Why I thought Obama was going to lose the last election.

About a year before the election, I was watching the news and they were interviewing this guy in Detroit on who looked about in his middle 40's.

And he said that he wanted to thank Obama for saving the car industry, his home, his job and because saved his job, he could keep his kid in college.

He said he felt bad Republicans would have let the auto industry die. Then he said in spite of all that, he just couldn't vote for a black as president. So I thought Obama was toast. I thought if people would vote against someone who kept their entire life from be completely ruined just because of race, Obama would never be elected to a second term. I'm guessing if Obama had been white, with his accomplishments, he would have won in a landslide.

Obama was re-elected EVEN though his major accomplishment ACA was totally passed by ONLY 7 YES votes and based entirely on a LIE that there were 46 million people that wanted insurance, were covered by Medicaid and were NOT eligible (illegals) added up to less the 4 million truly needing insurance!
Re-elected because 3 million ignorant conservatives thought Romney as a Mormon was worse then Obama for another 4 years!

These 3 million stayed at home. Didn't vote!
If these three million had voted, Romney's popular vote total would have beaten Obama's by 180,000. I don't know what it would mean Electoral College yet, that hasn't been analyzed, but this was not an election lost because of demography. It wasn't an election lost because we lost the women vote or Hispanic vote. We didn't turn our vote out. It's just that simple.
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Obama was re-elected by two different groups of people:

One group that believed the crap spewed forth about Obamacare, which was passed in the House without anybody reading it (remember the words of Nancy Pelosi?) which will be remembered as the greatest legislative fraud and crime in history.

The other group is those who preferred to see a man with no soul, no conscience, no morals, than a Mormon, and stayed home just out of spite, perhaps in the name of Christian love and tolerance.
In 2008, Obama was elected because he was not a Bush or a Clinton. There is no other explanation for why a community organizer shot from nothing to President in record time. If Obama was never born, Hillary Clinton would be President right now. The country was so disgusted with the GOP they would have elected whoever the Democrats put up. Even Dennis Kucinich.

In 2012, Obama was re-elected because the GOP's mask slipped off during the primaries and revealed the same batshit insane psychopaths are still running the party.
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About a year before the election, I was watching the news and they were interviewing this guy in Detroit on who looked about in his middle 40's.

And he said that he wanted to thank Obama for saving the car industry, his home, his job and because saved his job, he could keep his kid in college.

He said he felt bad Republicans would have let the auto industry die. Then he said in spite of all that, he just couldn't vote for a black as president. So I thought Obama was toast. I thought if people would vote against someone who kept their entire life from be completely ruined just because of race, Obama would never be elected to a second term. I'm guessing if Obama had been white, with his accomplishments, he would have won in a landslide.

The flip side is that no WHITE person with the total lack of political/executive experience, like Obama, would have ever won in the first place. The "historical" event of the first black President (phony argument, because Obama is every bit as white as he is black) made people with over active guilt feelings about what happened hundred years ago lose their sight and sanity. Sadly, these people never even realized that there was nothing in Obama's background which might have entitled him to special consideration for being descendent of former slaves, they just voted for an empty suit, whose only claim to fame was a speech, and two careers as state and U.S. Senator, both of which he quit for personal gains. But, those who lost their sight and sanity just could not NOT vote a phony half-black guy, who would have long been dead or in jail, if it had not been for his WHITE grandparents who raised him, after his BLACK father showed him his middle finger. And to show the true character of his ungrateful waste of skin, Obama threw his grandparents under the bus with his racist comments about them.

Obama is not the descendent of slaves. Obama isn't really black, other than skin tone.
In 2008, Obama was elected because he was not a Bush or a Clinton. There is no other explanation for why a community organizer shot from nothing to President in record time. If Obama was never born, Hillary Clinton would be President right now. The country was so disgusted with the GOP they would have elected whoever the Democrats put up. Even Dennis Kucinich.

In 2012, Obama was re-elected because the GOP's mask slipped off during the primaries and revealed the same batshit insane psychopaths are still running the party.

Sure there is.
He got elected because everyone jumped on the "first black president" meme. There were plenty of people running in the primaries who were neither Bush nor Clinton. John Edwards, for example. Whose policies were identical to Obama's.
The media built Obama up and never vetted him. Never subjected him to the same scrutiny every other candidate would get. If it weren't for the alt.media we wouldn't know half the stuff we do.
In 2012 Obama got re elected because his campaign used information from the IRS and NSA to target voters and intimidate PACs. Voter fraud also played a part, with some districts in important states reporting Zero votes for Romney. That is statistically impossible, btw.
About a year before the election, I was watching the news and they were interviewing this guy in Detroit on who looked about in his middle 40's.

And he said that he wanted to thank Obama for saving the car industry, his home, his job and because saved his job, he could keep his kid in college.

He said he felt bad Republicans would have let the auto industry die. Then he said in spite of all that, he just couldn't vote for a black as president. So I thought Obama was toast. I thought if people would vote against someone who kept their entire life from be completely ruined just because of race, Obama would never be elected to a second term. I'm guessing if Obama had been white, with his accomplishments, he would have won in a landslide.

