Why does the USA have only two large political parties?

Inexplicably, America has evolved into a willfully ignorant society. The lack of curiosity and incapacity to accept change is astounding. Politically, the two parties have divided things up and there is no interest in refuting them. There is some bleating from the herd, but no substantial change can be expected.
The term "sheeple" has been used. It seems appropriate. Perhaps they need a "Border Collie Party" to guide them in a fresh direction.
Inexplicably, America has evolved into a willfully ignorant society. The lack of curiosity and incapacity to accept change is astounding. Politically, the two parties have divided things up and there is no interest in refuting them. There is some bleating from the herd, but no substantial change can be expected.
The term "sheeple" has been used. It seems appropriate. Perhaps they need a "Border Collie Party" to guide them in a fresh direction.

It never ceases to amaze me how boards even titled "US Message Board" attract foreigners who absolutely love to dog on us. But boy oh boy, know this: when the hard times come, they absolutely want our "sheeple" military on the job. You bet they do.

Fellow Americans, we have very few true allies in the world, and it's time everyone recognize it. It would save us a world (no pun intended) of time, trouble, and MONEY.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I think you mean the democrats and republicans. The US Constitution does not mandate any parties. These are "for profit" businesses whose service is to get people elected. It's a "duopoly", as both have made it near impossible for the national formation of a third party.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
You need to explain what a third "major" party is? there is no law against having one, so without a definitive definition, for all you/we know there is a third "major" party but you do not recognize it because no one wants to vote for them.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats?
What is common in other countries is two more smaller parties at the 'extreme' of both main parties, plus a scattering of others.
But boy oh boy, know this: when the hard times come, they absolutely want our "sheeple" military on the job. You bet they do.
The funny thing is that it's the US that's been begging our and other militaries to be on the job. This is never recognised by rightards, as demonstrated in that post. Still, reality is not a concept in rightard land.
But boy oh boy, know this: when the hard times come, they absolutely want our "sheeple" military on the job. You bet they do.
The funny thing is that it's the US that's been begging our and other militaries to be on the job. This is never recognised by rightards, as demonstrated in that post. Still, reality is not a concept in rightard land.

The Dems are the hawks now, led by Hillary. Try to catch up.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

That's a very good question! There may be another major party soon.

I hate the closed primary thing. Why can't people just vote for who they want to, regardless of party?

I'd say part of the reason is closed primaries.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:
I think you mean the democrats and republicans.
Yep. Sorry. That's what I meant. Apparently, I am not allowed to edit the thread to correct what I posted.

Actually your OP was more correct than you know. Neither of the two major parties are conservative or "right". It is a battle between them to see who can move the country to the left the fastest.

The Repub throw a couple social issues out and say "see, we are conservatives, but fiscally and economically they are liberals.
Why isn't there a third major political party besides the Liberals and the Democrats? :eusa_think:

Because there is good and evil.

Supporting abortion on demand is evil.
Supporting forced labor is evil.
Supporting chaos and lawlessness is evil.

You either oppose evil or you are an enabler of it. Republicans oppose evil.
I see... The way you describe it, the Democrats seem to be bad people. Why would they support abortion and forced labor?

I think "forced labor" is a stretch. They absolutely do support abortion, however. And for a real horror show, imagine this: in the US, it is legal to get an abortion right up to delivery. Yep. That's a truth many Democrats don't want people to know, but it's true. You can have your baby aborted even if your baby would be able to live on his/her own if born.

If that's not murder, I don't know what is. Appalling. Evil.

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