Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

You are trying to justify Israel's position? tbh that is a ridiculous statement. First there was not yet a great deal of criticising of Israel. The Internet was not here and unless you did a degree on the ME most people knew next to nothing about it and secondly it is about values which is not something you give up. Has Israel changed her values that she shared with SA since then?
Are you kidding? At the time the only nation on earth supporting Israel was the USA. Everyone else was against Israel.
Are you kidding? At the time the only nation on earth supporting Israel was the USA. Everyone else was against Israel.
Early 90's sounds a bit early. I know that the first thing which got me thinking was when one of our Parliamentarians in respect to NI said it was one thing for people who did not have a passport to engage in terrorism but quite another when people have the vote. Although at the beginning of the troubles most Catholics did not have the vote, they had by that time so that is probably around the time our lawmakers started being critical of Israel. Interestingly enough the strongest voice was our labour shadow foreign minister who happened to be a Jew so that would be when I became aware of it. I had been travelling abroad, including to Israel and had then ended up spending some years in a buddhist community so might have missed it. I understand that some Jews started feeling uncomfortable about what Israel was doing after the 67 war and what they were asked to do in it. There are some recordings of this but in the main I think Jewish people in general started feeling the need to speak out after Cast Lead and that went with the internet. Look, if people were having a go at you the very last thing you would want to do was snuggle up with another country whose values the world despised. You would want to stay as far away from them as possible unless the reason the world was having a go at you both was the same.
Because it isn't.
  • Monsey, New York, December 2019: Five people were injured, including one who later died of his injuries, when Grafton Thomas attacked a Hanukkah party at the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York with a machete. Federal prosecutors filed hate crime charges against Thomas after discovering evidence of antisemitic ideologies in his journal and search history, including searches for "why did Hitler hate the Jews," "German Jewish Temples near me," and "Zionist temples." Thomas has since been declared unfit to stand trial and was ordered committed to a psychiatric facility for continued evaluation.
  • Jersey City, New Jersey, December 10, 2019: David Anderson and Francine Graham shot and killed a police officer at a cemetery before driving to a kosher market and killing three more people. Anderson and Graham were killed during the subsequent standoff and shootout. One civilian and two police officers were also shot but survived. Both Anderson and Graham had expressed Black Hebrew Israelite and antisemitic views in the past. A note reportedly found in their vehicle read, “I do this because my creator makes me do this, and I hate who he hates.” As of the publication of this report, police are also investigating whether the two may also have been involved in a previous killing as well.
  • Poway, California, April 2019: White supremacist John T. Earnest opened fire at a synagogue in Poway, California, killing one person and injuring three before fleeing. He was reportedly emulating white supremacist Brenton Tarrant's killing spree in New Zealand in March 2019. In December 2021 he was sentenced to life plus thirty years in prison.
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 27, 2018. White supremacist Robert Bowers murdered 11 people and injured seven more, including four police officers, during services at the Tree of Life Synagogue. Bowers was a virulent antisemite who, among other things, blamed Jews for orchestrating the immigration of non-whites into the United States.
  • Orange County, California, January 2, 2018. White supremacist Samuel Woodward, a member of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen, was arrested for killing Blaze Bernstein, a former high school acquaintance. Woodward allegedly stabbed Bernstein 20 times in the face and neck before burying him in a shallow grave. Woodward was charged with first-degree murder with a hate crime enhancement (Bernstein was Jewish and gay).
  • January 2022, Colleyville, Texas: A gunman entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, during services, and took three congregants and a rabbi as hostages. The attacker reportedly demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year prison sentence at the Federal Medical Center (FMC) Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas. The standoff ended more than ten hours later with all hostages released, apparently unharmed, and the alleged perpetrator, identified as 44-year-old British national Malik Faisal Akram, dead.
  • April 2020, Assumption, Illinois: Federal agents charged white supremacist Randall Burrus with weapons offenses in connection with an alleged plot to attack a synagogue.
  • April 2020, East Longmeadow, Massachusetts: Federal agents arrested white supremacist John Michael Rathbun for allegedly attempting to burn down a Jewish assisted living facility. In June 2021, Rathbun was convicted on two federal counts related to the plot.
