Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

I don't think a wall is wrong.... I think building one across the whole southern border is wrong and cost prohibitive, but I do think we need to rebuild the walls near heavy crossing points, which seem to be shabby... like the one near Tijuana... videos showed how shabby parts of it were.... they are still likely going to be able to cross over it...but it will slow them down... giving time for border patrol to catch them (fingers crossed) or even under it... unless somehow it is technically able to detect such tunnels...a ''Smart'' wall, so to say... :)
The cost of the wall is .01% of the annual budget. Medicare for everyone? $1.5 trillion/yr. Which one does the snowflake moron believe to be too expensive?

Not to mention the 300 billion illegals cost we tax payers every year.

Build the wall.
The Greatest Civilizations in History built walls to extend their lifespans and extend their influence in their regions.

Building a wall not only makes sense from a security standpoint, but also from a political standpoint and economically.

American Culture is what makes America a wealthy nation, and a land of opportunity.

Importing Foreign Cultures that promote Socialism which uses deficit spending to expand their Social Safety nets will eventually make America a land of want.

Once you crush The American Dream with burdensome taxes, deficit spending, and a fractured disparate people and a far too large Government, you crush America under the weight of it's own promised obligations leveraged on the backs of those who pay taxes.

A People Divided will fall. E Pluribus Unum is the only way to ensure Freedom.

When the lash comes upon The American people and Pharaoh asks The People to "Make Bricks without Straw" then what shall you do?

It is already too late once you realize that the yoke of economic enslavement is upon your necks.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
Why Timmy, why is it a better use of funds?


Look at this:

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia

This is over less than 9 miles... Mexico has far more machinery and resources at their disposal. As soon as you go 50ft down no radar can pick you up.. The IDF (Israelis) have used everything and again only 9 miles... They can drive cars under the border in Mexico, there biggest problem is hitting something that is already there...

This is the border:

That bit in the middle belongs to Israel... Full Buffer zone, Armed to the teeth military guards and still pretty powerless to stop them...

I don't think a wall is wrong.... I think building one across the whole southern border is wrong and cost prohibitive, but I do think we need to rebuild the walls near heavy crossing points, which seem to be shabby... like the one near Tijuana... videos showed how shabby parts of it were.... they are still likely going to be able to cross over it...but it will slow them down... giving time for border patrol to catch them (fingers crossed) or even under it... unless somehow it is technically able to detect such tunnels...a ''Smart'' wall, so to say... :)
The cost of the wall is .01% of the annual budget. Medicare for everyone? $1.5 trillion/yr. Which one does the snowflake moron believe to be too expensive?

Not to mention the 300 billion illegals cost we tax payers every year.

Build the wall.
simply pulled out of thin air.... they do not cost us 300 billion a year.... a totally extreme exaggeration... without the amount they add to the economy
I don't think a wall is wrong.... I think building one across the whole southern border is wrong and cost prohibitive, but I do think we need to rebuild the walls near heavy crossing points, which seem to be shabby... like the one near Tijuana... videos showed how shabby parts of it were.... they are still likely going to be able to cross over it...but it will slow them down... giving time for border patrol to catch them (fingers crossed) or even under it... unless somehow it is technically able to detect such tunnels...a ''Smart'' wall, so to say... :)
The cost of the wall is .01% of the annual budget. Medicare for everyone? $1.5 trillion/yr. Which one does the snowflake moron believe to be too expensive?

Not to mention the 300 billion illegals cost we tax payers every year.

Build the wall.
simply pulled out of thin air.... they do not cost us 300 billion a year.... a totally extreme exaggeration... without the amount they add to the economy

Yeah, $116 Billion sounds so much better. Although, the head-count appears to be way under-valued, so $300 may be an accurate number...dumbass.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Correct, because our technology is so primitive we won't be able to detect construction machinery creating such tunnels.

You're not getting a WALL, you just lost the House. If Republicans wouldn't fund it, the odds of a Democrat congress funding it is zero to NONE.

Why build a wall with technology to make certain that no one is digging underneath the piece of shit, when you can just use technology to keep them from crossing the border.


There just isn't enough technology to stop them in an open border country like ours. Step one is to build the wall; all our border patrols say that would be a huge help. Then concentrate on keeping illegals out.
Have you noticed how all the douchebags who oppose the wall also support granting amnesty to the 20 million illegals who are already here?

Bullshit. We can put a man on the moon, we can protect our borders with technology.

Watch it again. 2-1/2 minutes that will show you some tunnels. Then it will go into other video's of terrain, making a wall the most ineffective way of protecting the border. It would make for the most expensive, laughable boondoggle in the history of this nation.

Does the Border Fence work?

