Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk.

Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.

Out of the two people involved in the choking of the 8 year old, both knew the behavior of the perv was wrong. The one chocking, and the one being choked. Moral values, right and wrong, isn't going to stop a criminal. We can prevent his access to the children going to the bathroom though. Make the room for girls only, and so the boys have a place to pee, give them their own room too. For every one else the anything goes restroom should solve the problem.

Absolutely. And station a restroom guard in front of every restroom who will demand that you lift you skirt before going in.

There was no need prior to this. Restrooms were a relatively safe place. People pretty much followed the rules. Let's not create a need for guards, especially in the girl's locker room.
You're a dumbass. Conservatives associate the liberal desire to strip women of their right to privacy and security - so men can go into the bathroom with them - with perversion.

If you take into account Bill's history of sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedopholia, consider Hillary's continuous facilitating, enabling, and war on his victims, AND consider how liberals blindly accept their actions and defend their crimes no matter what, Conservatives associate liberals with perverts / perversion.

I'll be damned if I can understand why you folks on the Right seem to think that there is something sexy about a woman in a restroom. Frankly, such thinking is pretty disturbing.

We aren't the ones who want men to use their restrooms....you guys are...why is that?
You are the ones that think women are sexy when they are taking a crap though. Why do you think thats sexy?

Wow....you guys want to force women to have to have men use their bathrooms....we say no....and you accuse us of being the perverts......

you lefties are fucked in the head...
Deflecting from the question only alerts me you cant answer it without exposing your belief that women are very sexy when they are taking a shit. Youre a vile nasty person.
Americans didn't have a problem figuring out which bathroom to use until Obama showed up. Now his minions need the government to tell them which one to use. He has also convinced his mentally deranged followers that if they truly believe in their minds that they are women then they are.

I miss the days before liberals hijacked the DNC when men were actually men and didn't want to pee sitting down.
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk.

Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.

Out of the two people involved in the choking of the 8 year old, both knew the behavior of the perv was wrong. The one chocking, and the one being choked. Moral values, right and wrong, isn't going to stop a criminal. We can prevent his access to the children going to the bathroom though. Make the room for girls only, and so the boys have a place to pee, give them their own room too. For every one else the anything goes restroom should solve the problem.

Absolutely. And station a restroom guard in front of every restroom who will demand that you lift you skirt before going in.

There was no need prior to this. Restrooms were a relatively safe place. People pretty much followed the rules. Let's not create a need for guards, especially in the girl's locker room.
Transgenders were in the restrooms long before this controversy. You just didnt know.
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk.

Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.

Out of the two people involved in the choking of the 8 year old, both knew the behavior of the perv was wrong. The one chocking, and the one being choked. Moral values, right and wrong, isn't going to stop a criminal. We can prevent his access to the children going to the bathroom though. Make the room for girls only, and so the boys have a place to pee, give them their own room too. For every one else the anything goes restroom should solve the problem.

Absolutely. And station a restroom guard in front of every restroom who will demand that you lift you skirt before going in.

There was no need prior to this. Restrooms were a relatively safe place. People pretty much followed the rules. Let's not create a need for guards, especially in the girl's locker room.

So, a public restroom is a perfect place for a pedophile to molest a young girl?

If that is the case, they must not be too bright. Second, I have never heard of a tranny molesting anyone, anywhere, anytime.
You acknowledge then that more teachers molest children than priests do ....right?

You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.
You're a dumbass. Conservatives associate the liberal desire to strip women of their right to privacy and security - so men can go into the bathroom with them - with perversion.

If you take into account Bill's history of sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, adultery, and pedopholia, consider Hillary's continuous facilitating, enabling, and war on his victims, AND consider how liberals blindly accept their actions and defend their crimes no matter what, Conservatives associate liberals with perverts / perversion.

I'll be damned if I can understand why you folks on the Right seem to think that there is something sexy about a woman in a restroom. Frankly, such thinking is pretty disturbing.

We aren't the ones who want men to use their restrooms....you guys are...why is that?
You are the ones that think women are sexy when they are taking a crap though. Why do you think thats sexy?

Wow....you guys want to force women to have to have men use their bathrooms....we say no....and you accuse us of being the perverts......

you lefties are fucked in the head...
Deflecting from the question only alerts me you cant answer it without exposing your belief that women are very sexy when they are taking a shit. Youre a vile nasty person.

You have been show to be a moron....that you want men to use the women's bathrooms and locker rooms....then, to try to escape from your own stupidity....you accuse me of the very thing you want......that is called Projection, moron.
You are using transgender to try to prove a point that isn't germane. Transgenders may never harm a soul, therefore feel safe in "one fits all" restrooms. The point is, the ability to exploit the political position.
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk. An unnecessary risk. There is a 3 bathroom solution that puts no one at risk. Three locker room schools removes even the appearance of impropriety.
We use to err on the side of the child in the past, when common sense prevailed. We didn't blackmail them into submission of an agenda that pushes their safety to the background.