  • March 2020, Belton, Missouri: White supremacist Timothy Wilson was killed in a shootout with the FBI as they attempted to arrest him for plotting to blow up a hospital housing Covid-19 patients in the Kansas City area. Wilson reportedly discussed other possible targets, including a school with a large African-American student population, a synagogue and a mosque.
  • November 2019, Pueblo, Colorado: Federal authorities arrested Neo-Nazi and white supremacist Richard Holzer on charges related to an alleged plot to blow up a synagogue. In February 2021, Holzer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to over 19 years in prison, followed by 15 years of supervised release. Holzer admitted he planned the bombing and that it was “a move for our race” in preparation for a racial holy war.
  • September 2019, Racine, Wisconsin: Yousef O. Barasneh, a member of the neo-Nazi group, The Base, allegedly vandalized the Beth Israel Sinai Congregation with antisemitic graffiti, as part of a multi-state plot against Jews dubbed “Operation Kristallnacht” by the white supremacist conspirators. Barasneh was later apprehended and pleaded guilty to criminal charges related to the plot, as did Richard Tobin, who allegedly orchestrated it. Tobin was 19 at the time."
  • August 2019, Youngstown, Ohio: James Reardon Jr., a white nationalist, was arrested for threatening a Jewish community center on Instagram. A video posted on July 11, 2019, tagged the Youngstown center and shows a man who appears to be Reardon firing a semi-automatic rifle. When he was taken into custody, he had an arsenal of firearms and combat gear in his home. Reardon pleaded guilty to charges of menacing and harassing in May 2021 and was sentenced in September 2021 to 41 months in prison.
  • August 2019, Las Vegas, Nevada: White supremacist Conor Climo was arrested on a federal weapons charge in connection with a plot to attack several local targets, including a Messianic church, an ADL office, and an LGBTQ-friendly bar. Climo pleaded guilty in February 2020 to one count of possession of an unregistered firearm. He admitted that he was communicating with individuals who identified themselves as members of the neo-Nazi group Feuerkrieg Division and that he had discussed plans to set fire to a synagogue. Climo was sentenced to two years in prison in November 2020.
  • June 2019, Harlingen, Texas: Harlingen, Texas, police arrested Joel Hayden Schrimsher for planning to mail a bomb to the Federal Reserve, set fire to a mosque and set fire to and shoot up a synagogue. In addition to explosive materials, police also reportedly found white supremacist literature in his house. Schrimsher was sentenced to eight years in state prison on January 2021.
  • June 2019, Concord, California: White supremacist Ross Farca was arrested on charges of making criminal threats and manufacturing and possessing an illegal assault weapon after claiming online that he wanted to imitate alleged Poway shooter John Earnest. On December 1, 2021, a jury found Farca guilty on five counts including weapons and hate crime charges. (edited)
  • May 2019, Carmel, Indiana: White supremacist Nolan Brewer plotted to burn down a synagogue in Carmel, Indiana. However, upon arrival he was deterred by its security cameras and committed an act of vandalism instead. He pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime and received a three-year sentence.
  • May, 2019, Kent, Washington: Federal authorities arrested white supremacist Chase Bliss Colasurdo of Kent, Washington and charged him with making violent threats against President Trump’s family and media figures, as well as ongoing bomb threats to synagogues. Colasurdo’s posts included images and statements promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories and advocating for the murder of Jews, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who survived the April 2019 shooting attack at the Chabad Congregation in Poway, California. On October 2019, Colasurdo pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison and three years of supervised release for two counts of interstate threats.
  • May 2019, Basking Ridge, New Jersey: Islamist extremist Jonathan Xie was arrested for attempting to provide material support to Hamas and threatening to shoot pro-Israel supporters, as well as bomb the Israeli consulate and Trump Tower in New York City. In September 2020, Xie pleaded guilty and admitted he concealed his attempts to provide support Hamas.
  • April 2019, Ocean City, Maryland: Corbin Kauffman (aka CK Shekels) of Lehighton, Pennsylvania, was charged with interstate transmission of threats to injure. Kauffman “expressed a desire to commit genocide and ‘hate crimes,’ and called for or depicted images of killing of Jewish people, black people and Muslim people.” Kauffman also plastered a display case at Chabad Jewish Center in Ocean City, Maryland with white supremacist and antisemitic stickers; allegedly spray-painted antisemitic graffiti at a park; and posted photos of the vandalism online. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison in July 2021.
  • February 2019, Silver Spring, Maryland: Coast Guard lieutenant Christopher Paul Hasson, a white supremacist, was arrested by federal authorities on weapon and drug charges in connection with an alleged terrorist plot to attack politicians and media figures. Hasson’s list of targets included Jewish leaders. Hasson was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison in January 2020. He filed an appeal in March 2021.

