Why don't you see the Sunni-Shia divide in the US?

Nah - I think it's more than that - I just posted some interesting stuff from Pew Research on American Muslims. :)

O I agree. It's more than that. But that's a big part of it.

There's always the people who really just want peace, even if they're duped into thinking it's a fundraising for Western style peace.

And I think that taking on Stormfront is far better than saying
I don't like it and turning my head.

And after you've done it ten times or twenty in numerous threads, when are you going to say your tired of repeating yourself over and over and.....?

They don't like hearing it at stormfront either.

I'll continue.
Funny, but the OP was about Muslims in America.

And naturally along comes the USMB Juden talking about muslims in the Middle East.

They hate it that American muslims get along here in the U.S. .. :cool:
Funny, but the OP was about Muslims in America.

And naturally along comes the USMB Juden talking about muslims in the Middle East.

They hate it that American muslims get along here in the U.S. .. :cool:

I"m talking about the funding of terrorists who support the shia/sunni divide.

The funding that's coming from the US and from that divide.

US-based Muslim charity guilty of funding terrorism - Telegraph

It was a major victory in the White House's legal "war on terror" and comes after a mistrial was declared last year in the case involving the now defunct Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, charged with funnelling $12 million to Hamas.

Yes Sunni Man. In the US of A.
Still, it's not unknown anymore.

Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States Department of the Treasury initiated the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) to identify, track, and pursue terrorists – such as Al-Qaida – and their networks. The U.S. Treasury Department is uniquely positioned to track terrorist money flows and assist in broader U.S. Government efforts to uncover terrorist cells and map terrorist networks here at home and around the world.

Funny, but the OP was about Muslims in America.

And naturally along comes the USMB Juden talking about muslims in the Middle East.

They hate it that American muslims get along here in the U.S. .. :cool:

I"m talking about the funding of terrorists who support the shia/sunni divide.

The funding that's coming from the US and from that divide.

US-based Muslim charity guilty of funding terrorism - Telegraph

It was a major victory in the White House's legal "war on terror" and comes after a mistrial was declared last year in the case involving the now defunct Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, charged with funnelling $12 million to Hamas.

Yes Sunni Man. In the US of A.
Ropey you nitwit.

The Holy Land Foundation in the U.S. was shut down way back in 2001.

The money the organization collected was going to Hamas to fund their struggle against Israel.

And had zero to due with the Sunni/Shia divide. .. :cool:
Ropey quit lying about being on Stormfront.

I am a member there and have the same username that I use at USMB.

And I have never seen you post on that forum. .. :cool:

You are blinded by a great many things you have never seen and which are still there. :cool:

And still the US watches the finances of the Shia and Sunni divide for their donations to 'charity'.
Interesting article. Why don't we? The author talked to people who attended the Yusuf Mosque in Boston, and represented Muslims from a wide area of the Muslim world from Indonesia, to Iraq, to North Africa and asked them a question: "Why do the different Islamic sects seem to get along here, but - in extreme cases - kill each other back home?" The answers are interesting and, say a lot about our country as well.

Why don't you see the Sunni-Shia divide in the US? | Public Radio International

"In Iraq or in Syria or Yemen or Libya, people are looking for power," said Anwar Faisal who is Palestinian. "And when you have the power you have the wealth, you have loyalty. Our mentality as a Middle Easterns, we're people who love power."

Faisal said many of the Muslim nations remain third world countries without rule of law or effective government institutions. So they're vulnerable to unscrupulous leaders who divide people along religious fault lines.

In the US, he said, people may call themselves liberal or conservative, but they don't care who you call God.

"The people here, the people of America, they believe they're under one God. it doesn't matter what God you're praying for. You can have a temple you have a mosque you have a church. Also, here we're under one flag and that is the key. It makes this country the most beautiful country on the planet," Faisal said.

Yusuf Nasrullah, from Pakistan, adds that a national identity supercedes a religious or tribal one for Muslims in the US.

"They have lived with non-Muslim communities, they can give and exchange and they're like, 'okay, you have your right as a minority, I have mine and we are all contributing.' That is what keeps people humane and civilized in this part of the world," Nasrullah said.

"Why do people get along here when they come to this country, when they immigrate to this country?" asked the mosque's Iman, Ismail Fenni, from Algeria. "I think it has a lot to do with when you're a fish out of your bowl, you do a lot to survive. And I think it's true about anyone, any ethnicity, regardless of religion. You try to make do until you get back to your fishbowl."

Fenni said it may take the Muslim world generations until their different fishbowls are free from religious violence.

But hey, said Riyad Tubaishat from Jordan, America had its own problems back in the day.

"Keep in mind, America, how long it took. We had a big civil war here. Keep in mind most of these countries right now, they're very new to political structure. They didn't have enough time and they have so much outside influence," Tubaishat said.

It's been hundreds of years since the US shook off a colonial power... These men say you gotta give Islamic countries some time to catch up.

Because they make up 1% of the population. Once they get to 10% like in France, they become belligerent to their host country and themselves.
Taking the govt. out of the political aspect of the Islamic religion, seems to dispel a lot of confrontation of the Islamic religion where politics are involved......

This is true.

Nobody cares if a neighbor wants to bury their nose in Mohammad's ancient tome and wear out their own knee caps in supplication to The God of Abraham's dreams, it's the attempted enforcement of Sharia Law where problems begin.

