Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

Russia made no attack on our electoral system or anything else.

When obama sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to Israel to interfere in their election, THAT was an attack on an electoral system. When obama tapped Merkel's personal phone to dig up dirt, that was an attack on an electoral system.
Risking war, especially with a nuclear power for no good reason, is not brave, it is the act of a fool.
There are all kinds of ways to respond to Putin's action. War is not one of them. The trump cultists like you are easy to scare. Trump is a punk, a coward, and a fake. He just got bitch slapped by Putin.

We respond. They respond BACK.

Every little thing, there is a chorus of idiot voices screaming for stronger action.

This is the path to war.

Trump is completely right to let this action of Putin's pass without comment. It is a very wise action.

Let tensions REDUCE. Turn away from needless conflict.

Let's have PEACE!
The commie pinko fag hippie contingent has spoken.
Okay, so maybe the Plastic Ono Band's "Give Peace a Chance" is a bit much, but he's not wrong. Trump is a senile old idiot who for some reason idolizes Putin, but there is certainly no reason to react more to Russia's cyberactivity than we already have. They're busted, we messed up some of their oil and gas trade, and hopefully they'll be locked out next time. Do you REALLY think we need to take it further than that, or are you just jawin' about Trump's keeping a picture of Putin in his wallet?

Him and his peeps are fully willing to risk war if it gives the a single day of partisan advantage. They are that vile and stupid.

Peace is rarely achieved without bloodshed somewhere beneath or behind it. Fact. However, if we have managed to go this many decades without blowing up Russia and vice versa, I certainly think we can avoid it for now. I don't think G5000 wants war. He's just pissed at Trump.
There are all kinds of ways to respond to Putin's action. War is not one of them. The trump cultists like you are easy to scare. Trump is a punk, a coward, and a fake. He just got bitch slapped by Putin.

We respond. They respond BACK.

Every little thing, there is a chorus of idiot voices screaming for stronger action.

This is the path to war.

Trump is completely right to let this action of Putin's pass without comment. It is a very wise action.

Let tensions REDUCE. Turn away from needless conflict.

Let's have PEACE!
The commie pinko fag hippie contingent has spoken.
Okay, so maybe the Plastic Ono Band's "Give Peace a Chance" is a bit much, but he's not wrong. Trump is a senile old idiot who for some reason idolizes Putin, but there is certainly no reason to react more to Russia's cyberactivity than we already have. They're busted, we messed up some of their oil and gas trade, and hopefully they'll be locked out next time. Do you REALLY think we need to take it further than that, or are you just jawin' about Trump's keeping a picture of Putin in his wallet?

Him and his peeps are fully willing to risk war if it gives the a single day of partisan advantage. They are that vile and stupid.

Peace is rarely achieved without bloodshed somewhere beneath or behind it. Fact. However, if we have managed to go this many decades without blowing up Russia and vice versa, I certainly think we can avoid it for now. I don't think G5000 wants war. He's just pissed at Trump.

There was plenty of bloodshed between the Soviet Union and America, from Korean to Vietnam to Afghanistan.

We then had peace. Now a bunch of assholes are trying to fuck that up.

G5000 doesn't want war.

But him and his think that Russia is a defeated power that can be pushed around with ease, and will back down from strong threats.

They don't see that these border regions that Russia is interested in are full of RUSSIANS. and that these are critical core interests to the Russian state.

Such a combination of arrogance and ignorance is a perfect receipt for blundering into a war.
At the very least trump could have announced (even by tweet!!!) That the Russian action was a hindrance to resolving current difficulties between the US and Russia and that his administration was considering options for responding to their harsh action. That would have been diplomatic and Presidential but trump does not know how to do either.
At the very least trump could have announced (even by tweet!!!) That the Russian action was a hindrance to resolving current difficulties between the US and Russia and that his administration was considering options for responding to their harsh action. That would have been diplomatic and Presidential but trump does not know how to do either.

That would have been a response that would invite another counter response.

Letting it pass without comment was being diplomatic you partisan.

But you can't admit that, or you would die.

Your partisan gland would rupture. And no lib survives THAT.

It is nearly 40% of your body mass.
Notice that when they were communist, the USSR was the love of our Progressives, but, sadly, now that Putin has rejected Communism as a failed experiments, our betrayed Progressives hate Russian and Putin worse than Gollum hated Bilbo. Putin, we hates him forever!! He stole the Precious Communism from us!!!
Please stay on topic.

