Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

We should be thankful that Trump hasn't responded, be it a peep or a tweet it is sure to inflame a problem into a crisis.

Q. What's up with that?

A. Trump only cares about Trump, thus the families displaced, like those who will lose health insurance, is a minor annoyance easily ignored.
We should be thankful that Trump hasn't responded, be it a peep or a tweet it is sure to inflame a problem into a crisis.

I disagree.

As POTUS, Trump has the duty to stand up for the U.S. when there's no indication the nation has done something wrong. Putin instructed his people to meddle in our electoral process. Putin knows it and our intelligence agencies and Congresspersons know it. His doing so is wrong and tantamount to being an act of war. What has the U.S. done in Russia that is tantamount to being an act of war? Nothing. Thus, Putin's expelling our diplomats is unjustified. (Moreover, it shows Putin is indifferent about actually improving relations between the U.S. and Russia.)

Accordingly, Trump obliged to say something in outrage over the expulsion. His silence on the matter is tacit acquiescence to Putin's assertion that the expulsion is fitting and deserved. Should he say something this late after Putin's announcement, it is an indication of his naivete and weakness on the foreign policy/relations aspect of his job. Indeed, as goes the latter dimension, even a dumbass tweet would have been better than delay; at the very least an inane remark can, by more sage, saner and better informed heads, be clarified later.

We should be thankful that Trump hasn't responded, be it a peep or a tweet it is sure to inflame a problem into a crisis.

I doubt a tweet will take things that far with Putin. Were we talking about a less sophisticated head of state than Putin, perhaps so.

Q. What's up with that?

A. Trump only cares about Trump, thus the families displaced, like those who will lose health insurance, is a minor annoyance easily ignored.

Is that what you think is his reason?

Q. What's up with that?

A. Trump only cares about Trump, thus the families displaced, like those who will lose health insurance, is a minor annoyance easily ignored.

What? The risk of sudden displacement of one's family members living "in country" is a risk associated with the job of being a diplomat and choosing to have one's family "in country." That wouldn't be among my first and foremost concerns, and it shouldn't be among Trump's. Even so, I don't see the logic that may be attendant to Trump keeping mum because of families being displaced or not displaced.

That notion strikes me as being the realm of "If Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck had a son, would he follow the yellow brick road to find Sleeping Beauty and wake her with a magic kiss?" What I mean by that is that it's so absurd that I don't even know what specific question to ask about it or what to make of it.
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.
There's no hypothetical. There is a reason Trump has been mum.
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.
There's no hypothetical. There is a reason Trump has been mum.
Yet we can only guess.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Dear Putin's Anal Lube:

The President is for Sanctions against Russia, despite the fact THE US has no legitimate reason to do this.....nor any evidence....to justify a new round of sanctions against them.

The President is a YUGE Thorn in Russia's side.....and they would have rather had Hillary who would sell not only her own ass to Mother Russia for a buck, but she'd sell her own daughter'S Fat Ass to be Plundered by Putin's Penis.

  • The Establishment has Spoken! We must rekindle THE COLD WAR with Russia.
  • Never mind that they are now a Democracy and there hasn't been one shred of evidence of them tampering with our election.
  • Never mind that the closest thing we can accuse them of are "MEAN TWEETS" and even then we can't prove it.
  • Never mind that we had THE DNC with Criminal Pakistani Hackers in Congressional computer systems, and THE DNC Network with Super User access stealing data, emails etc. and selling it and giving it to anyone that wanted it.
  • Never mind that Seth Rich probably was killed over this data because he got it from The Pakistani DNC Hackers, and they needed to tie up some lose ends before they eventually would flee the country.
  • Never mind that not one person has ever looked at THE DNC SERVER and not one Government Agency has subpoenaed it.


Never mind that they are helping us to fight ISIS and doing a pretty good job of it, while suppressing Assad as much as is possible in one of the most volatile situations and the most dangerous areas of the entire globe.

Never mind that The Democrats have Millions of Dollars invested in Russia, and have done all kinds of business deals with them and still do, even today....

