Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

He sure as hell would not get republican votes for it because it would help pass his legislation.

Biden could introduce a bill, today, to make the Trump middle class tax cuts permanent and
probably get 100% support from Republicans in the House and Senate.

How many Dems would support it? LOL!

Even if he did get some Republican votes, he likely would have lost democrat votes.

Obviously. Dems don't want to cut middle class taxes.

As far as a permanent tax cut went, in 2012 he made permanent a part of the Bush tax cut

Obama's "biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan" was really Bush? OMG!!!
Lol you’re completely making shit up. Again,
If that were true, why didn’t they make the cut permanent to begin with? They also wouldn’t do it for the sole fact that it was part of BBB. Republicans wouldn’t want all the credit for it and they wouldn’t get it.

Uh yes it was part of the bush tax cut that was always temporary. He then made it permanent for those making less than 400,000. Not sure why you think it matters if it was originally part of legislation meant to be temporary. It was by itself new legislation.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

It bewilders me how Democrats believe that increased spending and increased taxes doesn't have economic consequences.
Well obviously if taxes are too high, then investment goes to China instead.

Anyone who looks at the government taxes and spending, can easily see that historically we now are just wasting taxes entirely on pointless military spending.

Like giving the Ukraine trillions.
There is no way Russia is ever going to allow this corrupt government in Kyiv to survive, so all that money is a total waste.

We also need to remove all troops from Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc.
Overseas deployments cost 4 times what domestic barracks cost.
The military should be cut down to less than half what it is now, and all those foreign bases like Guantanamo are actually totally illegal.
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It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

It is simple media bubbles...

It is not about bad people or good people, it is simple brain washing... Look at the Trump Cult, they are the farthest gone...

But we have a right wing media who have convinced their tribe by giving money to rich people will make their life better...
Calling your bluff, cowgirl.
No, I explained perfectly what you lying howlers do. You scum do it everytime. Example:

Vermin supreme: show proof right or you got nothing!

American: ok, here's a transcript of the events that occured proving what I said.

Vermin supreme:
Obviously you don't because turds like you are always proposing more spending and more taxes.

If your simple minded yapping had currency, Republican administrations would not have performed so poorly over your lifetime.

But they have.


And before running your piehole, get your numbers and sources.
Obviously you don't because turds like you are always proposing more spending and more taxes.


No, I explained perfectly what you lying howlers do. You scum do it everytime. Example:

Vermin supreme: show proof right or you got nothing!

American: ok, here's a transcript of the events that occured proving what I said.

Vermin supreme:
View attachment 749808
That's bullshit, Mike.

You only know what you are told to believe by some idiot on TV or radio.

You wouldn't know a primary source if it sat on your lap eating your lunch.
That's bullshit, Mike.

You only know what you are told to believe by some idiot on TV or radio.

You wouldn't know a primary source if it sat on your lap eating your lunch.
I don't watch the news or news radio because it's all infested with liars like you. Try some other lie.

If your simple minded yapping had currency, Republican administrations would not have performed so poorly over your lifetime.

But they have.


And before running your piehole, get your numbers and sources.
You' re playing with statistics. We all know who demands higher spending and higher taxes.
Lol you’re completely making shit up. Again,
If that were true, why didn’t they make the cut permanent to begin with? They also wouldn’t do it for the sole fact that it was part of BBB. Republicans wouldn’t want all the credit for it and they wouldn’t get it.

Uh yes it was part of the bush tax cut that was always temporary. He then made it permanent for those making less than 400,000. Not sure why you think it matters if it was originally part of legislation meant to be temporary. It was by itself new legislation.

If that were true, why didn’t they make the cut permanent to begin with?

They couldn't without Dem votes. It was in all the papers.

They also wouldn’t do it for the sole fact that it was part of BBB.

Biden tried to make the middle class tax cuts permanent in BBB?

You’re completely making shit up. Again.

Uh yes it was part of the bush tax cut that was always temporary.

Temporary because the Dems all voted against it. It was in all the papers.

He then made it permanent for those making less than 400,000.

Obama's vote totals, in the House, to make the Bush cuts permanent.


In the Senate, it was 89 yes, 8 no.

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