Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

Staying at home is a vote against both
When Hillary is President because you stayed home I'll remind you of that.........................One will win...............options may suck and you didn't duck and got smacked in the face by the ball...............It's gonna leave a mark.

When Hillary is President because you insisted on Trump, assuming you could bully people into supporting him, we'll remind YOU of that. Or, conversely, if Trump wins, when he turns into a disaster, we'll remind you of THAT, too.
aka you will take my choice of candidate or I'll will take my toys and go home............

I will remind you of that.

As opposed to "You hate my candidate, but I want him anyway, so fuck you, you HAVE TO VOTE FOR HIM!"

You have been informed of the consequences. You do it anyway, YOU own them, not me. You can remind me until the cows come home that I didn't give you your way, Junior, and the answer will always be, "Damned right I didn't! Why'd you insist on it?" There was a shortage of people who weren't insane narcissists?
Problem is those who informed us are full of shit, so :dunno:

You should be used to people who are full of shit. You're voting for one.
That's you. Is anyone else obligated to have your opinions and priorities? No. Does anyone else owe their vote to you, Trump, the Republican Party, or anyone else? No. Does bullying people to get them to join your bandwagon work? Only if they're gullible enough to already be on it.
You can do whatever the Hell you want...............I make my point and stand by it............Not voting or voting third party is the same as voting for Hillary in my book.

Do the math, Holmes, it isn't
Baloney..........the math only counts for votes that can actually matter......Your vote doesn't count in that math.

Yeah, well, not everyone plays cynical games with the country's future. I'm sure the Antichrist could win the popular vote, too, but I wouldn't feel obligated to join THAT bandwagon, either.

If the math says I'm obligated to vote for a piece of shit, the math can go fuck itself.

You have a bad candidate. If you want to be a gullible idiot for him, you get to do it alone.
So be it......if that is your opinion...................put your Hillary bumper sticker on.

So be it. If you're pushing Donald Trump no matter what, because "I'm going to have my way, fuck you", then put YOUR Hillary bumper sticker on. You own it. You want to tell me I'm guilty? Who are you, that I care?
I have issues with Cruz too. but he does consistently support free market capitalism
That is where we part ways............I don't believe in Crony Capitalism, and believe limited tariffs are in order to level the playing field..................Me and you have went round and round on this and the Tax issue...........

He wants a VAT, Cruz, no matter what he tries to say differently...........At least Ron Paul calls it what it really is.........

And the robo calls from Cruz Camp.

You started with we part ways because you don't believe in crony capitalism and not knowing what the fuck you are talking about I just starting laughing at you.

Look man, we've agreed on more than we disagreed, but crony capitalism? You think I believe in government picking market winners? You are F-U-C-K-I-N-G retarded. Go away, rain man. That is unsupported by anything I have ever posted
Whatever...................put your Clinton sticker on your car if you don't vote if Trump wins..............I will vote for Cruz should he win............if they steal the election............Convention............Then the GOP can just call itself the Dems because I'm done with them................I will change my affiliation to independent.

So if i don't put a Trump sticker on my car, I am pitting a Leona Helmsley, I mean Hillary, sticker on my car. those are my only two choices. I call Bull Shit to that
I'm not putting a Cruz sticker on my truck............but I will vote for him......................You vote for a loser candidate who has no chance to Win...........You elected Hillary........................

You get what you deserve then.............No whining when she does BS because you didn't even try to stop her.....................

Hillary will NOT TAKE ALABAMA...............EVER.

"I will vote for a good candidate I didn't want, so you have to vote for a shitty candidate you can't stand!" Yeah, no.

Don't owe you my vote. Didn't owe it to you before, don't owe it to you now, won't owe it to you later. Pick a bad candidate, lose the election. You have no one to blame but yourself. It's not OUR job to support whatever you dredge up from under the barrel; it's YOUR job to offer better choices.
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Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve.
STFU.................You have a choice even though they suck balls.................

Put it simply for you when you ONLY HAVE 2 OPTIONS.