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I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.
There's no hypothetical. There is a reason Trump has been mum.
Yet we can only guess.
You/our guessing and hypotheticals are two different things. I'm asking you and others to offer your opinion about the reason for the existence of a non-hypothetical thing. You either have an opinion about why it exists or you don't. Which is it?

I saw your earlier "I hope" remark, and I was content to accept it as being your opinion -- as much as one can consider a statement beginning with "I hope" as being a formed opinion -- on why Trump has kept mum. I even said as much in my comments to g5000. Thus I don't, frankly, know why you responded to me indicating that you wrote "I hope..."
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There is one county, and one leader, on which Trump has been as silent as the grave when it comes to criticism.

Russia and Putin.

In 2013, Trump tweeted that he was going to Russia and he gushingly hoped that Putin would become his new best friend.

In 2014, Putin invaded Crimea.

Not a single tweet from Trump criticizing this.

Putin also invaded western Ukraine.

Again, dead silence.

Russia then shot down a passenger airliner.

Not a word from Trump. He sure was busy sending out birther tweets, though!

Trump did not mention the invasion of Crimea until just a few months ago. And then it was to blame Obama!

I shit you not.

Trump NEVER has a bad word to say about Putin or Russia. But he has managed to insult all of our allies.

There's a word for someone who trashes our friends and supports our enemies.

You know what that word is.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Has he ever criticized Duterte or Erdogan?
There is one county, and one leader, on which Trump has been as silent as the grave when it comes to criticism.

Russia and Putin.

In 2013, Trump tweeted that he was going to Russia and he gushingly hoped that Putin would become his new best friend.

In 2014, Putin invaded Crimea.

Not a single tweet from Trump criticizing this.

Putin also invaded western Ukraine.

Again, dead silence.

Russia then shot down a passenger airliner.

Not a word from Trump. He sure was busy sending out birther tweets, though!

Trump did not mention the invasion of Crimea until just a few months ago. And then it was to blame Obama!

I shit you not.

Trump NEVER has a bad word to say about Putin or Russia. But he has managed to insult all of our allies.

There's a word for someone who trashes our friends and supports our enemies.

You know what that word is.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Has he ever criticized Duterte or Erdogan?
Trump loves strongmen.
There is one county, and one leader, on which Trump has been as silent as the grave when it comes to criticism.

Russia and Putin.

In 2013, Trump tweeted that he was going to Russia and he gushingly hoped that Putin would become his new best friend.

In 2014, Putin invaded Crimea.

Not a single tweet from Trump criticizing this.

Putin also invaded western Ukraine.

Again, dead silence.

Russia then shot down a passenger airliner.

Not a word from Trump. He sure was busy sending out birther tweets, though!

Trump did not mention the invasion of Crimea until just a few months ago. And then it was to blame Obama!

I shit you not.

Trump NEVER has a bad word to say about Putin or Russia. But he has managed to insult all of our allies.

There's a word for someone who trashes our friends and supports our enemies.

You know what that word is.
I'm not sure I agree with you. Has he ever criticized Duterte or Erdogan?
Trump loves strongmen.
You mean dicktators.
Typical far left idiocy when Trump ordered the cruise missile attack on Syria after Assad used poison gas the left here claimed Trump and Putin worked all that out together now Trump doesn't speak out about this the same left claim it means Trump and Putin are BFF. I don't what's sadder the fact you post this kind of stuff or that you might actually believe it.
Expelling our diplomats has been deserved and called for ever since we sent Russian diplomats packing.

The left is rabid to start all out war with Russia. That's why they are continually hammering Trump on being soft on Russia. Trump, wisely will not be baited into a nuclear war. This is driving the left insane.
Seriously. Putin just committed a hostile act against the US, and our traitor president is dead silent about it.

Dead. Silent.

Wake up, Chumps. Trump is Putin's bitch. He is taking it up the ass.
Expelling our diplomats has been deserved and called for ever since we sent Russian diplomats packing.