You need to have faith in the 47% and their enablers.

In an ironic twist of fate, Romney got 47% of the vote?

Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Why I thought Obama was going to lose the last election.

I completely underestimated the power and numbers of the takers, in this country, as well as O's ability to get the vote out, of the uninformed, low information voters.

I knew OWS was going to play in his favor, especially with romney running. Obama's campaign did a great job portraying the 1% as the bad guy and Romney as a corporate raider destroying jobs. Romney did a poor job illustrating what was actualy a very good record of job production while at baine
In 2008, Obama was elected because he was not a Bush or a Clinton. There is no other explanation for why a community organizer shot from nothing to President in record time. If Obama was never born, Hillary Clinton would be President right now. The country was so disgusted with the GOP they would have elected whoever the Democrats put up. Even Dennis Kucinich.

In 2012, Obama was re-elected because the GOP's mask slipped off during the primaries and revealed the same batshit insane psychopaths are still running the party.

As a former Iowan I know the inferiority complex of MOST Iowans.. i.e. hick farmers, ignorant, unsophisticated pig raisers, corn growers!
Of course those people that have that opinion of Iowans are unaware Iowans have one of the highest literacy rates, plus those ignorant farmers grow the food most people eat!

And so MOST Iowans with this inferiority complex had hundreds of media sticking cameras, mics etc... in their noses and fearful that they would appear as unsophisticated boobs,
they literal "STOOD" in caucuses in 2008 primaries. They had NO knowledge of Obama's crappy ideology, and lack of experience... and ONLY reason to vote for Obama
was NOT to appear racist to the MSM and the rest of the world!

That is the simplest major reason Iowans and then millions of voters voted for Obama...i.e. they didn't want to think they were racist because THEY KNEW NOTHING about
Obama except he was black! And to vote against him would mean they knew only one reason... i.e. he was black! And these inferiority laden Iowans could not have the
MSM just as ignorant of Obama as most people would consider them unsophisticated!!!
HERE read from Obama's autobiography "Dreams of My Father"... TRICKS TACTICS...

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."
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About a year before the election, I was watching the news and they were interviewing this guy in Detroit on who looked about in his middle 40's.

And he said that he wanted to thank Obama for saving the car industry, his home, his job and because saved his job, he could keep his kid in college.

He said he felt bad Republicans would have let the auto industry die. Then he said in spite of all that, he just couldn't vote for a black as president. So I thought Obama was toast. I thought if people would vote against someone who kept their entire life from be completely ruined just because of race, Obama would never be elected to a second term. I'm guessing if Obama had been white, with his accomplishments, he would have won in a landslide.

The flip side is that no WHITE person with the total lack of political/executive experience, like Obama, would have ever won in the first place. The "historical" event of the first black President (phony argument, because Obama is every bit as white as he is black) made people with over active guilt feelings about what happened hundred years ago lose their sight and sanity. Sadly, these people never even realized that there was nothing in Obama's background which might have entitled him to special consideration for being descendent of former slaves, they just voted for an empty suit, whose only claim to fame was a speech, and two careers as state and U.S. Senator, both of which he quit for personal gains. But, those who lost their sight and sanity just could not NOT vote a phony half-black guy, who would have long been dead or in jail, if it had not been for his WHITE grandparents who raised him, after his BLACK father showed him his middle finger. And to show the true character of his ungrateful waste of skin, Obama threw his grandparents under the bus with his racist comments about them.

Obama is not the descendent of slaves. Obama isn't really black, other than skin tone.

That is exactly what I said. Thanks.
I believe the story. There is still a deep seated racial tone in the country that we be around for generations to come. Obama won a second term because he offered hope while the GOP just offered another white rich guy...
I believe the story. There is still a deep seated racial tone in the country that we be around for generations to come. Obama won a second term because he offered hope while the GOP just offered another white rich guy...

offered hope, delivered none
I believe the story. There is still a deep seated racial tone in the country that we be around for generations to come. Obama won a second term because he offered hope while the GOP just offered another white rich guy...

Another white rich guy who just pissed off one too many waiters at one of his fund raisers. Note the waiter who iPhoned Romney's infamous "47%" gaffe has chosen to stay in the background. He's a true working class hero.
I believe the story. There is still a deep seated racial tone in the country that we be around for generations to come. Obama won a second term because he offered hope while the GOP just offered another white rich guy...

offered hope, delivered none

It's called "Congress" and $$$ flowing into their pockets to block everything that man did as of January 20, 2009 except breathe.
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You need to have faith in the 47% and their enablers.

Actually that 47% that you are talking about voted for Rmoney.

You know are totally ignorant on how to use the Internet?? I mean here are the facts!

Barack Obama 332 Electoral Votes 62,611,250 Popular Votes
Mitt Romney 206 Electoral Vote 59,134,475 Popular Votes 3,476,775
2012 Election Results Map by State - Live Voting Updates - POLITICO.com

Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election
Total vote Obama Romney
White group 72% 39% 59%
Blacks 13% 93 6
Hispanic 10% 71 27
Asian 3% 73 26
other 2% 58 38


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