Why Hillary will win in 2016

Why Hillary will win in 2016it

Because it will be fun watching her to have the power to boss Bill around. This time when she catches him having sex she can have the Secret Service arrest him.

Good times!

If she wins Bill Clinton would be wise to stay away from Fort Marcy park.

How far we have fallen....Dirty Harry Truman walked with Bess from the White House to the train station unaccompanied, when he left office.

JFK had his brains blown out in Dallas

Lady Bird blew LBJ in the oval office....

...I bet you wish you could have taken her place.:uhoh3::D
You need to check your history book...sonny.

Did you forget the presidents assassinated well BEFORE dirty Harry and JFK....see Dishonest Abe, James Garfield and the warmonger McKinley???

WTF are you babbling about?
Sorry...I know your problems with dementia, cause you to forget.
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Well, if what you say is true, how wonderful it is to finally realize that our two party system is a farce and we are now being controlled by a tyranny!!!

God bless the United States of America and those who rule us!!!

We have has two party rule for 230 years

Works so far

:lmao: Yea, you would like Dems and Dems Lite.
Hillary showed what she's made of as SOS and Benghazi. She couldn't handle that and I shudder to think what she would be like as POTUS. What difference does it make??

Good God.
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016

Wow, if your party is so far gone your best hope is that the economy collapses and everyone forgets your party spent the last 35 years raping the middle class? That's a plan.

Also, you guys are delusional if you think the reason you lost five of the last six popular votes is because "conservatives stayed home".

It kind of reminds me of how hard core Star Trek fans claimed the reason why Nemesis lost money was because of a "Fan Boycott". But the reality is, the Star Trek fans showed up, just no one else did.
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016

Well, that's fucking scary. Any other ways you want to damage America in order to get a Rethuglican elected? Mebbe nuke a city and blame it one someone else? Hmmm?

What in the fuck is wrong with you people?
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016
So lemme guess, you and your ilk are absolutely PRAYING for an economic collapse in 2016, correct?
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states
This is why they're getting more and more hysterical every election cycle, lashing out more and more and getting more and more extreme.

It's not gonna help them.

If Hillary does win it will just prove to me once again, that people are just plain stupid or the system is rigged.

Say what you want but Hillary has been incompetent at everything she's tried including marriage.
It's exactly because of these extremely ridiculous, partisan and personal attacks why the Republicans will lose to Hillary Clinton. I suspect way worse than they ever lost to President Barack Obama.
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states
This is why they're getting more and more hysterical every election cycle, lashing out more and more and getting more and more extreme.

It's not gonna help them.


yeah, I know what you mean. They did things like bring up a candidates wife having MS and her riding horses. They brought up BS about dogs on roof tops. They made fun of people's daughters who were not even candidates. They smeared family and friends and didn't run on their records. And for that they lost the mid-terms bigger then ever before. So yeah, I get your point.
Clinton will win because:

Demographics is Destiny.

That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.
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That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

Hillary will win because it is almost impossible for Republicans to win

The conservatives are also their own worst enemies. Instead of trying to attract more people, they seem happy to libel people, call them profane names, sound like 3 year olds then wonder why they are unpopular.

The answer is in the mirror folks.
That is what it comes down to

Republicans think they enter a Presidential race dead even

In fact, they are way behind before they even start. A Republican has to run a perfect election just to get to 270. If so, they will barely break 270

A Democrat has to just win one third of the electoral votes in battleground states to win

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.
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That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

Hillary will win because it is almost impossible for Republicans to win

The conservatives are also their own worst enemies. Instead of trying to attract more people, they seem happy to libel people, call them profane names, sound like 3 year olds then wonder why they are unpopular.

The answer is in the mirror folks.


Presidential elections do not come down to convincing those in Red states to vote for you
It comes down to convincing people in battleground states to vote for you

That means moving to the center and conservatives refuse to move an inch
Let the bastards stay exactly where they are. I like them losing.
Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.

That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

That is why candidates like Cruz, Rubio and Paul are laughable. They will increase your victory margins in red states, but don't have a prayer in purple states

Yepp. the Blue Wall STARTS at 242 EV.
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That is what Republicans don't get. Demographics work against them. Dems need to pick up 28 Electoral votes out of 100 in battleground states

Hillary will win because it is almost impossible for Republicans to win

The conservatives are also their own worst enemies. Instead of trying to attract more people, they seem happy to libel people, call them profane names, sound like 3 year olds then wonder why they are unpopular.

The answer is in the mirror folks.


Presidential elections do not come down to convincing those in Red states to vote for you
It comes down to convincing people in battleground states to vote for you

That means moving to the center and conservatives refuse to move an inch
Let the bastards stay exactly where they are. I like them losing.

Yeah, 2014 was great.
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016

Wow, if your party is so far gone your best hope is that the economy collapses and everyone forgets your party spent the last 35 years raping the middle class? That's a plan.

Also, you guys are delusional if you think the reason you lost five of the last six popular votes is because "conservatives stayed home".