The left is rabid to start all out war with Russia. That's why they are continually hammering Trump on being soft on Russia. Trump, wisely will not be baited into a nuclear war. This is driving the left insane.
Shut the fuck up, FSB bitch.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Those Russian diplomats were expelled for meddling in our election. And then the Chumps parrot Trump when he says Obama did nothing about it!

And now Trump is taking it up the ass from Putin.

Can anyone doubt any more that Putin owns Trump?
All those diplomats who have been serving their country, and Trump can't even muster up a single fucking word of criticism against his master out of respect for their service.

What a piece of shit.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Talk is cheap.
Putin hits back at sanctions bill by gutting US missions

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Trump will NEVER criticize the love of his life. Ever. Not so much as a tweet.

Silence From The Great Babbler

What? Now you want him to tweet?
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.
Isn't fair fair? Putin is reducing the number of our diplomats to the number he has left in the U.S. (officially, anyway) after we expelled a few dozen in December for the hacking of the DNC.
What is there to say? What would YOU say? What good would it do?

It is a little strange, though, you're right. Since Trump sputters about just about everyone who crosses him. I'm just not sure this is a real "cross."
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Dear Putin's Anal Lube:

The President is for Sanctions against Russia, despite the fact THE US has no legitimate reason to do this.....nor any evidence....to justify a new round of sanctions against them.

The President is a YUGE Thorn in Russia's side.....and they would have rather had Hillary who would sell not only her own ass to Mother Russia for a buck, but she'd sell her own daughter'S Fat Ass to be Plundered by Putin's Penis.

  • The Establishment has Spoken! We must rekindle THE COLD WAR with Russia.
  • Never mind that they are now a Democracy and there hasn't been one shred of evidence of them tampering with our election.
  • Never mind that the closest thing we can accuse them of are "MEAN TWEETS" and even then we can't prove it.
  • Never mind that we had THE DNC with Criminal Pakistani Hackers in Congressional computer systems, and THE DNC Network with Super User access stealing data, emails etc. and selling it and giving it to anyone that wanted it.
  • Never mind that Seth Rich probably was killed over this data because he got it from The Pakistani DNC Hackers, and they needed to tie up some lose ends before they eventually would flee the country.
  • Never mind that not one person has ever looked at THE DNC SERVER and not one Government Agency has subpoenaed it.


Never mind that they are helping us to fight ISIS and doing a pretty good job of it, while suppressing Assad as much as is possible in one of the most volatile situations and the most dangerous areas of the entire globe.

Never mind that The Democrats have Millions of Dollars invested in Russia, and have done all kinds of business deals with them and still do, even today....

Our intelligence agencies HAVE evidence that Russia did the deed. Never mind the Democrats. Russia hacked the DNC, Podesta, and tried to get into a lot more. Then they gave it to Wikileaks to publish during the Presidential campaign. RUSSIA did that. They deserve a good kick in the teeth. Kicking out a few dozen diplomats who were no doubt spying on us was a very measured response. Congress would not have overwhelmingly enacted a bill to sanction them even more if they had not been presented with overwhelming evidence. So let's clear up that little bit of horseshit right now.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Trump will NEVER criticize the love of his life. Ever. Not so much as a tweet.

Silence From The Great Babbler

What? Now you want him to tweet?
Lord no. He'd praise Putin.
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.
There's no hypothetical. There is a reason Trump has been mum.
Yet we can only guess.
You/our guessing and hypotheticals are two different things. I'm asking you and others to offer your opinion about the reason for the existence of a non-hypothetical thing. You either have an opinion about why it exists or you don't. Which is it?

I saw your earlier "I hope" remark, and I was content to accept it as being your opinion -- as much as one can consider a statement beginning with "I hope" as being a formed opinion -- on why Trump has kept mum. I even said as much in my comments to g5000. Thus I don't, frankly, know why you responded to me indicating that you wrote "I hope..."
I don't have an opinion. As I say, I do generally bother with the hypothetical.

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