Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

No I won't. While you sit there and worry about god(s)

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” - Mark Twain


When I became convinced that the universe was natural, that all the ghosts and gods were myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles turned to dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space.

I was free to think. Free to express my thoughts, free to live in my own ideal. Free to live for myself and those I loved. Free to use all my faculties, all my senses. Free to spread imagination’s wings, free to investigate, to guess, and dream and hope. Free to judge and determine for myself. Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the inspired books that savages have produced, and the barbarous legends of the past. Free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies. Free from the fear of eternal pain, free from the winged monsters of the night. Free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free.

There were no prohibited places in all of the realm of thought. No error, no space where fancy could not spread her painted wings. No chains for my limbs. No lashes for my back. No flames for my flesh. No Master’s frown or threat, no following in another’s steps. No need to bow or cringe or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free; I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.

My heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for liberty of hand and brain, for the freedom of labor and thought to those who fell on the fierce fields of war. To those who died in dungeons, bound in chains, to those by fire consumed, to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of men. And then, I vowed to grasp the torch that they held, and hold it high, That light might conquer darkness still.

-Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)

I never worry about God. Ever.

No, you worry about dying and the afterlife. For yourself, your love ones. You fear or wonder what happens after you die and just like every other human you hope the stories are true and you get to live forever after you die. It is a very nice thought.

The part about going to hell? That's just one particular church's way of trying to recruit people.

I love all the different church's angles on why you should join them. The Mormon story of why they are the one and only real church. The Jehova & Born Agains angles. Catholics say they've been the one true church all along. Each having their own unique angle on why they are the one true church. Muslims and Jews too of course.

So what are you? Were you born into it or were you converted? What if you were born in Saudi Arabia? Do you deny you would be a Muslim right now?

Er..no, I don't fear what happens after I die.

I know what will happen to me when I die, and I want that wonderful feeling and I want that eternal life for everybody. The way that people want all the children of the world to live in comfort and abuse-free.

No, hell isn't about recruiting. Your conspiracy theory grows tedious. Christ and the disciples didn't gain anything at all (except excruciating deaths) by *recruiting*. They, and today's Christians, recruit because they want what is best for people. Salvation is what's best for people. I don't think there's a person on this site who doubts that you live a sad, limited and angry life, bobo. We would like you to be happier, and live forever. There's nothing wrong with that.

I have told you many times...I was raised by atheists. We didn't attend church. I was convicted, though, at a very young age...and it came about solely because I read the bible. It had nothing to do with any church. I was baptised at 22, because it took me that long to figure out what to do with myself, living as I did in a family (and extended family) of confirmed and adamant atheists who eschewed the very concept of church and God.

If I had been born in Saudi Arabia, I would still be a Christian.

You think you know what happens. You don't. That's why people cry when their love ones die. They aren't happy grammas with jesus.

Christ and his desciples didn't write what the bible says. Men 80 plus years did and then the church got hold of it. God knows what's real true. None of it sounds real to me.

They want what they think is best for people. If you'd/they'd been born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a brainwashed Muslim.

See how you have to resort to saying "everyone agrees" you live a sad angry life. You mean everyone who thinks like you? Well I'm here to cure the dumb just like you are here honestly believing you are saving souls. I truly believe you and your ilk are dumb.

I just found out my aunts been calling into those religious shows who promise a miracle if you pay $77 a month x 10 months, or $35 a month for 10 months. I feel sorry for her. She's so desperate.

That's you theists problem. You don't realize I'm not arguing from anger. I'm frustrated at your stupidity. And then you try to use guilt or emotion to argue your point. You feel sorry for me or you think I'm angry? Sorry if it comes across that way. My atheist preacher who converted me had to call me dumb to wake me up too. It was a verbal smack in the face. I understand how you take insult. But I'm trying to do you and society a favor. Just because you like the delusion you are in, doesn't mean is should be passed on to anyone other than your kids. And just as hard as you guys try to convert, so will I. Why am I angry because I don't like people getting conned? Religions are the oldest lie. They say prostitution is the oldest profession? Bull. It's preachers. They've been bamboozling man since societies first began.

Are you angry about the greek gods not being real?

Are you angry denying the Muslim or Mormon stories?

I'm just more vocal than you and I include your religion in the list.

