Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Trump will NEVER criticize the love of his life. Ever. Not so much as a tweet.

Silence From The Great Babbler

God that is stupid.

Most you agree with and regurgitate on this forum everything the liberal media tell you? Can't you think for yourself?

Hey. Show me a single tweet critical of Putin by Trump.

Go ahead.
Means nothing, but maybe it might to stupid people like you.

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Trump will NEVER criticize the love of his life. Ever. Not so much as a tweet.

Silence From The Great Babbler

God that is stupid.

Most you agree with and regurgitate on this forum everything the liberal media tell you? Can't you think for yourself?

Hey. Show me a single tweet critical of Putin by Trump.

Go ahead.
Means nothing, but maybe it might to stupid people like you.
You can't find one, can you.
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.

They were all spies...nobody knows spies like the FSB.....they know who ours are and we know who theirs are.

Nothing is accomplished by even mentioning it....
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.
Trump is putting Russia First.

He is literally incapable of defending America against Putin's hostile acts. He cannot stand up for his country against the enemy.
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.
I did and you didnt comment on it.
Do you expect him to bitch about something we did a few months ago?
Is this a troll thread?
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
Reagan had real spine. He called Russia "The Evil Empire". He told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the wall. He threatened to put MX missiles in Europe to get the Soviets to the bargaining table. He ramped up our defense posture, bigly. He initiated the Star Wars program. He helped repel the Soviets in Afghanistan.

In short, Reagan kicked the Soviets in the nuts until they puked.

Trump is a fucking spineless pussy-grabbing whoremongering chickenshit. He can't even muster up one of his fucking puny tweets against Putin.

And his pseudocon lickspittles are the most yellow-bellied cowards to ever stink up the Republican brand.
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I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

We should be thankful that Trump hasn't responded, be it a peep or a tweet it is sure to inflame a problem into a crisis.

Q. What's up with that?

A. Trump only cares about Trump, thus the families displaced, like those who will lose health insurance, is a minor annoyance easily ignored.
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.
I did and you didnt comment on it.
Do you expect him to bitch about something we did a few months ago?
Is this a troll thread?
I did and you didnt comment on it.

True. I didn't. Mostly, I want to know people's answer to the question I asked. You've told me what yours is, so now I know what you think. Is there something you'd like me to say about what you think is the reason?

I'm a pretty structured communicator. When I ask for one's opinion and they merely provide it, I'm not likely to have much to say about it.

If they bother to explain why they hold the opinion they do, I may or may not respond to that. If the rationale for why they think what they think is weak, specious, sophistic, etc., while also not being preposterously ludicrous (i.e., so nutty that it doesn't deserve to be dignified by a response), I might offer a refutation of their rationale. If it's strong, I may accord that they have good point, and maybe also I'll indicate whether I concur or don't with their point.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Don admires dictators, he'd love to run that shtick here, and many of his supporters would be all about it.
"i know america has kicked out alot of russian diplomats but russia doing it to us is uncalled for"
Is that what you expect?
I have no expectations about what you think is the reason Trump has remained mum on the expulsion. I just want to know what you think is the reason. If what you wrote above is what you think is the reason, TY for your response.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

He's got bigger fish to fry like Joe Scarborough and the Apprentice ratings
Why are lefties celebrating when they started a new "Cold War" with Russia for no reason other than their disappointment about last year's election?
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
Trump is the worst fucking person to EVER LIVE!!

Thinks the brain dead liberal because he consumes only DNC media.

Obama is GREAT!!!!!!
Why are lefties celebrating when they started a new "Cold War" with Russia for no reason other than their disappointment about last year's election?

To answer that question one would have to play fantasy land and believe that the Russians are innocent bystanders and everyone but Trump is lying.
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.

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