Why is the invasion still closing in on America?

The skunk bombs are from people who do not bathe and who are not immunized trying to invade America.

Raise your hands if you want you kids to have measles, mumps, and polio again!

Make America Sick Again!
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.
no legal authority for that. its not an invasion, its just asylum seekers.
Asylum seekers? Yes, there are those. We are talking about these, which are not asylum seekers
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.
The globalist pigs have written their script. There will be “migrants” swarming the border wall to get in. The US must be depicted as evil for beating down the mob of “innocents” who are “just wanting a better life”. Just look at the front page of CNN today, a woman holding two young girls as they are being gassed. Of course the story isn’t that the mother is putting her kids in harms way while violating the law, it’s America is evil for attacking women and children. This is all just more anti-American propaganda, they are determined to destroy our culture by replacement with third world shithole people.
I hear ya. If The Purge and a few others had heard this "rush" on the border was being planned for days, the people in the caravan no doubt knew about it too. She didn't need to be taking her kids into that "peaceful protest," knowing what was going to happen when some of them split off and started giving Trump the middle finger.

This is just push back against Trump's belligerent attitude toward migrants over the past three years. They didn't do this shit before--Obama and Bush both had periods of very high immigration requests from Central America and Mexico, and no one got hostile about it. And please don't say it's because they let those guys all in. They didn't. But they did it the professional and respectful way and sent them home if they couldn't get asylum. They somehow managed to keep the kids together with the parents without losing them. They did all this with very little outcry. The only difference with this one is that Trump started a furor over it to win the midterms and now those potential immigrants are giving him a big shove right in the middle of his pot belly. Of course, we will win. The protesters are unarmed, there are only a few hundred of them, and the Mexican and US border patrols and even the military are blocking their way.
CNN and all the other MSM are just doing what they always do--finding the human interest in a story, just like they did that little kid sitting in the back of the ambulance in Syria that prompted Trump to bomb that airfield in retaliation for the gas attacks.
Everyone knows we can't have that kind of mayhem at the border and the migrants didn't behave in a way which was at all sympathetic. It was a symbolic action and if you ask me, they're weakening their own cause with this kind of behavior.
But don't think CNN is being anti-American or communist or any other of your crazy theories.

Wrong. These things did happen during the Hussein era, the MSM just ignored it and chose not to make a spectacle about it so the majority of Americans would believe it was never a problem. As long as a Marxist sits in the White House, then everything is going according to “the plan”.

The radical left and globalist pigs have been in panic mode since President Trump was elected, because he is rejecting the globalist Agenda. Now everything they do is to undermine the US, anti-American propaganda has been ramped up 1000%.
I highly doubt a group of organized protesters rushed the border before and got gassed by border patrol. You have a link to the contrary, please share.
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.
The globalist pigs have written their script. There will be “migrants” swarming the border wall to get in. The US must be depicted as evil for beating down the mob of “innocents” who are “just wanting a better life”. Just look at the front page of CNN today, a woman holding two young girls as they are being gassed. Of course the story isn’t that the mother is putting her kids in harms way while violating the law, it’s America is evil for attacking women and children. This is all just more anti-American propaganda, they are determined to destroy our culture by replacement with third world shithole people.
I hear ya. If The Purge and a few others had heard this "rush" on the border was being planned for days, the people in the caravan no doubt knew about it too. She didn't need to be taking her kids into that "peaceful protest," knowing what was going to happen when some of them split off and started giving Trump the middle finger.