You are in a pile of shit........hands tied.........ball coming at your face.........only choice is to get smacked in the face or duck into the shit...............

Which do you choose.............neither isn't an OPTION ASSHOLE.

The reason we have only two options is people keep believing we have only two options. Voting is what it takes to change that. the losers are the ones who decide both our "two options" suck and sit at home on their hands. Vote for what matters. MORE OPTIONS!
Which part of playing the hand you are given don't you understand.........................Show me the fucking options...............

Wow.............I voted for nobody and got Hillary............WHOOP D FUCKING DOO...............

"Wow, I've been told repeatedly that someone will vote for a third candidate, and all I hear is 'vote for nobody'."

You deal us a hand with nothing but the fucking Joker, we're heading to a different table. Wrap your head around the fact that if you want President Trump, we don't owe it to you to give you him, and you get to get him alone. And own his catastrophe alone.

Yeah.........I did it all by myself....................and you'll remind me how you sat home and got Hillary elected........Like I said put your fucking Hillary sticker on your car.
Hello.........this is a robo call for Trump in Florida.........Cruz has stopped campaigning in Florida.............please don't waste your vote and vote for a man that is dropping out anyway...............
You keep saying "your party" to me is the problem.
Nope. I never have. That's a lie. I have said YOU are the problem.

You could easily prove your claim by posting when I have done that.

But you can't.

Because you are a compulsive, pathological liar.

You're the pathological liar. So if I go back and show the quoteS, are you going to admit the bitch you are or just deflect again?
Go right ahead.

Wasn't the question. I want you to admit when I show one of the many quotes you said that that you are a stupid bitch. Do you agree?
You made a claim.

Back it up, or shut up.

All I asked is if I back it up, will it matter to you. will you admit you're a lying piece of shit? All I have so far is you deny it and you'll just pass it off when I prove it.

You denied what you did, you going to man up or not, g pussy? I'm calling you out. You said I'm a liar. Say if I prove it you'll admit you're a lying piece of shit
That's you. Is anyone else obligated to have your opinions and priorities? No. Does anyone else owe their vote to you, Trump, the Republican Party, or anyone else? No. Does bullying people to get them to join your bandwagon work? Only if they're gullible enough to already be on it.
You can do whatever the Hell you want...............I make my point and stand by it............Not voting or voting third party is the same as voting for Hillary in my book.

Do the math, Holmes, it isn't
Baloney..........the math only counts for votes that can actually matter......Your vote doesn't count in that math.

Yeah, well, not everyone plays cynical games with the country's future. I'm sure the Antichrist could win the popular vote, too, but I wouldn't feel obligated to join THAT bandwagon, either.

If the math says I'm obligated to vote for a piece of shit, the math can go fuck itself.

You have a bad candidate. If you want to be a gullible idiot for him, you get to do it alone.
So be it......if that is your opinion...................put your Hillary bumper sticker on.

our choices are nevil chamberlin or hitler, if we don't vote for one or the other, we don't believe in freedom.

What a stupid argument
Nope. I never have. That's a lie. I have said YOU are the problem.

You could easily prove your claim by posting when I have done that.

But you can't.

Because you are a compulsive, pathological liar.

You're the pathological liar. So if I go back and show the quoteS, are you going to admit the bitch you are or just deflect again?
Go right ahead.

Wasn't the question. I want you to admit when I show one of the many quotes you said that that you are a stupid bitch. Do you agree?
You made a claim.

Back it up, or shut up.

All I asked is if I back it up, will it matter to you. will you admit you're a lying piece of shit? All I have so far is you deny it and you'll just pass it off when I prove it.

You denied what you did, you going to man up or not, g pussy? I'm calling you out. You said I'm a liar. Say if I prove it you'll admit you're a lying piece of shit
Back up your lies, or shut up.

That is where we part ways............I don't believe in Crony Capitalism, and believe limited tariffs are in order to level the playing field..................Me and you have went round and round on this and the Tax issue...........