Please address why you think Trump has been mum on Putin's announced expulsion.

The thread is not about what anyone else did, or didn't do. It's about why Trump is not giving Putin hell, or at least saying something in America's defense, over Putin's expelling nearly 800 of our diplomats.
Isn't fair fair? Putin is reducing the number of our diplomats to the number he has left in the U.S. (officially, anyway) after we expelled a few dozen in December for the hacking of the DNC.
What is there to say? What would YOU say? What good would it do?

It is a little strange, though, you're right. Since Trump sputters about just about everyone who crosses him. I'm just not sure this is a real "cross."
Isn't fair fair? Putin is reducing the number of our diplomats to the number he has left in the U.S. (officially, anyway) after we expelled a few dozen in December for the hacking of the DNC.
What is there to say? What would YOU say? What good would it do?

Fair is fair. 755 RIFs vs. a few dozen doesn't strike me as fair. The U.S. Embassy in Russia has approximately 1,200 employees. Two-thirds of them being cut, at a minimum means a few things:
  • Overall the embassy's work will essentially come to a halting crawl.
  • The personnel who remain will mostly be security personnel, very senior level diplomats, and spies engaged in something important. Guess which of those individuals will be much easier for Putin to track and confound....
  • Some quantity of people -- Americans and Russians -- will lose their jobs. I suspect most of the job losses will be among Russians, but I don't know that for sure. I do know that civil servants (which is what most diplomats are) can't be readily fired when they've not done anything wrong.
    • Reuters quoted an embassy source stating that there are about 300 US diplomats based in Moscow, with about 1,100 staff altogether between the Moscow embassy and three consulates across the country. If this figure is accurate, the Russian move would mean more than 600 employees would have to leave.

      A source in Russia’s foreign ministry told Interfax news agency it would be up to the Americans to decide on staffing changes to bring the number in line with the 455 figure. The Russians have not earmarked specific diplomats to be kicked out, as is usually the case with diplomatic expulsions.

      The agency RIA Novosti quoted an unnamed Russian source who suggested that between 200 and 300 employees would have to be either fired or sent back to the US, in a process that would be “very painful” for the Americans.
When Obama expelled Russian diplomats, it resulted in cutting their staffing by about a quarter.

The Russians have said:
Tthe US actions “once again showed the aggressive foreign policy of the United States” that “arrogantly ignores the positions and interests of other states”. The ministry said US elites were gripped by “Russophobia” and claimed Russia had behaved “responsibly and with restraint”.​
I find that ironic insofar as, with regard to Russia, nothing could be farther from the truth:
  • The USIC and Congress, and others, have not at all ignored Russia's position on the matter of electoral process meddling. On the contrary, we've said in no uncertain terms that we know the Russians are lying when they attest to their position on that matter.
  • The sanctions, the "Russia" investigation, etc. indicate the U.S. has not at all ignored the fact that Russia acted to advance its interests by meddling in our electoral process. Indeed, the sanctions, our having last year expelled some of their diplomats, et al should make clear to them that ignoring their interest in meddling in our election is not so much even as the last thing the U.S. is doing. Not only is it not "the last thing," it is no thing that is or has happened.

It is a little strange, though, you're right. Since Trump sputters about just about everyone who crosses him. I'm just not sure this is a real "cross."

Expelling diplomats is a significant milestone in the process of deteriorating relations between two countries. It's not as bad "recalling an ambassador" or expelling an ambassador, but it's a step in that direction.

Frankly, I think that Trump wouldn't think the U.S. had been crossed unless he personally is slighted. You know Trump; it's all about him.
I wonder why we need so many, when Russia only had 400+ here to begin with? Since many will be local Russians, they will be laid off and find other jobs--happens here every day. If the embassy staff are returned home they will probably be given jobs elsewhere in the diplomatic corps, won't they? Not laid off.
Will the spies have to vacuum the rugs now? Do the grocery shopping? I highly doubt if it slowed the Russians down much identifying the spooks, Xelor, just because there were a lot of them there. I agree with you it's a concern that the harassment of diplomats in Russia could get worse, though, with less folks around.
Anyway, you're right--no personal slight to Trump so no tweets.
I hope it is because he is trying to avoid war with Russia, that the Left and the Oligarchy seem so desperate to start.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

Trump does not hesitate to insult our allies, but he can't stand up for America against our number one enemy.
What a bullshit excuse. That dog don't hunt, retard.