There are 2 instances of BHI attacks, 1 British Muslim and the rest of these attacks on Jews were by White supremacists.

The only resentment we see here is the resentment of blacks displayed over and over by a woman claiming to be a Jew.
Jackie Walker Jewish anti-racist Jackie Walker speaks about resisting 'a major witch hunt'
Your quoting of instances that you googled means NOTHING. And why do you consider direct assaults the only sign of antisemitism? I am talking about anti-Jew attitudes and prejudice, which is 4 times as bad among blacks than whites. (Again, it’s due to resentment of Jews’ success, despite the horrific bigotry perpetrated against them for two millenia.)

I quoted a study in my OP that showed how much worse antisemitism is among blacks. But as usual, you can never admit how much worse blacks are toward Jews, when you yourself started a thread specifically to disparage Jews as selfish. You exemplify that which you purport to hate - black bigotry against Jews.

And the facr that you are saying I’m not really Jewish -huh?? - makes me wonder if you are really black, since you project everything about yourself onto others.
Lisa-----I kinda disagree----the antisemitism of blacks is---IMO----a result of the religions which
were actually, historically, imposed on blacks---to wit,
christianity and islam
You’re kidding, right? Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks or Muslims. I’d argue that antisemitism is actually more prevalent than racism.

Read some of the threads. The vitriol against Jews is prerty chilling, even in a “nice” Zone 1 thread. We have everything from posters saying they wish Jews would fly off the planet, labeling us “Christ Killers,” praising Hitler for the work he did, suggestions to create a Jew island where we can all be sent so we won’t bother anyone, and more.
So is the vitriol against blacks.

Deport them to Africa.
Abortion, one less kid to become a criminal.
Shooting an unarmed black person…a service to society.
The Great Replacement conspiracy theory.
Post #7 in this thread.

You make a sweeping generalization, without any support whatsoever, that it is all about “resentment of success”. I call BS on that. Many blacks have been successful, despite racism. Parents worked hard to ensure their children had the best education they could manage and shielded their children from the worst of Jim Crowe.

For the persecution leveled at Jews, and there is certainly plenty, there were several key differences that you fail to recognize. And these are in living memory.

At the end of the day, a Jew and a Black can walk down the street and no one would know he was Jewish. He’d be White. A Black man will always be a Black man. Even you consciously identify as White when it suits and Jewish when it suits.

No states passed laws specifically restricting your race to substandard schools, substandard housing, barring you from restraints, stores, hotels, public beaches and parks, and curtailing your ability to vote. That is living memory, and that many blacks succeeded DESPITE this, is surely the definition of success.

Where the antisemitism comes in, I’m not sure. I think there is a mixture of reasons. IRosie pointed out religion and a whole lot of antisemitism springs from that and antisemitic tropes people seem to buy into. Tropes like Jews as greedy money lenders, merchants that take advantage of the poor are easily bought into when Blacks see Jews opening shops in their communities while they themselves remain impoverished. There is religious basis to that. And it doesn’t help that they also see Jews treat black Ethiopian Jews as somehow LESS authentically Jewish than their lighter skinned counterparts.
Maybe because African Americans are substantially more likely to live in the failed, hate-producing liberal inner cities than are Honkies?

White people predominate in smaller, suburban subdivisions and small towns, which are a lot less hateful than the big city than are blacks.

I'd like to see a comparison between inner city blacks and whites, and suburban subdivision blacks and whites, before coming to the conclusion that this is a racial thing.
Inner cities are far more likely to be inhabited by blacks and Hispanics than whites. Poor whites are more likely to be in rural areas, I think, like Appalachia etc. And they can certainly be antisemitic and racist.
  • Thanks
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So is the vitriol against blacks.

Deport them to Africa.
Abortion, one less kid to become a criminal.
Shooting an unarmed black person…a service to society.
The Great Replacement conspiracy theory.
Post #7 in this thread.

You make a sweeping generalization, without any support whatsoever, that it is all about “resentment of success”. I call BS on that. Many blacks have been successful, despite racism. Parents worked hard to ensure their children had the best education they could manage and shielded their children from the worst of Jim Crowe.

For the persecution leveled at Jews, and there is certainly plenty, there were several key differences that you fail to recognize. And these are in living memory.