He wants a VAT, Cruz, no matter what he tries to say differently...........At least Ron Paul calls it what it really is.........

And the robo calls from Cruz Camp.

You started with we part ways because you don't believe in crony capitalism and not knowing what the fuck you are talking about I just starting laughing at you.

Look man, we've agreed on more than we disagreed, but crony capitalism? You think I believe in government picking market winners? You are F-U-C-K-I-N-G retarded. Go away, rain man. That is unsupported by anything I have ever posted
Whatever...................put your Clinton sticker on your car if you don't vote if Trump wins..............I will vote for Cruz should he win............if they steal the election............Convention............Then the GOP can just call itself the Dems because I'm done with them................I will change my affiliation to independent.

So if i don't put a Trump sticker on my car, I am pitting a Leona Helmsley, I mean Hillary, sticker on my car. those are my only two choices. I call Bull Shit to that
I'm not putting a Cruz sticker on my truck............but I will vote for him......................You vote for a loser candidate who has no chance to Win...........You elected Hillary........................

You get what you deserve then.............No whining when she does BS because you didn't even try to stop her.....................

Hillary will NOT TAKE ALABAMA...............EVER.

"I will vote for a good candidate I didn't want, so you have to vote for a shitty candidate you can't stand!" Yeah, no.

Don't owe you my vote. Didn't owe it to you before, don't owe it to you now, won't owe it to you later. Pick a bad candidate, lose the election. You have no one to blame but yourself. It's not OUR job to support whatever you dredge up from under the barrel; it's YOUR job to offer better choices.

Damn I could swear you are my daughter ... I mean a specific one. Obviously I'm no bitch of the Republican party, but she gave me so much shit for watching Rachel Maddow when we were a Nielsen family and represented 20K viewers. She's funny I said. No, she's not my daughter said. I still think she was funny. but I digress...

BTW, she had Fox on all day to drive up their ratings ...
You're the pathological liar. So if I go back and show the quoteS, are you going to admit the bitch you are or just deflect again?
Go right ahead.

Wasn't the question. I want you to admit when I show one of the many quotes you said that that you are a stupid bitch. Do you agree?
You made a claim.

Back it up, or shut up.

All I asked is if I back it up, will it matter to you. will you admit you're a lying piece of shit? All I have so far is you deny it and you'll just pass it off when I prove it.

You denied what you did, you going to man up or not, g pussy? I'm calling you out. You said I'm a liar. Say if I prove it you'll admit you're a lying piece of shit
Back up your lies, or shut up.


So far what I have from you is it doesn't matter to you. Obviously you don't have the testicles to stand behind your lies that you don't keep saying "your party" to me. So if you think you're not a man, why should I care to prove you're not what you can't claim you are?
You must do what you must do..................Just as I will do the same...............I will vote for the GOP candidate which will be Trump or Cruz........unless it is high jacked in Convention.

Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................

Staying at home is a vote against both
When Hillary is President because you stayed home I'll remind you of that.........................One will win...............options may suck and you didn't duck and got smacked in the face by the ball...............It's gonna leave a mark.

When Hillary is President because you insisted on Trump, assuming you could bully people into supporting him, we'll remind YOU of that. Or, conversely, if Trump wins, when he turns into a disaster, we'll remind you of THAT, too.
Obviously you don't know what the hell is going on.

Shit is too far gone at this point, the elites just don't give a shit that much. At this point, they just need a fall guy.

Barney the purple dinosaur could be president, and the shit is still going to hit the fan.

What the FED does has more impact on how bad things are going to get than whether Hillary gets to be POTUS or Donny gets to sit in the big chair at the big people's table.
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve.
STFU.................You have a choice even though they suck balls.................

Put it simply for you when you ONLY HAVE 2 OPTIONS.

You are in a pile of shit........hands tied.........ball coming at your face.........only choice is to get smacked in the face or duck into the shit...............

Which do you choose.............neither isn't an OPTION ASSHOLE.

