Why Hillary will win in 2016

Hillary will win in 2016 because (Choose one)

1. Liberal Media
2. Low information voters
3. Free stuff
4. Cheating at the polls
5. She is a woman
6. The Republican was not Conservative enough

Now, I know Republicans will use all these excuses. But what will be their main whine?
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most scandal-ridden and (potentially) corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team to ever soil the American political landscape.

We do not need more American political dynastic families - we need fewer - and we need newer, younger faces and ideas and energy, to move us forward.

I seriously doubt that the Republican clods who served-up McSame and Mittens are going to surprise us and provide such fresh faces and ideas and energy.

But we aren't going to get those things from the Billary Tag-Team, either.



Oy, how Republicans treat their losing candidates.
Good thing for me that I'm not a Republican, then, eh?

Having voted for Obumble twice - and holding my nose, both times, and having Buyer's Remorse, the minute I exited the booth.
Bet you'd vote for Kerry....
Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states

Oh, you make no mistake about it, fool. I get it. The same way the German people "got it". Coming soon, to an America near you....tyranny. Unfortunately, I believe that it's people like YOU who don't get it.

Hey, Randall, good to see you!! I thought the armchair sucked you into it and you never came back!

Hey, dude, I thought you said that tyranny was already here, about one year ago.

So, which is it?

He meant Tranny........

All, more Tea-Party spelling-bee winners!

Wtf....spelling-bee winners are always Hindu or Pakistani!!!
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016

I could even tolerate Rubio, but that's as far left as I can go. Jeb, Crispy, Romney et al are non starters. I'm optimistic about Cruz. The man has the oratory skills and charisma, is infinetly more intelligent than any democrook, and stands by his principles even when it pisses off other republicrats. I would be delighted with him, Paul or Walker.
Hillary will win in 2016 because (Choose one)

1. Liberal Media
2. Low information voters
3. Free stuff
4. Cheating at the polls
5. She is a woman
6. The Republican was not Conservative enough

Now, I know Republicans will use all these excuses. But what will be their main whine?
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most scandal-ridden and (potentially) corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team to ever soil the American political landscape.

We do not need more American political dynastic families - we need fewer - and we need newer, younger faces and ideas and energy, to move us forward.

I seriously doubt that the Republican clods who served-up McSame and Mittens are going to surprise us and provide such fresh faces and ideas and energy.

But we aren't going to get those things from the Billary Tag-Team, either.



Oy, how Republicans treat their losing candidates.
Good thing for me that I'm not a Republican, then, eh?

Having voted for Obumble twice - and holding my nose, both times, and having Buyer's Remorse, the minute I exited the booth.
Bet you'd vote for Kerry....
Nope. Didn't do it in 2004, either.
Hillary will win in 2016 because (Choose one)

1. Liberal Media
2. Low information voters
3. Free stuff
4. Cheating at the polls
5. She is a woman
6. The Republican was not Conservative enough

Now, I know Republicans will use all these excuses. But what will be their main whine?
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most scandal-ridden and (potentially) corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team to ever soil the American political landscape.

We do not need more American political dynastic families - we need fewer - and we need newer, younger faces and ideas and energy, to move us forward.

I seriously doubt that the Republican clods who served-up McSame and Mittens are going to surprise us and provide such fresh faces and ideas and energy.

But we aren't going to get those things from the Billary Tag-Team, either.



Oy, how Republicans treat their losing candidates.
Good thing for me that I'm not a Republican, then, eh?

Having voted for Obumble twice - and holding my nose, both times, and having Buyer's Remorse, the minute I exited the booth.
Bet you'd vote for Kerry....
Nope. Didn't do it in 2004, either.

So why the repeated insanity?
Hillary will win in 2016 because (Choose one)

1. Liberal Media
2. Low information voters
3. Free stuff
4. Cheating at the polls
5. She is a woman
6. The Republican was not Conservative enough

Now, I know Republicans will use all these excuses. But what will be their main whine?
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most scandal-ridden and (potentially) corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team to ever soil the American political landscape.

We do not need more American political dynastic families - we need fewer - and we need newer, younger faces and ideas and energy, to move us forward.

I seriously doubt that the Republican clods who served-up McSame and Mittens are going to surprise us and provide such fresh faces and ideas and energy.

But we aren't going to get those things from the Billary Tag-Team, either.


We will be hearing a lot more of this as well.

One thing the right has no use for is proof. If a Dem is accused, they are guilty. Never mind that investigations have never turned up proof of guilt. That doesn't matter to RWs.

As for dynasties, the candidates will be Jeb and Hillary.

Under the Clinton presidency, the country prospered.

Under the Bushes, our taxes went up and we were very near financial collapse.

Only a fool, or the 1% would vote for another Bush.
Watched ANY television program lately? Fags abound. Hell, to take it at face value, one would believe that perverts make up the majority of America now....Indoctrination at it's best.