This is just push back against Trump's belligerent attitude toward migrants over the past three years. They didn't do this shit before--Obama and Bush both had periods of very high immigration requests from Central America and Mexico, and no one got hostile about it. And please don't say it's because they let those guys all in. They didn't. But they did it the professional and respectful way and sent them home if they couldn't get asylum. They somehow managed to keep the kids together with the parents without losing them. They did all this with very little outcry. The only difference with this one is that Trump started a furor over it to win the midterms and now those potential immigrants are giving him a big shove right in the middle of his pot belly. Of course, we will win. The protesters are unarmed, there are only a few hundred of them, and the Mexican and US border patrols and even the military are blocking their way.
CNN and all the other MSM are just doing what they always do--finding the human interest in a story, just like they did that little kid sitting in the back of the ambulance in Syria that prompted Trump to bomb that airfield in retaliation for the gas attacks.
Everyone knows we can't have that kind of mayhem at the border and the migrants didn't behave in a way which was at all sympathetic. It was a symbolic action and if you ask me, they're weakening their own cause with this kind of behavior.
But don't think CNN is being anti-American or communist or any other of your crazy theories.

Wrong. These things did happen during the Hussein era, the MSM just ignored it and chose not to make a spectacle about it so the majority of Americans would believe it was never a problem. As long as a Marxist sits in the White House, then everything is going according to “the plan”.

The radical left and globalist pigs have been in panic mode since President Trump was elected, because he is rejecting the globalist Agenda. Now everything they do is to undermine the US, anti-American propaganda has been ramped up 1000%.
I highly doubt a group of organized protesters rushed the border before and got gassed by border patrol. You have a link to the contrary, please share.

No, they rushed the wall and got through, without any spectacle. The gas is only happening because they are ramping up the border crossings in order to get a bigger response from the US, which of course will happen with a President with a backbone.
Border Patrol: crowd confronts agents
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.
The globalist pigs have written their script. There will be “migrants” swarming the border wall to get in. The US must be depicted as evil for beating down the mob of “innocents” who are “just wanting a better life”. Just look at the front page of CNN today, a woman holding two young girls as they are being gassed. Of course the story isn’t that the mother is putting her kids in harms way while violating the law, it’s America is evil for attacking women and children. This is all just more anti-American propaganda, they are determined to destroy our culture by replacement with third world shithole people.
I hear ya. If The Purge and a few others had heard this "rush" on the border was being planned for days, the people in the caravan no doubt knew about it too. She didn't need to be taking her kids into that "peaceful protest," knowing what was going to happen when some of them split off and started giving Trump the middle finger.

This is just push back against Trump's belligerent attitude toward migrants over the past three years. They didn't do this shit before--Obama and Bush both had periods of very high immigration requests from Central America and Mexico, and no one got hostile about it. And please don't say it's because they let those guys all in. They didn't. But they did it the professional and respectful way and sent them home if they couldn't get asylum. They somehow managed to keep the kids together with the parents without losing them. They did all this with very little outcry. The only difference with this one is that Trump started a furor over it to win the midterms and now those potential immigrants are giving him a big shove right in the middle of his pot belly. Of course, we will win. The protesters are unarmed, there are only a few hundred of them, and the Mexican and US border patrols and even the military are blocking their way.
CNN and all the other MSM are just doing what they always do--finding the human interest in a story, just like they did that little kid sitting in the back of the ambulance in Syria that prompted Trump to bomb that airfield in retaliation for the gas attacks.
Everyone knows we can't have that kind of mayhem at the border and the migrants didn't behave in a way which was at all sympathetic. It was a symbolic action and if you ask me, they're weakening their own cause with this kind of behavior.
But don't think CNN is being anti-American or communist or any other of your crazy theories.

Wrong. These things did happen during the Hussein era, the MSM just ignored it and chose not to make a spectacle about it so the majority of Americans would believe it was never a problem. As long as a Marxist sits in the White House, then everything is going according to “the plan”.

The radical left and globalist pigs have been in panic mode since President Trump was elected, because he is rejecting the globalist Agenda. Now everything they do is to undermine the US, anti-American propaganda has been ramped up 1000%.
I highly doubt a group of organized protesters rushed the border before and got gassed by border patrol. You have a link to the contrary, please share.
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.

Honestly what other republican would be handling the border as strong or stronger than TRUMP? Any other republican would have caved long ago on immigration because of attacks from the democrats/media.

