Why Is Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead Of Moving On?



LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

You don't even know what a Republican is anymore.. Its not some braindead Trump groupy that lacks morals and principles.
When did you get put in charge of deciding who legitimate Republicans are?
Like many true Republicans, she recognizes the danger Trump and the cult of personality poses to the party and the country.
Like many true Republicans, she recognizes the danger Trump and the cult of personality poses to the party and the country.
Liberal Dictionary:
True Republican - liberal.
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.

She just wants to be an HONEST conservative, and that's what got her taken out.

That's it! Democrats luv Liz because she's a CONSERVATIVE! And you are the one to decide that because you're a leftist shill, and no one knows conservatism and can speak for it better than a LEFTIST SHILL.

LOL, you crack me up.

Don't respond to this, I didn't have your permission to respond to your posts, so this doesn't exist
So I've reduced you to asking that I not respond. Cool. I can understand it, given what you are.

Democrats love Liz? Nope. Standard Trumpian liar. And you obviously don't know my politics. I think you've been conned by a buffoon so can only be a "leftist shill". Standard Trumpian ignorance.

Good stuff.

Democrats are just the dumbest people. I mean my God.

You keep saying I am not allowed to respond without your permission, fuck wad. I didn't say that, you did.

And I didn't get your permission, why are you responding to this? Huh? You're supporting disobedience to your will now?
You poor thing.

And who said I'm a Democrat?


You're not a Democrat now????



LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

Cheney is more of a conservative than Trump.

Cheney is of course wrong on the issues, as are all conservatives, but at least by rejecting the Big Lie, she’s exhibited some integrity common to few conservatives.
Really? Integrity? Conservatives have a much better ( or for politicians less dismal) record on integrity and character. Some cons supported on riot. Libs supported hundreds of them all summer long for one example.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

You don't even know what a Republican is anymore.. Its not some braindead Trump groupy that lacks morals and principles.
When did you get put in charge of deciding who legitimate Republicans are?
At the same time as you I suspect.
The Republicans here must have missed this. There was no response from any of them. I'll try again to see if they can defend their own party. Probably not.
citygator said:

They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
Sandy Shanks said:

McCarthy declared, "And unlike the left, we embrace free thought and debate."
Sandy Shanks said:

“I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the president’s election,” McCarthy said.
One reason why today's Republicans are not speaking up is because there is not much they can say in defense of their party. In addition to distortions of the truth, vain attempts to revise the events of Jan. 6, and the misadventures of Marjorie Taylor Green, there is the vote today on Liz Cheney's replacement whose only crime was telling the truth.

The Times reports, "House Republicans on Friday elected Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, a vocal defender of former President Donald J. Trump, as their No. 3 leader, moving swiftly to replace Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who was deposed this week for her refusal to stay silent about the former president’s election lies."

Once again, as was the case in Cheney's removal, the vote was in secret, and it took place in the basement of the Capitol.

While Trump was President, the Republican Party lost the House, Senate, and the Presidency. Angered by the loss and claiming to this day without basis that the election was stolen from him, President Trump led an insurrection on Jan. 6 and our capitol was ransacked by far right wing groups loyal to him. Five people were killed.

Following the vote, liberal leaning Stefanik said: “I believe that voters determine the leader of the Republican Party, and President Trump is the leader that they look to. I support President Trump, voters support President Trump; he is an important voice in our Republican Party.”

No one is surprised by the total lack of support from Republicans regarding their party. How does one defend this charade?
They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
She's always been a straight-ahead Republican, for sure. But I have to give her credit for being honest and sticking with it. She's making the sheep look even more sheepy, and they know it.

I'm amazed every day at what one guy has done to this party.

And THIS guy, of all fuckin' people. It's still mind-blowing.
What the fuck is a "straight ahead Republican?" She's about as honest as a trip and fall lawyer.

The bottom line: you support her because she attacks Trump and the Republican party, and for no other reason.

No one is fooled.
On what issues does she disagree with the Republicans?

She and her father are in the global trade camp primarily to enrich themselves at the expense of American workers just like Obama and the Clintons. They all sold us down the river. Biden is exactly the same.

Trump knew we were getting fucked in global trade deals as well as many treaties around the World. He truly was America first in the best possible way. The Cheney's, Obama's, Clinton's and Biden don't give a shit about working Americans. They are only about enriching themselves. Most working Americans understand this. The Marxist, colored people who only think of themselves as victims, and freeloaders don't give a shit.
I get the impression that conservatives never understood Trump at all.