We're both atheists. You just believe in one more god than me.

22 is exactly the age religion prays on if you were not raised in a religious home and you are looking for religion. I have many cousins that were raised Greek Orthodox who heard the Born Again schtick and they were sold. I am not. For awhile I considered myself Greek Orthodox. Then I realized all religions were garbage including my own. That's the only diff between us. You, like everyone else, believes your church is the one true church.

No you would not be a christian in Saudi Arabia. You would have been a Muslim. So would your parents have been. Its not that convincing of a story unless you are gullible.

So what sect of Christian are you? presby, baptist, non denom, lutheran, apiscopalian, born again, etc?>

Question: If you don't believe in God or any god for that matter, why are you so hung up on it?

I believe it is the root of all evil. I believe the rich use god to control/fool the masses, just like slave owners use to use it to keep their slaves in line.

PS. I'm a new atheist. I was a christian, then didn't believe any organized religions but still believed in god and recently decided there most likely isn't a god. Agnostic Atheism is the most logical position.

So just like a person who's excited after just finding Jesus, I'm excited for just realizing there is no god. Pretty big realization after 43 years of believing in god(s).
This is the crux of the matter.

The fearful atheists resent the fact that Christians aren't fearful at all..so they must assign thoughts and fears to them, in order to justify their own terror.

Or something.

I am without any doubt whatever. If you would like to feel the same degree of surety, I encourage you to read the Gospel, and accept Christ as your savior.

I have absolutely no fear of death (dying on the other hand is pretty scary) so I certainly don't resent that you don't fear it either.

I don't resent people without doubt but I do fear them. They are capable of anything: flying planes into buildings for example. I'm sure those men had no doubts either.

I saw some really big and strong men who hated Christianity and blew off how they were afraid of no one including the Christ. Most all of them ended up praying or calling out to God as they lay dying. When the situation is serious and imminent people change in a hurry.
This is the crux of the matter.

The fearful atheists resent the fact that Christians aren't fearful at all..so they must assign thoughts and fears to them, in order to justify their own terror.

Or something.

I am without any doubt whatever. If you would like to feel the same degree of surety, I encourage you to read the Gospel, and accept Christ as your savior.


Trust KG to get that assbackwards.

BEAUTIFUL!! Couldn't have put it better had I tried.
This is the crux of the matter.

The fearful atheists resent the fact that Christians aren't fearful at all..so they must assign thoughts and fears to them, in order to justify their own terror.

Or something.

I am without any doubt whatever. If you would like to feel the same degree of surety, I encourage you to read the Gospel, and accept Christ as your savior.

I have absolutely no fear of death (dying on the other hand is pretty scary) so I certainly don't resent that you don't fear it either.

I don't resent people without doubt but I do fear them. They are capable of anything: flying planes into buildings for example. I'm sure those men had no doubts either.

I saw some really big and strong men who hated Christianity and blew off how they were afraid of no one including the Christ. Most all of them ended up praying or calling out to God as they lay dying. When the situation is serious and imminent people change in a hurry.

Sure, when they are scared, not when they are thinking rationally.
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.
I never worry about God. Ever.

No, you worry about dying and the afterlife. For yourself, your love ones. You fear or wonder what happens after you die and just like every other human you hope the stories are true and you get to live forever after you die. It is a very nice thought.

The part about going to hell? That's just one particular church's way of trying to recruit people.

I love all the different church's angles on why you should join them. The Mormon story of why they are the one and only real church. The Jehova & Born Agains angles. Catholics say they've been the one true church all along. Each having their own unique angle on why they are the one true church. Muslims and Jews too of course.

So what are you? Were you born into it or were you converted? What if you were born in Saudi Arabia? Do you deny you would be a Muslim right now?

Er..no, I don't fear what happens after I die.

I know what will happen to me when I die, and I want that wonderful feeling and I want that eternal life for everybody. The way that people want all the children of the world to live in comfort and abuse-free.

No, hell isn't about recruiting. Your conspiracy theory grows tedious. Christ and the disciples didn't gain anything at all (except excruciating deaths) by *recruiting*. They, and today's Christians, recruit because they want what is best for people. Salvation is what's best for people. I don't think there's a person on this site who doubts that you live a sad, limited and angry life, bobo. We would like you to be happier, and live forever. There's nothing wrong with that.

