Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Atheist are just as entitled to free speech as JW, LDS, Moonie, etc. Atheists don't go door to door or accost people in the street like Fred Phelps does. Atheists don't call other people demons like Neubarth does. Atheists are not evangelists.
Definition evangelical: : emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ through personal conversion, the authority of Scripture, and the importance of preaching as contrasted with ritual.

Oh, you WISH atheists were so damned reasonable and tolerant. Thanks for the dispatch from Planet Delusional.
I am okay with religion, so long as it doesn't try and impose its beliefs on people that don't believe in it.

Its the minority vs majority thing. If you give the majority or minority too much of their way then its tyranny by that group. The constitution is enough to protect religious beliefs and non believers. If anyone tries to steps far over the mark they should be forbidden, that simple.

As for christian state debate, the founders wanted a state that wasn't a theocracy and was instead founded upon man made laws and values (no state religion at the very least). If any one needs proof, just read up on the kind of place the immigrants to America came from. As for whether they truly wanted a total secular state forbidding all religion from politics, that is in debate.
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hipester, you forgot to mention that you're ok with terrorism, so long as it's for something you like.
Fail on multiple counts. Because I want a free Kurdistan, free from the Turks who illegally invaded and oppressed the Kurds, did genocide against the Kurds in the 1930s and continue to murder and terrorize the Kurdish people today I support terrorism? Right....let me get back to you on that. No sorry, does not compute, if you are right then we were terrorists to want to stop the holocaust.
hipester, you forgot to mention that you're ok with terrorism, so long as it's for something you like.
Fail on multiple counts. Because I want a free Kurdistan, free from the Turks who illegally invaded and oppressed the Kurds, did genocide against the Kurds in the 1930s and continue to murder and terrorize the Kurdish people today I support terrorism? Right....let me get back to you on that. No sorry, does not compute, if you are right then we were terrorists to want to stop the holocaust.

It was your claim that Israel wasn't founded by terrorists. You see what you want to see, not everything.
hipester, you forgot to mention that you're ok with terrorism, so long as it's for something you like.
Fail on multiple counts. Because I want a free Kurdistan, free from the Turks who illegally invaded and oppressed the Kurds, did genocide against the Kurds in the 1930s and continue to murder and terrorize the Kurdish people today I support terrorism? Right....let me get back to you on that. No sorry, does not compute, if you are right then we were terrorists to want to stop the holocaust.

It was your claim that Israel wasn't founded by terrorists. You see what you want to see, not everything.
Because Israel wasn't founded by terrorists, in fact its always been there, it was invaded and destroyed by Arabs and the like.
Fail on multiple counts. Because I want a free Kurdistan, free from the Turks who illegally invaded and oppressed the Kurds, did genocide against the Kurds in the 1930s and continue to murder and terrorize the Kurdish people today I support terrorism? Right....let me get back to you on that. No sorry, does not compute, if you are right then we were terrorists to want to stop the holocaust.

It was your claim that Israel wasn't founded by terrorists. You see what you want to see, not everything.
Because Israel wasn't founded by terrorists, in fact its always been there, it was invaded and destroyed by Arabs and the like.

Like I said, you see what you want to see. You're not concerned with reality. Is it fun being such a noob?
Time to begin working for the death of religion (a rant)
by BlueMoon

I know everyone has the right to their opinion... I do. The right to free speech is a constitutional guarantee and I cannot and will not oppose that.

However, the time has come to begin work to actively disrupt official organized religion of all stripes. Yes, I know there are many good christians. But when I hear of another moral pronouncement coming out of the Roman Catholic church, I am ready to splutter.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Radical evangelists?
Time to begin working for the death of religion (a rant)
by BlueMoon

I know everyone has the right to their opinion... I do. The right to free speech is a constitutional guarantee and I cannot and will not oppose that.

However, the time has come to begin work to actively disrupt official organized religion of all stripes. Yes, I know there are many good christians. But when I hear of another moral pronouncement coming out of the Roman Catholic church, I am ready to splutter.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Radical evangelists?

daily kos?

I don't read daily kos

I don't know anyone who does!

I imagine the very tiny minority of deranged leftists in America might

in the 20 years I've been living in Maine I have only met (and disliked) 7 leftists.....



