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Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

Why I could never be a Democrat or a Republican :

1) Because I love my country too much
2) I believe in our Declaration of Independence
3) I believe in following our Constitution
4) I believe in "the rule of law"

Both major parties have sold us out.Both parties refuse to follow the Constitution and both parties refuse to follow "the rule of law".

Evidence of not following the Constitution:
They will not secure the borders.

Evidence of not follwing "the rule of law".
They will not deport all illegals --even though that is the law.
The fact that the OP is trying imply there has been any sort of libertarian society going on is epic amounts of fail and a piss poor lie. We live in a highly progressive society, end of story, no debate.

There are no cuts, spending does not go down, it goes up, Republican/Democrat it does not matter.

IF we had anything that resembled a Libertarian ruled Government (in theory) we would have a balanced budget, no nation building and no 4 Quasi wars going on… We wouldn’t have SS, MC, MC, Mass welfare, Homeland security, the DoEducation, EPA, Obamacare, MC part D and the list goes on and on…

We live in a highly controlled, overly regulated mass welfare big spending Government… We are anything but free people.

The OP is a fucking retard btw. Of course he does not like Libertarians, he knows jack shhit about what it even means… “Every man for themselves” LOL, fucking wow… What would we have an Anarchy???
Your user name fits you.

I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?
You're probably so old and set in your ways old man.

No, I'm just sick of the extreme idiots on this board posting a bunch of BS nonsense and trying to pass it off as mainstream ideals.

Your party has been taken over by radical Ayn Rand thinking selfish people gramps. Trying to destroy the Middle Class. Came awful close too. Maybe you don't care because you are old and retired and got yours? Selfish prick. Typical righty. My point exactly. And I bet you enjoy social security and medicare, you ass. You don't realize if not for those two programs, you would die broke.

It isn't my party trying to destroy very popular programs like social security and medicare.

Think about that when you accuse us of being extreme or radical. You are in a fringe group gramps.

You couldn't be more wrong. I'm 43, own my own business and far from selfish. Being a republican is not evil. Standing for what I believe in is not evil. I am middle class. I give to local food banks everytime I goto the grocery store. In the winter I take a huge cut in pay in order to keep my employees employed.

You know not of that you speak. You are extreme.
Your user name fits you.

I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?

I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.
Fact is, since the GOP made all their cuts to government programs that help the poor and since they implimented their unregulated free trade, more people have slipped into poverty. And charities and religion are proving they are not capable of handling or solving thed growing problem. This is what our government is for.

I don't think that IS what government is for, but if it is - it sure sucks at it.

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.


These are the results of your way. Seems like Government was doing a better job than corporations and charities.

Government does what corportions won't and charities can't.

One other thought about privatizing everything. Ever notice the GOP always want to privatize things that already exist? For example, Amtrack or Highways or Prisons. Notice they don't pay to build the railroad or prison or highway? So we fund the building of these things and the corporations take them over and make their profits, and when these things fall apart or need repair, they go bankrupt or turn them back over to the government. Ask us tax payers to fund the repairs.
It really does not matter, you ca, spend all you like, you can credit Unions and Progressive policies. The debate is not that these policies don't work in the short run it's that they destroy all countries in the long run, open a history book or just look at our own country... Your opinion is not going to change how the future plays out.

This is just history repeating itself.
Your user name fits you.

I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?

I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

I was self employed in the same industry too until Jeb Bush put me out of work with the stroke of a pen and then his brother breezed through and bragged about how much they just luuuuuurve the small businessman. I will never, ever trust any republican that claims to give a shit about the small businessman, what they did to me and thousands of others in Florida makes all those claims seem pretty hollow.
The fact that the OP is trying imply there has been any sort of libertarian society going on is epic amounts of fail and a piss poor lie. We live in a highly progressive society, end of story, no debate.

There are no cuts, spending does not go down, it goes up, Republican/Democrat it does not matter.

IF we had anything that resembled a Libertarian ruled Government (in theory) we would have a balanced budget, no nation building and no 4 Quasi wars going on… We wouldn’t have SS, MC, MC, Mass welfare, Homeland security, the DoEducation, EPA, Obamacare, MC part D and the list goes on and on…

We live in a highly controlled, overly regulated mass welfare big spending Government… We are anything but free people.

The OP is a fucking retard btw. Of course he does not like Libertarians, he knows jack shhit about what it even means… “Every man for themselves” LOL, fucking wow… What would we have an Anarchy???