I have told you many times...I was raised by atheists. We didn't attend church. I was convicted, though, at a very young age...and it came about solely because I read the bible. It had nothing to do with any church. I was baptised at 22, because it took me that long to figure out what to do with myself, living as I did in a family (and extended family) of confirmed and adamant atheists who eschewed the very concept of church and God.

If I had been born in Saudi Arabia, I would still be a Christian.

You think you know what happens. You don't. That's why people cry when their love ones die. They aren't happy grammas with jesus.

Christ and his desciples didn't write what the bible says. Men 80 plus years did and then the church got hold of it. God knows what's real true. None of it sounds real to me.

They want what they think is best for people. If you'd/they'd been born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a brainwashed Muslim.

See how you have to resort to saying "everyone agrees" you live a sad angry life. You mean everyone who thinks like you? Well I'm here to cure the dumb just like you are here honestly believing you are saving souls. I truly believe you and your ilk are dumb.

I just found out my aunts been calling into those religious shows who promise a miracle if you pay $77 a month x 10 months, or $35 a month for 10 months. I feel sorry for her. She's so desperate.

That's you theists problem. You don't realize I'm not arguing from anger. I'm frustrated at your stupidity. And then you try to use guilt or emotion to argue your point. You feel sorry for me or you think I'm angry? Sorry if it comes across that way. My atheist preacher who converted me had to call me dumb to wake me up too. It was a verbal smack in the face. I understand how you take insult. But I'm trying to do you and society a favor. Just because you like the delusion you are in, doesn't mean is should be passed on to anyone other than your kids. And just as hard as you guys try to convert, so will I. Why am I angry because I don't like people getting conned? Religions are the oldest lie. They say prostitution is the oldest profession? Bull. It's preachers. They've been bamboozling man since societies first began.

Are you angry about the greek gods not being real?

Are you angry denying the Muslim or Mormon stories?

I'm just more vocal than you and I include your religion in the list.

We're both atheists. You just believe in one more god than me.

22 is exactly the age religion prays on if you were not raised in a religious home and you are looking for religion. I have many cousins that were raised Greek Orthodox who heard the Born Again schtick and they were sold. I am not. For awhile I considered myself Greek Orthodox. Then I realized all religions were garbage including my own. That's the only diff between us. You, like everyone else, believes your church is the one true church.

No you would not be a christian in Saudi Arabia. You would have been a Muslim. So would your parents have been. Its not that convincing of a story unless you are gullible.

So what sect of Christian are you? presby, baptist, non denom, lutheran, apiscopalian, born again, etc?>

Question: If you don't believe in God or any god for that matter, why are you so hung up on it?

I believe it is the root of all evil. I believe the rich use god to control/fool the masses, just like slave owners use to use it to keep their slaves in line.

PS. I'm a new atheist. I was a christian, then didn't believe any organized religions but still believed in god and recently decided there most likely isn't a god. Agnostic Atheism is the most logical position.

So just like a person who's excited after just finding Jesus, I'm excited for just realizing there is no god. Pretty big realization after 43 years of believing in god(s).

I sure would have thought myself that there were far far more poor who are Christian than are rich Christians.
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

You have a nice day too but it wasn't me who changed the topic. Actually, the topic died for lack of responses too. But you have it your way. I have big shoulders - well, one big shoulder anyway.
No, you worry about dying and the afterlife. For yourself, your love ones. You fear or wonder what happens after you die and just like every other human you hope the stories are true and you get to live forever after you die. It is a very nice thought.

The part about going to hell? That's just one particular church's way of trying to recruit people.

I love all the different church's angles on why you should join them. The Mormon story of why they are the one and only real church. The Jehova & Born Agains angles. Catholics say they've been the one true church all along. Each having their own unique angle on why they are the one true church. Muslims and Jews too of course.

So what are you? Were you born into it or were you converted? What if you were born in Saudi Arabia? Do you deny you would be a Muslim right now?

Er..no, I don't fear what happens after I die.

I know what will happen to me when I die, and I want that wonderful feeling and I want that eternal life for everybody. The way that people want all the children of the world to live in comfort and abuse-free.