Because there are a handful of men that have, do and will try to enter female bathrooms is not a good reason to bar transgenders from using their identity bathroom.

Either let them use the bathrooms or change to unisex bathrooms. You don't have the right to bar them because of your bigotry.

I enjoy men, who say women have the right to kill their babies, and have the absolute right to keep men from having any say in that abortion....but now, they have no right to keep men out of their bathrooms

You left wingers are fucked in the head.

No they are trying to keep transgender women out of the bathrooms out of fear of hetero pervs, who are using the "boys" rooms.
Why is a predator any worse in a girls bathroom than a boys bathroom? They come in all forms and sexes.
Has nothing to do with allowing transgenders to use the bathroom of their identity.

Transgender women have the right to be treated as women.

We don't want women in the men's bathroom either....why do you?
She saw Starship Troopers and thought the unisex shower scene looked appealing.

What about it appealed to you?

You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk.

Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.

Out of the two people involved in the choking of the 8 year old, both knew the behavior of the perv was wrong. The one chocking, and the one being choked. Moral values, right and wrong, isn't going to stop a criminal. We can prevent his access to the children going to the bathroom though. Make the room for girls only, and so the boys have a place to pee, give them their own room too. For every one else the anything goes restroom should solve the problem.

Absolutely. And station a restroom guard in front of every restroom who will demand that you lift you skirt before going in.

There was no need prior to this. Restrooms were a relatively safe place. People pretty much followed the rules. Let's not create a need for guards, especially in the girl's locker room.

So, a public restroom is a perfect place for a pedophile to molest a young girl?

If that is the case, they must not be too bright. Second, I have never heard of a tranny molesting anyone, anywhere, anytime.

No, but for some reason this child molester is championing your point of view.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart


You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

Oh...I thought this was the black lives matter guy who was sex trafficking a young girl...did you see that story...

The whole damned democrat party is a nest of racists and perverts............
You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

Yep, guys got the record
I'll be damned if I can understand why you folks on the Right seem to think that there is something sexy about a woman in a restroom. Frankly, such thinking is pretty disturbing.

We aren't the ones who want men to use their restrooms....you guys are...why is that?
You are the ones that think women are sexy when they are taking a crap though. Why do you think thats sexy?

Wow....you guys want to force women to have to have men use their bathrooms....we say no....and you accuse us of being the perverts......

you lefties are fucked in the head...
Deflecting from the question only alerts me you cant answer it without exposing your belief that women are very sexy when they are taking a shit. Youre a vile nasty person.

You have been show to be a moron....that you want men to use the women's bathrooms and locker rooms....then, to try to escape from your own stupidity....you accuse me of the very thing you want......that is called Projection, moron.
I think you meant "shown" you moron. Stop deflecting and answer the question.
You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

they linked to the story dipshit......

You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

No, I mean a CREDIBLE source. You know, like the National Enquirer....
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

Yep, guys got the record

Briebart is not credible nor convincing to anyone but fools.
The left wing nuts on this thread have been defeated...they are now resorting to lame attempts to attack the people pointing out how stupid their side of the argument is.....

If they can't lie or use emotion...they have nothing...
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

they linked to the story dipshit......

sure they did.
Because there are a handful of men that have, do and will try to enter female bathrooms is not a good reason to bar transgenders from using their identity bathroom.

Either let them use the bathrooms or change to unisex bathrooms. You don't have the right to bar them because of your bigotry.

I enjoy men, who say women have the right to kill their babies, and have the absolute right to keep men from having any say in that abortion....but now, they have no right to keep men out of their bathrooms

You left wingers are fucked in the head.

No they are trying to keep transgender women out of the bathrooms out of fear of hetero pervs, who are using the "boys" rooms.
Why is a predator any worse in a girls bathroom than a boys bathroom? They come in all forms and sexes.
Has nothing to do with allowing transgenders to use the bathroom of their identity.

Transgender women have the right to be treated as women.

the really ridiculous part is that transgender men have been using women's room all our lives. I have never in my entire life seen a person dressed as a woman in a men's room. That means that they either never go to rest rooms, or they go to women's rooms.
No they haven't you lying ass faggot. If that were the case...we wouldnt be having this discussion. You have zero evidence to back your claim that they've always been using women's restrooms.

Actually he is right. Transgenders have already been using the bathroom of the sex they ID with. Are you saying they made a law to cover something that wasnt even occurring?

Psssst, if they were already doing it...why was there a need to create a mandate to make sure this could continue? Hmmmmm...looks like you failed yet again. The agenda goes much further down the rabbit hole than making sure cross dressing pervs have access to the bathroom of their choice and if you don't know that by now? You are absolutely clueless.
You don't acknowledge that more teachers molest children....?
What do mean by molest?

They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.

Charlotte Observer better?

LGBT Chamber president steps down after criticism of his sex-offender status

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