Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

Sunni “ disagrees “ yet I have posted threads that prove otherwise. Just proves Muslims are Habitual Liars. They also excel in public hanging and beheadings. 🇮🇱✡️[URL

Just a FEW of HUNDREDS of articles. The MUSLIM SUNNI IS A LIAR
I think the blacks are jealous of the Jews. I apologize if someone already mentioned this.

Traditional antisemitic canards portray Jews as the ultimate oppressor - sneaky, scheming, unduly powerful, rich and manipulative.

As we have seen from the virulently racist blacks, here, being the perpetual victim is ingrained onto much of the black community. Even when they receive preferential treatment in all phases of life, they STILL whine about imaginary racism.

It's just too easy for black racists scheming away trying to get free stuff by claiming victimhood to target a small minority with such formulaic caricatures casting them as the oppressor.

Traditional antisemitic canards portray Jews as the ultimate oppressor - sneaky, scheming, unduly powerful, rich and manipulative.

As we have seen from the virulently racist blacks, here, being the perpetual victim is ingrained onto much of the black community. Even when they receive preferential treatment in all phases of life, they STILL whine about imaginary racism.

It's just too easy for black racists scheming away trying to get free stuff by claiming victimhood to target a small minority with such formulaic caricatures casting them as the oppressor.
And so ironic! A minority crying about the evils of racism turning around and advancing disgusting bigotry against a different minority.

The most blatant, and recent, example that pops to mind is the incident concerning the president of the Philly chapter of the NAACP. He distributed a hateful, Jew-hating cartoon that made the same old antisemitic tropes which have been around since the Middle Ages.

Think of it: a man whose role is to fight against bigotry toward blacks turns around and spews it against the Jews.

How did it end: Jews wanted the antisemite to resign (how can a bigot be in charge of a group that purports to fight bigotry?), but the leaders of the national NAACP, and other blacks, and other leftists (leftists!) fought to keep the black bigot in his role. And they won.
Black Slavery exists today in Muslim-dominated African nations[URL

Just a FEW of HUNDREDS of articles. The MUSLIM SUNNI IS A LIAR
Blacks were free in Libya until shit head Americans and their HATO destroyed Libya. Now there are Black slaves being sold in Libya.
Blacks were free in Libya until shit head Americans and their HATO destroyed Libya. Now there are Black slaves being sold in Libya.
Real Black Men are not Jealous of Edomite self professed Jews who have thousands of years experience manipulating people and looting them.
Real Black Men are not Jealous of Edomite self professed Jews who have thousands of years experience manipulating people and looting them.
Considering that the Jewish People make up 2/10 of 1 percent of the Total World 🌎 Population I say KUDOS
BS ^^^ blacks were always SLAVES in Libya
Blacks were free under Khadafi at the very least.
The Edomite Jew controlled USA bombed cities in Libya, the great irrigation system they had built and turned the nation in mass pain suffering and agony; Ain't America Great!?
Blacks were free under Khadafi at the very least.
The Edomite Jew controlled USA bombed cities in Libya, the great irrigation system they had built and turned the nation in mass pain suffering and agony; Ain't America Great!?
Yes, I am proud of that fact 🌎
Considering we make up 2/10 of 1 percent of the population I would say it’s quite a accomplishment and you’re welcome 😇
Considering that we are 2/10th of 1 of the world population, it‘s quite an accomplishment that Jews get 22% of Nobel Prizes. It speaks to how much Jews contribute to society, much to the chagrin of antisemites like Ivan and Hawk.
Considering that we are 2/10th of 1 of the world population, it‘s quite an accomplishment that Jews get 22% of Nobel Prizes. It speaks to how much Jews contribute to society, much to the chagrin of antisemites like Ivan and Hawk.
AGREE ! Considering we were behind the SLAVE TRADE why didn’t the “ Good Christians” do something about it and stop ✋ it ??👍🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️😇✡️
Considering we were behind the SLAVE TRADE why didn’t the “ Good Christians” do something about it and stop ✋ it ??
That is a good question. Biblically, it is lawful to have slaves. What the Jews did was cruel, vicious and murderous. Most Christians were kind to their slaves. Male slaves learned many valuable skills, and after the South was smashed, Black Men were prized for their skills in many places in and outside the South.
Blacks were greatly improving their condition during "Segregation", they had their own night clubs, stores, schools, churches, homes, families and many other productive enterprises. Under "intergration" things started going down fast for Blacks. If they were given their own Black country, as the Honored & Divinely Inspired Louis Farrakhan says to be, they would be in good shape.
That is a good question. Biblically, it is lawful to have slaves. What the Jews did was cruel, vicious and murderous. Most Christians were kind to their slaves. Male slaves learned many valuable skills, and after the South was smashed, Black Men were prized for their skills in many places in and outside the South.
Blacks were greatly improving their condition during "Segregation", they had their own night clubs, stores, schools, churches, homes, families and many other productive enterprises. Under "intergration" things started going down fast for Blacks. If they were given their own Black country, as the Honored & Divinely Inspired Louis Farrakhan says to be, they would be in good shape.
Repeat ; Considering we make up 2/10 of 1 percent of. The World population we should be admired
Repeat ; Considering we make up 2/10 of 1 percent of. The World population we should be admired
I’m pretty sure Ivan is a black antisemite. Nobody else would refer to the #1 black antisemite in the country as the “Honored and Divinely Inspired Louis Farrakhan.”

