Why is being a Business Man important to be Pres?

None of the previous president or the present candidates had any expierence as "Community Organizer" which should be a requirement since Obama has done so well?
Well - having a JOB (Obama never did) would be helpful.

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 1992 to 2004
University of Chicago Law School
• Taught courses in General Law, Constitutional Law and Government Affairs.

— A stint in 1983-84 as a research assistant at Business International Corp. in New York City, where he helped write a newsletter.

— Working from 1985 to 1988 as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project in Chicago;

— Working from 1993 to 2004 as an associate, and then a partner, at the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where his work included employment-discrimination and voting-rights cases. The job also overlapped with his time in the Illinois Legislature.

worked in several jobs in the private sector -- and had management experience
if you count his best-selling books that have brought Obama millions of dollars in royalties, he also knows something about entrepreneurship
PolitiFact | Romney says Barack Obama has no private sector experience

So, one year of nominally 'business' experience.... writing a newsletter. Yea, that's really helpful.

No wonder he's a clusterfuck of a President.
a construction job he had one summer while he was in college
Obama took out loans to get himself through college

How did Romney get througth college. Papa Romney?
President Obama has more experience than either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich

Romney is a one term Governor and Newt was never elected to anything higher than Congressman
Well - having a JOB (Obama never did) would be helpful.

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 1992 to 2004
University of Chicago Law School
• Taught courses in General Law, Constitutional Law and Government Affairs.

— A stint in 1983-84 as a research assistant at Business International Corp. in New York City, where he helped write a newsletter.

— Working from 1985 to 1988 as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project in Chicago;

— Working from 1993 to 2004 as an associate, and then a partner, at the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where his work included employment-discrimination and voting-rights cases. The job also overlapped with his time in the Illinois Legislature.

worked in several jobs in the private sector -- and had management experience
if you count his best-selling books that have brought Obama millions of dollars in royalties, he also knows something about entrepreneurship
PolitiFact | Romney says Barack Obama has no private sector experience

So where's all the college transcripts he supposedly has? Why are they locked away so nobody can see how "talented" he is? What is some of his accomplishments as a partner in the law firm? We hear alot of crap about his college and background in law, but see NOTHING that he actually did!

And please...give us the proof from another source, not politifact.
a construction job he had one summer while he was in college
Obama took out loans to get himself through college

How did Romney get througth college. Papa Romney?

So, he's not qualified for President because his dad paid his college tuition. Good argument......... :lol::lol:

President Obama has more experience than either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich

Romney is a one term Governor and Newt was never elected to anything higher than Congressman

Why don't you compare resumes and get back to us, rather than make such an inaccurate conclusion off the cuff.
Well - having a JOB (Obama never did) would be helpful.

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 1992 to 2004
University of Chicago Law School
• Taught courses in General Law, Constitutional Law and Government Affairs.

— A stint in 1983-84 as a research assistant at Business International Corp. in New York City, where he helped write a newsletter.

— Working from 1985 to 1988 as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project in Chicago;

— Working from 1993 to 2004 as an associate, and then a partner, at the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where his work included employment-discrimination and voting-rights cases. The job also overlapped with his time in the Illinois Legislature.

worked in several jobs in the private sector -- and had management experience
if you count his best-selling books that have brought Obama millions of dollars in royalties, he also knows something about entrepreneurship
PolitiFact | Romney says Barack Obama has no private sector experience

So where's all the college transcripts he supposedly has? Why are they locked away so nobody can see how "talented" he is? What is some of his accomplishments as a partner in the law firm? We hear alot of crap about his college and background in law, but see NOTHING that he actually did!

And please...give us the proof from another source, not politifact.

You do realize that President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard and was Editor of the Harvard Law Review. You don't get to graduate Magna Cum Laude for having George Bush-like grades you know.

And what is your problem with the Pulitzer Prize winning Politifact? Too many facts for ya'll?
President Obama has three years experience as President of the United States during a time of almost unprecedented economic troubles, both domestically and around the world. This experience trumps anything anyone of the Republicans running for his office have in terms of experience.

Watching and listening to the Republicans 'debate' it is amazing anyone would consider anyone of those running for the nomination capable of leading a nation. Petulant, self righteous even childish in their collective behavior, I would not want anyone of them to be mayor of my home town.

