Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Atheism and Communism go hand in hand.
Just as sure as Christianity and Nazism go hand in hand.









So, let's get this straight. You were sitting someplace that you were not supposed to be and then were approached by authorities and asked to move because what you were sitting on was old a fragile. For some reason you refused and call that preaching by an atheist! Bullshit of the highest degree. Do you not realize that it is not atheist to believe that the earth is billions of years old. Many Christians believe that as well. It is called science and it is not exclusive to atheism and many religious people are not as blind to the real world as you are.

Yes, I knew you would jump all over that one exactly as I expected. The problem is,

a) the rocks were not fragile
b) there was no "do not sit on the rocks sign"
c) the hypocrites built their asphalt path directly over top of the very same rock upon which I was sitting.

But what really matters to them is that it is a talking point from which to launch their sermon on how you really need to believe the way they believe. They even get a sanctimonious tone of worship when they tell you how old the rocks are. And no, it isn't science, but I will save that topic for another thread.

If the rocks were not fragile or off-limits, then why would a park employee nag you to get off?

because it is a relijain and relijains never make sense.

Personally, I cannot remember ever meeting a cranky park employee, but I've been to such places as Mammoth Cave, where you are repeatedly cautioned against touching the formations.

And they tell you not to touch them because they are Miiiiiiilions of years old which is a flat outright lie. I shouldn't have to listen to their lies while I am trying to enjoy G-d's creation.

I have no doubt some areas of parks are closed, some trails closed from time to time, etc.

Which is fine and I have always been one to respect that.

I'm not getting what the relationship might be between cranky park employees and atheists? Is it because the park employee did not cite Genesis when he asked you to move?

It is because it was all part of his talking point for his atheisitic religion.
Atheism is not a religion, but a belief. Just like monotheism and polytheism are not religions, but beliefs.

Buddhism is a religion, that is also atheist.
Hinduism is a religion, that is also polytheist.
Christianity is a religion, that is also monotheist.
Christianity is a belief; not a religion. There are Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, etc. There are many agnostics that believe in Christ but do not belong to any church. To put all Christians in the same box, is not unlike putting all atheists in the same box as well. A belief, philosophy, etc is just that.

Enviro-nazism and some radical animals rights activists can be considered "evangelicals" as well in my opinion. Nothing more annoying than radical Vegans. Lol
It is because it was all part of his talking point for his atheisitic religion.
Once again, the realization that the earth is over 4 billion years old is not held only by atheists but some Christians and many other religions all over the world. That is because it is science that tells us this not religion. It is only YOU that cannot accept reality and must warp the facts around preconceived notions that you have gleaned from your own interpretation of the bible.
That is true, chanel. All the predominate communist philosophers opposed organized religion. I'm not sure what your point is, though.

Atheists love to superciliously talk about "all the people killed in the name of religion", so they ought to have to deal with the many, many more people killed in the name of opposition to religion. In the entire history of mankind, organized religion hasn't even come close to the death toll communist regimes, spouting atheist philosophy, racked up in less than one hundred years.

As bloody, homicidal religious philosophies go, atheism is still champion.

Except all that was done in the name of communism not atheism.
That is true, chanel. All the predominate communist philosophers opposed organized religion. I'm not sure what your point is, though.

Atheists love to superciliously talk about "all the people killed in the name of religion", so they ought to have to deal with the many, many more people killed in the name of opposition to religion. In the entire history of mankind, organized religion hasn't even come close to the death toll communist regimes, spouting atheist philosophy, racked up in less than one hundred years.

As bloody, homicidal religious philosophies go, atheism is still champion.

Except all that was done in the name of communism not atheism.

And, as a matter of fact, religious wars have killed FAR more than atheist regimes or opposition to religion. The simple fact of the matter is that religion has been the scapegoat in war far longer than the idea of atheism or communism has even existed.
Well, let's answer that. Atheists don't need to preach, sweet pea. Somebody is just being hysterical. I pity theists, you guys are grabbing at straws. Believe what ever YOU want. You will, anyway, don't let facts stand in the way.
Well, let's answer that. Atheists don't need to preach, sweet pea. Somebody is just being hysterical. I pity theists, you guys are grabbing at straws. Believe what ever YOU want. You will, anyway, don't let facts stand in the way.

That was an interesting sermon. What's great about atheists is that they don't just save their sermons up for Sunday's.
Well, let's answer that. Atheists don't need to preach, sweet pea. Somebody is just being hysterical. I pity theists, you guys are grabbing at straws. Believe what ever YOU want. You will, anyway, don't let facts stand in the way.

That was an interesting sermon. What's great about atheists is that they don't just save their sermons up for Sunday's.

What's great about theists is that they never occupy the high intellectual ground.
Well, let's answer that. Atheists don't need to preach, sweet pea. Somebody is just being hysterical. I pity theists, you guys are grabbing at straws. Believe what ever YOU want. You will, anyway, don't let facts stand in the way.

That was an interesting sermon. What's great about atheists is that they don't just save their sermons up for Sunday's.

What's great about theists is that they never occupy the high intellectual ground.
You can find stupid people for any viewpoint and I wouldn't go around saying all theists are stupid any more than I would go around saying all atheists (or people of any viewpoint) are stupid. Finally to disprove you in an example there are many intelligent theists like Pythagoras, Aristotle and Issac Newton. So I can see from what you are saying there either ignorance or stupidity, hopefully the earlier and not the later. :eusa_eh:
That was an interesting sermon. What's great about atheists is that they don't just save their sermons up for Sunday's.

What's great about theists is that they never occupy the high intellectual ground.
You can find stupid people for any viewpoint and I wouldn't go around saying all theists are stupid any more than I would go around saying all atheists (or people of any viewpoint) are stupid. Finally to disprove you in an example there are many intelligent theists like Pythagoras, Aristotle and Issac Newton. So I can see from what you are saying there either ignorance or stupidity, hopefully the earlier and not the later. :eusa_eh:

I would.:lol:

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