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Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

The Democracy we have here in America has never been tried before. A government run by we the people and not lords/kings/the rich.

And we have not failed. The rich have corrupted our goverment and they are purposely trying to make us fail. They want what Ron Paul wants.

FDR/Liberal way worked for 50 years until Reagan got into office and reversed course.

Fact is, you can't show me another society that ever tried Ron Paul's way and it worked.

Funny, you can't even get Republicans to buy into Ron Paul's philosophy. Why don't you get them to buy in, get him the GOP nomination and then maybe we can talk about if his ideas are good or not.

If you can't even win over conservatives, don't come yelling at us Liberals because we think you and Ron Paul are full of shit.

P.S. People who think like me are going to win in November. Why don't you kill yourself or move to another country. What country runs like Ron Paul wants to run the US? No other country in the world? Ever? Fuck off. :lol:

Abridged version:

I'm poor and need more hand outs.

Abridged version:

I'm not poor and don't want to give handouts to people that need them because a small few might be taking advantage of the system.

You can't say tell me that you give to charity and/or care about helping the poor and then tell me that you are against your government helping the poor. Just not buying it. Chances are you are a selfish greedy bastard because that is how you think politically.


You're a hyperpartisan idiot.

Goodnight jackass
These are the results of your way. Seems like Government was doing a better job than corporations and charities.

Government does what corportions won't and charities can't.

One other thought about privatizing everything. Ever notice the GOP always want to privatize things that already exist? For example, Amtrack or Highways or Prisons. Notice they don't pay to build the railroad or prison or highway? So we fund the building of these things and the corporations take them over and make their profits, and when these things fall apart or need repair, they go bankrupt or turn them back over to the government. Ask us tax payers to fund the repairs.

You don't seem to have a clue what "my way" is all about. I certainly don't support corporate welfare/warfare. You're rolling with the assumption that libertarians are simply stingy people who don't want to share, but that's simplistic and wrong. We are just as community minded as Democrats or Republicans, but the difference is that we don't worship at the alter of the state. We don't believe in government as the be-all-end-all of human existence.

Even in its current bloated and overbearing state, government is only a small portion of what we do, and who we are, as a society. We libertarians reject the notion that government exists to "manage" society like a corporation, treating citizens like its employees. We don't believe that government has any business trying to make us better - wealthier, healthier or kinder. Instead, we ask it to maintain a basic set of rules so that we can get along as a society, and decide for ourselves what kind of community we want to create, decide for ourselves who we want to be. We want the freedom to pursue our own goals, and suffer our own failures, without being force-fed someone else's version of the "good life".
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If you are rich then you are greedy and selfish. If you are middle class and have an R next to your name, after the last 12 years, you are a fool.

I am far from rich. However most of my customers are. Funny thing is they are some of the kindest most giving people I've ever met. I even did an estimate for Claire McCaskils sister a few years back. Despite my anti Obama sticker on my company truck we had a great conversation after the bid. She was very cordial, very nice, VERY WEALTHY and even gave me a great report on angieslist despite not hiring me.

You judge people for nonsensical superficial reasons. As such I believe your close mindedness has probably limited your ability to grow as a human being.

I'm sorry for you.

Sorry, let me make a correction. If you are rich and vote GOP, you are greedy. If you are middle class and vote GOP then you are stupid.

Claire MCCaskil's sister might be a Democrat. There are a lot of nice rich people. In fact, most millionaires are ok with us ending the Bush tax breaks.

Its the greedy Koch Brothers, oil barons, Healthcare giants, Herman Cain's of the world that are controlling the GOP. I don't think these Robber Baron's speak for all rich people. For example, all the rich people in Hollywood. A lot of them are not greedy. Probably because they came from the middle class and understand how good they have it.

The billionaires of the world, most of them were born into it and they hate the middle class.

You would think they wouldn't care about money because they have more than they could ever spend but its a game to them. Its about power now. Greedy corrupt power.

Oh Brother.

No other way to say this.

You are a fucking idiot.
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These are the results of your way. Seems like Government was doing a better job than corporations and charities.

Government does what corportions won't and charities can't.

One other thought about privatizing everything. Ever notice the GOP always want to privatize things that already exist? For example, Amtrack or Highways or Prisons. Notice they don't pay to build the railroad or prison or highway? So we fund the building of these things and the corporations take them over and make their profits, and when these things fall apart or need repair, they go bankrupt or turn them back over to the government. Ask us tax payers to fund the repairs.