No, hell isn't about recruiting. Your conspiracy theory grows tedious. Christ and the disciples didn't gain anything at all (except excruciating deaths) by *recruiting*. They, and today's Christians, recruit because they want what is best for people. Salvation is what's best for people. I don't think there's a person on this site who doubts that you live a sad, limited and angry life, bobo. We would like you to be happier, and live forever. There's nothing wrong with that.

I have told you many times...I was raised by atheists. We didn't attend church. I was convicted, though, at a very young age...and it came about solely because I read the bible. It had nothing to do with any church. I was baptised at 22, because it took me that long to figure out what to do with myself, living as I did in a family (and extended family) of confirmed and adamant atheists who eschewed the very concept of church and God.

If I had been born in Saudi Arabia, I would still be a Christian.

You think you know what happens. You don't. That's why people cry when their love ones die. They aren't happy grammas with jesus.

Christ and his desciples didn't write what the bible says. Men 80 plus years did and then the church got hold of it. God knows what's real true. None of it sounds real to me.

They want what they think is best for people. If you'd/they'd been born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a brainwashed Muslim.

See how you have to resort to saying "everyone agrees" you live a sad angry life. You mean everyone who thinks like you? Well I'm here to cure the dumb just like you are here honestly believing you are saving souls. I truly believe you and your ilk are dumb.

I just found out my aunts been calling into those religious shows who promise a miracle if you pay $77 a month x 10 months, or $35 a month for 10 months. I feel sorry for her. She's so desperate.

That's you theists problem. You don't realize I'm not arguing from anger. I'm frustrated at your stupidity. And then you try to use guilt or emotion to argue your point. You feel sorry for me or you think I'm angry? Sorry if it comes across that way. My atheist preacher who converted me had to call me dumb to wake me up too. It was a verbal smack in the face. I understand how you take insult. But I'm trying to do you and society a favor. Just because you like the delusion you are in, doesn't mean is should be passed on to anyone other than your kids. And just as hard as you guys try to convert, so will I. Why am I angry because I don't like people getting conned? Religions are the oldest lie. They say prostitution is the oldest profession? Bull. It's preachers. They've been bamboozling man since societies first began.

Are you angry about the greek gods not being real?

Are you angry denying the Muslim or Mormon stories?

I'm just more vocal than you and I include your religion in the list.

We're both atheists. You just believe in one more god than me.

22 is exactly the age religion prays on if you were not raised in a religious home and you are looking for religion. I have many cousins that were raised Greek Orthodox who heard the Born Again schtick and they were sold. I am not. For awhile I considered myself Greek Orthodox. Then I realized all religions were garbage including my own. That's the only diff between us. You, like everyone else, believes your church is the one true church.

No you would not be a christian in Saudi Arabia. You would have been a Muslim. So would your parents have been. Its not that convincing of a story unless you are gullible.

So what sect of Christian are you? presby, baptist, non denom, lutheran, apiscopalian, born again, etc?>

Question: If you don't believe in God or any god for that matter, why are you so hung up on it?

I believe it is the root of all evil. I believe the rich use god to control/fool the masses, just like slave owners use to use it to keep their slaves in line.

PS. I'm a new atheist. I was a christian, then didn't believe any organized religions but still believed in god and recently decided there most likely isn't a god. Agnostic Atheism is the most logical position.

So just like a person who's excited after just finding Jesus, I'm excited for just realizing there is no god. Pretty big realization after 43 years of believing in god(s).

I sure would have thought myself that there were far far more poor who are Christian than are rich Christians.

There are. I'm saying the rich use religion to control the masses.
I saw some really big and strong men who hated Christianity and blew off how they were afraid of no one including the Christ. Most all of them ended up praying or calling out to God as they lay dying. When the situation is serious and imminent people change in a hurry.

Talk to me when we're both dead and I'll admit you are correct. Until then you'll have to wait.
Er..no, I don't fear what happens after I die.

I know what will happen to me when I die, and I want that wonderful feeling and I want that eternal life for everybody. The way that people want all the children of the world to live in comfort and abuse-free.

No, hell isn't about recruiting. Your conspiracy theory grows tedious. Christ and the disciples didn't gain anything at all (except excruciating deaths) by *recruiting*. They, and today's Christians, recruit because they want what is best for people. Salvation is what's best for people. I don't think there's a person on this site who doubts that you live a sad, limited and angry life, bobo. We would like you to be happier, and live forever. There's nothing wrong with that.

