Why is burning the American flag protected speech

So, disagreeing with the "right kind of people" is a crime. Got it

2 men face hate crime charges for separately setting fire to a Latter-day Saint mission car, church​

Justice Department and state prosecutors say the unrelated cases in Connecticut and Missouri were religiously motivated arsons.​

The 1st Amendment should go both ways but the same lefties who won the right to burn and shit on Old Glory are now in charge and the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to the right. Get used to it because the Constitution doesn't apply in Biden world.

2 men face hate crime charges for separately setting fire to a Latter-day Saint mission car, church​

Justice Department and state prosecutors say the unrelated cases in Connecticut and Missouri were religiously motivated arsons.​

Equally stupid.

The church is not more burned because of the thoughts in their heads. Just like hate being tagged onto a murder charge. As if that somehow makes the individual less dead or the act of murder somehow worse.

Dead is dead dumbfuck.

Hate is literally irrelevant
Equally stupid.

The church is not more burned because of the thoughts in their heads. Just like hate being tagged onto a murder charge. As if that somehow makes the individual less dead or the act of murder somehow worse.

Dead is dead dumbfuck.

Hate is literally irrelevant
Maybe you believe so, but the law currently does not

I guess because of those hateful honkey judges who let people off...light sentences or none, we have hate crime laws
Played? You might want to read the link. They have images of him too. Maybe you can hang them in your bedroom?

I don't see what the big deal is. With all that butt-fuckery and sodomizing going on, you'd think gays would be used to a little shit by now.
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I stand behind my position. The fact that you lack the reasoning skills to understand it is your problem.

Now go dream up some more thought police regulations and laws like a good little commie faggot
I did not dream up hate crimes. You don't even know my position on them

What I do know is people like you are the cause of the new laws. People like you fucked up the justice system
Irrelevant to the FACT that they are nothing more than thought punishment and should be outlawed
They do not go to 'thought' they go to actions taken for reasons that are mitigating circumstances.

But nasty white hateful judges were letting people go or handing out light sentences for horrific crimes. So the laws changed. That's how the system works. We as citizens get to change laws.

You don't stand for law and order?

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