For example, don't you think it's a little odd that a man who spent his entire life cheating bankers, and contractors, and was involved as a litigant in thousands of lawsuits as both a defendant and a plaintiff would worry about the US getting cheated?

What you need to understand about Trump is that he never saw it as possible for deals to be a win/win situation. He always viewed deals as a zero sum game which, to Trump, meant that if we aren't cheating someone (getting the better of them, at least), than they were cheating us (getting the better of us). Trump just doesn't view deals as a situation where each side can come away with something they want to the benefit of both sides.
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They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
She's always been a straight-ahead Republican, for sure. But I have to give her credit for being honest and sticking with it. She's making the sheep look even more sheepy, and they know it.

I'm amazed every day at what one guy has done to this party.

And THIS guy, of all fuckin' people. It's still mind-blowing.
What the fuck is a "straight ahead Republican?" She's about as honest as a trip and fall lawyer.

The bottom line: you support her because she attacks Trump and the Republican party, and for no other reason.

No one is fooled.
On what issues does she disagree with the Republicans?

She and her father are in the global trade camp primarily to enrich themselves at the expense of American workers just like Obama and the Clintons. They all sold us down the river. Biden is exactly the same.

Trump knew we were getting fucked in global trade deals as well as many treaties around the World. He truly was America first in the best possible way. The Cheney's, Obama's, Clinton's and Biden don't give a shit about working Americans. They are only about enriching themselves. Most working Americans understand this. The Marxist, colored people who only think of themselves as victims, and freeloaders don't give a shit.
I get the impression that conservatives never understood Trump at all.

For example, don't you think it's a little odd that a man who spent his entire life cheating bankers, and contractors, and was involved as a litigant in thousands of lawsuits as both a defendant and a plaintiff would worry about the US getting cheated?

What you need to understand about Trump is that he never saw it as possible for deals to be a win/win situation. He always viewed deals as a zero sum game which, to Trump, meant that if we aren't cheating someone (getting the better of them, at least), than they were cheating us (getting the better of us). Trump just doesn't view deals as a situation where both sides can come away with something they want to the benefit of both sides.

You make many assumptions. Most all of them wrong imho. :)
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”

Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!
Cancel Culture at work.
How do you like it--Not so good when you're the one being cancelled is it?
They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
She's always been a straight-ahead Republican, for sure. But I have to give her credit for being honest and sticking with it. She's making the sheep look even more sheepy, and they know it.

I'm amazed every day at what one guy has done to this party.

And THIS guy, of all fuckin' people. It's still mind-blowing.
What the fuck is a "straight ahead Republican?" She's about as honest as a trip and fall lawyer.

The bottom line: you support her because she attacks Trump and the Republican party, and for no other reason.

No one is fooled.
On what issues does she disagree with the Republicans?

She and her father are in the global trade camp primarily to enrich themselves at the expense of American workers just like Obama and the Clintons. They all sold us down the river. Biden is exactly the same.

Trump knew we were getting fucked in global trade deals as well as many treaties around the World. He truly was America first in the best possible way. The Cheney's, Obama's, Clinton's and Biden don't give a shit about working Americans. They are only about enriching themselves. Most working Americans understand this. The Marxist, colored people who only think of themselves as victims, and freeloaders don't give a shit.
I get the impression that conservatives never understood Trump at all.

For example, don't you think it's a little odd that a man who spent his entire life cheating bankers, and contractors, and was involved as a litigant in thousands of lawsuits as both a defendant and a plaintiff would worry about the US getting cheated?

What you need to understand about Trump is that he never saw it as possible for deals to be a win/win situation. He always viewed deals as a zero sum game which, to Trump, meant that if we aren't cheating someone (getting the better of them, at least), than they were cheating us (getting the better of us). Trump just doesn't view deals as a situation where both sides can come away with something they want to the benefit of both sides.
Just like the democrats--when was the last time that you saw them compromise on ANYTHING. They have voted in lockstep for at least 4 1/2 years. Cry me a river hypocrite.
Enough of Liz. She isn't much different from other RINO's like the late John McCain. The problem for republicans is that nobody ever looks at conflict within the democrat party.
They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
She's always been a straight-ahead Republican, for sure. But I have to give her credit for being honest and sticking with it. She's making the sheep look even more sheepy, and they know it.

I'm amazed every day at what one guy has done to this party.

And THIS guy, of all fuckin' people. It's still mind-blowing.
What the fuck is a "straight ahead Republican?" She's about as honest as a trip and fall lawyer.