I have told you many times...I was raised by atheists. We didn't attend church. I was convicted, though, at a very young age...and it came about solely because I read the bible. It had nothing to do with any church. I was baptised at 22, because it took me that long to figure out what to do with myself, living as I did in a family (and extended family) of confirmed and adamant atheists who eschewed the very concept of church and God.

If I had been born in Saudi Arabia, I would still be a Christian.

You think you know what happens. You don't. That's why people cry when their love ones die. They aren't happy grammas with jesus.

Christ and his desciples didn't write what the bible says. Men 80 plus years did and then the church got hold of it. God knows what's real true. None of it sounds real to me.

They want what they think is best for people. If you'd/they'd been born in Saudi Arabia you'd be a brainwashed Muslim.

See how you have to resort to saying "everyone agrees" you live a sad angry life. You mean everyone who thinks like you? Well I'm here to cure the dumb just like you are here honestly believing you are saving souls. I truly believe you and your ilk are dumb.

I just found out my aunts been calling into those religious shows who promise a miracle if you pay $77 a month x 10 months, or $35 a month for 10 months. I feel sorry for her. She's so desperate.

That's you theists problem. You don't realize I'm not arguing from anger. I'm frustrated at your stupidity. And then you try to use guilt or emotion to argue your point. You feel sorry for me or you think I'm angry? Sorry if it comes across that way. My atheist preacher who converted me had to call me dumb to wake me up too. It was a verbal smack in the face. I understand how you take insult. But I'm trying to do you and society a favor. Just because you like the delusion you are in, doesn't mean is should be passed on to anyone other than your kids. And just as hard as you guys try to convert, so will I. Why am I angry because I don't like people getting conned? Religions are the oldest lie. They say prostitution is the oldest profession? Bull. It's preachers. They've been bamboozling man since societies first began.

Are you angry about the greek gods not being real?

Are you angry denying the Muslim or Mormon stories?

I'm just more vocal than you and I include your religion in the list.

We're both atheists. You just believe in one more god than me.

22 is exactly the age religion prays on if you were not raised in a religious home and you are looking for religion. I have many cousins that were raised Greek Orthodox who heard the Born Again schtick and they were sold. I am not. For awhile I considered myself Greek Orthodox. Then I realized all religions were garbage including my own. That's the only diff between us. You, like everyone else, believes your church is the one true church.

No you would not be a christian in Saudi Arabia. You would have been a Muslim. So would your parents have been. Its not that convincing of a story unless you are gullible.

So what sect of Christian are you? presby, baptist, non denom, lutheran, apiscopalian, born again, etc?>

Question: If you don't believe in God or any god for that matter, why are you so hung up on it?

I believe it is the root of all evil. I believe the rich use god to control/fool the masses, just like slave owners use to use it to keep their slaves in line.

PS. I'm a new atheist. I was a christian, then didn't believe any organized religions but still believed in god and recently decided there most likely isn't a god. Agnostic Atheism is the most logical position.

So just like a person who's excited after just finding Jesus, I'm excited for just realizing there is no god. Pretty big realization after 43 years of believing in god(s).

I sure would have thought myself that there were far far more poor who are Christian than are rich Christians.

There are. I'm saying the rich use religion to control the masses.

OK. I get you now. You're speaking of OBAMA again.
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

It has NEVER been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.

Ever. Inf act, just the opposite. Talk about lacking basic honesty.
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

It has NEVER been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.

Ever. Inf act, just the opposite. Talk about lacking basic honesty.

As ever, your ignorance is always on display!

Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Atheists, non-believers, secular humanists, skeptics—the whole gamut of the godless have emerged in recent years as inarguably the most generous benefactors on the globe. That’s right. Hordes of heretics are the world’s biggest damned philanthropists. Both individually and in groups, heathen infidels are topping the fundraising charts.

First, the facts.

The current most charitable individuals in the United States, based on “Estimated Lifetime Giving,” are:

1) Warren Buffett (atheist, donated $40.785 billion to “health, education, humanitarian causes”)

2) Bill & Melinda Gates (atheists, donated $27.602 billion to “global health and development, education”)

3) George Soros (atheist, donated $6.936 billion to “open and democratic societies”)

A century ago, one of the USA’s leading philanthropists was Andrew Carnegie, atheist.