Which is why a full house of Republicans have REFUSED to fund Trump's worthless POS WALL.
Yes they work. Yuma is proof that a wall reduces illegal crossings


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

The bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006 — supported by then-Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others — mandated the construction of hundreds of additional miles of secure fencing and infrastructure investments. Yuma sector was one of the first areas to receive infrastructure investments.

We built new infrastructure along the border east and west of the San Luis Arizona Port of Entry in 2006. The existing fence was quickly lengthened, and we added second and third layers to that fencing in urban areas. Lighting, roads and increased surveillance were added to aid agents patrolling the border.

Although there is still work to do, the border in Yuma sector today is more secure because of this investment. Even under lax enforcement standards, apprehensions in fiscal year 2016 were roughly a 10th of what they were in FY 2005 — and are on track to be even lower this year. Crime has significantly decreased in the Yuma area, and smugglers now look for other less difficult areas of the border to cross — often areas without fencing.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
Too bad it is like the anti-federalists with our Bill of Rights.

Needing a wall means our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are Worthless.
I don't think a wall is wrong.... I think building one across the whole southern border is wrong and cost prohibitive, but I do think we need to rebuild the walls near heavy crossing points, which seem to be shabby... like the one near Tijuana... videos showed how shabby parts of it were.... they are still likely going to be able to cross over it...but it will slow them down... giving time for border patrol to catch them (fingers crossed) or even under it... unless somehow it is technically able to detect such tunnels...a ''Smart'' wall, so to say... :)
The cost of the wall is .01% of the annual budget. Medicare for everyone? $1.5 trillion/yr. Which one does the snowflake moron believe to be too expensive?

Not to mention the 300 billion illegals cost we tax payers every year.

Build the wall.
simply pulled out of thin air.... they do not cost us 300 billion a year.... a totally extreme exaggeration... without the amount they add to the economy

Nope. I looked it up and you can to.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
Why Timmy, why is it a better use of funds?


Look at this:

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia

This is over less than 9 miles... Mexico has far more machinery and resources at their disposal. As soon as you go 50ft down no radar can pick you up.. The IDF (Israelis) have used everything and again only 9 miles... They can drive cars under the border in Mexico, there biggest problem is hitting something that is already there...

This is the border:

That bit in the middle belongs to Israel... Full Buffer zone, Armed to the teeth military guards and still pretty powerless to stop them...


Hmmm, 50ft down. You realize 50ft is a long way, right?
I don't think a wall is wrong.... I think building one across the whole southern border is wrong and cost prohibitive, but I do think we need to rebuild the walls near heavy crossing points, which seem to be shabby... like the one near Tijuana... videos showed how shabby parts of it were.... they are still likely going to be able to cross over it...but it will slow them down... giving time for border patrol to catch them (fingers crossed) or even under it... unless somehow it is technically able to detect such tunnels...a ''Smart'' wall, so to say... :)
The cost of the wall is .01% of the annual budget. Medicare for everyone? $1.5 trillion/yr. Which one does the snowflake moron believe to be too expensive?

Not to mention the 300 billion illegals cost we tax payers every year.

Build the wall.
simply pulled out of thin air.... they do not cost us 300 billion a year.... a totally extreme exaggeration... without the amount they add to the economy

Yeah, $116 Billion sounds so much better. Although, the head-count appears to be way under-valued, so $300 may be an accurate number...dumbass.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Yup. That's what I thought it was to begin with. Someone on the board said it was 300 billion.

Sure enough when I looked that's what it costs we the tax payers. 300 billion, with a B, a year.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
None of the things you listed prohibits someone from walking into OUR NATION. You know what does? A WALL

No it doesn’t . Where You find a 10 foot wall, you’ll find a 12 foot ladder that beats it.

If we were talking 20 miles . Fine . We are talking 1,400 miles!!!
It's not a perfect solution but unarguably it would reduce crossings


Not really and it would
  • redirect resources
  • Cause wildlife migration disaster
  • Spilt communities and businesses
  • Maintenance will be hell
In reality if someone wants to get into America this won't stop them. There is plenty of places along the border where US and Mexicans are neighbours popping over and back...

Honestly if you want to actually stop Illegal Immigration just look at the root problem. Mexico has net emigration but leave that for the moment...

Lets look at those Asylum Seekers for Honduras. These people left their family and community, their home, their property, etc... to walk thousands of miles to try and get into a country which doesn't want them with the only possessions they have they are carrying.
Seriously, what makes someone that desperate? (Would that person suddenly be deterred by a wall?)