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

In actual fact, there is no such thing as a "free market." Markets are the creation of government.

Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.

And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Business without rules won't work.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and building a middle class, and let the corporations decide how much to pay for labor and how to trade." This is, at best, destructive to national and international economies, and, at worst, destructive to democracy itself.

Markets are a creation of government, just as corporations exist only by authorization of government. Governments set the rules of the market. And, since our government is of, by, and for We The People, those rules have historically been set to first maximize the public good resulting from people doing business.

If you want to play the game of business, then you have to play in a way that both makes you money AND serves the public interest.

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

When government sets the rules of the game of business in such a way that working people must receive a living wage, labor has the power to organize into unions just as capital can organize into corporations, and domestic industries are protected from overseas competition, a middle class will emerge. When government gives up these functions, the middle class vanishes and we return to the Dickens-era form of totally free market conservative economics where the rich get richer while the working poor are kept in a constant state of fear and anxiety so the cost of their labor will always be cheap.

Only a return to liberal economic policies - a return to We The People again setting and enforcing the rules of the game of business - will reverse this dangerous trend. We've done it before, with tariffs, anti-trust legislation, and worker protections ranging from enforcing the rights of organized labor to restricting American companies' access to cheap foreign labor through visas and tariffs. The result was the production of something never before seen in history: a strong and vibrant middle class.
I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?

I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

I was self employed in the same industry too until Jeb Bush put me out of work with the stroke of a pen and then his brother breezed through and bragged about how much they just luuuuuurve the small businessman. I will never, ever trust any republican that claims to give a shit about the small businessman, what they did to me and thousands of others in Florida makes all those claims seem pretty hollow.

What did you do and what was passed that screwed you over?
Your user name fits you.

I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?

I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

Perfect example of how you righties defend policies that make it harder for our generation to succeed. Remember you guys kept defending illegal workers because you said they were doing "jobs Americans wouldn't do?" Meanwhile they were taking over the construction industry.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
It really does not matter, you ca, spend all you like, you can credit Unions and Progressive policies. The debate is not that these policies don't work in the short run it's that they destroy all countries in the long run, open a history book or just look at our own country... Your opinion is not going to change how the future plays out.

This is just history repeating itself.

1. Start taxing corporations and rich people again. Today they don't pay enough in taxes.
2. It wasn't social security, medicare or welfare that bankrupted the country.
3. The GOP bankrupted the country on purpose so they could end government programs and privatize The Commons
4. Take back the Federal Reserve. I believe there is 7 trillion of the 14 trillion that we can not account for. Ron Paul isn't the only one that wants to audit the Fed. Liberals do too.
5. Tarriffs, not tax breaks for overseas companies.
6. Close loopholes that allow rich people to not pay their fair share.
7. The rich have never been richer. The gap between the CEO and workers has never been wider. Pass a law that the CEO can't make anymore than 100 times the lowest paid worker. Then workers will once again share in their companies profits. They earned it, not only the CEO and Executives
8. Undo Citizens United and lets pass Campaign finance reform. And deal with out of control lobbyists. Take back our government. Right now it works for the top 1%, not us 99%.
I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

I was self employed in the same industry too until Jeb Bush put me out of work with the stroke of a pen and then his brother breezed through and bragged about how much they just luuuuuurve the small businessman. I will never, ever trust any republican that claims to give a shit about the small businessman, what they did to me and thousands of others in Florida makes all those claims seem pretty hollow.

What did you do and what was passed that screwed you over?

High-end custom trim, paneling and cabinets in luxury beach houses, I had a truck full of tools and more work than I could handle. Along comes the state construction lobby and all of the sudden we all have 5 weeks to become LLCs rather than sole proprietors, certainly the worst Christmas present I ever had, and at the time I simply did not have the funds to do it. Had to go back to work for various companies doing everything from framing to historic restoration and never really got it together to try again before the bubble.
I would just love to go back 40 years and take away every benefit you ever enjoyed because a liberal or union worker earned it for you.

Social Security, medicare, public education, 40 hour work weeks, overtime, vacation pay, the high wages you got because your company had to compete with a union company to keep their good employees, etc.

And I know some Republicans who are in favor of making cuts to programs that help poor people and when they were young and poor, they benefitted from those very programs. I bet you made it all on your own, right Gramps? No one helped you make it? Sure.

I love how now that you succeeded in America the last 40 years the way things were, now you want to change the way America works even though that means it will be harder for us younger people to achieve what you were able to achieve.

