Why doesn't the word 'Democrat' trigger African-Americans ?

The hysteria over Trump's use of the word "lynched" is stupid. And it's good to see the hypocritical Democrats who have used that word themselves getting burned. They deserve it.
It's stupid for any person who is not African American to use the word to reference something happening in America.

And Biden was second tier 30 years ago
The histrionics in response to Trump's use of the word were way out of proportion. The histrionics were theater for the rubes, and now some of those hypocritical Democrats are paying the price for leaning too far over their skis.

It only helps add to the Trumptard narrative that Democrats are going after Trump out of madness rather than out of love of country.
Well Trump's use of the word was to imply that he's some sort of victim. Trump intended a racist slur too. He is as put upon as were blacks. Oh poor poor put up Donald.

But the word is like "concentration camp." Words can change meaning when historical events get attached to them.

I have no idea why Biden would have used the word. Obviously he speaks and acts without thinking.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.
post us a link to back your statement.

the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

Hint, you won't find one.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.
post us a link to back your statement.

the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

Hint, you won't find one.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.
Just too easy

“I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson

View attachment 285842

On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would end segregation nationwide, came to Congress for a vote, a number of Senators did, in fact, threaten to filibuster the bill as Harry Reid stated. What Harry Reid did not mention is that 80% of those Senators that threatened to filibuster the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. In fact, 31% of Democrats in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That means about 1/3 of the Democrat Party refused to end segregation nationwide.

How did the Republican Members of Congress vote concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A total of 82% of the Republicans in Congress voted to end segregation nationwide. In other words, segregation ended when a larger percentage of Republicans voted in favor of civil rights.
The Real History of Civil Rights

The Chicago Defender, a renowned African-American newspaper, praised Senator Dirksen for leading passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

So far as Nixon? He made a mistake before becoming President, thinking it was not appropriate to make a call to a Judge regarding King’s arrest. Kennedy seized on it, called the Judge. The Dems then passed out over 2 million pamphlets to Black churches (never let a crisis go to waste), condemning Nixon for it, even though his history for civil rights was major, and he had even been made an honorary member of the NAACP because of it.
Time magazine even mentioned Nixon’s record back then. He was responsible for the 1957 and 1959 Civil Rights Act passage. The Dems also filibustered those two civil rights acts. Time magazine wrote that Nixon's support for civil rights incurred the wrath of one of his segregationist opponents, Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga., who sarcastically called Nixon the NAACP's "most distinguished member."
But the Dems created imaginary scenarios, where Nixon was a racist, etc., and that Republicans suddenly switched parties.
The south, regardless of political party, was strongly against civil rights. The north, regardless of political party, was strongly in favor. The split was like the Union/Confederacy divide, not a Republican/Democratic divide. And back then, the Bible thumping conservative south was mostly Democrat. Now they're mostly Republican.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.
post us a link to back your statement.

the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

Hint, you won't find one.


"Who fought in the civil war?
The civil war was fought between the Union states (Northern states) and the states of the Confederacy (Southern states)."

Civil War Facts
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Trump was ridiculed and mocked and worse when he decided to consider to run for President. There were people who voted for him who were skeptical also. Thank God for all the ridicule he took. Most of it from the Prog media/entertainers and even politicians. It must have been worth all of the laughter. He laughed last. And their attitudes have not changed. So he will laugh last again.
It's amazing to see how many of his personal insults and personal attacks and personal name-calling diatribes and other embarrassing behaviors you folks are willing to ignore, avoid, deflect and forgive.

You want to pretend that he has no choice but to behave like this, when any reasonably intelligent adult knows that just isn't true. It's an ongoing lie. And any reasonably intelligent adult would also know that his behaviors only exacerbate his treatment.

The amount of denial this man has inspired in his followers is not only disturbing, but it says a great deal about the present condition of our culture.

And it's a shame that Trump is such a fucking asshole on a personal level, because when you see the things the Dim candidates want to do, free healthcare for illegals, free sex reassignment surgery, killing ICE, etc., it would be a cakewalk for just about any other GOP president to be reelected.
Especially with a base as uninformed as you.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Trump was ridiculed and mocked and worse when he decided to consider to run for President. There were people who voted for him who were skeptical also. Thank God for all the ridicule he took. Most of it from the Prog media/entertainers and even politicians. It must have been worth all of the laughter. He laughed last. And their attitudes have not changed. So he will laugh last again.
It's amazing to see how many of his personal insults and personal attacks and personal name-calling diatribes and other embarrassing behaviors you folks are willing to ignore, avoid, deflect and forgive.

You want to pretend that he has no choice but to behave like this, when any reasonably intelligent adult knows that just isn't true. It's an ongoing lie. And any reasonably intelligent adult would also know that his behaviors only exacerbate his treatment.

The amount of denial this man has inspired in his followers is not only disturbing, but it says a great deal about the present condition of our culture.

