Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

For starters I can prove to you that the fossils aren't in the wrong strata, that the people who make that kind of claim are lying to you. Contrary to what you apparently believe, geologists have a deep and abiding understanding of how to analyze strata and the fossils contained in them. Strata can form fairly rapidly. Stream sediments are formed fairly rapidly all the time. Marine carbonate strata, not rapidly at all. You are forgetting that we can and have studied modern strata all over the world and compared them with ancient strata from all over the world. How they form is very well understood. But then, you aren't trying to prove a young Earth, are you? So why does it matter to you how long it takes for strata to form?

If you can quickly learn how to interpret geological evidence, then you would have no problem doing so on a field trip with me. Come on, grasshopper. What are you afraid of?

Really ? you have visited all the fossil graveyards in the world ?

Evidence for a Global Flood

I have studied the literature on most of them, and have visited most of the important sites in the states. Global flood? You've lost your mind. You might as well say that you believe in a hollow Earth or a flat Earth, that's how crazy that is. Field trip? Yes or no?

No I have not lost my mind .I am no different than you. I can be affected by my presuppositions anyone who say's they are not is not being honest.
Well Not much to respond to. Dang nobody wants to talk genetics nor molecular biology anymore. Well can't really blame you.

Genetics: No Friend of Evolution - Answers in Genesis

Uh oh time is a problem for evolutionists as well.

Time?no friend of evolution

Answers in Genesis = no friend of science. No doubt, you also believe that the Flintstones is a documentary. Congratulations.

Evidence is no friend of pseudoscience. That is why it is easy to poke big gaping holes in pseudoscience theories.
Well Not much to respond to. Dang nobody wants to talk genetics nor molecular biology anymore. Well can't really blame you.

Genetics: No Friend of Evolution - Answers in Genesis

Uh oh time is a problem for evolutionists as well.

Time?no friend of evolution

You fail to understand that when you link to such mindless prattle as promoted by the Flat Earth types above, it suggests your knowledge of biology is similarly meaningless.

Then you should be able to deal with the questions raised.
You don't even understand that the Earth is not an isolated system, how could you understand any of those other things?

I never said the earth is an isolated system, if I did it was a mistake. I stated to many times That I believe it is a closed system.

If it's a closed system, if can receive energy and entropy can be reduced.
So your claim about complexity was wrong.

Energy is only one source that supports life.
I never said the earth is an isolated system, if I did it was a mistake. I stated to many times That I believe it is a closed system.

It isn't a closed system, either. Try again.

Some say it is a closed and I posted the reasons why it is a closed system.

You posted a link to an article discussing the closed nature of plate tectonics, which is not the same as the thermodynamics of the Earth as a whole, particularly as it pertains to the biosphere.
Really ? you have visited all the fossil graveyards in the world ?

Evidence for a Global Flood

I have studied the literature on most of them, and have visited most of the important sites in the states. Global flood? You've lost your mind. You might as well say that you believe in a hollow Earth or a flat Earth, that's how crazy that is. Field trip? Yes or no?

No I have not lost my mind .I am no different than you. I can be affected by my presuppositions anyone who say's they are not is not being honest.

Yes, sir you are completely different. You have lost your mind if you believe that the last vestige of 19th century catastrophism (the so-called global flood) has any validity today. I can't be kind about this because it is clear that you DO believe that the Flintstones is a documentary, and that is insane.

Well Not much to respond to. Dang nobody wants to talk genetics nor molecular biology anymore. Well can't really blame you.

Genetics: No Friend of Evolution - Answers in Genesis

Uh oh time is a problem for evolutionists as well.

Time?no friend of evolution

You fail to understand that when you link to such mindless prattle as promoted by the Flat Earth types above, it suggests your knowledge of biology is similarly meaningless.

Then you should be able to deal with the questions raised.
What questions were raised?
Well Not much to respond to. Dang nobody wants to talk genetics nor molecular biology anymore. Well can't really blame you.

Genetics: No Friend of Evolution - Answers in Genesis

Uh oh time is a problem for evolutionists as well.

Time?no friend of evolution

Answers in Genesis = no friend of science. No doubt, you also believe that the Flintstones is a documentary. Congratulations.

Evidence is no friend of pseudoscience. That is why it is easy to poke big gaping holes in pseudoscience theories.

You are deluded if you think that Ken Ham's monstrosity is anything other than a serious attempt to rip off gullible and, frankly, stupid people such as yourself. :cuckoo:
Well let's just ignore the facts.

You're good at doing just that. Field trip? Yes or no?

Are you paying ?

What do you hope to convince me of ? and why can't you provide this evidence here ?