High wages. Now you want us to make less.

Job Security. Doesn't exist anymore.

Profit Sharing. Today the CEO's get all the profits. And you think they deserve them all.

40 hour work week or pay me overtime. Overtime doesn't exist anymore.

Low insurance costs. You probably didn't pay shit for your healthcare when you were working. Today its out of control.

College Tuition Costs out of control. Government cut funding to schools so now only the rich can afford to go to school.

Lots of job opportunity. But today you supported sending all the good jobs out of the country.

Social Security and Medicare. You are ok with doing away with these things but not until you are dead. Right greedy gramps?

I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

Perfect example of how you righties defend policies that make it harder for our generation to succeed. Remember you guys kept defending illegal workers because you said they were doing "jobs Americans wouldn't do?" Meanwhile they were taking over the construction industry.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Again, you make assumptions about me and my beliefs simply because I have an (R) after my name.

No party holds all the cards or all the correct positions. I am strongly opposed to illegals being allowed to be here. They have taken MANY jobs from me over the years. I am strongly opposed to organized labor. They too have taken many jobs from me over the years. Not only that but they have picketed me on large commercial jobs and made my job difficult when all I wanted to do was feed my family as well as the families of my employees.

No party or politician has all the answers but to completely discredit one is to close your mind to ideas that could make our lives better. You're an ideological fool.
It really does not matter, you ca, spend all you like, you can credit Unions and Progressive policies. The debate is not that these policies don't work in the short run it's that they destroy all countries in the long run, open a history book or just look at our own country... Your opinion is not going to change how the future plays out.

This is just history repeating itself.

Yes, history does repeat itself.

Study the Robber Barons in the late 1800's.

Study how the Robber Baron's caused the Great Depression

And how the GOP treated Truman just like they are treating Obama. 1948 I believe. Almost EXACTLY the same thing happening today.

Or how the rich tried to pull a coup on FDR.

Today the rich completely run the GOP. The only other group the GOP answers to is the Evangelicals. Just look at Citizens United.

And its funny that the GOP cry that the government and economy isn't working and it is our fault yet it seem to be working just fine for the rich.

So middle class Republicans. If we will only allow the rich to do EVEN BETTER THAN THEY ALREADY ARE, somehow that's going to trickle down on the rest of us. But we haven't given them quite enough yet.
I was self employed in the same industry too until Jeb Bush put me out of work with the stroke of a pen and then his brother breezed through and bragged about how much they just luuuuuurve the small businessman. I will never, ever trust any republican that claims to give a shit about the small businessman, what they did to me and thousands of others in Florida makes all those claims seem pretty hollow.

What did you do and what was passed that screwed you over?

High-end custom trim, paneling and cabinets in luxury beach houses, I had a truck full of tools and more work than I could handle. Along comes the state construction lobby and all of the sudden we all have 5 weeks to become LLCs rather than sole proprietors, certainly the worst Christmas present I ever had, and at the time I simply did not have the funds to do it. Had to go back to work for various companies doing everything from framing to historic restoration and never really got it together to try again before the bubble.

You can't be in business as a sole proprietor there? And even so becoming an LLC is not that difficult minus a few hundred bucks. Not only that but an LLC protects you personally from liable lawsuits.

I will grant you that the red tape and fees are all bullshit but that regulation seems a bit odd.
I have been self employed in the construction industry my entire adult life. You wanna try again on the subject of hard work or earning what I have?

As I said, you know not.

You, like many make broad based assumptions because I have a (R) after my name.

Perfect example of how you righties defend policies that make it harder for our generation to succeed. Remember you guys kept defending illegal workers because you said they were doing "jobs Americans wouldn't do?" Meanwhile they were taking over the construction industry.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Again, you make assumptions about me and my beliefs simply because I have an (R) after my name.

No party holds all the cards or all the correct positions. I am strongly opposed to illegals being allowed to be here. They have taken MANY jobs from me over the years. I am strongly opposed to organized labor. They too have taken many jobs from me over the years. Not only that but they have picketed me on large commercial jobs and made my job difficult when all I wanted to do was feed my family as well as the families of my employees.

No party or politician has all the answers but to completely discredit one is to close your mind to ideas that could make our lives better. You're an ideological fool.