The bottom line: you support her because she attacks Trump and the Republican party, and for no other reason.

No one is fooled.
On what issues does she disagree with the Republicans?

She and her father are in the global trade camp primarily to enrich themselves at the expense of American workers just like Obama and the Clintons. They all sold us down the river. Biden is exactly the same.

Trump knew we were getting fucked in global trade deals as well as many treaties around the World. He truly was America first in the best possible way. The Cheney's, Obama's, Clinton's and Biden don't give a shit about working Americans. They are only about enriching themselves. Most working Americans understand this. The Marxist, colored people who only think of themselves as victims, and freeloaders don't give a shit.
I get the impression that conservatives never understood Trump at all.

For example, don't you think it's a little odd that a man who spent his entire life cheating bankers, and contractors, and was involved as a litigant in thousands of lawsuits as both a defendant and a plaintiff would worry about the US getting cheated?

What you need to understand about Trump is that he never saw it as possible for deals to be a win/win situation. He always viewed deals as a zero sum game which, to Trump, meant that if we aren't cheating someone (getting the better of them, at least), than they were cheating us (getting the better of us). Trump just doesn't view deals as a situation where both sides can come away with something they want to the benefit of both sides.

You make many assumptions. Most all of them wrong imho. :)
Like with most people, if you want to understand what motivates them, you pay a lot more attention to what they do, and a lot less attention to what they say. Since Trump lies constantly, taking his word at face value in an effort to understand his motivations a fool's errand.
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”

Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!
Cancel Culture at work.
How do you like it--Not so good when you're the one being cancelled is it?
Jeez...you struggled to get that out.
I have no love for Liz Cheney.
The irony is ironic though.
Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat
True – in that she’s being honest and truthful, particularly about the fact that Trump lost the election, that the 2020 election was neither ‘rigged’ nor ‘stolen,’ and the fact that Trump indeed is an ongoing threat to America’s democracy.

The leftist media decided the election was fair. I mean that there is the end of the discussion, no one has a right to disagree with fake news. That's right in the first amendment, right Himmler?
Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent.
ROFL! As if the left doesn't compel conformity. What do you think the term "politically correct" means, you fucking dumbass.

Certainly not what you think it means, fool. What you call "politically correct", my mother would have called "good manners". Of course you have no manners whatsoever, so I don't expect you to understand.

"Good manners" is the art of making everyone feel comfortable and respected in your presence. It means treating everyone as YOU would like to be treated - a very Christian concept.

It means never referring to ANYONE as "you fucking dumbass", even someone as feckless and and useless as yourself.
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”

Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!
Cancel Culture at work.
How do you like it--Not so good when you're the one being cancelled is it?
Jeez...you struggled to get that out.
I have no love for Liz Cheney.
The irony is ironic though.
LIAR! You fucking democrats are bitching more about the vote than anyone else--including Cheney, herself--she signed her death warrant with WY voters long before this point. These RINOS are all going to be gone.
LIAR! You fucking democrats are bitching more about the vote than anyone else--including Cheney, herself--she signed her death warrant with WY voters long before this point. These RINOS are all going to be gone.
Our Leftist friends are just parroting what their Communist handlers are telling them to repeat.

Meanwhile, back on the Hill, the Left is licking their wounds from losing a traitor on the inside.
Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!

Since when does FOX News have "left wing news shows"?

Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”
Except for the fact that they had an H1N1 vaccine in 1976 introduced by Gerald Ford and Obummer couldn't even make use of it effectively.

That year, fears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States.

But what was meant to be a ceremonial opening and positive public relations effort would turn sour. That week, the papers had begun reporting troubling news from vaccine clinics in Pittsburgh: three apparently unexplained deaths due to heart attacks.

“One of the old people, 75-year old Julia Bucci, had winced at the hypodermic needle in her arm, had taken a few feeble steps, then dropped dead on the floor of the health station. Right in front of their eyes.”

Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!
Cancel Culture at work.
How do you like it--Not so good when you're the one being cancelled is it?
Jeez...you struggled to get that out.
I have no love for Liz Cheney.
The irony is ironic though.
LIAR! You fucking democrats are bitching more about the vote than anyone else--including Cheney, herself--she signed her death warrant with WY voters long before this point. These RINOS are all going to be gone.

The only liars around here are the dumb as dirt Trump Republicans. It is the obligation of the Members of the House to honor their oath to the Constitution, not their oath to Donald Trump.

The only Republicans in Name Only are the lying, cheating scum who continue to follow Donald Trump.

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