Why is jesus not a jew in churches?

You know..........again I ask this question.........

Why is it that most Christians prefer to worship Yeshua on a cross, nailed to it in obvious pain, with a plaque above His head making fun of Him?

Don't you think that's probably not right? I mean........why not show Him healing people, teaching the children and alla that? Or at least, if you're so enamored with the idea of crucifixion, why not show Him AFTER He rose from the dead?

I think most Christians don't prefer that. I've never known a Christian who preferred to worship Jesus in that way. My life choices have made me a very ecumenical Christian worshipping with the most fundamentalist holy rollers to the most high church traditions, and I have yet to meet anybody who even suggested that. But there would be no Christianity at all without the cross and resurrection. And to exclude that from the history and liturgy would strip Christianity of all its power just as removing Christmas--the Christ mass-- from this season strips Christmas of all meaning entirely.

Wait a minute.......you say "most" Christians don't prefer that. Then please explain why there are so few statues of Christ showing Him not crucified? Most every church that I've ever been in has had a crucified man on the cross.

And by the way........the Catholics stripped Christmas already. Yeshua (Jesus) was actually born in late October, but the Romans wanted to include the pagan citizens in their church, so they switched the date to December 25th, just before the Winter Solstice.

By the way..........don't Christians believe in the 10 Commandments? The reason that I ask, is one of 'em is "thou shalt not bear false witness". Celebrating Christmas on any day OTHER than the actual date of His birth is bearing false witness.

Oh yeah........they did the same thing with His death, because the whole Yeshua story is about His rising from the dead, and they caught Him in Jerusalem because He was there to celebrate Judaic holidays.

But explain to me something........why is it that some years Passover comes AFTER Easter. Did He have a time machine?

You will find VERY few Protestant churches depicting Christ on the cross. Almost all prefer the empty cross signifying a risen Christ. Go to ANY Christian bookstore and thumb through those with Bible stories and you'll find beautiful art from throughout the ages or more contemporary works showing all facets of Jesus' ministry on earth and his appearances after his death.

The Roman Catholics do show Christ on the Cross among other images not because they prefer it that way but because they are so aware of the sacrifice Christ made for them and in their tradition it would be disrespectful not to acknowledge and understand that sacrifice.

You do not know the date of Jesus' birth any more than any of the rest of us know the date of Jesus' birth. The Catholics adopted December 25, close to the Vernal equinox, as the day for celebrating the fact that Jesus was born. Advent is four Sundays prior to Christmas marking the beginning of the liturgical Church calendar which has never been intended to celebrate actual dates but is intended to teach the history and commemorate actual events. (The winter solstice by the way is always before Christmas not after. You are correct that December 25 was chosen to replace a Pagan holiday that former Pagans had enjoyed.)

The Scriptures testify that the Last Supper, soon followed by Jesus' crucifixion, was on or near Passover that had been celebrated by the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews since Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt. It is currently determined according to the Jewish lunar calendar--the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan. Because they use a lunar calendar the date will vary year by year but will always fall in March or April.

Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox which in most years is March 21.

Christians do not worship certain days of the calendar. They commemorate certain events that have occurred in Church history mostly as a teaching tool so new generations of Chrsitians can learn and understand the significance of those events.
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If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

In my church, Jesus on the Crucifix is very dark brown. You will find around the World that Jesus and the Saint's sort of take on the look of the locals. :lol: Not all Jew's are woolly haired and brown skinned either.

Then there is the perspective that we are all related and share traits. ;)
Is God a Christian or a Jew?

I'm pretty sure both the Christian and the Jew are going to be surprised at how much of this stuff we got wrong when we finally have opportunity to meet God face to face and get all that cleared up. :)

Ive read that the Book of Enoch was removed from the scriptures by the Christians because it was too Jewish and by the Jews because it was too Christian by the early church.

I wonder how much knowledge we would have now if people were more concerned about the truth and knowledge rather than proving a specific point
The Church my family attended when I was a child had a huge crucifixion with the INRI sign over Jesus' head. I remember during Sunday school class I raised my hand and asked what that sign meant. The priest explained they were mocking Jesus as "King of the Jews". They also taught us how he studied with the elders at the Temple and had a Bar Mitzvah when he came of age...

The letters “INRI” are initials for the Latin title that Pontius Pilate had written over the head of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 19:19). Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire.

The words were "Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm." Latin uses “I” instead of the English “J”, and “V” instead of “U” (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum). The English translation is "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."