I agree with you on the "hunting" point, but I asked people to share why, in their minds, Trump has been mum. That's what gipper thinks is the reason. He's thus answered the question I asked, which I asked because that's what I wanted to know. Were I looking for a debate about what people think is the reason, I'd have written a very differently structured OP.
My post clearly stated "I hope". I don't know the reason. I generally don't deal in hypotheticals.
There's no hypothetical. There is a reason Trump has been mum.
Yet we can only guess.
You/our guessing and hypotheticals are two different things. I'm asking you and others to offer your opinion about the reason for the existence of a non-hypothetical thing. You either have an opinion about why it exists or you don't. Which is it?

I saw your earlier "I hope" remark, and I was content to accept it as being your opinion -- as much as one can consider a statement beginning with "I hope" as being a formed opinion -- on why Trump has kept mum. I even said as much in my comments to g5000. Thus I don't, frankly, know why you responded to me indicating that you wrote "I hope..."
I don't have an opinion. As I say, I do generally bother with the hypothetical.
I don't have an opinion.

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

He's too busy making arrangements to relocate 800 U.S. diplomats.

What needs be said really? Trump didn't ask for this, Congress is forcing his hand.
My guess.... Trump already realizes thst we don't need foreign offices and this just makes it less people to move when we get smart and close all foreign embassies and consulates.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Because it's been all over the media already.
??? What? I know what's been discussed in the media. Are you meaning that Trump is keeping mum because the media is talking about it? Or perhaps you think Trump is dumb enough to think the media do in fact speak for him? Truly, I have no idea just what you had in mind when you penned your reply.

How is what the media says, or the fact that they are discussing "whatever," about the matter an official statement from the leader of the U.S. in response to an action specifically ordered by the head of state in Russia? It's, of course, not. But the U.S. media is not a surrogate for the POTUS. The media repeat what the POTUS says; they do not speak for the POTUS, or anyone else in the U.S. government.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

He's too busy making arrangements to relocate 800 U.S. diplomats.

What needs be said really? Trump didn't ask for this, Congress is forcing his hand.
Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

He's too busy making arrangements to relocate 800 U.S. diplomats.

I am sure that task falls to a host of people, none of whom is Donald Trump. But whatever, that's what you think is the reason....now I know what you think.....
Trump has very carefully avoided any mention of the sanctions as well.

You got to feel sorry for him. He's been wanting to sign a bill and when he finally gets to sign - it's sanctions on Russia.

To quote Trump, SAD.

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The OP has a point. Trump should point out how butt-hurt snowflake conspiracy theories and false accusations in an attempt to justify Hillary's loss have severely damaged foreign relations...

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

FACT is:
The bulk of the 755 dismissed are likely to be Russian employees of the embassy in Moscow, as well from the American consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok. Putin, Responding to Sanctions, Orders U.S. to Cut Diplomatic Staff by 755

NO WHERE near 800 U.S. Diplomats BEING EXPELLED!
But once again the MSM blowing events far out of proportion to reality!
LOOK at this! This is NOT news! This is BIASED ignorant reporting especially when all you have to do is READ the article in the NYT further down then the
NYT Headline:
Putin, Responding to Sanctions, Orders U.S. to Cut Diplomatic Staff by 755
NOT EXPELLING 800 U.S. Diplomats!!!

But of course the NYT didn't put the FACT the bulk are likely to be Russian employees until near the end of the article KNOWING most ignorant people will read only the headlines!!!
Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 9.14.37 PM.png
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Because it's been all over the media already.
??? What? I know what's been discussed in the media. Are you meaning that Trump is keeping mum because the media is talking about it? Or perhaps you think Trump is dumb enough to think the media do in fact speak for him? Truly, I have no idea just what you had in mind when you penned your reply.

How is what the media says, or the fact that they are discussing "whatever," about the matter an official statement from the leader of the U.S. in response to an action specifically ordered by the head of state in Russia? It's, of course, not. But the U.S. media is not a surrogate for the POTUS. The media repeat what the POTUS says; they do not speak for the POTUS, or anyone else in the U.S. government.

No dumbass, he's not talking about it because it's already being talked about.

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