Why I dont want the govt to send checks to americans

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Gerald Ford was a leftist. (-:

But seriously, just giving people money may not really increase consumption, and that is the aim. We're looking at possibly best case 30-40% unemployment if we "shelter in place." I'm better placed to weather this job wise than most, but if I get a thousand bucks, I'm saving it because my wife's car has 200plusK and we'll need a new computer in it soon. I've already spent a chunk of cash on my kid's education, and am still spending. So I'm not even close to rolling in dough. But the people who will really spend any stimulus immediately are the soon to be unemployed. To the extent we can, we need to make up their pay checks, and make it possible for the small biz owners who will have to close up to have the ability to reopen 3-6 mos down the line.

They will probably take it back from your 2020 refund....

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Another ignorant poster who can't help but share his ignorance with anyone and everyone. There is NOTHING in the constitution that prohibits the gov't from sending money to its citizens.
Makes no sense

Most Americans are working or are somewhat wealthy. They will just waste the money.

Instead of $1000 to everyone, why not $10,000 to the people who really need it? Send it to those who lost their jobs due to the virus, small businesses that were forced to shut down, those who have to take care of sick members of their family

What about unemployment insurance and business interruption insurance?
NO. Not every plane in the air is engaging in commerce. Just as not every broadcaster in the airwaves isn't. The FAA, in this example, isn't concerned with what commerce that plane may or may not be engaged in. It's concerned with air safety.
Wow. There may be hope for you yet.

Is growing food for your own consumption "interstate commerce" in your opinion? (warning: this is a huge fucking trap)

Heh. I know where you are going with this. :lol:

"Don't bogart that joint!"
Excellent guess and I give you high marks (very appropriate under the topic of discussion), but it goes back farther than that. Think 1940s Supreme Court cases.

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Welfare is unconstitutional but is being done, why stop there, if the lazy liberals are allowed to be paid to do nothing, then everyone else should, isnt that the Marxist way?

The money would certainly help a lot of Americans that are not working right now and are struggling to pay bills and buy groceries, especially service workers that rely on tips more than they do an actual wage or salary. The amount of people it would help would outweigh the people that will abuse the $1,000 or don't need it as badly as others but a one size fits all approach like that may not be as effective. In my personal opinion having large amounts of loans sent to small and medium size businesses around the country so that they can continue to meet payroll and pay people while at home would be ideal. I would also suspend federal income tax temporarily so that people are taking home a little more money each week. Just a thought.

Besides miketx buying tranny hookers, how would one "abuse" the $1000.00?
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Another ignorant poster who can't help but share his ignorance with anyone and everyone. There is NOTHING in the constitution that prohibits the gov't from sending money to its citizens.
The constitution gives the govt enumerated powers. Its not about "prohibiting" them.
The irony in your personal attack is astounding. Good job dumbfuck
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Welfare is unconstitutional but is being done, why stop there, if the lazy liberals are allowed to be paid to do nothing, then everyone else should, isnt that the Marxist way?


Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

How is this "unconstitutional?"
See post #45 and #101.

9th and 10th Amendments and comments by the framers.

I will ask you the same question: Is growing food (or any other substance including "herbs" [nod to g5000]) in your own backyard for your own consumption "interstate commerce" over which the FedGov can/should regulate?

Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Welfare is unconstitutional but is being done, why stop there, if the lazy liberals are allowed to be paid to do nothing, then everyone else should, isnt that the Marxist way?


Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.

How is this "unconstitutional?"
See post #45 and #101.

9th and 10th Amendments and comments by the framers.

I will ask you the same question: Is growing food (or any other substance including "herbs" [nod to g5000]) in your own backyard for your own consumption "interstate commerce" over which the FedGov can/should regulate?

Total bullshit.
Total bullshit.
Solid retort.

Again, is growing food or pot in your own backyard for your own consumption "interstate commerce"?

Your answer to this question tells all.

I wouldn't transport pot across State lines.
You have not answered the question.

The question is this:
Is growing food in your own backyard for your own consumption in your own home "interstate commerce" which FedGov can regulate?

Another ignorant poster who can't help but share his ignorance with anyone and everyone. There is NOTHING in the constitution that prohibits the gov't from sending money to its citizens.
But why send it to those who will wasted it on drugs and alcohol?
I don't expect anyone touting the all-encompassing power of the General Welfare clause to answer my question on interstate commerce, because it will overtly expose them.

Consider yourselves exposed.

The money would certainly help a lot of Americans that are not working right now and are struggling to pay bills and buy groceries, especially service workers that rely on tips more than they do an actual wage or salary. The amount of people it would help would outweigh the people that will abuse the $1,000 or don't need it as badly as others but a one size fits all approach like that may not be as effective. In my personal opinion having large amounts of loans sent to small and medium size businesses around the country so that they can continue to meet payroll and pay people while at home would be ideal. I would also suspend federal income tax temporarily so that people are taking home a little more money each week. Just a thought.

Besides miketx buying tranny hookers, how would one "abuse" the $1000.00?

"abuse" might have been the wrong word choice but I guess I meant people who would simply take advantage of the $1,000 versus the people who need it for actual financial survival due to this crisis.
Not only is it unconstitutional, it will normalize the freakazoid far left's policies.
People are against it now but start having the govt hand out "free" money to these imbeciles and their politics will change.
"Hey man, this aint so bad. Lets vote for these extreme leftists and get more free shit"
A perfect example is democrats and the welfare system. The "new plantation" as some call it.
Dependence on the federal govt is regressive and flat out stupid.
The "progressives" want to take us back to the 13th century england. A crisis is a perfect way to do it!
Now that you read this, go back to the medias fear mongering.
Good day.
Another ignorant poster who can't help but share his ignorance with anyone and everyone. There is NOTHING in the constitution that prohibits the gov't from sending money to its citizens.
The constitution gives the govt enumerated powers. Its not about "prohibiting" them.
The irony in your personal attack is astounding. Good job dumbfuck

Is there anything in the US Constitution (or State Constitutions) about requiring drivers to have a valid driver's license or having stop signs at intersections or posting speed limits on highways? Is that all unconstitutional too?

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