I run in to hardcore hatefilled deranged conservatives on a weekly basis!

and I don't even get out much!

on the other hand
one can read/hear statements by PROMINENT conservatives (hate radio talk show hosts and conservative spinmeisters) who REGULARLY suggest ;
"the time has come to begin work to actively disrupt official organized LIBERALISM of all stripes."

not only are they just as bad as that tiny minority of deranged leftists...

they are MORE OF THEM
and they are on TV, RADIO and in newspapers all over the country

I have a feeling they don't bother you at all
How about "No soliciting" signs?

Best steer away from "Beware of Dog" signs though... that just gives christians an extra talking point.:lol:

No soliciting signs don't apply to a religion coming by your home to offer free home bible study. To solicite, you must be selling something for money, which JW's do not do.

I don't like the JW's teachings either, but all I do is tell them no thanks. What is so bad about that?

I'll take that any day over being subjected to atheistic indoctrination in schools and government parks any day.

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.
I do not see why the attack on tax breaks for churches. They are not selling a product like the other businesses that you are referring to, they are receiving DONATIONS for whatever community they serve. Don't similar non profit organizations that are taking donations get similar treatment? I see no reason to tax the revenues that churches are receiving from freely given donations. That money was already taxed when it was earned. Attacking it simply seems like a way to get at religions and quite petty.
It was your claim that Israel wasn't founded by terrorists. You see what you want to see, not everything.
Because Israel wasn't founded by terrorists, in fact its always been there, it was invaded and destroyed by Arabs and the like.

Like I said, you see what you want to see. You're not concerned with reality. Is it fun being such a noob?
And how is this not proving that your anti-semetism isn't just another populist position that has nothing to do with actual reality? Just because you can only think around the last 500 years does not make you right, especially when you continuously ignore the other 1,000+ years Jews have been around and pretend ancient history never existed.
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No soliciting signs don't apply to a religion coming by your home to offer free home bible study. To solicite, you must be selling something for money, which JW's do not do.

I don't like the JW's teachings either, but all I do is tell them no thanks. What is so bad about that?

I'll take that any day over being subjected to atheistic indoctrination in schools and government parks any day.

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?
I don't like the JW's teachings either, but all I do is tell them no thanks. What is so bad about that?

I'll take that any day over being subjected to atheistic indoctrination in schools and government parks any day.

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?
Dawkins and/or Hitchens having a book signing, buy a billboard with an Atheist supporting message, put an Atheist message on a bus, or a humanist group could have a protest. They could go on from the public park to the supreme court, and ask for god we trust,etc to be removed from public buildings, work to stop creationism from entering public schools. That's all that Atheists can do. For this Atheism is called a religion, but ironically Atheism would be more accepted if it was.
No soliciting signs don't apply to a religion coming by your home to offer free home bible study. To solicite, you must be selling something for money, which JW's do not do.

I don't like the JW's teachings either, but all I do is tell them no thanks. What is so bad about that?

I'll take that any day over being subjected to atheistic indoctrination in schools and government parks any day.

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible.

Are you trying to be deceitful or are you just completely ignorant?

“Swirling in the waters of the oceans is a bubbling broth of complex chemicals….progress from a complex chemical soup to a living organism is very slow.” - Holt Earth Science 1994 pg 282

That ain't science. That is atheistic indoctrination of what they HOPE PRAY AND BELIEVE happened. NOT what has ever or will ever happen.

Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.'


There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools.

Again, you are either lying or ignorant.

There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias.

Or you mean atheists are attempting to take over governement and destroy our 200+ year old heritage.

Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps.

Again, there you go trying to be deceptive once again. NO ONE is trying to replace evolutionism theories with ID. Some people are trying to have multiple conjectures taught side by side so that students can have OPEN debate and THINK FOR THEMSELVES and come to THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS.

But again, atheists don't want to have open debate. They want to FORCE their world views on everyone else.

That is unacceptable.

Of course it is. Anything but YOUR way of thinking is unacceptable to you.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

No, quite the opposite as you already proved.

The Light, Intelligent Design is a religion-based belief. No matter how highly you may prize it, it is not qualitatively the same as the scientific fact of evolution. I don't understand why you need to have your religious views taught to the children of other people's families in a public school.

What do you gain by this?

If you're teaching theories about the creation of the world, you need to include the theory of a Creator.

And btw, this is one of those moments when some dipshit comes along and seems to think that evolution explains CREATION.

IT DOESN'T. Ok? Evolution is change, not creation.

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