Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

It is promoting religion, allie. The distributors have an agenda. It's no neutral reading material being distributed. It's the Bible. You know, the Christian holy book?
Not if you post a no soliciting sign.

A no soliciting sign does not prohibit someone coming to your door that isn't selling something. If someone is offering a free home Bible study, that isn't soliciting.

Yes it is. It is selling Judeo-Christianity.

Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.
A no soliciting sign does not prohibit someone coming to your door that isn't selling something. If someone is offering a free home Bible study, that isn't soliciting.

Yes it is. It is selling Judeo-Christianity.

Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.

When they come to my door, I tell them that I can PROVE that their god doesn't exist, and they usually stop to hear what I'm going to say. So I tell them: if your god really did exist, do you think he'd need you to go door to door? Then I close the door.
A no soliciting sign does not prohibit someone coming to your door that isn't selling something. If someone is offering a free home Bible study, that isn't soliciting.

Yes it is. It is selling Judeo-Christianity.

Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.

I've had people come to my door. I greet them courteously and send them on their way.

Giving away free bibles has an obvious religous agenda.
A no soliciting sign does not prohibit someone coming to your door that isn't selling something. If someone is offering a free home Bible study, that isn't soliciting.

Yes it is. It is selling Judeo-Christianity.

Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.

It's proselytizing. That's my point.
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I'm sure it was also legal for Hari Krinshnas to congregate in airports and chant and beg. That did not make their conduct any less aggravating to travelers.

Much that is intrusive, impolite or aggravating is nonetheless legal. As it should be....but that still dun make the aggravation factor go down any.
I dunno, Sky Dancer. Time was you couldn't push your way past them in airports. Every air traveler emerged with a poppy (or whatever they gave out). But I haven't seen a pack of them in a long, long time. I suspect they were a cult run by someone who has since died.
So? The RIF wagons promote reading. Big whoop. You either take the material or you don't. But you don't pay for it, so it's not sales.

It may technically not be sales because no money is exchanged but it is proselytizing.

It sure is... and it is legal.

JW's purpose isn't to give away free bibles. Most people have a copy of the Bible. JW's purpose is to study the Bible with people. And they do it free of charge while spending their own time and money. Noone with JW is paid.
Yes it is. It is selling Judeo-Christianity.

Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.

It's proselytizing. That's my point.

What's wrong with proselytizing?

It's a time honored tradition and in this country, the right to do so is protected.

You make it illegal, you might as well live in Cuba.
So? The RIF wagons promote reading. Big whoop. You either take the material or you don't. But you don't pay for it, so it's not sales.

It may technically not be sales because no money is exchanged but it is proselytizing.

It sure is... and it is legal.

JW's purpose isn't to give away free bibles. Most people have a copy of the Bible. JW's purpose is to study the Bible with people. And they do it free of charge while spending their own time and money. No one with JW is paid.

Patently untrue.

Plenty of people draw paychecks from the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses.

They may not be the yokels that knock on your door but the management behind the support staff that keeps them well stocked with literature and asking for donations is paid and paid handsomely higher up in the pecking order.
So? The RIF wagons promote reading. Big whoop. You either take the material or you don't. But you don't pay for it, so it's not sales.

It may technically not be sales because no money is exchanged but it is proselytizing.

It sure is... and it is legal.

JW's purpose isn't to give away free bibles. Most people have a copy of the Bible. JW's purpose is to study the Bible with people. And they do it free of charge while spending their own time and money. Noone with JW is paid.

So what that it's legal. Actually some JW are paid. Check it out.
Going door to door has been upheld as a 1st Amendment right, even if coming to your door to preach.

Your opinion might be that it is soliciting to offer a free home bible study, but the courts have upheld that you are wrong.

It's proselytizing. That's my point.

What's wrong with proselytizing?

It's a time honored tradition and in this country, the right to do so is protected.

You make it illegal, you might as well live in Cuba.

Where have you been Allie? What's wrong with proselytizing? No one wants someone else's religion shoved up their nose. Proselytisers are saying in effect, "what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable."
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The thing I love about dogs is they do not discriminate.
The leg of a Bible thumper, insurance salesman, Jesus the Western (Mormon) literature distributor and any other unwanted nuisance on my property tastes the same to my dogs.
No soliciting sign is for dumbasses. Just ask my dogs.
I don't like the JW's teachings either, but all I do is tell them no thanks. What is so bad about that?

I'll take that any day over being subjected to atheistic indoctrination in schools and government parks any day.

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.
It's proselytizing. That's my point.

What's wrong with proselytizing?

It's a time honored tradition and in this country, the right to do so is protected.

You make it illegal, you might as well live in Cuba.

Where have you been Allie? What's wrong with proselytizing? No one wants someone else's religion shoved up their nose. Proselytisers are saying in effect, "what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable."

Has it ever crossed your mind that by your definition, to change the way a proselytizer thinks you have to ...

you have to...

you have to...

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Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.

There are fragile protected areas in national forests. Do you have any respect for nature?
What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.

There are fragile protected areas in national forests. Do you have any respect for nature?

Yes, actually quite a bit. And you?

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