Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

It's not Mac's fault. His Reich is capricious and changes views often, Mac holds whatever view the party holds at any particular second.

There are times when Mac needs to be for AND against an issue at the same time, in order to serve his party.

And another thread becomes about Mac.

Sheep hate people who can think for themselves.
So old, it's black and white.

Oh, and he was a democrat at that time, fucktard.

Besides, Hezbollah Hannah posted a Pravda piece that says Epstein never exists and anyone who thinks he did is a "Q-Nut."

Blue Anon has erased Jeffery Epstein from history in the same way Hillary erased him from life.
Trump has refused to pay vendors after they completed their work for him. If Trump hires you do do something, get the money up front in certified checks.

One time a lawyer said this to me, "If I hire a teenage girl to answer the phone for me, and she spends all day talking to her friends, so people can't call in, I can fire her at the end of the day, but I still have to pay her for that day."

Trump will hire a carpenter to do some work for him. When the carpenter is finished Trump will say the carpenter did a bad job, so he will not pay the carpenter. At that point the carpenter will have to sue Trump, and Trump will have a better lawyer.

Trump is a wretched glutton and cheat.
Not sure what this means, but super neat. If you want to believe I'm a lefty, you're free to do so.

But that's only because you're a coward.
I believe you're unwittingly a lefty, but you're too fucking arrgant for self-examination and reflection.....Just like Trump...

How's that?

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