Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.

So, let's get this straight. You were sitting someplace that you were not supposed to be and then were approached by authorities and asked to move because what you were sitting on was old a fragile. For some reason you refused and call that preaching by an atheist! Bullshit of the highest degree. Do you not realize that it is not atheist to believe that the earth is billions of years old. Many Christians believe that as well. It is called science and it is not exclusive to atheism and many religious people are not as blind to the real world as you are.
Except you have failed to show where atheists are indoctrinating anyone in school at all. The only thing that you have shown is that they teach science in school that does not agree with your interpretation of the bible. Because YOU disagree with evolution that does not make that atheist indoctrination nether does it make it an atheist 'belief.' There is no atheistic indoctrination in our schools. There are atheists attempting to fight religion in public and government because religion IS attempting to intrude in those arias. Trying to replace science with specifically religious ideals like ID is attempting to make schools religious indoctrination camps. That is unacceptable.

It would seem to me that you believe anything that is not actively pushing the Christian belief onto people is automatically defined as atheism and since school is not pushing Christianity it must be pushing atheism.

What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.
Likely the park ranger is one of those crazy geologist types that consider every rock worthy of spiritual earth worship. When I look at a rock I know it is billions of years old and that it could interest someone else, but I see it as just a rock.

I think most atheists would have reacted the same way to that situation as anyone else, unless the person was geologist or a scientist in which case they would agree with each other and apologize. It depends how high you are in the academic hierarchy pretty much.
What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.
Likely the park ranger is one of those crazy geologist types that consider every rock worthy of spiritual earth worship. When I look at a rock I know it is billions of years old and that it could interest someone else, but I see it as just a rock.

I think most atheists would have reacted the same way to that situation as anyone else, unless the person was geologist or a scientist in which case they would agree with each other and apologize. It depends how high you are in the academic hierarchy pretty much.

True. You have a point.
What could possibly happen in a public park that would promote atheism?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.

So, let's get this straight. You were sitting someplace that you were not supposed to be and then were approached by authorities and asked to move because what you were sitting on was old a fragile. For some reason you refused and call that preaching by an atheist! Bullshit of the highest degree. Do you not realize that it is not atheist to believe that the earth is billions of years old. Many Christians believe that as well. It is called science and it is not exclusive to atheism and many religious people are not as blind to the real world as you are.

Yes, I knew you would jump all over that one exactly as I expected. The problem is,

a) the rocks were not fragile
b) there was no "do not sit on the rocks sign"
c) the hypocrites built their asphalt path directly over top of the very same rock upon which I was sitting.

But what really matters to them is that it is a talking point from which to launch their sermon on how you really need to believe the way they believe. They even get a sanctimonious tone of worship when they tell you how old the rocks are. And no, it isn't science, but I will save that topic for another thread.
It may technically not be sales because no money is exchanged but it is proselytizing.

It sure is... and it is legal.

JW's purpose isn't to give away free bibles. Most people have a copy of the Bible. JW's purpose is to study the Bible with people. And they do it free of charge while spending their own time and money. Noone with JW is paid.

So what that it's legal. Actually some JW are paid. Check it out.

There are some that are given a monthly stipend. These are ones that produce the literature and other things. These are people that are given just a few hundred dollars per month to help live on. I believe it is around $500/month.

But your everyday JW in your town makes zero money and in fact, uses their car, time, gas money etc. to do a work they deem very important.
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?

I think you misunderstand them. They aren't trying to prove God is real, they are trying to help people make their lives better by paying more attention to their spirituality.
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?

I think you misunderstand them. They aren't trying to prove God is real, they are trying to help people make their lives better by paying more attention to their spirituality.

They believe in an invisible superbeing in another dimension that's going to punish them if they don't follow the orders of homo/pedophile priests. And they think that if they can get everyone to agree with their stupidities, then their nonsense becomes real.
The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?

I think you misunderstand them. They aren't trying to prove God is real, they are trying to help people make their lives better by paying more attention to their spirituality.

They believe in an invisible superbeing in another dimension that's going to punish them if they don't follow the orders of homo/pedophile priests. And they think that if they can get everyone to agree with their stupidities, then their nonsense becomes real.

Well... you might be right about some specific religions... no one can argue with that. "Christians" have done alot of harm over the centuries.... no doubt about it.
Religions can be judged based on how they follow the book they claim to follow. False religions are easily spotted, when compared to the teachings of the Bible.

However, true Christianity doesn't tolerate such behavior.
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Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I was on a vacation and was visiting a public park. I was trying to enjoy the views and rest in the shade when a park ranger of some sort approached me, uninvited, and began to preach to me telling me that I was sitting on rocks that were billions of years old and that I needed to get up. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was on vacation and trying to relax). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct. It was not a religious park but atheism is a government funded religion remember.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Christian, the government would've given him the bum's rush. In fact all public funding would be jerked from a Christian doing such a hideous act. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any christian, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to relax. Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the tax payer funded evangelizing done by some atheists and the voluntary, adult conversations between Christian adults.

So, let's get this straight. You were sitting someplace that you were not supposed to be and then were approached by authorities and asked to move because what you were sitting on was old a fragile. For some reason you refused and call that preaching by an atheist! Bullshit of the highest degree. Do you not realize that it is not atheist to believe that the earth is billions of years old. Many Christians believe that as well. It is called science and it is not exclusive to atheism and many religious people are not as blind to the real world as you are.

Yes, I knew you would jump all over that one exactly as I expected. The problem is,

a) the rocks were not fragile
b) there was no "do not sit on the rocks sign"
c) the hypocrites built their asphalt path directly over top of the very same rock upon which I was sitting.