You don't seem to have a clue what "my way" is all about. I certainly don't support corporate welfare/warfare. You're rolling with the assumption that libertarians are simply stingy people who don't want to share, but that's simplistic and wrong. We are just as community minded as Democrats or Republicans, but the difference is that we don't worship at the alter of the state. We don't believe in government as the be-all-end-all of human existence.

Even in its current bloated and overbearing state, government is only a small portion of what we do, and who we are, as a society. We libertarians reject the notion that government exists to "manage" society like a corporation, treating citizens like its employees. We don't believe that government has any business trying to make us better - wealthier, healthier or kinder. Instead, we ask it to maintain a basic set of rules so that we can get along as a society, and decide for ourselves what kind of community we want to create, decide for ourselves who we want to be. We want the freedom to pursue our own goals, and suffer our own failures, without being force-fed someone else's version of the "good life".

Liberals don't worship at the alter of the state. We understand the importance and value of government and regulations. How can I have a serious conversation when you are coming at me with that Ron Paul bullshit about worshiping at the alter.

Us liberals totally understand and see a lot of government waste/corruption. Like the 2.7 trillion that went missing at the Pentagon. Or the Bush tax breaks paid for by the Social security trust fund. Or the war in iraq that was faught for the top 1%. Defense contractors and oil barons.

But you guys think Government is the problem. Its actually a big part of our economy. I know you think its too big, and maybe you are right, but not to eliminate everything like Ron Paul suggests. Us liberals will just never buy into that. We believe that goes against what our founding fathers wanted. They warrned us about the corporations and wealth getting too powerful. Ron Paul'ers don't talk about that stuff. They somehow believe that if everything goes, somehow everything will work itself out. WRONG!

And if it weren't for government and labor laws and unions, you wouldn't be making shit at your job right now. I know you don't believe it because you think like a Ron Paul person. You must feel comfortable with your station in life and feel that every man for himself couldn't possibly hurt you. Well what about others? I see we already gave unregulated free markets a try and they failed miserable.

Ron Paul wants to take GW Bush's approach and take it to the next level. And you want us to buy into it? Not a chance. Sorry. And first you have to convince your own party to elect Ron Paul and really it doesn't even matter because Romney and Santorum also want to turn over our Commons to the corporations and get rid of all regulations. Don't know why you think Ron Paul is so special. This is why I know you Ron Paul hypocrites will go running to Romney as soon as he gets the nomination. Phoneys!
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

I've always found people like you quite hypocritical. You think that people who expect to keep the money they rightfully earned are greedy, but you never consider yourself greedy in expecting them to hand over part of their wealth that you never lifted a finger to help earn.

Your expectation is the ultimate example of jealousy and greed so I suggest you take a long and hard look at that reflection in the mirror if you want to see the physical embodiment of greed.
I am far from rich. However most of my customers are. Funny thing is they are some of the kindest most giving people I've ever met. I even did an estimate for Claire McCaskils sister a few years back. Despite my anti Obama sticker on my company truck we had a great conversation after the bid. She was very cordial, very nice, VERY WEALTHY and even gave me a great report on angieslist despite not hiring me.

You judge people for nonsensical superficial reasons. As such I believe your close mindedness has probably limited your ability to grow as a human being.

I'm sorry for you.

Sorry, let me make a correction. If you are rich and vote GOP, you are greedy. If you are middle class and vote GOP then you are stupid.

Claire MCCaskil's sister might be a Democrat. There are a lot of nice rich people. In fact, most millionaires are ok with us ending the Bush tax breaks.

Its the greedy Koch Brothers, oil barons, Healthcare giants, Herman Cain's of the world that are controlling the GOP. I don't think these Robber Baron's speak for all rich people. For example, all the rich people in Hollywood. A lot of them are not greedy. Probably because they came from the middle class and understand how good they have it.

The billionaires of the world, most of them were born into it and they hate the middle class.

You would think they wouldn't care about money because they have more than they could ever spend but its a game to them. Its about power now. Greedy corrupt power.

Oh Brother.

No other way to say this.

You are a fucking idiot.

The GOP has been taken over by Ayn Rand type people. Selfish, greedy and mean. And they are turning our society into greedy selfish people.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

I've always found people like you quite hypocritical. You think that people who expect to keep the money they rightfully earned are greedy, but you never consider yourself greedy in expecting them to hand over part of their wealth that you never lifted a finger to help earn.

Your expectation is the ultimate example of jealousy and greed so I suggest you take a long and hard look at that reflection in the mirror if you want to see the physical embodiment of greed.

Yes, because people like me understand the necessity of paying taxes. We all pay taxes. I pay over 35% and Romney pays 12%?

Please explain to me why I'm greedy because I want Exxon and Romney to pay their fair share.

