Why doesn't the word 'Democrat' trigger African-Americans ?

Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
Who is this "Left"? It seems to be so general it has no direct point.
Valerie Jarrett does look like that ape in Planet of the Apes. LOL!!!!!!
Not really maybe you need glasses?
Some folks be pretty some ugly.
But hardly does anyone look like a plastic mask from a movie. The mouth function really sucked and gave the impression it was fake.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
I meant exactly what I said.

Both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, and neither end will hold its own accountable.

Both ends are great at denial, and it's just making things worse.

Of course you meant what you said, I'm just defining it for you so you have a better understanding of what you are saying.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
Who is this "Left"? It seems to be so general it has no direct point.

Well, the Regressive Left is anyone to the left of Mac.

Mac is a moderate purist. Don't rock the boat Mac gets sea sick.
Birthright citizenship's been keeping these people down for decades.
Why yes it's not like the whites kept them suppressed..
Exactly. Whatever gave them the right to think they should be citizens? If not for the 14th, they'd have had to earn their way in, just as the best ones earned their freedom, and they wouldn't be such whiny victims. Hail Trump.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.
Just too easy

“I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson


On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would end segregation nationwide, came to Congress for a vote, a number of Senators did, in fact, threaten to filibuster the bill as Harry Reid stated. What Harry Reid did not mention is that 80% of those Senators that threatened to filibuster the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. In fact, 31% of Democrats in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That means about 1/3 of the Democrat Party refused to end segregation nationwide.

How did the Republican Members of Congress vote concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A total of 82% of the Republicans in Congress voted to end segregation nationwide. In other words, segregation ended when a larger percentage of Republicans voted in favor of civil rights.
The Real History of Civil Rights

The Chicago Defender, a renowned African-American newspaper, praised Senator Dirksen for leading passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

So far as Nixon? He made a mistake before becoming President, thinking it was not appropriate to make a call to a Judge regarding King’s arrest. Kennedy seized on it, called the Judge. The Dems then passed out over 2 million pamphlets to Black churches (never let a crisis go to waste), condemning Nixon for it, even though his history for civil rights was major, and he had even been made an honorary member of the NAACP because of it.
Time magazine even mentioned Nixon’s record back then. He was responsible for the 1957 and 1959 Civil Rights Act passage. The Dems also filibustered those two civil rights acts. Time magazine wrote that Nixon's support for civil rights incurred the wrath of one of his segregationist opponents, Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga., who sarcastically called Nixon the NAACP's "most distinguished member."
But the Dems created imaginary scenarios, where Nixon was a racist, etc., and that Republicans suddenly switched parties.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.

Look, you stupid ass, I'm asking since historically we all know slavery had it's political home in the Dimocrat party.

Lynching, happened long ago, but the word TODAY brings up strong emotions in AA's.

Dimocrat party was the party of slavery, long ago, but TODAY the word itself doesn't bring out the same emotions.
People who are not slow know full well the history of the Democrat Party. People who are not slow know how both parties changed over the last 150+ years.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.
Just too easy

“I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”

― Lyndon B. Johnson

View attachment 285842

On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would end segregation nationwide, came to Congress for a vote, a number of Senators did, in fact, threaten to filibuster the bill as Harry Reid stated. What Harry Reid did not mention is that 80% of those Senators that threatened to filibuster the Civil Rights Act were Democrats. In fact, 31% of Democrats in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That means about 1/3 of the Democrat Party refused to end segregation nationwide.

How did the Republican Members of Congress vote concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A total of 82% of the Republicans in Congress voted to end segregation nationwide. In other words, segregation ended when a larger percentage of Republicans voted in favor of civil rights.
The Real History of Civil Rights

The Chicago Defender, a renowned African-American newspaper, praised Senator Dirksen for leading passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

So far as Nixon? He made a mistake before becoming President, thinking it was not appropriate to make a call to a Judge regarding King’s arrest. Kennedy seized on it, called the Judge. The Dems then passed out over 2 million pamphlets to Black churches (never let a crisis go to waste), condemning Nixon for it, even though his history for civil rights was major, and he had even been made an honorary member of the NAACP because of it.
Time magazine even mentioned Nixon’s record back then. He was responsible for the 1957 and 1959 Civil Rights Act passage. The Dems also filibustered those two civil rights acts. Time magazine wrote that Nixon's support for civil rights incurred the wrath of one of his segregationist opponents, Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga., who sarcastically called Nixon the NAACP's "most distinguished member."
But the Dems created imaginary scenarios, where Nixon was a racist, etc., and that Republicans suddenly switched parties.
You know that so-called quote by LBJ doesn't really exist except in a writer's book....a book written decades later, right?
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
I meant exactly what I said.

Both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, and neither end will hold its own accountable.

Both ends are great at denial, and it's just making things worse.

Of course you meant what you said, I'm just defining it for you so you have a better understanding of what you are saying.
Not needed, but thanks anyway.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
I meant exactly what I said.

Both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, and neither end will hold its own accountable.

Both ends are great at denial, and it's just making things worse.

Of course you meant what you said, I'm just defining it for you so you have a better understanding of what you are saying.
Not needed, but thanks anyway.

