Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

Still nothing on issues, policies, ideas. Nothing.

And you think I won't notice. Silly goose.
In that TNHarley thread, I asked you about Supreme Court justices, and you said you didn't like the three picks for Trump because he moved the court too far "right" (and by implication, you like it leftist).

When I asked you about why you believe the court was too far "right" (despite the more libertarian positions of all three justices, especially Gorsuch), you did not give me one cocksucking response because you're a chickenshit motherfucker and you don't really know. It just sounds good to you. I'm not playing this fucking game with you anymore. You have no ideas. You have no opinions. You are nothing but a fucking CNN parrot.


In that TNHarley thread, I asked you about Supreme Court justices, and you said you didn't like the three picks for Trump because he moved the court too far "right" (and by implication, you like it leftist).

When I asked you about why you believe the court was too far "right" (despite the more libertarian positions of all three justices, especially Gorsuch), you did not give me one cocksucking response because you're a chickenshit motherfucker. I'm not playing this fucking game with you anymore. You have no ideas. You have no opinions. You are nothing but a fucking CNN parrot.


"Too far right" doesn't mean "not left wing". Life is not binary, either/or. This is only complicated for partisan sheep.

Tell me, what are my positions on Single Payer, regulation, capitalism, PC, Identity Politics, race, immigration, green energy policy, China, trade or abortion?

You must know. Go ahead. Show me what a leftist I am.

I'll wait. Tell me.
Glenn is a full time subversive against our glorious DNC party and the fatherland, a clear and present danger to the new one party democratic democrat system.

What should be done with him?
You left out "Glenn is an enemy of the 666 New World order Globalist 4th Reich.
Ready to run away and be a blowhard like you always are?
Let's go. Let me help:

"Hey Mac, what is your position on ___________, ___________ and ___________? I'm curious, and I don't want to sound like an ignorant fool when I call you a commie".

There ya go. I've made it easy for ya.
Mormons can't have a gofundme site?
They don't donate all the proceeded to the Nazarene church...

You get a lot of Calls from China regarding DHL shipments you forgot to pay for and forgot you ordered, doncha? But it's okay, once the money rolls in from the Nigerian prince you'll be set.
Let's go. Let me help:

"Hey Mac, what is your position on ___________, ___________ and ___________? I'm curious, and I don't want to sound like an ignorant fool when I call you a commie".

There ya go. I've made it easy for ya.

Hey Mac,

What is you position on me starting a thread 6 months ago based on your fake challenge and you running and hiding, refusing to address the subject?

I know what my position is, you're a blowhard.
As usual, you people are cowards. I even tried to help.

So tough shit.
YOU refused to live up to the challenge you presented, but WE are cowards?

They sued, but Trump had better paid lawyers. Lawyers are expensive. Consider a carpenter who spends a month doing work for Trump. Trump refuses to pay. The carpenter already loses one month's pay. It might cost a thousand dollars to sue Trump. The lawyer who takes the carpenter's case will go up against a whole law firm of Trump's lawyers.

That carpenter should not even need to sue. He should be able to report Trump to the government. The government should force Trump to pay the carpenter for his work. Then the government should force Trump to pay a fine greatly in excess of the money he initially refused to pay.

And what if the work the contractor was hired to do was not completed as agreed upon? Should he still get paid?
"Hey Mac, what is your position on ___________, ___________ and ___________? I'm curious, and I don't want to sound like an ignorant fool when I call you a commie".

The cowards won't even back up their words when I try to HELP them.

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