If you are rich then you are greedy and selfish. If you are middle class and have an R next to your name, after the last 12 years, you are a fool.
It really does not matter, you ca, spend all you like, you can credit Unions and Progressive policies. The debate is not that these policies don't work in the short run it's that they destroy all countries in the long run, open a history book or just look at our own country... Your opinion is not going to change how the future plays out.

This is just history repeating itself.

1. Start taxing corporations and rich people again. Today they don't pay enough in taxes.
2. It wasn't social security, medicare or welfare that bankrupted the country.
3. The GOP bankrupted the country on purpose so they could end government programs and privatize The Commons
4. Take back the Federal Reserve. I believe there is 7 trillion of the 14 trillion that we can not account for. Ron Paul isn't the only one that wants to audit the Fed. Liberals do too.
5. Tarriffs, not tax breaks for overseas companies.
6. Close loopholes that allow rich people to not pay their fair share.
7. The rich have never been richer. The gap between the CEO and workers has never been wider. Pass a law that the CEO can't make anymore than 100 times the lowest paid worker. Then workers will once again share in their companies profits. They earned it, not only the CEO and Executives
8. Undo Citizens United and lets pass Campaign finance reform. And deal with out of control lobbyists. Take back our government. Right now it works for the top 1%, not us 99%.

You live in a weird world man... You want to attack Libertarians when they have not got jack shit of what they want, you attack Republicans because of policies they passed to grow Government, then you defend Liberals who also grow Government and pass the same polices as the Republicans you hate....

In fact you're not worth talking too because you're so bias and partisan. What repeals did Obama do with 2 years of a historic Democrats congress? Go ahead dumbass, here is your chance to really prove there is a difference between Dems who you claim are looking out for the people and Republican that destroy the nation.

Or wait, all the bad stuff done under Republicans is evil but when it's done under Democrats it's not their fault, somehow... And I'll bet anything you have a reason...

I'd bet you can defend

Homeland security
lowering of taxes during war time
Massive debt spending
high unemployment
Re-passing the Bush era tax cuts

And so on... I'll bet you can blame the fact that everything I listed, that Obama voted yes on can be spun as "Evil Republicans" somehow.... Making me ask the question. If Democrats can't change anything, why vote for them?

Just re read your moronic post I quoted and try shifting to 2008-20012… You know, when Obama was President, not some evil Republican… What happened????? Why didn't Obama close loopholes with taht Dem congres, raise taxes, end wars, do terrifs and take back the Federal Reserve....???????????

Oooooo, because of the evil Republicans that had a minority, I FORGOT!!!! 1 Republican is = to 12 Democrats....
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It really does not matter, you ca, spend all you like, you can credit Unions and Progressive policies. The debate is not that these policies don't work in the short run it's that they destroy all countries in the long run, open a history book or just look at our own country... Your opinion is not going to change how the future plays out.

This is just history repeating itself.

Yes, history does repeat itself.

Study the Robber Barons in the late 1800's.

Study how the Robber Baron's caused the Great Depression

And how the GOP treated Truman just like they are treating Obama. 1948 I believe. Almost EXACTLY the same thing happening today.

Or how the rich tried to pull a coup on FDR.

Today the rich completely run the GOP. The only other group the GOP answers to is the Evangelicals. Just look at Citizens United.

And its funny that the GOP cry that the government and economy isn't working and it is our fault yet it seem to be working just fine for the rich.

So middle class Republicans. If we will only allow the rich to do EVEN BETTER THAN THEY ALREADY ARE, somehow that's going to trickle down on the rest of us. But we haven't given them quite enough yet.


Holy fucking shit... Take that tin foil hate off. I just realized this thread belongs in the CT section.
Perfect example of how you righties defend policies that make it harder for our generation to succeed. Remember you guys kept defending illegal workers because you said they were doing "jobs Americans wouldn't do?" Meanwhile they were taking over the construction industry.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Again, you make assumptions about me and my beliefs simply because I have an (R) after my name.

No party holds all the cards or all the correct positions. I am strongly opposed to illegals being allowed to be here. They have taken MANY jobs from me over the years. I am strongly opposed to organized labor. They too have taken many jobs from me over the years. Not only that but they have picketed me on large commercial jobs and made my job difficult when all I wanted to do was feed my family as well as the families of my employees.

No party or politician has all the answers but to completely discredit one is to close your mind to ideas that could make our lives better. You're an ideological fool.

If you are rich then you are greedy and selfish. If you are middle class and have an R next to your name, after the last 12 years, you are a fool.


I'm done here, this guy is Trolling fo sho~

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