Why don't white parents get blamed....

When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Yes there are.

Do you recall where?
Remember the DC sniper and his partner?
Yeah...the exception that sort of proved the rule. They got away for so long because the profile fit white males.

Oh, and they were classified more as serial killers, not mass shooters. One at a time....Like Ted Bundy.
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What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?

Maybe not mass black shooters but there is a shitload of black shooters in Chitown
Gotta wonder why you care about Chicago SO MUCH when it's only 25th on the list of violent cities in the U.S. Don't care about #s 1-24, eh?

Over 3,000...3,000 shot in Chicago in 2017....sit down, Hairy Back
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused

I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say. I just stated a FACT and the pattern of the FACT is demonstrated in most communities where the majority demographic are descended from American slaves.
Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused

I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say.
them damn whites!!
Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused

I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say.
them damn whites!!

Hey....if you don't properly treat diabetes......you might end up with kidney problems as a complication. If a society does not properly treat racial oppression, then it just might develop high murder rates in that oppressed population.
I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say.

cant meme2 - Copy.jpg
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This kids caretakers were immediately questioned with plenty of people placing blame for having said/done nothing about the guns etc. As well as plenty has been said about the kids overall upbringing problems.

So...yeah.... race baiting.

Ummmmm....I am not talking about JUST the most recent event. I am talking about these shootings in general. Hell...even in the local news forums you can witness the difference in comments when the killer is black vs white, when its not related to a mass shooting.

Who cares about the comments? The media doesn't even report on black kids getting shot -unless it was done by a white cop. I wonder how many black on black shootings have happened in the last few days?

What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.
it's true--we have black kids shot in our city ''often''
no headline news at all...even the local news doesn't make much of it
the MSM DOES not usually report blacks being shot--which happens at over EIGHT per day!!!!

you can count all the mass shootings by whites for the last ten years and it doesn't add up to one year of blacks murdering blacks

Pay attention to whites killing whites. The numbers of dead are about the same and the reality is you are 6 times more likely to be killed by anther white person if you are white. 85-90 percent of all whites murdered are murdered by another white, but your racism allows you to ignore the fact that you are way more likely to die at the hands of another white person to talk about black on black killing. Last year backs killed about 600 more blacks than whites killed whites, now you can try making 4,000 equal 20,000 while 3,400 stays the same but the fact is that 1 human equals 1 human no matter what the race. So then for whites to talk like you is pure retardation when we as professionals look at the numbers and see the numbers are basically the same.

Last, the simplistic racist presentation of punks like you shows you are an amateur taking about matters in which your dmb ass has no knowledge.

"Both sociologists and criminologists agree that violent crime is a complex socioeconomic phenomenon. Generally speaking, research shows that poor people commit the most crime: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, during the period from 2008 through 2012, “persons in poor households at or below the federal poverty level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000) ... The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks.”

Now stop posting up that same dumb bullshit from 2008.
Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused

I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say.
them damn whites!!

whypipo be comin up in are hoodz makin us murder n sheeit
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Yes there are.

Do you recall where?
Remember the DC sniper and his partner?

Wow we can name 2 black shooters. That proves everything.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?

Maybe not mass black shooters but there is a shitload of black shooters in Chitown

True.. these are mostly gang related and drug related.
Gang related shootings are omitted from the "mass shooting" category, which is really stupid.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

It's even more "Funny" how every time FACTS are stated......people like you retort with something like "....blame whitey". Note that I never blamed whitey when I stated FACTS about Detroit demographics. You made that connection.....and you need to consult Sigmund Freud to understand why you did.
yes you did--don't try to deny it
you blamed slavery--which the whites caused

I just blamed slavery.....its not my fault that white caused it, as YOU say.
them damn whites!!

Hey....if you don't properly treat diabetes......you might end up with kidney problems as a complication. If a society does not properly treat racial oppression, then it just might develop high murder rates in that oppressed population.
I will say racial oppression/etc can cause problems in education/families/etc
and it takes a long time to cure cultural problems caused by slavery/oppression/etc
1. but murder?? crime??
But the notion that unemployment causes crime runs into some obvious difficulties. For one thing, the 1960s, a period of rising crime, had essentially the same unemployment rate as the late 1990s and early 2000s, a period when crime fell. Further, during the Great Depression, when unemployment hit 25 percent, the crime rate in many cities went down
Crime and the Great Recession
--being poor = less $$$ = more stress--but we don't see the whites committing that much murder during the Great Depression!!

2. you have to prove slavery caused this ''force''/ reason to commit crime

3. the sub Saharan Africans were much inferior in education/written language/technology/etc etc etc BEFORE the white man came---so you have to prove slavery by ITSELF is the cause--not the Africans already being inferior per the topics mentioned--

4.other races have been oppressed and haven't turned out the same as blacks
the Chinese were considered racially as well as culturally inferior.
The Chinese Experience in 19th Century America
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
Actually every year in this Country 13 percent of the population is responsible for about 50 percent of the murders.
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
Actually every year in this Country 13 percent of the population is responsible for about 50 percent of the murders.

even less than 13 percent if you factor in the male to female ratio.
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
Actually every year in this Country 13 percent of the population is responsible for about 50 percent of the murders.
yes --the number is too high to refute
Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
Actually every year in this Country 13 percent of the population is responsible for about 50 percent of the murders.

even less than 13 percent if you factor in the male to female ratio.
but we are racists for stating FACTS!
Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates.
now it's whitey's fault blacks murder each other??
the whites living in the Depression did not have such a high murder rate

You really don't want talk about the tens of millions whites have murdered in the history of his country.
Actually every year in this Country 13 percent of the population is responsible for about 50 percent of the murders.

even less than 13 percent if you factor in the male to female ratio.
but we are racists for stating FACTS!
truth is hate speech.jpg

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