Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

so you are the sane one and these gentlemen are deranged...lol

Whether I'm sane or not is always debatable.

Twofers are deranged, regardless.

See, if you believe in space aliens, anthropogenic global warming or that George Bush snuck into the WTC and planted shape charges on orders from DA JOOOOOZZZZ, you simply don't have a grasp on reality.

The event was televised, we saw it go down in real time.

Are you telling me that you think no matter what the design of the building is, office fires will have the same effect on all of them?

no I am saying it will not cause a complete collapse in secs

Based on what?

You keep posting buildings that were of fire that did not collapse as a comparison. These buildings were not designed the same nor were they hit by jets.

SO what are you basing this claim on?
so you are the sane one and these gentlemen are deranged...lol

Whether I'm sane or not is always debatable.

Twofers are deranged, regardless.

See, if you believe in space aliens, anthropogenic global warming or that George Bush snuck into the WTC and planted shape charges on orders from DA JOOOOOZZZZ, you simply don't have a grasp on reality.

The event was televised, we saw it go down in real time.

who said I believe in any of the above...except perhaps space aliens, logic would dictate they are out there somewhere and if you count little wee beasties, it appears as if NASA may of have indeed identified the first space aliens..
Are you telling me that you think no matter what the design of the building is, office fires will have the same effect on all of them?

no I am saying it will not cause a complete collapse in secs

Based on what?

You keep posting buildings that were of fire that did not collapse as a comparison. These buildings were not designed the same nor were they hit by jets.

SO what are you basing this claim on?

wtc 7 was not hit by a jet....
Are you telling me that you think no matter what the design of the building is, office fires will have the same effect on all of them?

no I am saying it will not cause a complete collapse in secs

Based on what?

You keep posting buildings that were of fire that did not collapse as a comparison. These buildings were not designed the same nor were they hit by jets.

SO what are you basing this claim on?

so what building codes were changed as a result of the NIST investigations of the collapse ?....NONE
or or building their buildings ? or getting government contracts ? it makes free speech or signing a petitions risky business doesn't it

You are free from government restraint of your speech (unless you want to pray to Jesus, have a nativity scene or protest abortion!)

No one guaranteed that you are free from the consequences of your speech.

Twofers are going to be recognized as deranged lunatics, because that's what they are.

so you are the sane one and these gentlemen are deranged...lol

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

thats always been his logic.:lol:
so you are the sane one and these gentlemen are deranged...lol

Whether I'm sane or not is always debatable.

Twofers are deranged, regardless.

See, if you believe in space aliens, anthropogenic global warming or that George Bush snuck into the WTC and planted shape charges on orders from DA JOOOOOZZZZ, you simply don't have a grasp on reality.

The event was televised, we saw it go down in real time.

who said I believe in any of the above...except perhaps space aliens, logic would dictate they are out there somewhere and if you count little wee beasties, it appears as if NASA may of have indeed identified the first space aliens..

the kid is now putting words in your mouth you never said.:cuckoo:
Now it has to make sense. Nothing you conservative assholes write ever makes sense. Bush wanted 2 wars and he got 2 wars, both from 9/11. Does that make sense?

There are only the same 7 conservatives who keep writing nothing on here. Where are the other 18,000 members?

Nothing you've said in this post says a damn thing about it being a conspiracy? Bush wanted two wars? How can you prove this? I'd believe that Bush wanted one war, but two? That's COMPLETE speculation. Hindsight is 20/20...we can all sit here and speculate all we want, but until YOU can prove it was a conspiracy, it remains just a conspiracy THEORY and nothing more.
He sure cant.:lol:these OCTA'S like Brian and wicked,dont get it that to accept the governments version of events,you got to ignore the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years.they obviously slept through juniour high science classes.:lol::lol:

