Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

The JW have gotten cheap these days and don't give out magazines. They used to have the Watchtower and the Awake. One of them actually was newsy and enjoyable to read.

I see no reason to get annoyed when religious sales people arrive at your door. You can quickly send them on their way with a polite "Thanks, I'm not interested in your church". It's such a non-problem.

Biggest annoyance left for me is the tax free status of the Worship Industry in America... We tax Event revenue, Bar and Night Club Revenue, Comedy Club Revenue, Motivational Speaker revenue, etc. Why don't we tax the social gathering and entertainment business collectively known as the Worship Business?
Gee, Bars and Night clubs should be tax exempt since we are told Atheism is a religion and bars and night clubs are their houses of worship. :eusa_whistle:

Re-read the post phrase spinner...

I never said to stop taxing the secular entertainment and social industries, I said that it's high time we started to tax the faith-based entertainment and social industry.
How in the hell are bars and nightclubs houses of worship for atheists? I know of no bar on God's green earth that requires its patrons to claim to be atheists before admitting them, and I don't know any christians IRL who don't drink. This is just nuts...the implication is that drinking is immoral and atheists are lacking in morality.

Name me one sin that christians do not commit, and regularly. You people are deluding yourselves if you think that claiming to believe in christianity elevates behavior one damned bit.
Biggest annoyance left for me is the tax free status of the Worship Industry in America... We tax Event revenue, Bar and Night Club Revenue, Comedy Club Revenue, Motivational Speaker revenue, etc. Why don't we tax the social gathering and entertainment business collectively known as the Worship Business?
Gee, Bars and Night clubs should be tax exempt since we are told Atheism is a religion and bars and night clubs are their houses of worship. :eusa_whistle:

Re-read the post phrase spinner...

I never said to stop taxing the secular entertainment and social industries, I said that it's high time we started to tax the faith-based entertainment and social industry.

How in the hell are bars and nightclubs houses of worship for atheists? I know of no bar on God's green earth that requires its patrons to claim to be atheists before admitting them, and I don't know any christians IRL who don't drink. This is just nuts...the implication is that drinking is immoral and atheists are lacking in morality.

Name me one sin that christians do not commit, and regularly. You people are deluding yourselves if you think that claiming to believe in christianity elevates behavior one damned bit.
Geez, didn't you two see the whistling emoticon?
How in the hell are bars and nightclubs houses of worship for atheists? I know of no bar on God's green earth that requires its patrons to claim to be atheists before admitting them, and I don't know any christians IRL who don't drink. This is just nuts...the implication is that drinking is immoral and atheists are lacking in morality.

Name me one sin that christians do not commit, and regularly. You people are deluding yourselves if you think that claiming to believe in christianity elevates behavior one damned bit.

In theory, atheists don't worship at all. I see the 'worship industry' as a social gathering of folks, like minded in at least one area of life, paying for music and talk. Why should the folks who put on a comedy show on Saturday night have to pay taxes on their revenue stream while a Sunday morning entertainer doesn't?
Atheists DO hold beliefs, The Light. Ones that they hold as dear as you hold yours. I don't understand why you feel they should be singled out to be silenced. Can you please explain?

Why do you only read half of my posts?

As I said. EVERYONE should be able to express their beliefs and opinions.

Why is it you feel Christians should be silenced?

I have never said I felt christians should be silenced, The Light. I'm very sorry if you read what I have written that way, as it is not how I feel. What I want is mutual respect, and with that, a willingness on the part of christians to allow non-christians a voice.

Now that I have answered you, please address my earlier question. In what ways do you believe atheists evangelize? Is it merely because they resist the fundamentalists' agenda for public school science and sex ed classes?

Maybe I'm turning into a fussy little old lady, but it startles me (scares me a bit, to be honest) to get my door knocked on without expecting anyone. So yes, the religious solicitors do harm.

What's worse is, we have had some push-in robberies here and the victims only opened their doors after mistakenly thinking the knockers were religious. Kinda sorta like trick or treating and selling girl scout cookies door to door unaccompanied by an adult, some traditions are no longer viable.

So how is it the fault of the religious solicitors that you're afraid of push-in robberies?

Is there a band of religious push-in robbers?

Fucking retard.
Allie, what the hell is wrong with you? I know you have the brains to read a post. I said the residents mistakenly thought the knockers were religious...obviously, tragically, they were wrong.

