Why Hillary will never be president

Benghazi flopped as a Presidential issue in 2012....what makes you think it will be a hot item in 2016?

because there wanst enough time to research it. One or two months in washington isnt much. Most scandals take a few years. The media wont help, as they havent on any scandals involvi g democrats, unless they are forced to. Tneyd rather talk about more important issues like who might say the word ******,


You assholes brought up shit about Romney that was DECADES old and completely irrelevant to being president but somehow a story about Hillary that is fucking recent is irrelevant?

What kind of shit are you smoking bro?

47% Killed Romney

Hillary is beatable in 2016. But Benghazi and blowjobs will only backfire on you

It's all relevant bro. It all goes to her integrity. You guys thought Romney teasing some fag when he was a child was relevant so don't start whining about what is or isn't relative or important now.

I didn't see any commercials about Romney cutting a gay kids hair and it was not mentioned in any debates

Romney was painted as a candidate who was only interested in the wealthy and he was not able to prove otherwise

Romney tried to capitalize on Benghazi while it was still fresh in peoples minds. It backfired

If the best you hope to beat Hillary with is a four year old terrorist attack the voters will be scratching their head....thats the best you got?
Benghazi flopped as a Presidential issue in 2012....what makes you think it will be a hot item in 2016?

because there wanst enough time to research it. One or two months in washington isnt much. Most scandals take a few years. The media wont help, as they havent on any scandals involvi g democrats, unless they are forced to. Tneyd rather talk about more important issues like who might say the word ******,

That must be why the Lewinsky scandal got Clinton's approval rating down to about 65% by the end of his 2nd term. lol. Just needed those extra years.
...people were so mesmerized by the candidacy of someone who at least appeared to be African American and spoke well, they pretty much ignored the total dearth of accomplishment in his past.

With HRC, however, we have someone who has been up to her ass in politics for decades and can point to exactly NOT A FUCKING THING to demonstrate her competence, leadership, insight, or, for that matter, sense of humor. In fact, most of the major, newsmaking episodes in her past show her in a poor light. Think, "Hillarycare," Cattle Futures, Jennifer Flowers, and on and on.

And didn't she vote to authorize Bush43 to send troops into Iraq?

But fortunately for her, Democrats hold a registration majority and Democrats are knee-jerk, certifiable idiots. So someone who has no business even sniffing the shoes of a competent President is a viable candidate.

What a country.
47% Killed Romney

Hillary is beatable in 2016. But Benghazi and blowjobs will only backfire on you

It's all relevant bro. It all goes to her integrity. You guys thought Romney teasing some fag when he was a child was relevant so don't start whining about what is or isn't relative or important now.

I didn't see any commercials about Romney cutting a gay kids hair and it was not mentioned in any debates

Romney was painted as a candidate who was only interested in the wealthy and he was not able to prove otherwise

Romney tried to capitalize on Benghazi while it was still fresh in peoples minds. It backfired

If the best you hope to beat Hillary with is a four year old terrorist attack the voters will be scratching their head....thats the best you got?

One of the most important jobs of the president is PROTECTING AMERICANS. Hillary was tasked with that very job and FAILED. It is very relevant and anyone who doesn't think it is doesn't deserve that very protection.
It's all relevant bro. It all goes to her integrity. You guys thought Romney teasing some fag when he was a child was relevant so don't start whining about what is or isn't relative or important now.

I didn't see any commercials about Romney cutting a gay kids hair and it was not mentioned in any debates

Romney was painted as a candidate who was only interested in the wealthy and he was not able to prove otherwise

Romney tried to capitalize on Benghazi while it was still fresh in peoples minds. It backfired

If the best you hope to beat Hillary with is a four year old terrorist attack the voters will be scratching their head....thats the best you got?

One of the most important jobs of the president is PROTECTING AMERICANS. Hillary was tasked with that very job and FAILED. It is very relevant and anyone who doesn't think it is doesn't deserve that very protection.
Correct. It was covered up. NOW we are witnessing a cover-up of the Cover-up.

I have stated all along that Benghazi would dog her chances. Looks like it very well may happen.
It's all relevant bro. It all goes to her integrity. You guys thought Romney teasing some fag when he was a child was relevant so don't start whining about what is or isn't relative or important now.

I didn't see any commercials about Romney cutting a gay kids hair and it was not mentioned in any debates

Romney was painted as a candidate who was only interested in the wealthy and he was not able to prove otherwise

Romney tried to capitalize on Benghazi while it was still fresh in peoples minds. It backfired

If the best you hope to beat Hillary with is a four year old terrorist attack the voters will be scratching their head....thats the best you got?

One of the most important jobs of the president is PROTECTING AMERICANS. Hillary was tasked with that very job and FAILED. It is very relevant and anyone who doesn't think it is doesn't deserve that very protection.