And it's a shame that Trump is such a fucking asshole on a personal level, because when you see the things the Dim candidates want to do, free healthcare for illegals, free sex reassignment surgery, killing ICE, etc., it would be a cakewalk for just about any other GOP president to be reelected.
Well, regardless of where we might stand on issues, behavior and temperament do count. They can be indicative of a person's honesty, their competency and their willingness to work together for the good of the country. And his behaviors have been so over the top that a national or world leader can't be blamed for keeping their distance. This is his choice.
I'll try again.

A 15- or 25- or 35- or 45-year old black American has spent their entire lives in the current reality.

What they live and see and experience and absorb, every single day, is far more important & relevant to them than what they have read in history books.

And that's about it.

I'll try again.
A 15 or 25 or 35 or 40 year old has not been lynched, but the word apparently is upsetting to them. The Dimocrat party fought to keep these people in chains, yet the word Democrat, is not upsetting to them.
I don't think think the word is upsetting to them. See post 28.

That asshole Joe "Creepy" Biden said in 1998 that the impeachment of Slick Willy was a public lynching. According to you stupid Moon Bats that pretty well makes your filthy ass Democrat Presidential Candidate front runner a "racist", doesn't it?
Biden apologized for using the term.

Lol !!!
Yeah he apologized, 20 years later now that he's seen the fallout from Trump using the term.

Why didn't AA's jump on him in '98 ?
Why is he just now apologizing ?

An apology says that he admits he should not have used that terminology.

When will your orange buddy apologize?

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.
Just too easy

“I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson

View attachment 285842

On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would end segregation nationwide, came to Congress for a vote, a number of Senators did, in fact, threaten to filibuster the bill as Harry Reid stated. What Harry Reid did not mention is that 80% of those Senators that threatened to filibuster the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. In fact, 31% of Democrats in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That means about 1/3 of the Democrat Party refused to end segregation nationwide.

How did the Republican Members of Congress vote concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A total of 82% of the Republicans in Congress voted to end segregation nationwide. In other words, segregation ended when a larger percentage of Republicans voted in favor of civil rights.
The Real History of Civil Rights

The Chicago Defender, a renowned African-American newspaper, praised Senator Dirksen for leading passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

So far as Nixon? He made a mistake before becoming President, thinking it was not appropriate to make a call to a Judge regarding King’s arrest. Kennedy seized on it, called the Judge. The Dems then passed out over 2 million pamphlets to Black churches (never let a crisis go to waste), condemning Nixon for it, even though his history for civil rights was major, and he had even been made an honorary member of the NAACP because of it.
Time magazine even mentioned Nixon’s record back then. He was responsible for the 1957 and 1959 Civil Rights Act passage. The Dems also filibustered those two civil rights acts. Time magazine wrote that Nixon's support for civil rights incurred the wrath of one of his segregationist opponents, Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga., who sarcastically called Nixon the NAACP's "most distinguished member."
But the Dems created imaginary scenarios, where Nixon was a racist, etc., and that Republicans suddenly switched parties.
Who is it that shows up to protest the tearing down of Confederate statues?

Democrats? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I swear, you people work very hard at being stupid.

Klansmen and the racist Democrats of the past were right wing Christian extremist terrorists.



We're Republicans now.
And you are a liar.
Why has there been no outcry to remove Byrd from the Capital? He has historical significance, even if tainted.
Because of history. And history soon forgotten is soon to be repeated.
Rather than selectively remove there should be plaques installed showing the good, the bad, and the ugly. Stop trying to rewrite history. It is what it is.
Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

And I'm very comfy with that opinion, thanks.

Unthinking people - usually very easily comfy with their opinion, and happily generalizing nuance and variability out of existence - are often of the opinion Those Not-Like-Me-People are the problem.

Mac just managed to acquire a bigger pool of Not-Like-Me-People. And, in whichever direction he looks, it's always downward.
Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

And I'm very comfy with that opinion, thanks.

Unthinking people - usually very easily comfy with their opinion, and happily generalizing nuance and variability out of existence - are often of the opinion Those Not-Like-Me-People are the problem.

Mac just managed to acquire a bigger pool of Not-Like-Me-People. And, in whichever direction he looks, it's always downward.
Wingers hate independents because we expose you for what you are.

If you don't like my posts, you'll just have to find a way to live with them.

Or bitch and moan, whatever works.
I'll try again.
A 15 or 25 or 35 or 40 year old has not been lynched, but the word apparently is upsetting to them. The Dimocrat party fought to keep these people in chains, yet the word Democrat, is not upsetting to them.
I don't think think the word is upsetting to them. See post 28.

That asshole Joe "Creepy" Biden said in 1998 that the impeachment of Slick Willy was a public lynching. According to you stupid Moon Bats that pretty well makes your filthy ass Democrat Presidential Candidate front runner a "racist", doesn't it?
Biden apologized for using the term.

Lol !!!
Yeah he apologized, 20 years later now that he's seen the fallout from Trump using the term.

Why didn't AA's jump on him in '98 ?
Why is he just now apologizing ?

An apology says that he admits he should not have used that terminology.

When will your orange buddy apologize?

