind the wheel.

I didn't stutter.

Stuttering is not the only way to blather. Whatever you were trying to show didn't work, and I think I'm in agreement with whatever point you were trying to make ... unsuccessfully ...
Kaz, the 14th only applies to "persons." That has always required a living breathing human.

Roe, however, does say that society has a interest in protecting "life." Bork (and I think Scalia) would argue that no individual has any right to privacy or an inherent right to do what they want with their own body. Taken literally, that would mean some god forsaken place like Kansas could ban contraception or even Viagra, because sex is for making babies not sinful lust. We shall see.
Kaz, the 14th only applies to "persons." That has always required a living breathing human.

Roe, however, does say that society has a interest in protecting "life." Bork (and I think Scalia) would argue that no individual has any right to privacy or an inherent right to do what they want with their own body. Taken literally, that would mean some god forsaken place like Kansas could ban contraception or even Viagra, because sex is for making babies not sinful lust. We shall see.

Life, liberty and property cannot be infringed on by the Federal government without due process of law. What law has a woman committed to lose control over her own body by the feds?
Does the president have to show what is 'detrimental' about it?

and the AG can only stop entry when he gets knowlege that their documents are FALSIFIED.

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Not sure I understand the comment about the AG. This is an additional aspect and not an alternative aspect. Sorry... you don't have any "loophole" here. The last six presidents have used similar restrictions and any challenge in court (I think there are about 23 at present) will fail. This is a constitutional plenary power of the president.

It has nothing to do with me "wanting to make Trump a dictator" or whatever. I actually dislike presidential executive orders. But the law is the law. Obama had a pen and a phone and so does Trump.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? Over and over, we come up on this issue of constitutionality and they consistently want to apply it to people who aren't subject to it. We cannot enforce our Constitution worldwide so we can't apply it that way. It's really as simple as that.

Then they want to make this silly argument about being "on American soil" ...as if, a radical jihadist could parachute into the country and as soon as his feet hits the ground he has instantaneous constitutional rights! That's not how it works. We are a humane nation who believes in basic human rights for everyone, and so we believe in treating people in accordance with basic human decency but that has nothing to do with constitutional rights. It is only the citizens of the United States who are protected by the Constitution. And guess what else? That's not ALWAYS an absolute!

Many of our constitutional rights have limitations and restrictions. If an American citizen travels to Mexico and returns, they aren't protected by the 4th Amendment against being searched and having property seized. We suspend that right at the border for national security reasons. We've determined that is "reasonable" and so the Amendment doesn't apply. And that's for an American citizen who IS protected by the Constitution!

There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's executive order on restricting entry into the US. The President has plenary power granted under the Constitution and many presidents before him have used precisely the same plenary power to do the same thing. It's not a "Muslim ban" but guess what else? He's within his authority to make it one if he wants to! There is no restriction on this, the President has plenary power and he can make this effective for any country or ALL countries if he so chooses. He can make it against a specific religion... he can make it against people with red hair! There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits him in any way with this. You may not LIKE it... but he has that authority under the Constitution.

THey are "Universalists" who consider nations, and patriotism old fashioned and unfair.

They see themselves as more evolved than stupid people who want to put Americans first, with regard to America.
Of course there is, the President can't simply do as he chooses, everything he does MUST be allowed under Constitutional Law, hence Obama's defeats on immigration.

His EO conforms with Constitutional Law.
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 - Wikipedia
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

14 (f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

So..... have yourselves a big tall glass of Trump™ STFU!

That wasn't your point son, your point was that the President has any authority he wants, you used the word "plenary".


adjective: plenary
unqualified; absolute.

My suggestion is two fold, A) Remember what you actually type and B) Educate yourself so you use words correctly.
Oh yes, I voted for Trump.

Yes, in this case, the US Code grants the president plenary power. That was the point. I never claimed "presidents have absolute plenary power always" which is what you apparently read.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? Over and over, we come up on this issue of constitutionality and they consistently want to apply it to people who aren't subject to it. We cannot enforce our Constitution worldwide so we can't apply it that way. It's really as simple as that.

