Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Naw, those atheists don't preach.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCgBzYekNTA&feature=PlayList&p=B2B24E2797C8469F&playnext=1&index=16]YouTube - Atheist Preaching[/ame]
I don't get why some whack job shouting into his webcam is considered "evangelizing".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWah_PX7WRE]YouTube - Man Claims Alien Abduction[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzfOB-rPqc]YouTube - I SAW ONE ![/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYuH7sR9OGw]YouTube - My dog is a Republican[/ame]
I think that's an atheist pretending to be...whatever that is.

That is really weird. Now I'm going to have nightmares. If I can sleep at all.
The Light, Intelligent Design is a religion-based belief. No matter how highly you may prize it, it is not qualitatively the same as the scientific fact of evolution. I don't understand why you need to have your religious views taught to the children of other people's families in a public school.

What do you gain by this?

They think that if they get ID into schools, that it will validate the fairy tale, and it will convince more people of their cartoonish beliefs. And since 98% of pastors in the US are either crack smoker, gay or thieves, or all 3, they know ordinary folks aren't going to go to church.
That was an offensive thing to write, hister. I dun know what all POV you may hold about science classes in public schools, but insulting people who are religious ain't likely to advance it any.
Madeline - we have a Bible Club at school. It is open to kids of all faiths including atheists. We have mements of silence during times of national tregedies. We have a religious convocation before graduation that is voluntary. No one in our community objects. But I do fear outside agitators from the ACLU, or some other anti-God group will come in to put an end to it. It's only a matter of time.
chanel what is this "newspaper" you link to? I have never heard of it. Have you, personally, ever been disturbed IRL by an atheist? How so?

In June 2006, members of Daily Kos organized the first ever political blogger convention, called YearlyKos, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event was attended by approximately 1000[51] bloggers and featured appearances by prominent Democrats such as Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, California Senator Barbara Boxer, General Wesley Clark, Governors Mark Warner, Bill Richardson, Tom Vilsack and DNC Chair Howard Dean. The event was widely covered in the traditional media including Capitol Hill Blue,[52] The Boston Globe[53] and MSNBC[54]. C-Span also carried portions of the convention.[55]

It's pretty influential Maddie.
Maybe I'm turning into a fussy little old lady, but it startles me (scares me a bit, to be honest) to get my door knocked on without expecting anyone. So yes, the religious solicitors do harm.

What's worse is, we have had some push-in robberies here and the victims only opened their doors after mistakenly thinking the knockers were religious. Kinda sorta like trick or treating and selling girl scout cookies door to door unaccompanied by an adult, some traditions are no longer viable.

I understand you concern here, but the courts have determined that people can knock at your door.
Maybe I'm turning into a fussy little old lady, but it startles me (scares me a bit, to be honest) to get my door knocked on without expecting anyone. So yes, the religious solicitors do harm.

What's worse is, we have had some push-in robberies here and the victims only opened their doors after mistakenly thinking the knockers were religious. Kinda sorta like trick or treating and selling girl scout cookies door to door unaccompanied by an adult, some traditions are no longer viable.

I understand you concern here, but the courts have determined that people can knock at your door.

Oh, the drama!!! :lol:
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So? The RIF wagons promote reading. Big whoop. You either take the material or you don't. But you don't pay for it, so it's not sales.

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