Because there is nothing to apologize about. We leave the apologies to your side who live their lives walking on eggshells.

And really, if anyone should apologize, it should be YOU and the MSM, that have spread this story everywhere.
It was just a fucking tweet. It took the MSM and their internet army (you) that have made sure AA's ears are burning.
Last edited:
Wingers hate independents because we expose you for what you are.

If you don't like my posts, you'll just have to find a way to live with them.

Or bitch and moan, whatever works.

Oh my, Mac. I don't hate you. Didn't you complain today about ascribing things to folks with no basis in fact?

Whatever, I am just of the opinion your Shtick is getting sillier by the day, and you are missing a lot of nuance, while increasingly comfy and unshakable in your opinion, is all. Sometimes you say things that are reasonable, which is a welcome deviation from The Shtick. On the other hand, "bitch and moan" is just a rightarded way ("triggered") of avoiding debate by shoving objections into the realm of mere, uncontrolled emotion. That's another dumb shtick, and unworthy of thinking people.
Wingers hate independents because we expose you for what you are.

If you don't like my posts, you'll just have to find a way to live with them.

Or bitch and moan, whatever works.

Oh my, Mac. I don't hate you. Didn't you complain today about ascribing things to folks with no basis in fact?

Whatever, I am just of the opinion your Shtick is getting sillier by the day, and you are missing a lot of nuance, while increasingly comfy and unshakable in your opinion, is all. Sometimes you say things that are reasonable, which is a welcome deviation from The Shtick. On the other hand, "bitch and moan" is just a rightarded way ("triggered") of avoiding debate by shoving objections into the realm of mere, uncontrolled emotion. That's another dumb shtick, and unworthy of thinking people.
I feel just horrible.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.
post us a link to back your statement.

the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

Hint, you won't find one.


"Who fought in the civil war?
The civil war was fought between the Union states (Northern states) and the states of the Confederacy (Southern states)."

Civil War Facts
who was the confederacy? how convenient you didn't post that. hahaahahahahaahaha dude too special, thanks for the laugh.

here, let me help another fking ignorant left that doesn't know how to find facts. truly amazing of fking stupid you all are.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia

After the election of Abraham Lincoln, Southern Democrats led the charge to secede from the Union and form the Confederate States of America. The Union Congress was dominated by Republicans, save for Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, the only senator from a state in rebellion to reject secession. The Border States of Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri were torn by political turmoil. Kentucky and Missouri were both governed by pro-secessionist Southern Democratic Governors who vehemently rejected Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops. Kentucky and Missouri both held secession conventions, but neither officially declared secession. Southern Democrats in Maryland faced a Unionist Governor Thomas Holliday Hicks and the Union Army. Armed with the suspension of habeas corpus and Union troops, Governor Hicks was able to stop Maryland's secession movement. Maryland was the only state south of the Mason–Dixon line whose governor affirmed Lincoln's call for 75,000 troops.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

Because most blacks realize Democrats not only fought for their civil rights, but elected the first black man to be president.

The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. What Democrats were fighting for this in the years leading up to this legislation? (D) Al Gore must be very proud of his father’s contribution. As for Democrats electing the first Black President, he was the son of a white woman and he grew up white and privileged.

More Democrats voted to pass the CRA than Republicans, and twice as many Democrats voted 'yea' as voted 'nay'.

46 Democrats voted for, and 21 voted against. 21 Repubs voted for, and 6 voted against.

HR. 7152. PASSAGE. -- Senate Vote #409 -- Jun 19, 1964

Yes. Democrats jumped in line at the end to pass CRA . My question was regarding the years leading up to it, what activities, stances did Democrats take towards fighting for civil rights?

Do you mean after Democratic President JF Kennedy introduced the Bill in June, 1963?

If you're determined, 55 years later, to ignore that the real splits were North/South and liberal/conservative, rather than Dem/Rep, explain why the GOP nominated one of the few Republicans to vote against the CRA of 1964 as its presidential nominee.

JFK opposed the proposed CRA legislation in 1957. Barry Goldwater opposes the CRA legislation in 1964. Do you really believe both were against Civil Rights or specific legislation? You keep going back to the CRA but cannot point to Democrats and what they did to get to CRA. The change of heart among Democrats was not rooted in altruism as much as it was creating a voting block..... something they have never left.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

Why doesn't the word 'Democrat' trigger African-Americans ?
Simple, Democrats have not programmed black people to be triggered by the word Democrat.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

I see that you are into the "triggering" thing heavy duty today. Alt-right jargon, and not cute. African-Americans are free to exercise independent judgment as to how they feel about America's political parties, same as everybody else. Can you guys think up another vocabulary?
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

I see that you are into the "triggering" thing heavy duty today. Alt-right jargon, and not cute. African-Americans are free to exercise independent judgment as to how they feel about America's political parties, same as everybody else. Can you guys think up another vocabulary?

"Triggering" is Ctrl-Left jargon, sweetheart. Same as "fake news". Both terms originally meant to stifle speech.

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