Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Other than your usual drop-ten-and-punt by way of defining most of science as a conspiracy, what part of the fossil record is built on vivid imagination?

He can't say because he has no experience with it, and refuses to learn from an expert.

How many genes were found in the Y chromosome of the neanderthals ?

Well, dude, the entire sequence is available right here:

Index of /neandertal/altai/bam

Plow through it and tell us what you find. The Y Chromosome sequence is at the bottom (and has the smallest file size).
My mother was not a Neanderthal

Another finding of the Genographic Project was that they saw no evidence that Neanderthals were our "recent" ancestors. This is important because we don't know what happened to these guys.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Neanderthals ruled Europe. Then our ancestors moved in and pretty quickly, the Neanderthals were gone.

Some scientists think we killed them off. Some think we were just better and so they died out. And some others think that they had babies together and we all have a little Neanderthal in us.

To figure out which idea is correct, scientists have compared our mtDNA to that of the Neanderthal's. Why did they want to look at mtDNA? Because they could.

There is a whole lot of it in a cell making it relatively easy to get. Instead of just two copies per cell like our chromosomes, our cells have thousands of copies of mtDNA.

Because there is so much of this DNA, we are able to get some from unlikely sources. Like hair or mammoths. Or Neanderthals.

The Genographic Project provides a great resource for answering the question of whether there was any monkey business between humans and Neanderthals. The scientists found no evidence of any.

As you can imagine, getting DNA from a 30,000 or 40,000 year old fossil is not a simple thing. But scientists have managed in six cases to get a chunk of 300 bases of mtDNA from Neanderthals that looks very good.

Studying these six samples showed five DNA differences that Neanderthals had that we do not. Previously scientists looked at all of the human mtDNA so far collected and did not find any that had all 5 changes. But the number of human samples was relatively small.

The folks at the Genographic Project could look at many more samples. And none of the 78,500 or so samples had more than one of these DNA differences. This suggests that there isn't any Neanderthal DNA in modern human mtDNA.

They also just looked at the whole 300 bases and compared them to the human samples. None of the human samples was as different as the Neanderthal ones. So they found no evidence that our "recent" ancestors were Neanderthals.

This is more evidence that Neanderthals simply died out and that we did not interbreed. Recently scientists have begun to look at more than mtDNA. This will either confirm these findings or tell us that we may have Neanderthals in our family tree. We'll just have to wait and see.

Ancestry, Neanderthals and Mitochondrial DNA | Understanding Genetics
He can't say because he has no experience with it, and refuses to learn from an expert.

How many genes were found in the Y chromosome of the neanderthals ?

Well, dude, the entire sequence is available right here:

Index of /neandertal/altai/bam

Plow through it and tell us what you find. The Y Chromosome sequence is at the bottom (and has the smallest file size).

This is an important aspect of your argument and you brought up neanderthals. Why don't you produce the evidence ?
Yes,you people are uncomfortable with the current topic.
the current topic? it's all the same topic... you post pseudoscience bullshit and intentionally misinterpreted biblical sound bites..and we correct them..been that way since you started posting on this site.
How many genes were found in the Y chromosome of the neanderthals ?

Well, dude, the entire sequence is available right here:

Index of /neandertal/altai/bam

Plow through it and tell us what you find. The Y Chromosome sequence is at the bottom (and has the smallest file size).

This is an important aspect of your argument and you brought up neanderthals. Why don't you produce the evidence ?

Yet another conspiracy theory in the making.
How many genes were found in the Y chromosome of the neanderthals ?

Well, dude, the entire sequence is available right here:

Index of /neandertal/altai/bam

Plow through it and tell us what you find. The Y Chromosome sequence is at the bottom (and has the smallest file size).

This is an important aspect of your argument and you brought up neanderthals. Why don't you produce the evidence ?
see post #3442
Humanity ;)

Also, dead horses, beating them, etc...
I think this is one of those situations like switching the channel when you don't like the program, instead of bitching about it.

ahh.. no worries. I'm not bitching. I was just a little surprised by the number of posts.
not say you were didn't mean to give that impression..
if you like long threads check out creationists...it's like reading moby dick and war and peace.
This may help.

Phys.Org Mobile: Complete Neanderthal genome yields insights into human evolution and evidence of interbreeding

We're to understand however that a 6,000 year old earth refutes any possibility for Neanderthals existing 40,000 years ago.

I'll need you to start a list of those atheistic evilutionist scientists promoting the Neanderthal myth.

Once again no answer to my question, do you actually read what you post ?

Your "Y chromosome" conspiracy is just another blatant attempt by you to side-step a rather glaring flaw in the 6,000 year old earth nonsense.

How could Neanderthals have existed before the magical / supernatural "creation" of the planet?
Hollow the age of the earth has nothing to do with this topic.

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