Stop drinking the coolaid enough to understand taxes are not evil. Is the government too big and bloated, yes. But just because I agree with that doesn't mean I want to support Ron Paul. It just meanst that is one policy we all agree on. We should continue to force our government to shrink and get rid of the waste/fraud/corruption. But I see the GOP only going after programs that help poor people. None of the waste that goes to their boys. And when they cut government spending, they turn around and give it to corporations. Least that is what the GOP governors do with any extra money they find. Return the favor for getting them elected. Yea I know, Dems do it too. If you want to add campaign finance reform to our list of things we agree on, feel free. And how do you feel about Citizens United.

So instead of fighting us liberals, Ron Paul people need to continue discussing with us liberals the things that we agree on. Maybe when we have the majority next year we could use his vote and caucus to audit the Federal Reserve or close military bases around the world.

Don't fight with us. You will never win us over completely. You have to win the GOP nomination first and then we will work with you on some of the things we agree on. But ending the dept of education, social security and medicare and doing away with the Commons? Come on! Never in a million years.
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

I've always found people like you quite hypocritical. You think that people who expect to keep the money they rightfully earned are greedy, but you never consider yourself greedy in expecting them to hand over part of their wealth that you never lifted a finger to help earn.

Your expectation is the ultimate example of jealousy and greed so I suggest you take a long and hard look at that reflection in the mirror if you want to see the physical embodiment of greed.

Wouldn't Ron Paul supporters be happy if Obama won and in 3 years we:

a. Closed a lot of military bases around the world and saved trillions.

b. Legalized Pot and Prostitution.

c. Audited the Federal Reserve and solved our debt problem.

d. Got back to a projected surplus like when Clinton left office.

Even if Ron Paul won, he would still have to deal with the Senate and House. Why can't we together force the Senate and House to audit the Fed? If we put enough pressure on them. You have us liberals on these 4 issues. Take it or leave it. Isn't some better than nothing?
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Indeed. Myopic to the point of one eye placed in the middle of their foreheads like cyclops, incapable of peripheral views and focused on destroying the social contract that was so carefully crafted by the Founding Fathers whom they idolize. They don't have a clue.
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.

What is funny is people in your party have split personalities. On one hand they suggest they are the moral party because they are pro life but then their economic principles are Ayn Rand's.

Gary Weiss, the author of Ayn Rand Nation, said Tuesday that despite some overlap between their political philosophies, the novelist Ayn Rand would have hated Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Many conservatives, most notably Glenn Beck, have renewed interest in the novels and philosophy of Rand. The Russian-born atheist author espoused the virtues of rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism in novels like Atlas Shrugged and numerous other writings.

“I don’t think she would particularly like any of the candidates,” Weiss said during an appearance on CNBC, “including Ron Paul. I think she would have hated Ron Paul.”

When asked why, Weiss noted that Paul was opposed to abortion.

“And she was very much in favor of abortion. She didn’t favor Ronald Reagan for the same reasons that she wouldn’t have favored any of the Republican nominees: for social issues.”
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

I've always found people like you quite hypocritical. You think that people who expect to keep the money they rightfully earned are greedy, but you never consider yourself greedy in expecting them to hand over part of their wealth that you never lifted a finger to help earn.

Your expectation is the ultimate example of jealousy and greed so I suggest you take a long and hard look at that reflection in the mirror if you want to see the physical embodiment of greed.

Not necessarily...How many Republicans who rail against entitlements turn down Medicare when they turn 65? How many NeoCons who have lost their jobs in the last few years turned down their unemployment checks?

Please get back to me after you have some statistics.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Indeed. Myopic to the point of one eye placed in the middle of their foreheads like cyclops, incapable of peripheral views and focused on destroying the social contract that was so carefully crafted by the Founding Fathers whom they idolize. They don't have a clue.

Back at ya dude.
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.

What is funny is people in your party have split personalities. On one hand they suggest they are the moral party because they are pro life but then their economic principles are Ayn Rand's.

Gary Weiss, the author of Ayn Rand Nation, said Tuesday that despite some overlap between their political philosophies, the novelist Ayn Rand would have hated Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Many conservatives, most notably Glenn Beck, have renewed interest in the novels and philosophy of Rand. The Russian-born atheist author espoused the virtues of rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism in novels like Atlas Shrugged and numerous other writings.

“I don’t think she would particularly like any of the candidates,” Weiss said during an appearance on CNBC, “including Ron Paul. I think she would have hated Ron Paul.”

When asked why, Weiss noted that Paul was opposed to abortion.

“And she was very much in favor of abortion. She didn’t favor Ronald Reagan for the same reasons that she wouldn’t have favored any of the Republican nominees: for social issues.”