With gays being overwhelmingly dimocrap and with the number of abortions dimocraps are getting........ They should be extinct in a couple generations.

Too bad it will take at least that long. Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.

BTW, keep it together. Stay the course. Nobody anywhere has ANY chance of defeating the scum of the earth besides Republicans.

Nobody. Don't like the direction the Team is taking? Tuff shit. Buck up, be a good soldier and be a good Citizen.

Somebody else comes along that can keep the scum of the fucking earth from destroying this Country, let me know.

Make no mistake about it. I'm here and I'm going nowhere, until I'm called home. Then, my kids are directly behind me. Problem is - I have seen the outcome and it isn't pretty. I lived and worked in the Soviet Union. We are headed down that same road. Hell, just look at some of these responses. They actually welcome it. Frankly, I can't believe what I see in front of me any longer.
Oh, you make no mistake about it, fool. I get it. The same way the German people "got it". Coming soon, to an America near you....tyranny. Unfortunately, I believe that it's people like YOU who don't get it.

Hey, Randall, good to see you!! I thought the armchair sucked you into it and you never came back!

Hey, dude, I thought you said that tyranny was already here, about one year ago.

So, which is it?


Nope, the "armchair" did nothing to me. Been busy working my fields. Will be again soon.

Tyranny IS here. Do you honestly believe that you have a "choice" as to whom you will vote for? You democrats will be LUCKY if the bitch even has a primary challenger. She has been anointed and coronated and, she WILL be the next president. Take that to the bank. On both sides of the political spectrum, we have (basically) morons who "claim" to represent the American people - while THEY get rich - paid for by business interests. We have career "politicians" who have to be carried in and out of their respective chambers. Most have an IQ of an idiot.

Now comes Hillary. It is reported that she will raise 2.5 BILLION dollars to run for an office that pays what? 350 thousand a year. You call that sound logic?

She has been involved in scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal and yet you, the american liberal excuses her behavior - just as you did Bill's because it's "Hillary".

And you claim there is no tyranny?

Sonny, my advice to you? Wake the hell up.
Hey, I'm fully awake, alert, and in complete control. Anything else?


Not you Sonny - the other guy. :eusa_dance:
I'm sorry. I didn't know that there was another Sonny on this forum.
I'm sure you are aware that debating radical partisans is a complete waste of time. Their minds are closed and not likely to ever open.

It may be a form of mental illness...or maybe just stupidity.
With gays being overwhelmingly dimocrap and with the number of abortions dimocraps are getting........ They should be extinct in a couple generations.

Too bad it will take at least that long. Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.

BTW, keep it together. Stay the course. Nobody anywhere has ANY chance of defeating the scum of the earth besides Republicans.

Nobody. Don't like the direction the Team is taking? Tuff shit. Buck up, be a good soldier and be a good Citizen.

Somebody else comes along that can keep the scum of the fucking earth from destroying this Country, let me know.

Make no mistake about it. I'm here and I'm going nowhere, until I'm called home. Then, my kids are directly behind me. Problem is - I have seen the outcome and it isn't pretty. I lived and worked in the Soviet Union. We are headed down that same road. Hell, just look at some of these responses. They actually welcome it. Frankly, I can't believe what I see in front of me any longer.
Hey, Randall, good to see you!! I thought the armchair sucked you into it and you never came back!

Hey, dude, I thought you said that tyranny was already here, about one year ago.

So, which is it?


Nope, the "armchair" did nothing to me. Been busy working my fields. Will be again soon.

Tyranny IS here. Do you honestly believe that you have a "choice" as to whom you will vote for? You democrats will be LUCKY if the bitch even has a primary challenger. She has been anointed and coronated and, she WILL be the next president. Take that to the bank. On both sides of the political spectrum, we have (basically) morons who "claim" to represent the American people - while THEY get rich - paid for by business interests. We have career "politicians" who have to be carried in and out of their respective chambers. Most have an IQ of an idiot.

Now comes Hillary. It is reported that she will raise 2.5 BILLION dollars to run for an office that pays what? 350 thousand a year. You call that sound logic?

She has been involved in scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal and yet you, the american liberal excuses her behavior - just as you did Bill's because it's "Hillary".

And you claim there is no tyranny?

Sonny, my advice to you? Wake the hell up.
Hey, I'm fully awake, alert, and in complete control. Anything else?


Not you Sonny - the other guy. :eusa_dance:
I'm sorry. I didn't know that there was another Sonny on this forum.
I'm sure you are aware that debating radical partisans is a complete waste of time. Their minds are closed and not likely to ever open.

It may be a form of mental illness...or maybe just stupidity.

Then this ....

She's one of us....the little people. Lol! Hell, O looks like he was campaigning in poverty at 500 million.