Woman, get a grip on your emotions.
By Maddie:

"Maybe I'm turning into a fussy little old lady, but it startles me (scares me a bit, to be honest) to get my door knocked on without expecting anyone. So yes, the religious solicitors do harm."

Based upon the fact that criminals are committing robberies.


No, Allie. The harm done is the expectation/mistaken belief that an unexpected knock on the door is a religious solicitor. If this custom fell by the wayside, my neighbors would be more wary, and less vulnerable.
You just contradicted yourself, idiot.

The harm is the "fear" of solicitors.

And yet you say if they went away, your neighbors would be less wary...which would make them MORE VULNERABLE, not less vulnerable.

Find another hobby. You aren't going to make it at debate. Besides being a liar, you just don't make sense.
You just contradicted yourself, idiot.

The harm is the "fear" of solicitors.

And yet you say if they went away, your neighbors would be less wary...which would make them MORE VULNERABLE, not less vulnerable.

Find another hobby. You aren't going to make it at debate. Besides being a liar, you just don't make sense.

rude and insulting


I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from you
You just contradicted yourself, idiot.

The harm is the "fear" of solicitors.

And yet you say if they went away, your neighbors would be less wary...which would make them MORE VULNERABLE, not less vulnerable.

Find another hobby. You aren't going to make it at debate. Besides being a liar, you just don't make sense.

rude and insulting


I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from you

I no longer bother with the niceties when I'm arguing with fascist pigs.
How can you possibly be so dense, Allie? Folks near me have little fear of unexpected visitors because so many are religious types.

Ok, I'll give you that one.

It's pretty fucking convoluted, though.

Mebbe so....but these are neighbors of mine who've been harmed. Seems clear as a bell to me. The robbers dress in nice slacks and shirts, and have no difficulty getting elderly people to open their doors when they ought not. Sooner or later, there'll be a murder off this.

But I do thank you for taking the trouble to understand me, Allie.

And that is in no way the fault of Christian missionaries, Jehovahs, mormons, or anyone else who may knock on a person's door with absolutely no evil intent.

But if you want to blame them, go right ahead.
No one is blaming them, Allie. What I said was, this is a custom which probably should end in view of changing social mores. Their presence in my little community is not making the elderly who live here safer.

If that matters, then yes, they unintentionally do harm.
Atheists DO hold beliefs, The Light. Ones that they hold as dear as you hold yours. I don't understand why you feel they should be singled out to be silenced. Can you please explain?

Why do you only read half of my posts?

As I said. EVERYONE should be able to express their beliefs and opinions.

Why is it you feel Christians should be silenced?

I have never said I felt christians should be silenced, The Light. I'm very sorry if you read what I have written that way, as it is not how I feel. What I want is mutual respect, and with that, a willingness on the part of christians to allow non-christians a voice.

Now that I have answered you, please address my earlier question. In what ways do you believe atheists evangelize? Is it merely because they resist the fundamentalists' agenda for public school science and sex ed classes?

Your earlier question? Was this in a different post that I missed? Your previous post did not ask "In what ways do you believe atheists evangelize?" but regardless if you don't mind, I'll answer it with my OP.

"[By spending countless hours] and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist."
Tell the truth, The Light. Have you ever felt any social pressure to deny being a christian? And by contrast...have you ever benefited socially (or in other ways) from publically declaring that you are?

Lemme tell you a brief story and see whaca think. Some years ago I had an accident and landed in the ER. I could not walk right then and a preacher of some sort entered my cubicle, uninvited, and began to pray over me. Out loud. Using language I found highly offensive and aggravating (remember now, I was in pain and a little scared). I asked him repeatedly to leave, but he refused and kept up his conduct until a nurse showed up and escorted him out. It was not a religious hospital.

Somehow, I think if the guy had been a Buddist, Muslim or atheist, the ER staff would've given him the bum's rush. I have no doubt it is contrary to hospital policy (and prolly the law) for an uninvited, unwanted non-medical person to be in the treatment rooms of an ER. I'd call what this guy did "evangelizing" and I have absolutely nothing to compare it to directed at me by any atheist, ever.

This man added to my stress enormously, underscoring for me how terribly disabling it is not to be able to walk. (It was temporary and I'm fine now.) Is it so hard to understand, there is no comparision between the evangelizing done by some christians and the voluntary, adult conversations between non-christian adults?
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

We don't have santa clause coming to our doors 52 weeks a year. We have JW and LDS though.

Sane people just say, "No thanks", shut the door, and go on with their frigging lives.
They don't feel the need to make an industry and religion out of it.

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