But what really matters to them is that it is a talking point from which to launch their sermon on how you really need to believe the way they believe. They even get a sanctimonious tone of worship when they tell you how old the rocks are. And no, it isn't science, but I will save that topic for another thread.

If the rocks were not fragile or off-limits, then why would a park employee nag you to get off? Personally, I cannot remember ever meeting a cranky park employee, but I've been to such places as Mammoth Cave, where you are repeatedly cautioned against touching the formations. I have no doubt some areas of parks are closed, some trails closed from time to time, etc.

I'm not getting what the relationship might be between cranky park employees and atheists? Is it because the park employee did not cite Genesis when he asked you to move?
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?

Really? The same reason as Christians? So atheists are evangelizing because they're trying to save people from spending eternity in Hell? Funny they never mention it, then.

Christians don't try to "prove God is real", dimwit. We'll be the first to tell you that that's not something that can be empirically proven.
The same reason christians evangelize.

If God does exist, why does christians spend so much time trying to prove their god is real?

I think you misunderstand them. They aren't trying to prove God is real, they are trying to help people make their lives better by paying more attention to their spirituality.

They believe in an invisible superbeing in another dimension that's going to punish them if they don't follow the orders of homo/pedophile priests. And they think that if they can get everyone to agree with their stupidities, then their nonsense becomes real.

Which still leaves us with the question of, what's it to you whether they believe it or not? If Christians are right and you're wrong, you're headed for eternal damnation. If you're right and they're wrong, what're the consequences? What, precisely, is the freaking urgency that requires YOU to go around proselytizing?
I think you misunderstand them. They aren't trying to prove God is real, they are trying to help people make their lives better by paying more attention to their spirituality.

They believe in an invisible superbeing in another dimension that's going to punish them if they don't follow the orders of homo/pedophile priests. And they think that if they can get everyone to agree with their stupidities, then their nonsense becomes real.

Well... you might be right about some specific religions... no one can argue with that. "Christians" have done alot of harm over the centuries.... no doubt about it.
Religions can be judged based on how they follow the book they claim to follow. False religions are easily spotted, when compared to the teachings of the Bible.

However, true Christianity doesn't tolerate such behavior.

As far as "a lot of harm" goes, Christians have a LONG way to go before they catch up to the death toll of that bloody little atheist concept known as "Communism", so I really fail to see where atheists get off being so damned smug.
Atheism and Communism go hand in hand.

State atheism in Albania was taken to an extreme during the totalitarian regime installed after WWII, when religions, identified as imports foreign to Albanian culture, were banned altogether.[23]

The Agrarian Reform Law of August 1945 nationalized most property of religious institutions, including the estates of monasteries, orders, and dioceses. Many clergy and believers were tried, tortured, and executed. All foreign Roman Catholic priests, monks, and nuns were expelled in 1946.[24]

Religious communities or branches that had their headquarters outside the country, such as the Jesuit and Franciscan orders, were henceforth ordered to terminate their activities in Albania. Religious institutions were forbidden to have anything to do with the education of the young, because that had been made the exclusive province of the state. All religious communities were prohibited from owning real estate and from operating philanthropic and welfare institutions and hospitals. Although there were tactical variations in Hoxha's approach to each of the major denominations, his overarching objective was the eventual destruction of all organized religion in Albania. Between 1945 and 1953, the number of priests was reduced drastically and the number of Roman Catholic churches was decreased from 253 to 100, and all Catholics were stigmatized as fascists.[25]

The campaign against religion peaked in the 1960s. Beginning in 1967 the Albanian authorities began a violent campaign to try to eliminate religious life in Albania. Despite complaints, even by APL members, all churches, mosques, monasteries, and other religious institutions were either closed down or converted into warhouses, gymnasiums, or workshops by the end of 1967.[26] By May 1967, religious institutions had been forced to relinquish all 2,169 churches, mosques, cloisters, and shrines in Albania, many of which were converted into cultural centers for young people. As the literary monthly Nendori reported the event, the youth had thus "created the first atheist nation in the world."[27]

The clergy were publicly vilified and humiliated, their vestments taken and desecrated. More than 200 clerics of various faiths were imprisoned, others were forced to seek work in either industry or agriculture, and some were executed or starved to death. The cloister of the Franciscan order in Shkodër was set on fire, which resulted in the death of four elderly monks.[28]

Article 37 of the Albanian Constitution of 1976 stipulated, "The State recognizes no religion, and supports atheistic propaganda in order to implant a scientific materialistic world outlook in people."[29], and the penal code of 1977 imposed prison sentences of three to ten years for "religious propaganda and the production, distribution, or storage of religious literature." A new decree that in effect targeted Albanians with Christian names stipulated that citizens whose names did not conform to "the political, ideological, or moral standards of the state" were to change them. It was also decreed that towns and villages with religious names must be renamed. Hoxha's brutal antireligious campaign succeeded in eradicating formal worship, but some Albanians continued to practice their faith clandestinely, risking severe punishment. Individuals caught with Bibles, icons, or other religious objects faced long prison sentences. Religious weddings were prohibited.[30] Parents were afraid to pass on their faith, for fear that their children would tell others. Officials tried to entrap practicing Christians and Muslims during religious fasts, such as Lent and Ramadan, by distributing dairy products and other forbidden foods in school and at work, and then publicly denouncing those who refused the food, and clergy who conducted secret services were incarcerated. [31]

Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is true, chanel. All the predominate communist philosophers opposed organized religion. I'm not sure what your point is, though.

Atheists love to superciliously talk about "all the people killed in the name of religion", so they ought to have to deal with the many, many more people killed in the name of opposition to religion. In the entire history of mankind, organized religion hasn't even come close to the death toll communist regimes, spouting atheist philosophy, racked up in less than one hundred years.

As bloody, homicidal religious philosophies go, atheism is still champion.

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