Why Does Trump Poll Worse Than Kasich In A General Election Against Hillary?

Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.
There is no better testing ground for someone than to be responsible for the success of hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of employees around the world.
You don't think Trump hasn't had to be serious, sober (he's never had a 'drink' in his life). thoughtful and intelligent when dealing with the most cut-throat hard ass businessmen on the planet for decades? And WINNING!
"If you can make it in NYC you can make it anyway".
Trump has RULED the construction industry for decades.
By "sober" I mean the dictionary definition of "marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.:...

Trump's primary skill is simply overwhelming people through the sheer force of his personality. That won't work with Congress, nor will it work with world leaders. He and Kasich couldn't be further apart in terms of demeanor and thoughtfulness.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.


Trump has more actual experience than Kasich......kasich ran government agencies...he just managed to get around their incompetence to get some things done....

Trump built a business empire from the ground up dealing with people like kasich around the world....

Of the two...Trump has more actual experience.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.

So if 'experience' is the criteria please explain why the fucking 'OJ jury and White Guilters put Obama in the White house,
Don't give us any bullshit about his experience. He never accomplished fuck-all before running.
What the country needs is someone who will create jobs.
Which candidate has created tens of thousands of jobs over the last four decades?

Because they didn't back McCain to keep him out of the WH, and didn't back Romney to remove him from the WH.

They weren't 'conservative' enough, so idiots stayed home, and let Obama waltz in.

This year the idiots are backing a combination used car salesman/carnival barker, and I'M staying home.

They didn't back mccain because he spent his entire career making fun of the very people predisposed to actually vote for him. His second mistake......he refused to fight at all levels against obama.....he refused to attack obama on his ties to terrorists, on his lack of any real experience.....he was afraid to offend people by attacking obama...because obama was black.........

Romney....dittos....they didn't go for the throat the way the democrats do....Trump will.......
Trump built a business empire from the ground up dealing with people like kasich around the world....

Trump took over his father's multi-million dollar enterprise and made it worth less than if he had simply invested his cash and gone to bed for 50 years. Just sayin'....
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.


Trump has more actual experience than Kasich......kasich ran government agencies...he just managed to get around their incompetence to get some things done....

Trump built a business empire from the ground up dealing with people like kasich around the world....

Of the two...Trump has more actual experience.

Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.
There is no better testing ground for someone than to be responsible for the success of hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of employees around the world.
You don't think Trump hasn't had to be serious, sober (he's never had a 'drink' in his life). thoughtful and intelligent when dealing with the most cut-throat hard ass businessmen on the planet for decades? And WINNING!
"If you can make it in NYC you can make it anyway".
Trump has RULED the construction industry for decades.
By "sober" I mean the dictionary definition of "marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.:...

Trump's primary skill is simply overwhelming people through the sheer force of his personality. That won't work with Congress, nor will it work with world leaders. He and Kasich couldn't be further apart in terms of demeanor and thoughtfulness.
You are still not getting it.
Trump has not succeeded in business globally by "overwhelming" those he has to negotiate with. These people are not 'intimidated' by anyone's "force of personality". You think when Trump wants to build a skyscraper in Asia he storms into the meetings and begins to scream and attempt to 'bully' and shout as a way to get what he wants?
You dear have no clue what and how business negotiating at that level is done.
PRO TIP for all you who have never been in a serious negotiation: The first person who would EVER attempt to behave the way you seem to believe Trump behaves loses. Trump was taught that on his father's knee when he was four years old.
All you silly Trump-haters ought to wise up to reality.
Much of the Trump bombast is very carefully calculated.
Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.
There is no better testing ground for someone than to be responsible for the success of hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of employees around the world.
You don't think Trump hasn't had to be serious, sober (he's never had a 'drink' in his life). thoughtful and intelligent when dealing with the most cut-throat hard ass businessmen on the planet for decades? And WINNING!
"If you can make it in NYC you can make it anyway".
Trump has RULED the construction industry for decades.
By "sober" I mean the dictionary definition of "marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.:...

Trump's primary skill is simply overwhelming people through the sheer force of his personality. That won't work with Congress, nor will it work with world leaders. He and Kasich couldn't be further apart in terms of demeanor and thoughtfulness.
You are still not getting it.
Trump has not succeeded in business globally by "overwhelming" those he has to negotiate with. These people are not 'intimidated' by anyone's "force of personality". You think when Trump wants to build a skyscraper in Asia he storms into the meetings and begins to scream and attempt to 'bully' and shout as a way to get what he wants?
You dear have no clue what and how business negotiating at that level is done.
PRO TIP for all you who have never been in a serious negotiation: The first person who would EVER attempt to behave the way you seem to believe Trump behaves loses. Trump was taught that on his father's knee when he was four years old.
All you silly Trump-haters ought to wise up to reality.
Much of the Trump bombast is very carefully calculated.
I agree, I don't get it. I've tried, and I understand it a bit more than I did before, but I don't get it.