Artist's impression of Christ on the cross. The Early Church adopted the first letters of each word of this inscription “INRI” as a symbol. Throughout the centuries INRI has appeared in many paintings of the crucifixion.

By the way, Pilate's title for Christ was actually written in three languages.

And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, "Write not, 'The King of the Jews;' but that he said, 'I am King of the Jews'." Pilate answered, "What I have written I have written."
-John 19:19-22 (KJV)

What do the letters ?INRI? on the crucifix mean? - ChristianAnswers.Net

You know..........again I ask this question.........

Why is it that most Christians prefer to worship Yeshua on a cross, nailed to it in obvious pain, with a plaque above His head making fun of Him?

Don't you think that's probably not right? I mean........why not show Him healing people, teaching the children and alla that? Or at least, if you're so enamored with the idea of crucifixion, why not show Him AFTER He rose from the dead?

The cross is the symbol of the sacrifice, without which we would not have salvation. It's pretty simple.
If Jesus was born in Jeruselem then he is Jewish right? But, in every church I have visited both Black and White he is not as the bible describes: woolly hair, brown skin. Instead he is a White man. Why is that?

In my church, Jesus on the Crucifix is very dark brown. You will find around the World that Jesus and the Saint's sort of take on the look of the locals. :lol: Not all Jew's are woolly haired and brown skinned either.

Then there is the perspective that we are all related and share traits. ;)

I'm still waiting for the biblical citation that describes Christ as wooly-haired and brown skinned, or David as a redhead.
The Jewish people worship the same God as I. I'm not quite sure what type of theology you practice, but in mine, the God of Abraham is the God of St. Peter/St. Paul and Father of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was a rabbi. He was Jewish in every meaning of the word. So what's so silly?

As illustrated by passages in the New Testament Jesus was respected by his contemporaries as a trained rabbi most likely from someone in Galilee.

Very good.

No he wasn't. He was a person who tried to turn jews away from their G-d.
Sir, you need to read your Bible.

Simon addresses Jesus as "Rabbi" in Luke.
You do know who Simon was, don't you?
A Jewish lawyer addresses him as "Rabbi" in Matthew and asks him also in Matthew "Rabbi, what is the greatest commandment in the Torah"
And you claim he wasn't a Rabbi the Biblical scholar you are.
More Matthew that Jesus was a Rabbi "Rabbi, what good thing must I doto have eternal life" from a wealthy man.
But the lawyers, the people and the wealthy ALL came to Jesus and addressed him as Rabbiin their communities where Jesus was well known but you know better 2000 years later and claim Jesus was not a Rabbi.
More for the seriously uninformed, which consists of most right wing fundementalist Christians in this country:
Luke 12:13 "Rabbi, order my brother todivide the inheritance with me" A common request to a Rabbi in those days but you claim he was not a Rabbi.
And even more and more and more:
From the Pharisses "Rabbi, rebuke your disciples" in more Luke.
The Sadducces called him Rabbi.
EVERONE called him Rabbi.
Guess why Moe?
Because he WAS a trained Rabbi. Jesus was trained like any Jewish man.
The Bible is full of this. Try reading it as it is a great book.
The NT stories are fictional and filled with Jewish hatred.

His followers, the one that called him "rabbi" are the ones that left their G-d to follow a false one.

In other words whom they call rabbi is irrelevant to Judaism.
The NT stories are fictional and filled with Jewish hatred.

His followers, the one that called him "rabbi" are the ones that left their G-d to follow a false one.

In other words whom they call rabbi is irrelevant to Judaism.

Wow, lots of anger and hatred toward Christians there. Don't know what happened to you to cause that but it is unfortunate.
The NT stories are fictional and filled with Jewish hatred.

His followers, the one that called him "rabbi" are the ones that left their G-d to follow a false one.

In other words whom they call rabbi is irrelevant to Judaism.

Wow, lots of anger and hatred toward Christians there. Don't know what happened to you to cause that but it is unfortunate.

As I stated the NT is filled with anger and hatred toward christians. And it still bothers me that judaism is perverted in order to validate christian beliefs.

It would be similar to Islam considering Mohammed being your second coming, and muslims telling you what your religion really means :cuckoo:
The NT stories are fictional and filled with Jewish hatred.

His followers, the one that called him "rabbi" are the ones that left their G-d to follow a false one.

In other words whom they call rabbi is irrelevant to Judaism.

Wow, lots of anger and hatred toward Christians there. Don't know what happened to you to cause that but it is unfortunate.