It kind of reminds me of how hard core Star Trek fans claimed the reason why Nemesis lost money was because of a "Fan Boycott". But the reality is, the Star Trek fans showed up, just no one else did.
hillary will likely win because reps will nominate an establishment liberal candidate like bush or rubio and millions of us will sit home once again. reps have 1 chance and that is if the economy collapses in 2016
So lemme guess, you and your ilk are absolutely PRAYING for an economic collapse in 2016, correct?

You do realize that even if that were what they were wishing for, other then it being a statement about reality, that it would not really bring on an economic collaspe?

Much like someone posted that Clinton entered office during a recession and I posted that no, he did not and present the facts to prove it. Clinton won his first election because his campaign and the MSM painted the economy as being bad when in fact Clinton rode the greatest economic peacetime expansion of the economy in history right into a recession. So yeah there maybe those who see if the economy tanked it would be bad for the left, which has already happened. But that is far different then when candidate invent stories and a fawning MSM goes along with them.
Guilty as charged.

More fool, I...
It's rare when someone actually admits to doing such a thing.....

I voted for him, twice, and would do it again. He towered over all other candidates.
And we're all paying for it. Thanks.
The solution is simple...

Serve up better candidates than McSame and Mittens, both of whom made the Failed Messiah look like the best of two bad choices...

Thanks for backing us into a corner with crappy candidates and a lack of new ideas and vision, and making us feel like we had no other choice...
Considering the fact that the media will not allow any decent candidates to run for the GOP......figure the odds on that.
The second anyone worthwhile thinks about running, the lying press is out in full force making shit up about them.

The Pubs seem to be suffering from a terminal case of Lack-of-Vision.

They are flat, dull, uninspiring, and largely unable to motivate and move the American People.

The only time The People turn to them is when they've had a bellyful of the equally-obnoxious Dems, who, at least, serve-up a tiny slice of vision from time to time.

The Pubs have become the party of Big Business and the part of Maintenance Mode.

It's never been enough, and it's getting to the point where it's not even enough, when people have had their fill of the Dems.

It's time for a paradigm shift in the Republican Party.

They lack the perception to see that such a thing is necessary and they lack the courage and force of will and the competency to execute such a thing, even if they were convinced that it is necessary.
If Hillary does win it will just prove to me once again, that people are just plain stupid or the system is rigged.

Say what you want but Hillary has been incompetent at everything she's tried including marriage.
It's exactly because of these extremely ridiculous, partisan and personal attacks why the Republicans will lose to Hillary Clinton. I suspect way worse than they ever lost to President Barack Obama.

What is the personal attack concerning Benghazi? About Clinton not complying with the law concerning emails?
It's rare when someone actually admits to doing such a thing.....

I voted for him, twice, and would do it again. He towered over all other candidates.
And we're all paying for it. Thanks.
The solution is simple...

Serve up better candidates than McSame and Mittens, both of whom made the Failed Messiah look like the best of two bad choices...

Thanks for backing us into a corner with crappy candidates and a lack of new ideas and vision, and making us feel like we had no other choice...
Considering the fact that the media will not allow any decent candidates to run for the GOP......figure the odds on that.
The second anyone worthwhile thinks about running, the lying press is out in full force making shit up about them.

The Pubs seem to be suffering from a terminal case of Lack-of-Vision.

They are flat, dull, uninspiring, and largely unable to motivate and move the American People.

The only time The People turn to them is when they've had a bellyful of the equally-obnoxious Dems, who, at least, serve-up a tiny slice of vision from time to time.

The Pubs have become the party of Big Business and the part of Maintenance Mode.

It's never been enough, and it's getting to the point where it's not even enough, when people have had their fill of the Dems.

It's time for a paradigm shift in the Republican Party.

They lack the perception to see that such a thing is necessary and they lack the courage and force of will and the competency to execute such a thing, even if they were convinced that it is necessary.
Very well said.
It's rare when someone actually admits to doing such a thing.....

I voted for him, twice, and would do it again. He towered over all other candidates.
And we're all paying for it. Thanks.
The solution is simple...

Serve up better candidates than McSame and Mittens, both of whom made the Failed Messiah look like the best of two bad choices...

Thanks for backing us into a corner with crappy candidates and a lack of new ideas and vision, and making us feel like we had no other choice...
Considering the fact that the media will not allow any decent candidates to run for the GOP......figure the odds on that.
The second anyone worthwhile thinks about running, the lying press is out in full force making shit up about them.

The Pubs seem to be suffering from a terminal case of Lack-of-Vision.

They are flat, dull, uninspiring, and largely unable to motivate and move the American People.

The only time The People turn to them is when they've had a bellyful of the equally-obnoxious Dems, who, at least, serve-up a tiny slice of vision from time to time.

The Pubs have become the party of Big Business and the part of Maintenance Mode.

It's never been enough, and it's getting to the point where it's not even enough, when people have had their fill of the Dems.

It's time for a paradigm shift in the Republican Party.

They lack the perception to see that such a thing is necessary and they lack the courage and force of will and the competency to execute such a thing, even if they were convinced that it is necessary.

The country has been moving left since Clinton and it has been a disaster, it is time that the American people throw out the rest of the democrats as they did many in 2014. The left can't keep bragging about how the right can't win elections then whine that the right has caused the problems when the left has had the power.

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