Regarding “group efforts”—Kiva.org, the micro-financing organization that has distributed $261 million to people in 61 nations, has “lending teams” that post their generous efforts online. The leading team on November 22, 2011, is “Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists, and the Non-Religious.” These 18,127 benevolent blasphemers have lent $5,623,750 in 187,920 loans. Their simple motto is: “We loan because we care about the suffering of human beings.”
Again. It has never been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

It has NEVER been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.

Ever. Inf act, just the opposite. Talk about lacking basic honesty.

As ever, your ignorance is always on display!

Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Atheists, non-believers, secular humanists, skeptics—the whole gamut of the godless have emerged in recent years as inarguably the most generous benefactors on the globe. That’s right. Hordes of heretics are the world’s biggest damned philanthropists. Both individually and in groups, heathen infidels are topping the fundraising charts.

First, the facts.

The current most charitable individuals in the United States, based on “Estimated Lifetime Giving,” are:

1) Warren Buffett (atheist, donated $40.785 billion to “health, education, humanitarian causes”)

2) Bill & Melinda Gates (atheists, donated $27.602 billion to “global health and development, education”)

3) George Soros (atheist, donated $6.936 billion to “open and democratic societies”)

A century ago, one of the USA’s leading philanthropists was Andrew Carnegie, atheist.

Regarding “group efforts”—Kiva.org, the micro-financing organization that has distributed $261 million to people in 61 nations, has “lending teams” that post their generous efforts online. The leading team on November 22, 2011, is “Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists, and the Non-Religious.” These 18,127 benevolent blasphemers have lent $5,623,750 in 187,920 loans. Their simple motto is: “We loan because we care about the suffering of human beings.”

Oh, ok! An opinion piece by a progressive, who wrote "Invent Utopia Now"and "Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High?"

A commie AND a eugenecist. Awesome! Let's listen to him!
psst...bill gates and the two other atheist philanthropists are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the centuries of giving that Christians have participated in..and still participate in.

Which is why they mention them by name, and then carefully fail to allude to all the things done in the name of Christianity through the millenia...in fact...he completely disregards religious contributions, lol. He doesnt' count them.

Well yeah, if you don't count the things Churches have done, I guess the atheists look like they give more.

Freaking morons.

"In other areas of philanthropy it can be hard to determine if the sources of funding are more secular or religious. For example, how do we tell who is making donations for medical research? I don’t consider it generosity or philanthropy when individuals donate to a church."

Lolol...Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward
No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

It has NEVER been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.

Ever. Inf act, just the opposite. Talk about lacking basic honesty.

As ever, your ignorance is always on display!

Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Atheists, non-believers, secular humanists, skeptics—the whole gamut of the godless have emerged in recent years as inarguably the most generous benefactors on the globe. That’s right. Hordes of heretics are the world’s biggest damned philanthropists. Both individually and in groups, heathen infidels are topping the fundraising charts.

First, the facts.

The current most charitable individuals in the United States, based on “Estimated Lifetime Giving,” are:

1) Warren Buffett (atheist, donated $40.785 billion to “health, education, humanitarian causes”)

2) Bill & Melinda Gates (atheists, donated $27.602 billion to “global health and development, education”)

3) George Soros (atheist, donated $6.936 billion to “open and democratic societies”)

A century ago, one of the USA’s leading philanthropists was Andrew Carnegie, atheist.

Regarding “group efforts”—Kiva.org, the micro-financing organization that has distributed $261 million to people in 61 nations, has “lending teams” that post their generous efforts online. The leading team on November 22, 2011, is “Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists, and the Non-Religious.” These 18,127 benevolent blasphemers have lent $5,623,750 in 187,920 loans. Their simple motto is: “We loan because we care about the suffering of human beings.”

Oh, ok! An opinion piece by a progressive, who wrote "Invent Utopia Now"and "Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so High?"

A commie AND a eugenecist. Awesome! Let's listen to him!

Typical KG backpedalling. You can't refute the facts so you decide to attack the messenger instead.

We can chalk up yet another another epic failure to your credit!


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