Then they want to make this silly argument about being "on American soil" ...as if, a radical jihadist could parachute into the country and as soon as his feet hits the ground he has instantaneous constitutional rights! That's not how it works. We are a humane nation who believes in basic human rights for everyone, and so we believe in treating people in accordance with basic human decency but that has nothing to do with constitutional rights. It is only the citizens of the United States who are protected by the Constitution. And guess what else? That's not ALWAYS an absolute!

Many of our constitutional rights have limitations and restrictions. If an American citizen travels to Mexico and returns, they aren't protected by the 4th Amendment against being searched and having property seized. We suspend that right at the border for national security reasons. We've determined that is "reasonable" and so the Amendment doesn't apply. And that's for an American citizen who IS protected by the Constitution!

There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's executive order on restricting entry into the US. The President has plenary power granted under the Constitution and many presidents before him have used precisely the same plenary power to do the same thing. It's not a "Muslim ban" but guess what else? He's within his authority to make it one if he wants to! There is no restriction on this, the President has plenary power and he can make this effective for any country or ALL countries if he so chooses. He can make it against a specific religion... he can make it against people with red hair! There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits him in any way with this. You may not LIKE it... but he has that authority under the Constitution.

there's a body of caselaw that addresses what constitutional protections and what level of constitutional protections are due to people.

you should try studying the issue.

I have studied the issue. You haven't.
LOL and on cue they show up to reveal their lack o knowledge on the Constitution
Ever read the 14th Amendment, Bi-Catfish?

Here it is:
Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Sorry, you don't get to disregard all those words that come before "any person" dipshit.
Are you the resident right wing legal scholar?

Well, I am a constitutional conservative who has studied the Constitution for about 40 years. But no one needs to be a "legal scholar" to get the drop on a dope like you. About a 3rd grade reading level is really all you need.
How could you POSSIBLY have missed the 14th amendment?

I didn't miss it. Apparently, you're not reading the 14th correctly.
I keep hearing this asinine argument from the left and it drives me nuts. Where in the hell do they get this concept that our Constitution is supposed to apply to everyone in the world and not just American citizens? Over and over, we come up on this issue of constitutionality and they consistently want to apply it to people who aren't subject to it. We cannot enforce our Constitution worldwide so we can't apply it that way. It's really as simple as that.

Then they want to make this silly argument about being "on American soil" ...as if, a radical jihadist could parachute into the country and as soon as his feet hits the ground he has instantaneous constitutional rights! That's not how it works. We are a humane nation who believes in basic human rights for everyone, and so we believe in treating people in accordance with basic human decency but that has nothing to do with constitutional rights. It is only the citizens of the United States who are protected by the Constitution. And guess what else? That's not ALWAYS an absolute!

Many of our constitutional rights have limitations and restrictions. If an American citizen travels to Mexico and returns, they aren't protected by the 4th Amendment against being searched and having property seized. We suspend that right at the border for national security reasons. We've determined that is "reasonable" and so the Amendment doesn't apply. And that's for an American citizen who IS protected by the Constitution!

There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's executive order on restricting entry into the US. The President has plenary power granted under the Constitution and many presidents before him have used precisely the same plenary power to do the same thing. It's not a "Muslim ban" but guess what else? He's within his authority to make it one if he wants to! There is no restriction on this, the President has plenary power and he can make this effective for any country or ALL countries if he so chooses. He can make it against a specific religion... he can make it against people with red hair! There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits him in any way with this. You may not LIKE it... but he has that authority under the Constitution.

THey are "Universalists" who consider nations, and patriotism old fashioned and unfair.

They see themselves as more evolved than stupid people who want to put Americans first, with regard to America.
They aren't universalists. They are Trekkies! They are locked into the Star Trekverse and the Federation.

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