As I stated the NT is filled with anger and hatred toward christians. And it still bothers me that judaism is perverted in order to validate christian beliefs.

It would be similar to Islam considering Mohammed being your second coming, and muslims telling you what your religion really means :cuckoo:

The New Testament is filled with anger and hatred toward Christians? The same New Testament that explains the miracle of God becoming man in the person of Jesus? The same Jesus who healed the sick, raised the dead, forgave sins, and explained what heaven would be even as he paid for the sins of all of us by dying on the cross and pointed the way to eternal life by his own example? Jesus was a Jew as were all his disciples and the Apostle Paul who took the gospel to the Gentiles. Hard to find much anger or hatred among those guys.

I would never presume to tell a Jew what I think his religion means. I have had numerous great conversations with Jewish friends, including Rabbis, about various interpretations of this or that, however, and have learned much from their perceptions and insights.

I am sorry that you have been conditioned to dislike us Christians so much and that you have been taught so many wrong things about us.
Is God a Christian or a Jew?

I'm pretty sure both the Christian and the Jew are going to be surprised at how much of this stuff we got wrong when we finally have opportunity to meet God face to face and get all that cleared up. :)

God is none of the above, since as the object of religious worship, He would hardly be a FOLLOWER of any religion.

For regular human beings, btw, the two are not mutually exclusive. One can be both.
Wow, lots of anger and hatred toward Christians there. Don't know what happened to you to cause that but it is unfortunate.

As I stated the NT is filled with anger and hatred toward christians. And it still bothers me that judaism is perverted in order to validate christian beliefs.

It would be similar to Islam considering Mohammed being your second coming, and muslims telling you what your religion really means :cuckoo:

The New Testament is filled with anger and hatred toward Christians? The same New Testament that explains the miracle of God becoming man in the person of Jesus? The same Jesus who healed the sick, raised the dead, forgave sins, and explained what heaven would be even as he paid for the sins of all of us by dying on the cross and pointed the way to eternal life by his own example?

Yup, because it's only G-D who heals the sick, raises the dead, and forgives sin. Jesus did perhaps the great sins possible which is to equate himself with G-D. That is worse than idol worship, that is making yourself the idol to be worshipped.

As far as this creative god becames man, it's creative, but it has nothing to do with the G-D of the jews. No where is that in the Torah in thousands of pages. And it does say in the Torah not to add or diminish.

Deutronomy chapter 4

2. Do not add to the word which I command you, nor diminish from it, to observe the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

Jesus was a Jew as were all his disciples and the Apostle Paul who took the gospel to the Gentiles. Hard to find much anger or hatred among those guys.

I would never presume to tell a Jew what I think his religion means. I have had numerous great conversations with Jewish friends, including Rabbis, about various interpretations of this or that, however, and have learned much from their perceptions and insights.

I am sorry that you have been conditioned to dislike us Christians so much and that you have been taught so many wrong things about us.

It's very easy to find the hatred toward the jews from the NT

  • The fable that the jews killed jesus, when it was the romans that killed jesus, and the jews had no power at the time
  • The fable that the jews decided to stone a woman when the jewish court didn't exist at that time, and the criteria for the death penalty was so great to make it virtually impossible

The NT is filled with lies and venom to try and attack the jews.

My guess is because that the jews weren't buying what the christians were selling, so they got jealous and venomous.
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The Church my family attended when I was a child had a huge crucifixion with the INRI sign over Jesus' head. I remember during Sunday school class I raised my hand and asked what that sign meant. The priest explained they were mocking Jesus as "King of the Jews". They also taught us how he studied with the elders at the Temple and had a Bar Mitzvah when he came of age...

You know..........again I ask this question.........

Why is it that most Christians prefer to worship Yeshua on a cross, nailed to it in obvious pain, with a plaque above His head making fun of Him?

Don't you think that's probably not right? I mean........why not show Him healing people, teaching the children and alla that? Or at least, if you're so enamored with the idea of crucifixion, why not show Him AFTER He rose from the dead?

I think most Christians don't prefer that. I've never known a Christian who preferred to worship Jesus in that way. My life choices have made me a very ecumenical Christian worshipping with the most fundamentalist holy rollers to the most high church traditions, and I have yet to meet anybody who even suggested that. But there would be no Christianity at all without the cross and resurrection. And to exclude that from the history and liturgy would strip Christianity of all its power just as removing Christmas--the Christ mass-- from this season strips Christmas of all meaning entirely.