Romney, a plutocrat who has not worked in a decade; Gingrich is a snake oil salesman, Paul a career pol and a bit nuts, and Santorum, an 'ayatollah', which only religious zealots would want in the White House. The best and the brightest?
President Obama has three years experience as President of the United States during a time of almost unprecedented economic troubles, both domestically and around the world. This experience trumps anything anyone of the Republicans running for his office have in terms of experience.

Watching and listening to the Republicans 'debate' it is amazing anyone would consider anyone of those running for the nomination capable of leading a nation. Petulant, self righteous even childish in their collective behavior, I would not want anyone of them to be mayor of my home town.

Romney, a plutocrat who has not worked in a decade; Gingrich is a snake oil salesman, Paul a career pol and a bit nuts, and Santorum, an 'ayatollah', which only religious zealots would want in the White House. The best and the brightest?

And boy, has he proven to be a total fuck-up
Why does it matter what kind of background he or she has, as long as Congres is in stalemate, nothing will work.
Look at Mitts background. What draws the GOP to this silver spooner?

Say what you want but a Community Organizer knows more about America than a some guy with Swiss accounts.

Obama is not just a community organizer, he is a community organizer that failed at his one project.
Fuck these successful business people! Let's get a janitor to run the country! Or a toll booth operator! :cuckoo:
President Obama has more experience than either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich

Romney is a one term Governor and Newt was never elected to anything higher than Congressman

More experience at what? Being a politician? Looks to me like both Romney and Gingrich are qualified for that, they have broken almost as many promises as Obama.

By the way, Newt was elected to Speaker of the House.
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 1992 to 2004
University of Chicago Law School
• Taught courses in General Law, Constitutional Law and Government Affairs.

— A stint in 1983-84 as a research assistant at Business International Corp. in New York City, where he helped write a newsletter.

— Working from 1985 to 1988 as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project in Chicago;

— Working from 1993 to 2004 as an associate, and then a partner, at the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where his work included employment-discrimination and voting-rights cases. The job also overlapped with his time in the Illinois Legislature.

worked in several jobs in the private sector -- and had management experience
if you count his best-selling books that have brought Obama millions of dollars in royalties, he also knows something about entrepreneurship
PolitiFact | Romney says Barack Obama has no private sector experience

So where's all the college transcripts he supposedly has? Why are they locked away so nobody can see how "talented" he is? What is some of his accomplishments as a partner in the law firm? We hear alot of crap about his college and background in law, but see NOTHING that he actually did!

And please...give us the proof from another source, not politifact.

You do realize that President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard and was Editor of the Harvard Law Review. You don't get to graduate Magna Cum Laude for having George Bush-like grades you know.

And what is your problem with the Pulitzer Prize winning Politifact? Too many facts for ya'll?

Then he shouldn't have any problem releasing his transcripts.
I think the record financial sector businessmen have when entrusted with other people's money to play with makes them entirely unsuitable to lead our country. They lose billions of dollars and cost thousands of jobs all the time with few if any negative personal repercussions. Show me where they give a shit about the regular person rather than just their own bottom line.
President Obama has three years experience as President of the United States during a time of almost unprecedented economic troubles, both domestically and around the world. This experience trumps anything anyone of the Republicans running for his office have in terms of experience.

Watching and listening to the Republicans 'debate' it is amazing anyone would consider anyone of those running for the nomination capable of leading a nation. Petulant, self righteous even childish in their collective behavior, I would not want anyone of them to be mayor of my home town.

Romney, a plutocrat who has not worked in a decade; Gingrich is a snake oil salesman, Paul a career pol and a bit nuts, and Santorum, an 'ayatollah', which only religious zealots would want in the White House. The best and the brightest?

Unprecedented economic troubles? Are you saying the economy never crashed before in history? If not, how were they unprecedented?

What was it Obama said about being president again?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]

I know you like to act like the economy turned, but what you just posted makes it seem like you doubt that premise.
Many people don't understand that business administration and economics are two totally different skill sets. In some important ways they are antithetical skill sets. Business administration seeks to maximize the success of one business in competition with others. Economics seeks to maximize the success of the economy as a whole, without concerning itself with which competitor wins the competition.

Economics is very important for government. Business administration is not.

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