Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

Awww... look at that. Trumptards talking like the average BLM :auiqs.jpg:

As soon as they come after you, you guys turn paranoid and want to defund, right?

Sorry, retard. The same advice you guys gave BLM. You do the crime, you do the time. :laughing0301:
The point is they should not be coming after anyone. Just for point of views.
And the left doesn't have varied views?
The left votes for its agendas. It always moves the nation left no matter the varied views which may not be left enough. In 2016 Repubs had two good candidates. Trump and Cruz. Cruz had the better agendas. Two radio hosts Glenn Beck and Michael Savage had each candidate as their potential President. Savage pushed the view that Cruz was unelectable because of his appearance, and he may be far to right for Prog moderate and so-called blue dog voters. Trump was more electable to him. Beck supported Cruz and may have been right. But as a nation that has moved further and further left with the in your face and even violence of Prog citizens, he was unelectable. We need to move right. And it does not mean going back many many decades in ways we live.
well you already stated you won't debate in here. It seems quite simple you aren't worth anyone's time.
Correct, debating is a waste of time here.

But if you had any balls, you'd find out where I actually stand on issues before making ignorant assumptions about my politics.

But you don't have the balls, and people like you hate the many of us who can think for ourselves.

So, you'll just bitch. Tough shit.
Correct, debating is a waste of time here.

But if you had any balls, you'd find out where I actually stand on issues before making ignorant assumptions about my politics.

But you don't have the balls, and people like you hate the many of us who can think for ourselves.

So, you'll just bitch. Tough shit.
why is finding out what you stand for about my balls?
I think YOU are ignorant about your own politics.

It's not Mac's fault. His Reich is capricious and changes views often, Mac holds whatever view the party holds at any particular second.

There are times when Mac needs to be for AND against an issue at the same time, in order to serve his party.

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