At the end of the day, a Jew and a Black can walk down the street and no one would know he was Jewish. He’d be White. A Black man will always be a Black man. Even you consciously identify as White when it suits and Jewish when it suits.

No states passed laws specifically restricting your race to substandard schools, substandard housing, barring you from restraints, stores, hotels, public beaches and parks, and curtailing your ability to vote. That is living memory, and that many blacks succeeded DESPITE this, is surely the definition of success.

Where the antisemitism comes in, I’m not sure. I think there is a mixture of reasons. IRosie pointed out religion and a whole lot of antisemitism springs from that and antisemitic tropes people seem to buy into. Tropes like Jews as greedy money lenders, merchants that take advantage of the poor are easily bought into when Blacks see Jews opening shops in their communities while they themselves remain impoverished. There is religious basis to that. And it doesn’t help that they also see Jews treat black Ethiopian Jews as somehow LESS authentically Jewish than their lighter skinned counterparts.
your theory of the "INESCAPABLE REALITY OF SKIN COLOR" is over-stated. IN FACT, many many societies have, historically, overcome the issue of
HOW TO IDENTIFY-----specifically---the likely suspects------the christian canon law and shariah
both impose identifying marks on jews (and several other groups) As to intergroup prejudice amongst
jews-------well-----dont tell me about it----I IS
ASHKENAZI and hubby is MIZRACHI -----a potentially miserable conflict-----his cuisine is really
So is the vitriol against blacks.

Deport them to Africa.
Abortion, one less kid to become a criminal.
Shooting an unarmed black person…a service to society.
The Great Replacement conspiracy theory.
Post #7 in this thread.

You make a sweeping generalization, without any support whatsoever, that it is all about “resentment of success”. I call BS on that. Many blacks have been successful, despite racism. Parents worked hard to ensure their children had the best education they could manage and shielded their children from the worst of Jim Crowe.

For the persecution leveled at Jews, and there is certainly plenty, there were several key differences that you fail to recognize. And these are in living memory.

At the end of the day, a Jew and a Black can walk down the street and no one would know he was Jewish. He’d be White. A Black man will always be a Black man. Even you consciously identify as White when it suits and Jewish when it suits.

No states passed laws specifically restricting your race to substandard schools, substandard housing, barring you from restraints, stores, hotels, public beaches and parks, and curtailing your ability to vote. That is living memory, and that many blacks succeeded DESPITE this, is surely the definition of success.

Where the antisemitism comes in, I’m not sure. I think there is a mixture of reasons. IRosie pointed out religion and a whole lot of antisemitism springs from that and antisemitic tropes people seem to buy into. Tropes like Jews as greedy money lenders, merchants that take advantage of the poor are easily bought into when Blacks see Jews opening shops in their communities while they themselves remain impoverished. There is religious basis to that. And it doesn’t help that they also see Jews treat black Ethiopian Jews as somehow LESS authentically Jewish than their lighter skinned counterparts.
And you’re right back to saying how blacks had it worse. Can we PLEASE not go there?

The question is….why is antisemitism so much more pronounced among blacks than whites? You mention the nasty tropes against Jews as greedy moneylenders, and that blacks resent when they see Jews be successful by opening shops and that they (blacks) remain poor.

But this isn’t restricted to just black neighborhoods. Jews open shops all over, including poor white areas, and poor whites would be in the same position.. And yet, overall, there is still much more Jew-hate among blacks than whites.

I still say that there is a special underlying resentment, on the part of blacks, against Jews because the latter has been terribly persecuted and still has risen to an above-average level of success (as a group). It’s a sad commentary that a minority that has been so persecuted is looked upon with disdain rather than with admiration for the things they did right that has led to their success.

P.S. I’m not saying Jews are perfect, so don’t jump in to point out their flaws. I’m saying that they HAVE succeeded despite antisemitism, and the traits and choices that enabled that should be emulated rather than put down.
Maybe because African Americans are substantially more likely to live in the failed, hate-producing liberal inner cities than are Honkies?

White people predominate in smaller, suburban subdivisions and small towns, which are a lot less hateful than the big city than are blacks.