Then lets look at Honduras as a country:
  • Their political leadership for decades was heavily influence/selected by US who fighting proxy wars in the area.
  • US demand for Cocaine (failed drug war) has caused a huge amount of Black money to riddle the country with corruption
  • US supply of Arms has it that if you aren't taking a bribe then you are dead or your family will be killed off one by one
  • Gangs like MS-13 and 18th (which were set up in the US) have huge control and are well financed by this drug trade.
  • MS-13 and 18th also control Mexico as well so while you escape through Mexico you are not free fro them.
This is why the wall won't work.. You think you are arguing with someone that has a choice, if you had husband killed in gang warfare and the local gang leader wants you 10yr old son as a runner and you can't let your 12yr old daughter out as she will be kidnapped and trafficked for sex, but they could raid your house and take her anyway. Think of the fear they live in..

I am sorry but the US holds a lot of responsibility for what is going on south of its border. If the CIA was trying to destabilise these countries they could do it better than the US has already done so...
Yup. That's what I thought it was to begin with. Someone on the board said it was 300 billion.

Sure enough when I looked that's what it costs we the tax payers. 300 billion, with a B, a year.

You're dumber than fuck

Does illegal immigration cost the United States more than $100 billion a year?

CATO...not exactly a liberal think tank...puts the cost at between 3-30 billion and notes that this ignores the positive effect of their labor and spending.

Even FAIR (a notoriously anti-immigrant org) puts it at a THIRD of your idiotic claim
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
Why Timmy, why is it a better use of funds?


Look at this:

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia

This is over less than 9 miles... Mexico has far more machinery and resources at their disposal. As soon as you go 50ft down no radar can pick you up.. The IDF (Israelis) have used everything and again only 9 miles... They can drive cars under the border in Mexico, there biggest problem is hitting something that is already there...

This is the border:

That bit in the middle belongs to Israel... Full Buffer zone, Armed to the teeth military guards and still pretty powerless to stop them...


Hmmm, 50ft down. You realize 50ft is a long way, right?
Wingsuits and "trebuchets"?
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
Why Timmy, why is it a better use of funds?


Look at this:

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels - Wikipedia

This is over less than 9 miles... Mexico has far more machinery and resources at their disposal. As soon as you go 50ft down no radar can pick you up.. The IDF (Israelis) have used everything and again only 9 miles... They can drive cars under the border in Mexico, there biggest problem is hitting something that is already there...

This is the border:

That bit in the middle belongs to Israel... Full Buffer zone, Armed to the teeth military guards and still pretty powerless to stop them...


Hmmm, 50ft down. You realize 50ft is a long way, right?
Wingsuits and "trebuchets"?

Yeah, those don't work too well underground.
Because it costs like 8 billion dollars to build and will only last well over a century. Compare that to illegal immigrants who only cost us 50 billion annually.
You're not getting a WALL, you just lost the House. If Republicans wouldn't fund it, the odds of a Democrat congress funding it is zero to NONE.

Why build a wall with technology to make certain that no one is digging underneath the piece of shit, when you can just use technology to keep them from crossing the border.


There just isn't enough technology to stop them in an open border country like ours. Step one is to build the wall; all our border patrols say that would be a huge help. Then concentrate on keeping illegals out.
Have you noticed how all the douchebags who oppose the wall also support granting amnesty to the 20 million illegals who are already here?

Bullshit. We can put a man on the moon, we can protect our borders with technology.

Watch it again. 2-1/2 minutes that will show you some tunnels. Then it will go into other video's of terrain, making a wall the most ineffective way of protecting the border. It would make for the most expensive, laughable boondoggle in the history of this nation.

Does the Border Fence work?

Which is why a full house of Republicans have REFUSED to fund Trump's worthless POS WALL.
Yes they work. Yuma is proof that a wall reduces illegal crossings


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

The bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006 — supported by then-Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others — mandated the construction of hundreds of additional miles of secure fencing and infrastructure investments. Yuma sector was one of the first areas to receive infrastructure investments.

We built new infrastructure along the border east and west of the San Luis Arizona Port of Entry in 2006. The existing fence was quickly lengthened, and we added second and third layers to that fencing in urban areas. Lighting, roads and increased surveillance were added to aid agents patrolling the border.

Although there is still work to do, the border in Yuma sector today is more secure because of this investment. Even under lax enforcement standards, apprehensions in fiscal year 2016 were roughly a 10th of what they were in FY 2005 — and are on track to be even lower this year. Crime has significantly decreased in the Yuma area, and smugglers now look for other less difficult areas of the border to cross — often areas without fencing.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
Too bad it is like the anti-federalists with our Bill of Rights.

Needing a wall means our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are Worthless.

It's a mute point now. Paul Ryan basically told Trump during the campaign that if Mexico refused to pay for his wall Trump would have to come up with other means to fund it.

Existing trade deals are written signed into law bills that also need congressional approval to be changed or rewritten.

