Why has Trump been mum on Russia's expulsion of nearly 800 U.S. diplomats?

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Because it's been all over the media already.
??? What? I know what's been discussed in the media. Are you meaning that Trump is keeping mum because the media is talking about it? Or perhaps you think Trump is dumb enough to think the media do in fact speak for him? Truly, I have no idea just what you had in mind when you penned your reply.

How is what the media says, or the fact that they are discussing "whatever," about the matter an official statement from the leader of the U.S. in response to an action specifically ordered by the head of state in Russia? It's, of course, not. But the U.S. media is not a surrogate for the POTUS. The media repeat what the POTUS says; they do not speak for the POTUS, or anyone else in the U.S. government.

No dumbass, he's not talking about it because it's already being talked about.

I refrained from saying this before, but insofar you are given to bandying about disparaging epithets......That's what you think is his reason for not saying something about Putin's expelling hundreds of our diplomats, yet you call me the dumbass.....Yeah, sure, you run with that....Just don't in person tell anyone that's what you think, for they will for undebatably know you are a dumbass.

Truly, I didn't know what you meant because I gave you too much credit. I read your remark and thought "surely s/he doesn't mean what s/he posted...Surely s/he's not so cognitively bereft as to genuinely think Trump's keeping mum on the matter because others aren't." Then I looked at some of your other posts and thought, "well, PredFan so very often has only empty insults in response to others' topically germane remarks, maybe s/he is that stupid...lemme ask for clarification so I can find out." Thus I asked the questions I did.

Lo and behold, your reply could not be a more quintessentially apt illustration of the axiom "'tis better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

Nonetheless, I appreciate and commend your honesty in answering my question. Stupid and sincere is, nonetheless, far better than stupid and paltering, and that at least makes you a better person than is the one in the Oval Office.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

Because it was Obama that started that crap.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Uh....after Trump imposed sanctions against Russia, is this not a surprise to anybody but yourself?
Putin Calls His Bitch, Crazy Ivan trump, Worse than WEAK ~ IMPOTENT
Quote of the Day
August 2, 2017 at 9:47 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard85 Comments

“Trump’s administration has demonstrated total impotence by surrendering its executive authority to Congress in the most humiliating way.”

— Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, quoted by the Washington Post, after President Trump signed new Russian sanctions into law.

One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Uh....after Trump imposed sanctions against Russia, is this not a surprise to anybody but yourself?

Do you have a direct answer to the thread question or do you not?
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!
Uh....after Trump imposed sanctions against Russia, is this not a surprise to anybody but yourself?

Do you have a direct answer to the thread question or do you not?
No thanks. Thread is irrelevant.
Putin Calls His Bitch, Crazy Ivan trump, Worse than WEAK ~ IMPOTENT
Quote of the Day
August 2, 2017 at 9:47 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard85 Comments

“Trump’s administration has demonstrated total impotence by surrendering its executive authority to Congress in the most humiliating way.”

— Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, quoted by the Washington Post, after President Trump signed new Russian sanctions into law.

Oh no! Impotent! The gloves come off. Get the Pres some Viagara.
One will recall that Putin was quite vocal about the U.S. expelling but ~40 of his diplomats. Trump has not said a word about Putin expelling nearly 800 U.S. diplomats! What's up with that?

Putin will speak up for his people, but Trump won't for our. Can there really be any question of Trump's utter ineptitude as POTUS. I mean, really. Not a peep!?! Not even a tweet!!!

He's on thin ice with Vlad. He very quietly signed the sanctions bill as well.

He obviously has some relationship that he is protecting. It's either financial or personal. Either way it's likely something shady that Trump feels he has to defer to Vlad in order to protect the secrets.
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That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
Trump can't say anything bad about Putin because Putin would seize Trump's assets in Russia in a heartbeat.

Trump is totally hostage to the KGB thug.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” - Donald Trump, Jr.


That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?

That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?
That's a real tweet. Here you go: Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?
That's a real tweet. Here you go: Donald J. Trump on Twitter
What a nutty thing for him to say--unless he was already being razzed for thinking of Putin as a "hero." Wonder what was going on? I never follow celebrities--didn't even know who Trump was until he ran for Pres.
Congress owns this mess not Trump, the votes in both the House and Senate were damn near unanimous. This is nothing but the DC establishment trying to undermine president Trump, the Russian ambassador acknowledge as much, they get what's going on in Washington.

That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I do exercise discursive integrity of, before posting it, bothering to check that the stuff I want to post (or that upon which my remarks will rely) in public is accurate/authentic, or I will attest to not having done so. I do not just post things because I think/want them to be so or because they happen to come my way.
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Congress owns this mess not Trump, the votes in both the House and Senate were damn near unanimous. This is nothing but the DC establishment trying to undermine president Trump, the Russian ambassador acknowledge as much, they get what's going on in Washington.
So everyone in the House and Senate including all the Republicans, and the FBI who hired a special prosecutor, and all the legitimate media except Fox News think there MIGHT be some connection between Trump and Russia and the only people who don't are Trump and Russia. Hmmmmmm. And we believe Russia because why? And we believe Trump because why? How many times has he been caught lying to us? Daily?
This is not "nothing but the D.C. establishment trying to undermine president Trump." There is a valid investigation under way.

That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I do exercise discursive integrity of, before posting it, bothering to check that the stuff I want to post (or that upon which my remarks will rely) in public is accurate/authentic, or I will attest to not having done so. I do not just post things because I think/want them to be so or because they happen to come my way.
That wasn't a criticism. I wasn't sure if you'd seen some of the posters' fake Trump tweets. I'm still scratching my head why Trump said that back in 2013. I didn't know anything about him back then. Do you know what that comment was in reference to?

That tweet shows the waywardness of Trump's mettle. I know my best friends would not consider me so in return were I to elevate another to best-friend status in response to his/her attending an entertainment event I host.

I mean, seriously....In thinking of my best friends what comes to mind is that each of them has for 30 or more years of "been there" for and with me "through thick and thin," and I in return, being the bar by which "best friend" status was earned/developed vs. showing up (in Trump's case) at a beauty pageant being the criterion for that. I would be taken aback were I to see a person whom I considered among my best friends publicly aver such a jejune act holds equal value to decades of aid, advice, accompaniment, and more.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that in private casual chit chat one might be less circumspect than what I've described above, but to in a tweet that literally millions of people will see unabashedly allude to the nature and extent of discounting one must necessarily perform on value of one's friends contributions to one's own welfare is insolently churlish.

For however casual a tweet may be, there's nothing private about one....and to top it off, Trump takes great umbrage when he's not shown what he thinks the respect, discretion, fealty or loyalty he deserves, yet those are among the least of the positive character traits that tactlessly guileful SOB exhibits!
You have to be careful, Xelor. There is software that lets people create very realistic Trump tweets. I've seen a few posters use them. Do we know he actually said that? Isn't that kind of a weird thing for him to say?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I do exercise discursive integrity of, before posting it, bothering to check that the stuff I want to post (or that upon which my remarks will rely) in public is accurate/authentic, or I will attest to not having done so. I do not just post things because I think/want them to be so or because they happen to come my way.
That wasn't a criticism. I wasn't sure if you'd seen some of the posters' fake Trump tweets. I'm still scratching my head why Trump said that back in 2013. I didn't know anything about him back then. Do you know what that comment was in reference to?
That wasn't a criticism.
I didn't take it as such...just wanted to be clear about my having done (doing) a reasonable degree of due diligence.

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