Am I paying for you to go on a field trip with me? Erm, no, that would mean that you are a cheap bastard who believes that education is free and teachers should not get paid for their considerable efforts. You aren't a cheap bastard, are you? Look, I've offered to lend my considerable knowledge and experience to show you in the field how geology actually works, and I've offered this free of charge. How many other Earth scientists have made you this offer? You cannot get hands on experience from a book or a web site. You have to go into the field and see it, touch it, smell it, do the field work. There is no other way.
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The age of the earth is not a problem for creationists whether the earth is four and half billion years old or only 6,000 it does not matter to me. I do however find it entertaining that creationists purposely sent objects to be dated to labs and these objects had a known age. They did not just use one lab but several for the same evidence. It was funny how diverse the ages were.:lol:

I am concerned with origins. How it was possible life could come from non-life. How complex organisms could have formed without direction. How complicated cycles could have arisen naturally. How one cell could have organized itself and to continue to evolve in to all organisms that have ever existed. How all the molecular machines in the cell just evolved themselves.

You don't even understand that the Earth is not an isolated system, how could you understand any of those other things?

I never said the earth is an isolated system, if I did it was a mistake. I stated to many times That I believe it is a closed system.
i·so·lat·ed [ ssə làytəd ]
remote: far away from other inhabited areas or buildings
alone or lonely: not having enough social contact, friends, or support
rare: happening rarely or only once and unlikely to prove a continuing problem
Synonyms: remote, cut off, inaccessible, lonely, out-of-the-way, secluded, insulated, quarantined, sequestered

closed (kl zd) adj. 1. Having boundaries; enclosed: a closed corridor between the two buildings. 2. Blocked or barred to passage or entry: a closed port.
once again YWC cannot or will not see that both words describe the same thing and in this case ,it's an erroneous description.
I never claimed to be a Geologist but I can quickly learn how to interpret geological evidence. Like Fossil graveyards all over the world showing fossils in the wrong strata. We know strata can be formed in a short period and does not need millions of years that are claimed.

What do you think you can show me that will change my mind on empirical evidence ?

For starters I can prove to you that the fossils aren't in the wrong strata, that the people who make that kind of claim are lying to you. Contrary to what you apparently believe, geologists have a deep and abiding understanding of how to analyze strata and the fossils contained in them. Strata can form fairly rapidly. Stream sediments are formed fairly rapidly all the time. Marine carbonate strata, not rapidly at all. You are forgetting that we can and have studied modern strata all over the world and compared them with ancient strata from all over the world. How they form is very well understood. But then, you aren't trying to prove a young Earth, are you? So why does it matter to you how long it takes for strata to form?

If you can quickly learn how to interpret geological evidence, then you would have no problem doing so on a field trip with me. Come on, grasshopper. What are you afraid of?

Really ? you have visited all the fossil graveyards in the world ?

Evidence for a Global Flood
biased content based on a false premise
the False Premise, though more often than not used in the context of a logical argument, and therefore as a component of specious reasoning.

Simply put, the false premise is a statement, claim, fact or assertion that is simply not true, and which thus renders any argument using it automatically invalid unsound or non-cogent.

A false premise can range from a simple myth or misconception that is held out of ignorance, willful or otherwise, to a claim or statement of belief resulting from a delusion, to a blatant, intentional prevarication, and this form of argument is often a common rhetorical tactic by pseudoscientists.
You're good at doing just that. Field trip? Yes or no?

Are you paying ?

What do you hope to convince me of ? and why can't you provide this evidence here ?

Am I paying for you to go on a field trip with me? Erm, no, that would mean that you are a cheap bastard who believes that education is free and teachers should not get paid for their considerable efforts. You aren't a cheap bastard, are you? Look, I've offered to lend my considerable knowledge and experience to show you in the field how geology actually works, and I've offered this free of charge. How many other Earth scientists have made you this offer? You cannot get hands on experience from a book or a web site. You have to go into the field and see it, touch it, smell it, do the field work. There is no other way.
cheap is being kind..ywc yammers on constantly about how he hit it big at his gold mine...
but then again he say he has 8 children....
he's either a miserly fuck and a liar or just a liar !
I have studied the literature on most of them, and have visited most of the important sites in the states. Global flood? You've lost your mind. You might as well say that you believe in a hollow Earth or a flat Earth, that's how crazy that is. Field trip? Yes or no?

No I have not lost my mind .I am no different than you. I can be affected by my presuppositions anyone who say's they are not is not being honest.

Yes, sir you are completely different. You have lost your mind if you believe that the last vestige of 19th century catastrophism (the so-called global flood) has any validity today. I can't be kind about this because it is clear that you DO believe that the Flintstones is a documentary, and that is insane.


A field trip will not show many anything I have not read about. There is no point my mind is made up.
Answers in Genesis = no friend of science. No doubt, you also believe that the Flintstones is a documentary. Congratulations.

Evidence is no friend of pseudoscience. That is why it is easy to poke big gaping holes in pseudoscience theories.

You are deluded if you think that Ken Ham's monstrosity is anything other than a serious attempt to rip off gullible and, frankly, stupid people such as yourself. :cuckoo:

It don't matter what creationist it is you people are whacked when it comes to their views even though they fit the evidence better.

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