I like Paul's foreign policy but his domestic stuff stinks. He's got this little problem of being against abortion but saying that a fully grown adult person who suffers from a terminal illness and has no health insurance should hope that "some church" helps him get the care he needs. Is he fucking kidding?

Oh, that's right. He's a member of Congress and GETS HIS HEALTH CARE THROUGH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT....
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.

What is funny is people in your party have split personalities. On one hand they suggest they are the moral party because they are pro life but then their economic principles are Ayn Rand's.

Gary Weiss, the author of Ayn Rand Nation, said Tuesday that despite some overlap between their political philosophies, the novelist Ayn Rand would have hated Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Many conservatives, most notably Glenn Beck, have renewed interest in the novels and philosophy of Rand. The Russian-born atheist author espoused the virtues of rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism in novels like Atlas Shrugged and numerous other writings.

“I don’t think she would particularly like any of the candidates,” Weiss said during an appearance on CNBC, “including Ron Paul. I think she would have hated Ron Paul.”

When asked why, Weiss noted that Paul was opposed to abortion.

“And she was very much in favor of abortion. She didn’t favor Ronald Reagan for the same reasons that she wouldn’t have favored any of the Republican nominees: for social issues.”

Hate to tell ya pal but it ain't my party.

I'm a registered Indi.

I'm a fiscal conservative and could care less about abortion, gays or any other social bs.

I could care less about relition. If I walked into a church the fucker would probably collapse.

Oh and BTW I could care less what anyone thinks of Paul.
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.

I doubt you are rich enough that you have been benefitting from the GOP's policies.

New Romney tax cuts would cost $3.4 trillion - Feb. 29, 2012

New Romney tax cuts would cost $3.4 trillion

P.S. I believe the only chance the GOP have is to nominate some other person that hasn't even been mentioned yet. That would worry us Liberals because we haven't vetted this person yet and it would excite your base. If you run Romney or Santorum you lose.
Well we all better be rich when Obamacare hits.

Apparantly its going to cost 111 Billion.

Yep. Dems the party of lets screw the taxpayer.
So Conservatives are Selfish, greedy and mean huh?? .

WOW nice to know thats how you consider people who are tired of supporting the portion of our society that pays for nothing. People who take responsibility for themselves and their lives.

You are more than welcome to support the poor and downtrodden. Have at it. Be my guest.

We'll see how long your money lasts once those "poor and downtrodden" discover your gonna pay their way.

What is funny is people in your party have split personalities. On one hand they suggest they are the moral party because they are pro life but then their economic principles are Ayn Rand's.

Gary Weiss, the author of Ayn Rand Nation, said Tuesday that despite some overlap between their political philosophies, the novelist Ayn Rand would have hated Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Many conservatives, most notably Glenn Beck, have renewed interest in the novels and philosophy of Rand. The Russian-born atheist author espoused the virtues of rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism in novels like Atlas Shrugged and numerous other writings.

“I don’t think she would particularly like any of the candidates,” Weiss said during an appearance on CNBC, “including Ron Paul. I think she would have hated Ron Paul.”

When asked why, Weiss noted that Paul was opposed to abortion.

“And she was very much in favor of abortion. She didn’t favor Ronald Reagan for the same reasons that she wouldn’t have favored any of the Republican nominees: for social issues.”

Hate to tell ya pal but it ain't my party.

I'm a registered Indi.

I'm a fiscal conservative and could care less about abortion, gays or any other social bs.

I could care less about relition. If I walked into a church the fucker would probably collapse.

Oh and BTW I could care less what anyone thinks of Paul.

Last I checked Ron Paul was in the GOP. So so are you. Hate to tell you babe.

I'm a fiscal conservative too. I hate government waste/corruption/fraud just as much as the next guy. That doesn't make me vote GOP though. Maybe you should take a look at Bernie Sanders. He's the liberal Ron Paul.
Well we all better be rich when Obamacare hits.

Apparantly its going to cost 111 Billion.

Yep. Dems the party of lets screw the taxpayer.

Divided by everyone? Sounds pretty cheap per person.

And Obama put price controls in his healthcare reform bill. If it were up to the GOP, healthcare costs would have just continued to rise unregulated. No question asked. Deny people for pre existing conditions? Sure! Go ahead!
Well we all better be rich when Obamacare hits.

Apparantly its going to cost 111 Billion.

Yep. Dems the party of lets screw the taxpayer.

Hey Claudette sweety. Let me remind you why healthcare reform was needed in the first place. This from 2007. Please look at number two honey:

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

Republicans want to pretend that things were great before Obama.

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