Why Donald Trump appeals to angry republicans...

LMAO love the white woman putting the coon in her place.
So....according to the idiots running the video self described fascists are now republicans? ROFLMAO. OK. Trump is waking white people up. The silent majority is waking up and shaking the shackles off and ripping the tape off their mouths and taking back what's THEIRS!
Actually didn't mean to post it in here. Mods can you move it to politics please.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
You go on voting and supporting 2 candidates that do nothing but pander to n!gger criminals...see how far that gets ya.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
What parts of trump's platform do you disagree with and why?
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
What parts of trump's platform do you disagree with and why?

It's what's missing from his platform that I take issue with. Start with a complete ignorance of foreign affairs and a complete misunderstanding of the fact that for once in his life he can't get what he wants by bullying people (fold in a complete lack of civility and anger management) and dismissing them if they push back.

Any attempt to clarify his positions by going to his website: SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP is met with "JOIN US" and "DONATE." While there's no obligation to donate, you can't get further without "joining" and (I assume; those who've already joined can inform me) supplying your name, email, phone number, etc. so that you can be robo-called and hounded for donations in perpetuity.

Any candidate on either side who's not willing to say "Hey, I don't care who you are; this is what I stand for" is not voter-friendly. Setting up a barrier between yourself and potential voters from the outset isn't reassuring.

I've yet to see an interview with him that is any more specific than "I, my, me...and evil Messicans invading our country to rape and murder," much less how he intends to pay for his Great Big Wall.

Lastly, I'm from NY. I've seen what he's done to my city. He's not as toxic as Robert Moses, but not for lack of trying. And I can't help wondering whether, if elected, he'd treat sitting in the Oval Office as a hobby that's not allowed to get in the way of his multi-million dollar wheeling and dealing.

I like a candidate who takes the job seriously. Not seeing that in Trump.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
What parts of trump's platform do you disagree with and why?

It's what's missing from his platform that I take issue with. Start with a complete ignorance of foreign affairs and a complete misunderstanding of the fact that for once in his life he can't get what he wants by bullying people (fold in a complete lack of civility and anger management) and dismissing them if they push back.

Any attempt to clarify his positions by going to his website: SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP is met with "JOIN US" and "DONATE." While there's no obligation to donate, you can't get further without "joining" and (I assume; those who've already joined can inform me) supplying your name, email, phone number, etc. so that you can be robo-called and hounded for donations in perpetuity.

Any candidate on either side who's not willing to say "Hey, I don't care who you are; this is what I stand for" is not voter-friendly. Setting up a barrier between yourself and potential voters from the outset isn't reassuring.

I've yet to see an interview with him that is any more specific than "I, my, me...and evil Messicans invading our country to rape and murder," much less how he intends to pay for his Great Big Wall.

Lastly, I'm from NY. I've seen what he's done to my city. He's not as toxic as Robert Moses, but not for lack of trying. And I can't help wondering whether, if elected, he'd treat sitting in the Oval Office as a hobby that's not allowed to get in the way of his multi-million dollar wheeling and dealing.

I like a candidate who takes the job seriously. Not seeing that in Trump.

Well, you've certainly convinced yourself. No need for further discussion.
I'm curious as to who he thinks IS good enough to run the country but I am pretty sure we already know that answer...the woman that defended a child rapist,allowed her husband to sexually assault dozens of women,have sexual relations in the oval office,allowed 3 people to die in Benghazi then lied about it and continues to do so and sent HUNDREDS of top secret emails via an unsecure email server.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
What parts of trump's platform do you disagree with and why?

It's what's missing from his platform that I take issue with. Start with a complete ignorance of foreign affairs and a complete misunderstanding of the fact that for once in his life he can't get what he wants by bullying people (fold in a complete lack of civility and anger management) and dismissing them if they push back.

Any attempt to clarify his positions by going to his website: SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP is met with "JOIN US" and "DONATE." While there's no obligation to donate, you can't get further without "joining" and (I assume; those who've already joined can inform me) supplying your name, email, phone number, etc. so that you can be robo-called and hounded for donations in perpetuity.

Any candidate on either side who's not willing to say "Hey, I don't care who you are; this is what I stand for" is not voter-friendly. Setting up a barrier between yourself and potential voters from the outset isn't reassuring.

I've yet to see an interview with him that is any more specific than "I, my, me...and evil Messicans invading our country to rape and murder," much less how he intends to pay for his Great Big Wall.

Lastly, I'm from NY. I've seen what he's done to my city. He's not as toxic as Robert Moses, but not for lack of trying. And I can't help wondering whether, if elected, he'd treat sitting in the Oval Office as a hobby that's not allowed to get in the way of his multi-million dollar wheeling and dealing.

I like a candidate who takes the job seriously. Not seeing that in Trump.

Well, you've certainly convinced yourself. No need for further discussion.

I'd prefer you defend your candidate, but never mind.
Is David Duke a Republican? Are some here styling him a "patriot"? It's not "now Republicans"; it's "ever since Dixiecrats relabeled themselves Republicans."