It's needed, you just don't listen as you claim the wingnut in this thread don't either.

You call out their racism but god forbid someone on the left does the same thing.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
Who is this "Left"? It seems to be so general it has no direct point.

Well, the Regressive Left is anyone to the left of Mac.

Mac is a moderate purist. Don't rock the boat Mac gets sea sick.
Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

And I'm very comfy with that opinion, thanks.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
I meant exactly what I said.

Both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, and neither end will hold its own accountable.

Both ends are great at denial, and it's just making things worse.

Of course you meant what you said, I'm just defining it for you so you have a better understanding of what you are saying.
Not needed, but thanks anyway.

It's needed, you just don't listen as you claim the wingnut in this thread don't either.

You call out their racism but god forbid someone on the left does the same thing.
It's in the way it is done.

Funny, I have to say the same thing to Trumpsters.

Amazing how the two ends can be so similar.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
Who is this "Left"? It seems to be so general it has no direct point.

Well, the Regressive Left is anyone to the left of Mac.

Mac is a moderate purist. Don't rock the boat Mac gets sea sick.
Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

And I'm very comfy with that opinion, thanks.

Wingers are the problem. Your problem is that you think anyone who is not moderate is either far right or left wing.
Trumpsters and the Right continue to play right into the Regressive Left's hands by refusing to hold their own accountable, and therefore end up being identified with them. That's up to them, that's a choice.

Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
Who is this "Left"? It seems to be so general it has no direct point.

Well, the Regressive Left is anyone to the left of Mac.

Mac is a moderate purist. Don't rock the boat Mac gets sea sick.
Left wingers think that Right wingers are the problem.

Right wingers think that Left wingers are the problem.

I think that wingers are the problem.

And I'm very comfy with that opinion, thanks.

Wingers are the problem. Your problem is that you think anyone who is not moderate is either far right or left wing.
Okay cool!
Mac, I think a better, more honest way for you to say this is that you wish the wingnuts would stop being so racist so that you could actually make a valid point that the left is hypersensitive about racism.
I meant exactly what I said.

Both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, and neither end will hold its own accountable.

Both ends are great at denial, and it's just making things worse.

Of course you meant what you said, I'm just defining it for you so you have a better understanding of what you are saying.
Not needed, but thanks anyway.

It's needed, you just don't listen as you claim the wingnut in this thread don't either.

You call out their racism but god forbid someone on the left does the same thing.
It's in the way it is done.

Yeah, like when you do it, it's OK. Anyone else? No, can't have that.

Funny, I have to say the same thing to Trumpsters.

Of course you do. Anyone to the right or left of you is an extremist. That's your shtick.

Amazing how the two ends can be so similar.

It's amazing how you don't see that you resemble what you claim others to be.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.

LOL. So that is how you justify the fact that Democrats supported slavery? Denial, denial, denial.

You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

The Democrat Party represents the scum of America for many reasons. Their history is one of them.

People in the South supported slavery. Both Republicans and Democrats

I guess gross stupidity runs rampant in Trump land.

I am right. You are wrong. You think you know history? Really?

Every single post you create regardless of the subject, includes personal attacks.
Your act here is getting old.

As for this subject, we all know the south was the home of slavery, but the Dimocrat party specifically had it in their platform.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.

LOL. So that is how you justify the fact that Democrats supported slavery? Denial, denial, denial.

You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

The Democrat Party represents the scum of America for many reasons. Their history is one of them.

People in the South supported slavery. Both Republicans and Democrats

I guess gross stupidity runs rampant in Trump land.

I am right. You are wrong. You think you know history? Really?

Every single post you create regardless of the subject, includes personal attacks.
Your act here is getting old.

As for this subject, we all know the south was the home of slavery, but the Dimocrat party specifically had it in their platform.

By your logic all black people should be denouncing their U.S. citizenship. Half of you wingnuts on this board would probably prefer that. I don't know any Democrats today who would want such a thing.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Because it's not 1860.

And as I've repeatedly mentioned, lynchings are not routinely part of today's America either, yet the term is a trigger NOW.

The Dimocrat party had slavery in their platform, yet AA's don't have a problem with the name today.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Yet another ignorant Trumpette.

Did you pay attention in school?????

You assfucks are too stupid to get that slavery & racism was basically concentrated in the South.

The South is a geographical area, not a fucking political party.

If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.

That, assfuck, is why the Civil War was the North vs the South and not Democrats vs Republicans.

That, assfuck, is why Republicans & Democrats from the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while those outside voted for it.

How the fuck do you people get this God damn stupid.

LOL. So that is how you justify the fact that Democrats supported slavery? Denial, denial, denial.

You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution or Ethics.

The Democrat Party represents the scum of America for many reasons. Their history is one of them.

People in the South supported slavery. Both Republicans and Democrats

I guess gross stupidity runs rampant in Trump land.

I am right. You are wrong. You think you know history? Really?

Every single post you create regardless of the subject, includes personal attacks.
Your act here is getting old.

As for this subject, we all know the south was the home of slavery, but the Dimocrat party specifically had it in their platform.
Why was there 400k slaves in the North during the war?

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