I'd like to see a comparison between inner city blacks and whites, and suburban subdivision blacks and whites, before coming to the conclusion that this is a racial thing.
What about conservative white supremacist rural hovels of hate? I live in Kansas and there are places I don't dare go that are close to where I live due to racism. These same people hate Jews.
You are trying to justify Israel's position? tbh that is a ridiculous statement. First there was not yet a great deal of criticising of Israel. The Internet was not here and unless you did a degree on the ME most people knew next to nothing about it and secondly it is about values which is not something you give up. Has Israel changed her values that she shared with SA since then?
have you changed ? will you EVER?. I am old
I grew up in a VERY WHITE, EPISCOPALIAN town.
Way back in the 1950s the town was INUNDATED
with vituperative anti-semitic and "anti-zionist"
literature------freely in pamphlets and little books.
Some of the stuff was printed before I was born----
ie way back in the 1930s. Israel never "shared
values" with South Africa------the starvation
boycott that people like you advocate was in force since the 1940s. Israel traded with any country she
could as a matter of survival. Do you still dance at
the thought of starvation?----do you remember the
Biafran babies? Well----the kids in my town did
not bother with that either. Do you know why the
ZOROASTRIANS fled to Bombay? (speaking of not
Apart from Israel I am pretty sure the other country which was still supporting South Africa until a year before apartheid ended was the US.
I have been thinking the growth of white supremacy in the US is of far more genuine danger to Jews.
It's a danger to everyone but blacks are more identifiable than Jews, unless they are a Jew of color.
What about conservative white supremacist rural hovels of hate? I live in Kansas and there are places I don't dare go that are close to where I live due to racism. These same people hate Jews.
What about them? There are places in my city
I SHOULD NOT GO ----sometime ago I
remonstrated with a city cop---"WHERE ARE YOU
(that's where the bullets still fly) The cop said---
CAR DOWN THAT ROAD" there are all kinds of
enclaves of "gawd knows what" in various places
Screw that. This is a JEWISH publication. You are the racist. You have used the n word to describe me. Because I've use more than just this article and you do see Lisas every post. She's white, Jewish and racist, everything that article spoke about. So i suggest you GFY.
I missed it----what jewish publication?
I missed it----what jewish publication?

He quoted an op-Ed by a self-loathing Jew that was printed in a far-left publication - one that bordered on socialism in its early days. There have been a couple of liberals, so eager to tear down Jews due to their success despite raging antisemitism, that they’ve been hunting for obscure articles where a Jew criticizes other Jews.
have you changed ? will you EVER?. I am old
I grew up in a VERY WHITE, EPISCOPALIAN town.
Way back in the 1950s the town was INUNDATED
with vituperative anti-semitic and "anti-zionist"
literature------freely in pamphlets and little books.
Some of the stuff was printed before I was born----
ie way back in the 1930s. Israel never "shared
values" with South Africa------the starvation
boycott that people like you advocate was in force since the 1940s. Israel traded with any country she
could as a matter of survival. Do you still dance at
the thought of starvation?----do you remember the
Biafran babies? Well----the kids in my town did
not bother with that either. Do you know why the
ZOROASTRIANS fled to Bombay? (speaking of not
Well maybe that all was your experience but it most certainly was not mine. I never met anyone antisemetic until I came online. Anytime my Mother heard anyone was fighting Israel she would give it the same intensity as she did on Bloody Sunday. I assumed for a very long time that things were as I and a hell of a lot of other people had been told - that Israel was just this little state where Jews lived. Jews being the people who the Nazis tried a genocide on. You make so many statements built only on your imagination and you are possibly the most aggressive person I have met online.
Inner cities are far more likely to be inhabited by blacks and Hispanics than whites. Poor whites are more likely to be in rural areas, I think, like Appalachia etc. And they can certainly be antisemitic and racist.
Fascinating. Moving out of the cities by the better off happened here in the UK too but then they moved back in. It was the place to be. Talk is the experience of Covid is likely to see people move out again.
Well maybe that all was your experience but it most certainly was not mine. I never met anyone antisemetic until I came online. Anytime my Mother heard anyone was fighting Israel she would give it the same intensity as she did on Bloody Sunday. I assumed for a very long time that things were as I and a hell of a lot of other people had been told - that Israel was just this little state where Jews lived. Jews being the people who the Nazis tried a genocide on. You make so many statements built only on your imagination and you are possibly the most aggressive person I have met online.
I am not imaginative at all-----not at all creative.
I deal only in cold hard facts. ----very cold.
I even managed to ACE calculus in College----
NO IMAGINATION needed. My english prof.
actually apologized for grading me a "B" -----
My writing is too factual and lacking in CREATIVITY- ----I ended up a DIAGNOSTICIAN -- very cold hard stuff. But I am intrigued. Can you
cite an example of my putative "imagination" ?

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