Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

AGREE ! Considering we were behind the SLAVE TRADE why didn’t the “ Good Christians” do something about it and stop ✋ it ??👍🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️😇✡️

They did check out the British anti-slavery movement, the British navy's boycotted the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and later on, they even invaded African country countries to end slavery.
In a word: RESENTMENT. They resent the fact that another minority, arriving uneducated and penniless on these shores, could have moved from inner-city tenement slums to middle-class home ownership out in the suburbs in a single generation (and in spite of the antisemitism blocking Jews from many colleges.)
Lol. As though blacks were not barred from moving to the suburbs through lack of government guaranteed GI mortgages.
  • Fact
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Jews don’t get affirmative action. They are lumped in with the general white category, and thus “diversity goals” work against them.
They just have to put up with white privilege.
The horror.gif
  • Fact
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White Jews benefitted from everything every other white person got. Only delusional lying Jews argue disingenuously about black resentment towards. Jews. Lisa is white, and she should not get to argue about being a minority while expressing extreme hatred of blacks.
Lisa is a white female. As such, she benefitted the most from affirmative action as well as white racial preference.
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Why is this thread still here? There is no such proof of this. It is a baseless claim, and in fact, a lie.
Nah, I just don't spend my day cherry picking videos to make claims. Because every year, blacks suffer the most hate attacks.
On a per-capita basis, there are more hate crimes against Jews. IOW, a Jew is much more likely to suffer a hate crime than a black. I myseld have experienced three.
White Jews benefitted from everything every other white person got. Only delusional lying Jews argue disingenuously about black resentment towards. Jews. Lisa is white, and she should not get to argue about being a minority while expressing extreme hatred of blacks.
A Jew is a minority, more so than blacks. And IM2 should not get to argue about being a minority while expressing extreme hatred of Jews.

A Jew is more likely to experience a hate crime than a black. I wonder how many times IM2 had his property defaced with a nasty slur keyed or pained across it?
African Americans if they want to can exterminate Jewish Americans in the United States.
African Americans if they want to can exterminate Jewish Americans in the United States.
I hope such a thing is prohibited by the Constitution, if not simple morality. I put more faith in the Constitution; than some people, mainly on the left, who believe morality is flexible. It's called situational ethics, I think. Something is right or wrong, depending on who is involved. However, as I see it, right is right, and wrong is wrong, and it doesn't matter who it benefits. Just a little thing I learn from my mother as a child.
The study linked below references how much more common antisemitism is among blacks, and the question is “why,” considering that Jews - well out of proportion to their numbers - put their lives on the line to march with blacks during Civil Rights. (In another thread, a black claims they did this for selfish reasons, and not to help blacks, which is a claim that simply reveals his antisemitic attitude and unwillingness to credit Jews.)

In this thread, I’d like to discuss why blacks are so much more antisemitic, and feel free to express it, when - ironically - they simultaneously condemn the effects of bigotry.

In a word: RESENTMENT. They resent the fact that another minority, arriving uneducated and penniless on these shores, could have moved from inner-city tenement slums to middle-class home ownership out in the suburbs in a single generation (and in spite of the antisemitism blocking Jews from many colleges.)

And WHY do they resent that? Because it shows that a minority who, in the midst of unspeakable suffering during the Holocaust, can focus on the future and do what it takes to become successful (or, more specifically, their children) while blacks are still attempting to blame failures on bigotry.

Black bigots most certainly would have preferred if a large subset of Jews were still stuck in the tenements, as they could say “see what happens to people who suffer feom bigotry?” But the fact that Jews have succeeded, and above the average, shows that with the right choices and personal traits, even persecuted minorities can be successful and rise above prejudice.

Or... white people have been guilted by 50 years of Holocaust movies and Zionist propaganda to tolerate bad Jewish behavior... while blacks often have to live with it.

Heck, I feel bad about the Holocaust, and I had nothing to do with it (despite my German ancestry). My father even helped liberate a concentration camp called Nordhausen.

Blacks, on the other hand, are more likely to encounter the Jewish Landlord who won't fix the heating because he's too cheap, or the Jewish boss who will hire a bunch of illegals under the table. To them, the Holocaust was just a bunch of white people killing each other, and some guilt trip isn't going to work on them. And, yes, they feel empathy for the Palestinians who are another people of color being oppressed by white people.

It's not that they move out of the tenements, it's that they RUN the tenements.

But here's the key thing, that you won't address. At the end of the day, nobody knows you are Jewish unless you tell them you are. A black person will immediately be signaled out as a black person in this society.
I hope such a thing is prohibited by the Constitution, if not simple morality. I put more faith in the Constitution; than some people, mainly on the left, who believe morality is flexible. It's called situational ethics, I think. Something is right or wrong, depending on who is involved. However, as I see it, right is right, and wrong is wrong, and it doesn't matter who it benefits. Just a little thing I learn from my mother as a child.
Sympathy, empathy and compassion is doled out by the privileged in ranking order. We all at times wear our heritage on the sleeve while disregarding any wrong of our own who are not very good people.

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