I have seen terrorist attacks for the last 30 years. Most were much MUCH worse than Benghazi. Like most Americans, I raise a collective sigh and move on

Now Republicans, you are going to have to convince Americans that somehow Benghazi was worse than the dozens of the other attacks and that it amounted to gross negligence

So far, you have been unable to do that
She wont get the nomination. She has more baggage than Newt Gingrich had and fewer accomplishments. The party won't tie its fate to her.
I didn't see any commercials about Romney cutting a gay kids hair and it was not mentioned in any debates

Romney was painted as a candidate who was only interested in the wealthy and he was not able to prove otherwise

Romney tried to capitalize on Benghazi while it was still fresh in peoples minds. It backfired

If the best you hope to beat Hillary with is a four year old terrorist attack the voters will be scratching their head....thats the best you got?

One of the most important jobs of the president is PROTECTING AMERICANS. Hillary was tasked with that very job and FAILED. It is very relevant and anyone who doesn't think it is doesn't deserve that very protection.

I have seen terrorist attacks for the last 30 years. Most were much MUCH worse than Benghazi. Like most Americans, I raise a collective sigh and move on

Now Republicans, you are going to have to convince Americans that somehow Benghazi was worse than the dozens of the other attacks and that it amounted to gross negligence

So far, you have been unable to do that

What you've witnessed is irrelevant. What Hillary has done is
I can tell how done she is by the number of "Hillary is done" threads the RW'ers are creating

As far as I can see, this is the only one. The other threads about Hillary are progressives trying to convince us that Hillary is inevitable.

I see no reason to believe that a woman who's only achievement is marrying a man who became President and who couldn't even win an election against a man with zero achievements whatsoever is unbeatable. Especially when there is no real reason to assume she is going to run. A million things can happen between now and next year to prevent that.
Anyone remember the "It's 3 am and the phone rings" political ad? Combine that with "What difference does it make" and then end with footage of our destroyed compound and photos of our dead Ambassador.

Hillarys DONE

So if holding this point of view helps you sleep at night, I say go with it! :eusa_clap:

Silly, yes, but it beats drinking yourself into oblivion, doesn't it?
...people were so mesmerized by the candidacy of someone who at least appeared to be African American and spoke well, they pretty much ignored the total dearth of accomplishment in his past.

With HRC, however, we have someone who has been up to her ass in politics for decades and can point to exactly NOT A FUCKING THING to demonstrate her competence, leadership, insight, or, for that matter, sense of humor. In fact, most of the major, newsmaking episodes in her past show her in a poor light. Think, "Hillarycare," Cattle Futures, Jennifer Flowers, and on and on.

And didn't she vote to authorize Bush43 to send troops into Iraq?

But fortunately for her, Democrats hold a registration majority and Democrats are knee-jerk, certifiable idiots. So someone who has no business even sniffing the shoes of a competent President is a viable candidate.

What a country.

There you go, scandalize Hillary Clinton by trying to dredge up some fake scandal about Hillary getting something for nothing,

involving cattle. lol.
One of the most important jobs of the president is PROTECTING AMERICANS. Hillary was tasked with that very job and FAILED. It is very relevant and anyone who doesn't think it is doesn't deserve that very protection.

I have seen terrorist attacks for the last 30 years. Most were much MUCH worse than Benghazi. Like most Americans, I raise a collective sigh and move on

Now Republicans, you are going to have to convince Americans that somehow Benghazi was worse than the dozens of the other attacks and that it amounted to gross negligence

So far, you have been unable to do that

What you've witnessed is irrelevant. What Hillary has done is

You have to convince America that Benghazi was much worse than any of the dozens of terrorist attacks over the last 30 years.

You haven't done that
I hear Hillary has been grazing her cattle on public land and not paying grazing fees

That is what Republicans should run on in 2016
Anyone remember the "It's 3 am and the phone rings" political ad? Combine that with "What difference does it make" and then end with footage of our destroyed compound and photos of our dead Ambassador.

Hillarys DONE

So if holding this point of view helps you sleep at night, I say go with it! :eusa_clap:

Silly, yes, but it beats drinking yourself into oblivion, doesn't it?

The Right is stuck with Benghazi because of their code of never admitting they were wrong.
I hear Hillary has been grazing her cattle on public land and not paying grazing fees

That is what Republicans should run on in 2016

No shit.

What's funniest is that the GOP at this point has only one remotely electable potential candidate on the table,

or at least near the table, and that's Jeb Bush, and conservatives hate him lol.
Oh, I'm sure there will be thousands and thousands of swing voters who will say,

Yes I'm going to vote for the candidate who wants to end Medicare, because of Benghazi.


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