Either that, or he’s just a white antisemite, saying that to a Jew because he knows how nauseatingly offensive that is - and nothing more antisemites like to do is offend Jews.
Semite is derived from Shem, can His descendants logically & Truthfully be anti-Shem?
I’m pretty sure Ivan is a black antisemite. Nobody else would refer to the #1 black antisemite in the country as the “Honored and Divinely Inspired Louis Farrakhan.”

Either that, or he’s just a white antisemite, saying that to a Jew because he knows how nauseatingly offensive that is - and nothing more antisemites like to do is offend Jews.
Believe it or not; I’m somewhat flattered he “ thinks” that way and I’m having fun 🤩 with it. I asked why the “ Christians “ couldn’t put a stop to it and he couldn’t answer
The Ratio of Jews to Non Jews is 4 to 2,000 but the “ 4” is all Jews. IT’s understand that anyone in the slave trade were adult MEN
Back then it wasn’t uncommon for a family to have anywhere from 6 to 9 Children . Figure there would be approx 8 Jewish Individuals to 4,000 Non Jews BUT you have SIX KIDS and a wife. The Ratio is now I Jewish Male Adult to 4,000 . 👍
I previously asked what the “ Christians “ were doing to support themselves since the Jews owned the MAJORITY of the Plantations and Farms; he couldn’t answer. Also asked why it took four years to fight a Civil War to abolish slavery between the North and South; Why couldn’t the Southern “ Christians “ do it? Sometimes you just have to have fun with S..MB..S. 👍✡️🇮🇱
That is a good question. Biblically, it is lawful to have slaves. What the Jews did was cruel, vicious and murderous. Most Christians were kind to their slaves. Male slaves learned many valuable skills, and after the South was smashed, Black Men were prized for their skills in many places in and outside the South.
Blacks were greatly improving their condition during "Segregation", they had their own night clubs, stores, schools, churches, homes, families and many other productive enterprises. Under "intergration" things started going down fast for Blacks. If they were given their own Black country, as the Honored & Divinely Inspired Louis Farrakhan says to be, they would be in good shape.
So when you think about it; We did them a FAVOR!! YOU’RE WELCOME 😇
There are 2 instances of BHI attacks, 1 British Muslim and the rest of these attacks on Jews were by White supremacists.

The only resentment we see here is the resentment of blacks displayed over and over by a woman claiming to be a Jew.
= = = = = = = =
You missed these, guy:


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