So Trump never really had leverage over Mexico to pay for the wall.
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There just isn't enough technology to stop them in an open border country like ours. Step one is to build the wall; all our border patrols say that would be a huge help. Then concentrate on keeping illegals out.
Have you noticed how all the douchebags who oppose the wall also support granting amnesty to the 20 million illegals who are already here?

Bullshit. We can put a man on the moon, we can protect our borders with technology.

Watch it again. 2-1/2 minutes that will show you some tunnels. Then it will go into other video's of terrain, making a wall the most ineffective way of protecting the border. It would make for the most expensive, laughable boondoggle in the history of this nation.

Does the Border Fence work?

Which is why a full house of Republicans have REFUSED to fund Trump's worthless POS WALL.
Yes they work. Yuma is proof that a wall reduces illegal crossings


Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

The bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006 — supported by then-Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others — mandated the construction of hundreds of additional miles of secure fencing and infrastructure investments. Yuma sector was one of the first areas to receive infrastructure investments.

We built new infrastructure along the border east and west of the San Luis Arizona Port of Entry in 2006. The existing fence was quickly lengthened, and we added second and third layers to that fencing in urban areas. Lighting, roads and increased surveillance were added to aid agents patrolling the border.

Although there is still work to do, the border in Yuma sector today is more secure because of this investment. Even under lax enforcement standards, apprehensions in fiscal year 2016 were roughly a 10th of what they were in FY 2005 — and are on track to be even lower this year. Crime has significantly decreased in the Yuma area, and smugglers now look for other less difficult areas of the border to cross — often areas without fencing.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
Too bad it is like the anti-federalists with our Bill of Rights.

Needing a wall means our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are Worthless.

It's a mute point now. Paul Ryan basically told Trump during the campaign that if Mexico refused to pay for his wall Trump would have to come up with other means to fund it.

Existing trade deals are written signed into law bills that also need congressional approval to be changed or rewritten.

So Trump never really had leverage over Mexico to pay for the wall.
The economic point is, those alleged wars Cost a lot of money. Spending is a problem for Congress.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
None of the things you listed prohibits someone from walking into OUR NATION. You know what does? A WALL

No it doesn’t . Where You find a 10 foot wall, you’ll find a 12 foot ladder that beats it.

If we were talking 20 miles . Fine . We are talking 1,400 miles!!!
It's not a perfect solution but unarguably it would reduce crossings


Not really and it would
  • redirect resources
  • Cause wildlife migration disaster
  • Spilt communities and businesses
  • Maintenance will be hell
In reality if someone wants to get into America this won't stop them. There is plenty of places along the border where US and Mexicans are neighbours popping over and back...

Honestly if you want to actually stop Illegal Immigration just look at the root problem. Mexico has net emigration but leave that for the moment...

Lets look at those Asylum Seekers for Honduras. These people left their family and community, their home, their property, etc... to walk thousands of miles to try and get into a country which doesn't want them with the only possessions they have they are carrying.
Seriously, what makes someone that desperate? (Would that person suddenly be deterred by a wall?)

Then lets look at Honduras as a country:
  • Their political leadership for decades was heavily influence/selected by US who fighting proxy wars in the area.
  • US demand for Cocaine (failed drug war) has caused a huge amount of Black money to riddle the country with corruption
  • US supply of Arms has it that if you aren't taking a bribe then you are dead or your family will be killed off one by one
  • Gangs like MS-13 and 18th (which were set up in the US) have huge control and are well financed by this drug trade.
  • MS-13 and 18th also control Mexico as well so while you escape through Mexico you are not free fro them.
This is why the wall won't work.. You think you are arguing with someone that has a choice, if you had husband killed in gang warfare and the local gang leader wants you 10yr old son as a runner and you can't let your 12yr old daughter out as she will be kidnapped and trafficked for sex, but they could raid your house and take her anyway. Think of the fear they live in..

I am sorry but the US holds a lot of responsibility for what is going on south of its border. If the CIA was trying to destabilise these countries they could do it better than the US has already done so...

Just like if somebody wants to shoot someone with a gun, then laws to prevent such, wont stop them..... right? So why do we need current and more gun laws?

Yup. That's what I thought it was to begin with. Someone on the board said it was 300 billion.

Sure enough when I looked that's what it costs we the tax payers. 300 billion, with a B, a year.

You're dumber than fuck

Does illegal immigration cost the United States more than $100 billion a year?

CATO...not exactly a liberal think tank...puts the cost at between 3-30 billion and notes that this ignores the positive effect of their labor and spending.

Even FAIR (a notoriously anti-immigrant org) puts it at a THIRD of your idiotic claim

Why do you love exploiting the brown man?


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