The reason we have only two options is people keep believing we have only two options. Voting is what it takes to change that. the losers are the ones who decide both our "two options" suck and sit at home on their hands. Vote for what matters. MORE OPTIONS!
Which part of playing the hand you are given don't you understand.........................Show me the fucking options...............

Wow.............I voted for nobody and got Hillary............WHOOP D FUCKING DOO...............

"Wow, I've been told repeatedly that someone will vote for a third candidate, and all I hear is 'vote for nobody'."

You deal us a hand with nothing but the fucking Joker, we're heading to a different table. Wrap your head around the fact that if you want President Trump, we don't owe it to you to give you him, and you get to get him alone. And own his catastrophe alone.

Yeah.........I did it all by myself....................and you'll remind me how you sat home and got Hillary elected........Like I said put your fucking Hillary sticker on your car.

here's what you're not processing. Hillary, Trump, I don't give a shit. Neither is a believer in freedom
you also call people Republicans to insult them

Back up your claim, or shut up.

back up your claim or shut up

So far you have said prove it, but if I do, you're a limp wristed pussy who doesn't give a shit either way.

Say, I didn't say that, and if you prove I did, I'm a stupid fucking **** for saying that and then denying it.

Put up or shut up, Democrat
you also call people Republicans to insult them

Back up your claim, or shut up.

back up your claim or shut up

So far you have said prove it, but if I do, you're a limp wristed pussy who doesn't give a shit either way.

Say, I didn't say that, and if you prove I did, I'm a stupid fucking **** for saying that and then denying it.

Put up or shut up, Democrat
Argument from ignorance. The onus of proof is on the person who made the claim.

Back up your claims, or shut up.
So when you keep saying "your party" is the problem, you are referring to what party?
I have not said "your party is the problem".

Back up your claim, or shut up.

Stand behind your claim or shut up. Say, I am a stupid useless pile of cow dung if I said that and I will admit that
you also call people Republicans to insult them

Back up your claim, or shut up.

back up your claim or shut up

So far you have said prove it, but if I do, you're a limp wristed pussy who doesn't give a shit either way.

Say, I didn't say that, and if you prove I did, I'm a stupid fucking **** for saying that and then denying it.

Put up or shut up, Democrat
Argument from ignorance. The onus of proof is on the person who made the claim.

Back up your claims, or shut up.

Argument from pussydom. You keep saying that if I prove it your response is yeah, whatever.

All I'm asking you to do is say you never said that and if I prove you did, you'll admit what a useless lying pussy you are. So far you are saying you want to cut to the chase and admit you're a useless lying pussy now who won't stand behind your claim
So when you keep saying "your party" is the problem, you are referring to what party?
I have not said "your party is the problem".

Back up your claim, or shut up.

Stand behind your claim or shut up. Say, I am a stupid useless pile of cow dung if I said that and I will admit that
I have not made a claim. You have.

Here is one of them again:

you also call people Republicans to insult them

Back up your claim, or shut up.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
Hey guys..............I'm gonna stay home and enjoy my freedom by not voting or voting for someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning..............Basically not voting then WHINE at those that tried to stop a Hillary Win on how they should BOYCOTT the election.........

Yeah them Boycott's got the establishment shaking in their boots

So our choices are you'll vote between Trump and Hillary where one vote won't matter.

Or you won't vote for a different choice because your vote then wouldn't matter.

Hmm ... OK?

I vote in every election like my vote decides the election
If they steal the primary vote then the election is over........perhaps I'll vote ...........perhaps not.............The Will of the people with the votes will be gone.................and it will not make a fuck whether I vote at all.........I've NEVER missed an ELECTION except while serving overseas.......................where I couldn't get a dang absentee ballot in time to vote................didn't apply in time and mail took a month back then both ways.......at times with the FPO's.............

I know where you are going with this...............but that dog doesn't hunt with me.............It's an invalid election if the establishment negates the people's vote..................

. . . . and they do that just about every electoral cycle. Your point is? :dunno:

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