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.
What parts of trump's platform do you disagree with and why?

It's what's missing from his platform that I take issue with. Start with a complete ignorance of foreign affairs and a complete misunderstanding of the fact that for once in his life he can't get what he wants by bullying people (fold in a complete lack of civility and anger management) and dismissing them if they push back.

Any attempt to clarify his positions by going to his website: SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP is met with "JOIN US" and "DONATE." While there's no obligation to donate, you can't get further without "joining" and (I assume; those who've already joined can inform me) supplying your name, email, phone number, etc. so that you can be robo-called and hounded for donations in perpetuity.

Any candidate on either side who's not willing to say "Hey, I don't care who you are; this is what I stand for" is not voter-friendly. Setting up a barrier between yourself and potential voters from the outset isn't reassuring.

I've yet to see an interview with him that is any more specific than "I, my, me...and evil Messicans invading our country to rape and murder," much less how he intends to pay for his Great Big Wall.

Lastly, I'm from NY. I've seen what he's done to my city. He's not as toxic as Robert Moses, but not for lack of trying. And I can't help wondering whether, if elected, he'd treat sitting in the Oval Office as a hobby that's not allowed to get in the way of his multi-million dollar wheeling and dealing.

I like a candidate who takes the job seriously. Not seeing that in Trump.

Well, you've certainly convinced yourself. No need for further discussion.

I'd prefer you defend your candidate, but never mind.

I don't have to "defend" anyone. You made disparaging comments about trump and americans who may support him...

Of course Trump appeals to people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE. He's the thug they've always wanted to be.

I asked you what specifically about his platform you disagreed with.
You wrote a couple of paragraphs about why you don't like him personally; look at the biased language you use when talking about him or his supporters;

arianrhod said:
....]people who can't tell the difference between a Presidential debate and the WWE....
...the thug they've always wanted to be....
....complete misunderstanding....
...bullying people...
...lack of civility and anger management...
...dismissing them if they push back...
...robo-called and hounded for donations in perpetuity...
..."I, my, me...and evil Messicans invading our country to rape and murder,"...
...Great Big Wall...
... treat sitting in the Oval Office as a hobby...
...wheeling and dealing...

so..ok..ok..you don't like him..we get that...you spent a lot of time typing negative comments...

but not a word about what in his platform you disagreed with and why.
but not a word about what in his platform you disagreed with and why.

What is his platform exactly, other than "Ima build a Great Big Wall"? Can you link to something I can read, or is it just sound bites?

I asked you to specify what about his platform that made you so venomous about him and the people who support him.

...your answer was more negative comments and evasion...We get it...you don't like him and have some misplaced anger issues.
but not a word about what in his platform you disagreed with and why.

What is his platform exactly, other than "Ima build a Great Big Wall"? Can you link to something I can read, or is it just sound bites?

I asked you to specify what about his platform that made you so venomous about him...

And I asked you what his platform was. Do you know?

I made no comments about him, his supporters or his platform, you did.
I asked you to explain your comments.
You won't. You keep trying to circle back around.
I'm not running around in circles with you...you're on your own..
I asked you to explain your comments.

Let me try it a third time: I DON'T KNOW THE SPECIFICS OF HIS PLATFORM, and no one here is able or willing to say "Here's a link where you can get the information you're looking for."

Trump's not the only one who's collecting data before he'll let you in to his site, but I wonder if he's the first and the others are copying him.

At least they haven't set up a pay wall a la Palin. That'll be the next step, I suppose.

Does anyone here know exactly what Donald Trump stands for?
I asked you to explain your comments.

Let me try it a third time: I DON'T KNOW THE SPECIFICS OF HIS PLATFORM, and no one here is able or willing to say "Here's a link where you can get the information you're looking for."

Trump's not the only one who's collecting data before he'll let you in to his site, but I wonder if he's the first and the others are copying him.

At least they haven't set up a pay wall a la Palin. That'll be the next step, I suppose.

Does anyone here know exactly what Donald Trump stands for?
He put everything in his book.


Only dumb asses with no reading comprehension doesn't know his platforms, since spellt everything out in his books.

Like for example, Icahn Ambassador to China.
I asked you to explain your comments.

Let me try it a third time: I DON'T KNOW THE SPECIFICS OF HIS PLATFORM, and no one here is able or willing to say "Here's a link where you can get the information you're looking for."

Trump's not the only one who's collecting data before he'll let you in to his site, but I wonder if he's the first and the others are copying him.

At least they haven't set up a pay wall a la Palin. That'll be the next step, I suppose.

Does anyone here know exactly what Donald Trump stands for?
He put everything in his book.


Only dumb asses with no reading comprehension doesn't know his platforms, since spellt everything out in his books.

Like for example, Icahn Ambassador to China.

So he has in fact monetized his campaign. Why am I not surprised? And obviously you've bought and read both books and you can, with your extraordinary prowess in English as a First Language ("Only dumb asses with no reading comprehension doesn't know his platforms, since spellt everything out in his books" is a work of art, truly), itemize them. I can't wait.

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