Why gun registration and licensing are unnecessary, and pointless wastes of law enforcement time...

Let's get rid of auto licensing and registration also....It's a waste of my time and money....
It's also not a Constitutional right.
The Constitution is not real clear on the point either for personal firearm...
SCOTUS disagrees with you.
Sure but it's still not crystal clear when it was written...
It's been clear for several years now.
Never mind the fact that plenary licensing and registration, two sides of the same coin, violate the constitution.
But don't dare ask for a dollar for id....that's an unfair poll tax
Yes... According to the anti-gun loons....
-$10 for an ID that's good for 4 years is an undue burden on the exercise of the right to vote......
-$500 per year for a permit just to own a gun? No problemo.
Whether it's five out of nine or nine out of nine is irrelevant. You might want to read up on how the process works if that confuses you.

well, it means that there is not an absolute opinion about what the Second Amendment really means. You just have a current interpretation, which contardicts previous interpretations. And even the court is backing away from that, as they recently allowed lower court rulings in California allowing gun safe laws to stand.

Perhaps a future decision will change, but do you seriously believe that people like you will ever succeed in disarming people like me? I assure you, it's not going to happen in our lifetime, no matter how many days a week you have to change your urine soaked bed sheets.

I think eventually, your sort will be seen as the crazy fringe it is, and even sensible gun owners will say, "Hey, letting people like Dylan Roof and Joker HOlmes and Adam Lanza have guns. That's crazy!!!"

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