And as a CFP/ChFC/CLU, business consultant and author of three books on business, I do have experience at this kind of thing. At a billion-dollar level? No, but far, far more than you.


Trump supporters seem to believe that Trump is the only candidate who has ever been subject to negative advertising. Truth is, up until a month or two ago, almost all of the negative advertising spent by SuperPACs was directed at other Republicans. At the end of January, only 4% of all advertising by Republican candidates was directed at Trump even though he had been leading in the polls for months. A total of $215 million had been spent and only $9 million had been directed at Trump. In a "normal" election, most of the ad spend would have been directed at the frontrunner from the beginning. But that didn't happen.

Oh, by the way: Just four percent of all Super PAC spending has targeted Trump - Hot Air

Even though Trump had very little negative spending against him, he was still polling at sky-high negatives.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

The reasons are obvious to everyone but his supporters.

Since the beginning, Trump has polled worse than almost all the other Republican candidates v. Hillary. But Trump's supporters refuse to believe this because they have so much invested emotionally in him.
Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.

Kasich would stomp Hillary.

Hillary is so vulnerable and beatable.

But a minority of Republicans are going to propel a figure so offensive and disliked onto the ticket that they are going to put her in office.
Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.

Kasich would stomp Hillary.

Hillary is so vulnerable and beatable.

But a minority of Republicans are going to propel a figure so offensive and disliked onto the ticket that they are going to put her in office.

Electoral math will still strongly favor Hillary. If you were starting from the word go and we didn’t have the circus we had this year, JK would have a much better chance. As it stands, nobody who isn’t watching elections like we do knows the guy. HRC and her Super PAC will have a field day defining him as anti woman, anti worker, anti environment, republican
Kasich is a more attractive candidate to the general electorate.

He has significant experience and he's a serious, sober, thoughtful, intelligent individual.

Pretty clear contrast with Trump. And none of the baggage or trust issues of Hillary.

Kasich would stomp Hillary.

Hillary is so vulnerable and beatable.

But a minority of Republicans are going to propel a figure so offensive and disliked onto the ticket that they are going to put her in office.
Who in the party, would you say, is the driving force behind this?

Conservative media, for example?
A contender is elected to be president by the people who stay at home on election day.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.

Yeah, he's experienced alright. He's experienced at selling out his constituents.

Yet, won the primary in his home state, voted by his constituents.
Wow, what an achievement! What else has he won?

Kasich has won EVERY political office for which he ever ran. Check it out.

Admittedly, his current effort to win the presidency maybe above his pay grade, not because he could not beat any Democrat, but because he could not beat Trump.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.

I think experience is overrated, especially if it's bad experience.

Were you one of those R supporters who wanted a COTUS Amendment to allow the inexperienced Arnold Schwarzenegger to be eligible to run for POTUS? Of course that is one example of how bereft of talent is the R Party in the 21st Century.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.

Yeah, he's experienced alright. He's experienced at selling out his constituents.

Yet, won the primary in his home state, voted by his constituents.
Wow, what an achievement! What else has he won?

Kasich has won EVERY political office for which he ever ran. Check it out.

Admittedly, his current effort to win the presidency maybe above his pay grade, not because he could not beat any Democrat, but because he could not beat Trump.

Given a choice between Kasich and Hillary, why would anyone choose the former? If they want a Democrat to sell out the middle class, they can vote for a real one, Hillary.
Kasich has something Trump and Hillary doesnt' have.

Yeah, he's experienced alright. He's experienced at selling out his constituents.

Yet, won the primary in his home state, voted by his constituents.
Wow, what an achievement! What else has he won?

Kasich has won EVERY political office for which he ever ran. Check it out.

Admittedly, his current effort to win the presidency maybe above his pay grade, not because he could not beat any Democrat, but because he could not beat Trump.

Given a choice between Kasich and Hillary, why would anyone choose the former? If they want a Democrat to sell out the middle class, they can vote for a real one, Hillary.

Given a choice between Kasich and Hillary, why would anyone choose the former

For the betterment of the country, and not just someone to keep windmills turning?

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