Someone should point out to Biker, the theological "expert", that "most" Christians do NOT use crucifixes in their regular worship at all, because he doesn't seem able to differentiate between Catholics and Christians in general. In fact, many Protestant denominations use blank crosses, as opposed to crucifixes, precisely for the purpose of symbolizing His death AND resurrection, and to avoid focusing excessively on just the first part.
The Jewish people worship the same God as I. I'm not quite sure what type of theology you practice, but in mine, the God of Abraham is the God of St. Peter/St. Paul and Father of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was a rabbi. He was Jewish in every meaning of the word. So what's so silly?

As illustrated by passages in the New Testament Jesus was respected by his contemporaries as a trained rabbi most likely from someone in Galilee.

Very good.

No he wasn't. He was a person who tried to turn jews away from their G-d.
Hardly. read your Bible.
The NT stories are fictional and filled with Jewish hatred.

His followers, the one that called him "rabbi" are the ones that left their G-d to follow a false one.

In other words whom they call rabbi is irrelevant to Judaism.

except the ones that called him rabbi were nonbelievers:p
You understand the difference between nationality and race, don't you?

You understand the definition in the context here of "caucasian" and "semetic", right?

Somehow, from your respsonse: That's like saying "George Bush is Caucasian, AKA German. ", I'm not sure you do understand the meaning of those words.

Somehow you don't understand my analogy. I'll break it down in simple terms for your simple mind:

All Arabs are Semites, but not all Semites are Arabs.
All (white) Germans are Caucasians, but not all Caucasians are (white) Germans.
All A's are B's, but not all B's are A's.

Have you ever taken basic logic?

So in stating "Jesus was a Semite, AKA Arab," one is making a completely illogical statement. Do you understand now, numbskull?
Semitic people (olive skin, dark eyes and hair) are Arabic. Not from Saudi Arabia, but the Arab region. Caucasians people (fair skin and hair) are not from Germany. More properly, the Caucasian Mountains in southwest Russia.

A convenient way to describe physical characteristics of people is to assign them in one of these commonly known groups. Not all Negroes are African. Not all Orientals are Chinese. But, it is safe to say that the vast majority of people born and raised in China will be Oriental and the vast majority of people born and raised in sub-
Saharan Africa will be Negroes.

So, saying African people are Negroes or Chinese people are Oriental or Arab people are Semitic is not folly, numbskull.

Not all Semitic people are Arabs. Fuck you are stupid. Did you read anything? Of course Arab people are Semitic. The original Israelites were semitic. Jesus was Semitic, but he was not an Arab you fucking retard. :eusa_shhh:
Somehow you don't understand my analogy. I'll break it down in simple terms for your simple mind:

All Arabs are Semites, but not all Semites are Arabs.
All (white) Germans are Caucasians, but not all Caucasians are (white) Germans.
All A's are B's, but not all B's are A's.

Have you ever taken basic logic?

So in stating "Jesus was a Semite, AKA Arab," one is making a completely illogical statement. Do you understand now, numbskull?
Semitic people (olive skin, dark eyes and hair) are Arabic. Not from Saudi Arabia, but the Arab region. Caucasians people (fair skin and hair) are not from Germany. More properly, the Caucasian Mountains in southwest Russia.

A convenient way to describe physical characteristics of people is to assign them in one of these commonly known groups. Not all Negroes are African. Not all Orientals are Chinese. But, it is safe to say that the vast majority of people born and raised in China will be Oriental and the vast majority of people born and raised in sub-
Saharan Africa will be Negroes.

So, saying African people are Negroes or Chinese people are Oriental or Arab people are Semitic is not folly, numbskull.

Not all Semitic people are Arabs. Fuck you are stupid. Did you read anything? Of course Arab people are Semitic. The original Israelites were semitic. Jesus was Semitic, but he was not an Arab you fucking retard. :eusa_shhh:
dont forget nosmo king as well
Amazing how the very folks that claim the Bible as the literal truth are the first to pickand choose what parts or versions or books are true and which are false.
Historically the Bible is correct on the issue of Jesus being Jewish and trained as a Rabbi.
Old Jewish doctrine in the Old Testament is all over the place on most everything else but the New Testament is historically correct from the birth of Jesus through Paul. Might disagree with a lot of Paul's opinions but he was here and he did state those things.
Disturbing that many ignore history and point to their ideological opinions first but current political trends dictates that first and common sense and reason to the facts takes a back seat. Most "Christians" have no clue as to what the Bible says. They have never read it.
Hello America.

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