Freedom of speech - Tolerance.
Freedom of worship - Tolerance.
Freedom of assembly - Tolerance.

Without tolerance, the wheels of freedom fly off the truck and the evil doers win
Taking the govt. out of the political aspect of the Islamic religion, seems to dispel a lot of confrontation of the Islamic religion where politics are involved......

This is true.

Nobody cares if a neighbor wants to bury their nose in Mohammad's ancient tome and wear out their own knee caps in supplication to The God of Abraham's dreams, it's the attempted enforcement of Sharia Law where problems begin.

Freedom of speech - Tolerance.
Freedom of worship - Tolerance.
Freedom of assembly - Tolerance.

Without tolerance, the wheels of freedom fly off the truck and the evil doers win

Yes, and there's a dividing line there as well.

See how long tolerating a murderer in your house goes.

That's another line of divide or demarcation line from where philosophy meets reality.
Murder is an action verb that involves a minimum of two people.

Speech and worship are bloodless activities that can be performed solo.

I'm talking in general terms here, but you knew that.
Or, tolerance begets evildoers. Did you happen to notice the Pew report and the influx of less moderate Muslims being given access to our country? 25% more thanks to globalists, Bush and Obama. With more to come under the Clinton Global Initiative. Do you not wonder why we are the only country in the world where borders no longer exist?

Other countries have laws too. This still seems to be the progression:

Muslim behavior/terrorism correlated with population size | Heaven Awaits
Because they make up 1% of the population. Once they get to 10% like in France, they become belligerent to their host country and themselves.
People who compare the muslims in America with the muslims in Europe are making a false dichotomy.

European society is very class conscience and muslims are treated as third class citizens and denied upward mobility. They are basically delegated to live in urban ghettos which in turn leads to isolationism and ultimately breeds resentment and hostility.

Whereas, muslims in America have the same opportunities as any other U.S. citizen and the freedom to pursue their dreams unfettered with social constraits . .. :cool:
Because they make up 1% of the population. Once they get to 10% like in France, they become belligerent to their host country and themselves.
People who compare the muslims in America with the muslims in Europe are making a false dichotomy.

European society is very class conscience and muslims are treated as third class citizens and denied upward mobility. They are basically delegated to live in urban ghettos which in turn leads to isolationism and ultimately breeds resentment and hostility.

Whereas, muslims in America have the same opportunities as any other U.S. citizen and the freedom to pursue their dreams unfettered with social constraits . .. :cool:

A higher population of closely integrated people living in enclaves by choice and relegated to the lowest paying jobs for their refusal to integrate and then who blame this refusal in a projection.

Europe's Angry Muslims - Council on Foreign Relations
Taking the govt. out of the political aspect of the Islamic religion, seems to dispel a lot of confrontation of the Islamic religion where politics are involved......

This is true.

Nobody cares if a neighbor wants to bury their nose in Mohammad's ancient tome and wear out their own knee caps in supplication to The God of Abraham's dreams, it's the attempted enforcement of Sharia Law where problems begin.

Freedom of speech - Tolerance.
Freedom of worship - Tolerance.
Freedom of assembly - Tolerance.

Without tolerance, the wheels of freedom fly off the truck and the evil doers win

Yes, and there's a dividing line there as well.

See how long tolerating a murderer in your house goes.

That's another line of divide or demarcation line from where philosophy meets reality.

false analogy. and in case you've forgotten:

the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

First Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

it does not say except for muslims... or except for jews...

it does not give freedom only to christians as some absurd twit said.

nor does it let atheists be subjected to religion.

Last edited:
After what Republicans did to Middle Eastern Christians in Iraq, you would think they would have a kind word for those tortured people. Instead, it's all about fearing Muslims. Remember, Republicans hung Iraqi Christians out to die, er, dry.

The religious cleansing of Iraq's Christians | Fox News

You can't even get Republicans to talk about what they did to the Iraqi Christians. Why they didn't protect them. Course, when you consider what Republicans think about the Middle Class and the poor here, is it any surprise?
This is true.

Nobody cares if a neighbor wants to bury their nose in Mohammad's ancient tome and wear out their own knee caps in supplication to The God of Abraham's dreams, it's the attempted enforcement of Sharia Law where problems begin.

Freedom of speech - Tolerance.
Freedom of worship - Tolerance.
Freedom of assembly - Tolerance.

Without tolerance, the wheels of freedom fly off the truck and the evil doers win

Yes, and there's a dividing line there as well.

See how long tolerating a murderer in your house goes.

That's another line of divide or demarcation line from where philosophy meets reality.

false analogy. and in case you've forgotten:

the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

First Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

it does not say except for muslims... or except for jews...

it does not give freedom only to christians as some absurd twit said.

nor does it let atheists be subjected to religion.


It's not an analogy. It's an outright statement.

The first amendment doesn't mean all that much to those who wish to change it.

Yes, and there's a dividing line there as well.

See how long tolerating a murderer in your house goes.

That's another line of divide or demarcation line from where philosophy meets reality.

false analogy. and in case you've forgotten:

the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

First Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

it does not say except for muslims... or except for jews...

it does not give freedom only to christians as some absurd twit said.

nor does it let atheists be subjected to religion.


It's not an analogy. It's an outright statement.

The first amendment doesn't mean all that much to those who wish to change it.


like you? :)

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