Clinton to spend 37.92 for every vote in 2.5B campaign WashingtonExaminer.com#!
Hey! She is a women of the people you know...just ask any partisan D.

...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media.


About this "...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996

A lot of people don't have occasion to drive a car. It has nothing to do with anything at all.

And ....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media"

Besides Fox, the US does not have "government run media".
Make no mistake about it. I'm here and I'm going nowhere, until I'm called home. Then, my kids are directly behind me. Problem is - I have seen the outcome and it isn't pretty. I lived and worked in the Soviet Union. We are headed down that same road. Hell, just look at some of these responses. They actually welcome it. Frankly, I can't believe what I see in front of me any longer.
Nope, the "armchair" did nothing to me. Been busy working my fields. Will be again soon.

Tyranny IS here. Do you honestly believe that you have a "choice" as to whom you will vote for? You democrats will be LUCKY if the bitch even has a primary challenger. She has been anointed and coronated and, she WILL be the next president. Take that to the bank. On both sides of the political spectrum, we have (basically) morons who "claim" to represent the American people - while THEY get rich - paid for by business interests. We have career "politicians" who have to be carried in and out of their respective chambers. Most have an IQ of an idiot.

Now comes Hillary. It is reported that she will raise 2.5 BILLION dollars to run for an office that pays what? 350 thousand a year. You call that sound logic?

She has been involved in scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal and yet you, the american liberal excuses her behavior - just as you did Bill's because it's "Hillary".

And you claim there is no tyranny?

Sonny, my advice to you? Wake the hell up.
Hey, I'm fully awake, alert, and in complete control. Anything else?


Not you Sonny - the other guy. :eusa_dance:
I'm sorry. I didn't know that there was another Sonny on this forum.
I'm sure you are aware that debating radical partisans is a complete waste of time. Their minds are closed and not likely to ever open.

It may be a form of mental illness...or maybe just stupidity.

Then this ....

She's one of us....the little people. Lol! Hell, O looks like he was campaigning in poverty at 500 million.

Clinton to spend 37.92 for every vote in 2.5B campaign WashingtonExaminer.com#!
Hey! She is a women of the people you know...just ask any partisan D.

...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media.


About this "...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996

A lot of people don't have occasion to drive a car. It has nothing to do with anything at all.

And ....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media"

Besides Fox, the US does not have "government run media".

And, as usual, the idiot in you comes through loud and clear. Of course she hasn't driven since 1996. She has been a member of the 1% since then. Of course, she left the White House not only "dead broke, but in debt".

And I'm certain that you shed crocodile tears for her. Poor pitiful Hillary. Net worth right now, this very minute? Well over 300 million.

What a country, right!?

You are the most gullible asshole on this board.
Hey, I'm fully awake, alert, and in complete control. Anything else?


Not you Sonny - the other guy. :eusa_dance:
I'm sorry. I didn't know that there was another Sonny on this forum.
I'm sure you are aware that debating radical partisans is a complete waste of time. Their minds are closed and not likely to ever open.

It may be a form of mental illness...or maybe just stupidity.

Then this ....

She's one of us....the little people. Lol! Hell, O looks like he was campaigning in poverty at 500 million.

Clinton to spend 37.92 for every vote in 2.5B campaign WashingtonExaminer.com#!
Hey! She is a women of the people you know...just ask any partisan D.

...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media.


About this "...read today she hasn't driven a car since 1996

A lot of people don't have occasion to drive a car. It has nothing to do with anything at all.

And ....you won't see that stated anywhere in the government run media"

Besides Fox, the US does not have "government run media".

And, as usual, the idiot in you comes through loud and clear. Of course she hasn't driven since 1996. She has been a member of the 1% since then. Of course, she left the White House not only "dead broke, but in debt".

And I'm certain that you shed crocodile tears for her. Poor pitiful Hillary. Net worth right now, this very minute? Well over 300 million.

What a country, right!?

You are the most gullible asshole on this board.

Hasn't driven?

What makes you think a former First Lady would drive?

When was the last time Nancy Reagan drove? The 50s?
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Well, if what you say is true, how wonderful it is to finally realize that our two party system is a farce and we are now being controlled by a tyranny!!!

God bless the United States of America and those who rule us!!!

We have has two party rule for 230 years

Works so far

How so? From what I see here in America, it certainly has not worked. And, I doubt that it'll ever work.

We are the most powerful economic power on earth

Seems to have worked

Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Well, if what you say is true, how wonderful it is to finally realize that our two party system is a farce and we are now being controlled by a tyranny!!!

God bless the United States of America and those who rule us!!!

We have has two party rule for 230 years

Works so far

How so? From what I see here in America, it certainly has not worked. And, I doubt that it'll ever work.

We are the most powerful economic power on earth

Seems to have worked

Powerful statement.
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.
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That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

Hillary will win because it is almost impossible for Republicans to win

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