I'm not accepting the government's version. I think they knew more than they let on. Do I think they did it? lol. No. This conspiracy has been debunked over and over again by top engineers. (You'll say they are government hired engineers--typical)

as usual,your full of shit because it has NOT been debunked.you are too ignorant to know that these engineers that say so, have government contracts who wont get future work if they go along with their version of events.:cuckoo: again you slept through science class because the ONLY thing thats been debunked is the version of the governments.:lol:

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Your basing your opinion 1450 some-odd engineers and architects. Now your claiming that the other 10 million people in the U.S. with Architect and Engineer degrees are agents of the government? THE NUMBERS ARE NOT IN YOUR FAVOR. THE VAST MAJORITY OF ENGINEERS IN THIS COUNTRY DO NOT BELIEVE THIS CONSPIRACY OR THEY WOULD HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED IT. Less than 1% of engineers believe this shit....Most likely engineers that were nuttier than squirrel turds before they got their degree.
who said I believe in any of the above...

Uh, Twofers kinda to the last one claim Bush did it...

except perhaps space aliens, logic would dictate they are out there somewhere and if you count little wee beasties, it appears as if NASA may of have indeed identified the first space aliens..

Of course they have, sparky. Peter Pan led the research team.
do you really think if you a cup of kerosene on a concrete and steel box that it would weaken considerable ?...I dont
Yes, after a fully loaded, fully fueled 757 rams into it full speed, and the fires continue to burn red hot for an hour and a half.

Again, that video and demonstration are friggin' ridiculous.

And the fact that someone who claims to know about physics posted it, makes it beyond laughable, to friggin' hysterical.:wtf::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::cuckoo::cuckoo:

you have still yet to debunk that video of mine and oh,that professor at that university will lose his job if he doesnt go along with the governments version the same way Steven Jones and others have.:cuckoo:

Those stupid youtube videos are ridiculous. Anything can be edited...What we saw happening live on television was not edited. What MILLIONS saw happen in person cannot be edited. You're willing to believe the testaments of a "Things" a couple of people may or may not have seen vs. MILLIONS who did not see it? THE ODDS ARE NOT THERE... It's the law of probability...if you'd paid attention in math class you'd understand that.
yes all...no less than two former presidents and several former u.s air-crash investigators have signed the petitions....so how many former presidents of the u.s air crash investigation board are alive today in America ?..how many directors of advanced space program directors do you think there are in thr U.S ??...and why are these facts never mentioned in any debwunker video or news cast ???

I'm not familiar with these positions or the petition they signed so I can't respond to this.

yeah just like your not familiar with junior high school science.:lol::lol:

Whatever dude. You're only making yourself look like an idiot. How does it feel to be naive nutsack?
Notice how not one of the truthers has made any attempt to answer my simple questions?
who said I believe in any of the above...

Uh, Twofers kinda to the last one claim Bush did it...

seeing as it happened on his watch and because of the 8/11 cover-up report most believe bush was complicit with the crimes of 8/11

except perhaps space aliens, logic would dictate they are out there somewhere and if you count little wee beasties, it appears as if NASA may of have indeed identified the first space aliens..

Of course they have, sparky. Peter Pan led the research team

really ? do you have a link to that ? and is this your basis for rejecting NASAs findings ?
Uh, Twofers kinda to the last one claim Bush did it...

seeing as it happened on his watch and because of the 8/11 cover-up report most believe bush was complicit with the crimes of 8/11

Of course they have, sparky. Peter Pan led the research team

really ? do you have a link to that ? and is this your basis for rejecting NASAs findings ?

So let me see if I'm understanding this. You'll discredit architects and engineers based on their affiliation with the government, but believe a NASA study? Who is most certainly an organization funded by the federal government?
seeing as it happened on his watch and because of the 8/11 cover-up report most believe bush was complicit with the crimes of 8/11

really ? do you have a link to that ? and is this your basis for rejecting NASAs findings ?

So let me see if I'm understanding this. You'll discredit architects and engineers based on their affiliation with the government, but believe a NASA study? Who is most certainly an organization funded by the federal government?

apples and oranges

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