We know Rubio would have caved and Cruz's solution to the swarms was hire thousands of immigration judges.
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.

Plus, trannies in toilets! Fear!
Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.
no legal authority for that. its not an invasion, its just asylum seekers.

They are not applicable for US asylum and they know it. They want to try and force us into doing things the Obama way and we’re not going to do it.

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Can anyone explain?

If Trump can't deal with the invasion, I am downgrading his performance from the best president in centuries considerably. No president lets his country get invaded, simple as that. Bring in the artillery.


Let me break it down for you:

There is no invasion. Thats just something Trump said to prod silly dupes like you into coming out to vote for his candidates during the election. Election is over and with it Trump's interest in fighting imaginary invasions.

So the people that tried to storm their way into the US is not an invasion? If that's not an attempted invasion, then what is?

No retard, it’s not an invasion.

How hoped up on hyperbole do you have to be to think that a couple of people trying jump the fence is a fucking invasion??

You snowflakes seriously need to get a grip.

A couple of people? The news reported hundreds and with a promise of additional attempts when more people arrive. Yes, that’s called an invasion.

If people tried to do that at my home, I would gun them down and the police would rule it justifiable homicide.

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I thought a judge stopped that until Congress changes the law
No he stopped us from sending them back to Mexico after they stepped onto American soil....we are not allowing them the opportunity...all asylum claims must be plead prior to getting into our country and they must wait in Mexico....Mexican officials have agreed to it....so the ass clown judge can eat shit and die....
Why would I want to get illegals? I don’t obviously and we can legit talk about that...but when you start rambling about INVASION!! just because there is a caravan heading up from South America to seek asylum then you sound totally nuts.
Bullshit...you want them to get in to embarrass the Trump administration and to give birth to little democrats....I sure hope you never run into an illegal alien felon who is desperate and has a pension for violence...think a little okay?....
Daniel 12:4

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

With Mass Migrations all across the globe, can anyone not deny that it's a real possibility that this is the type of thing this verse was referring to?
So the Illegal CRIMINALS showed exactly who they are by attempting to illegally force their way into our country the same way they violently forced their way past Mexican police / military to enter Mexico, causing US law enforcement to use tear gas on them and physically repel the attack / invasion. arresting some 30+ of them.

(Yes, Mr. Acosta, this IS an 'INVASION'!)

Trump responded by threatening to close the border permanently for the security of the United States.








"Hundreds of migrants from a caravan that originated in Central American pushing past Mexican riot police and rushing the border at the port of entry in San Ysidro, Calif., in a major test for both U.S. border authorities and Mexican officials.

some demonstrators "attempted to illegally enter the U.S. through both the northbound and southbound vehicle lanes at the port of entry itself. Those persons were stopped and turned back to Mexico."

U.S. border agents shot several rounds of tear gas after some migrants attempted to penetrate various points along the border and threw what appeared to be rocks at U.S. authorities.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement that some migrants "attempted to breach legacy fence infrastructure along the border and sought to harm CBP personnel by throwing projectiles at them."

IMO, the US military, there in part to protect US BPAs and Customs Officers, should have taken the violent criminals into custody, IDed them, and the US needs to make sure these violent thugs / criminals are NEVER given entry into the US or citizenship.

In the meantime, IMO, President Trump is missing a golden opportunity. In light of the attempted violent breach of our US border by these criminals, the President should declare a 'State of Emergency' due to the 'proven invasion' and go ahead and BUILD THE / HIS WALL in response to the 'invasion'. F* getting Congressional approval from a vote the Democrats will never allow.

Trump tells Mexico to ship migrants home or see border permanently closed


So the Illegal CRIMINALS showed exactly who they are by attempting to illegally force their way into our country the same way they violently forced their way past Mexican police / military to enter Mexico, causing US law enforcement to use tear gas on them and physically repel the attack / invasion. arresting some 30+ of them.

(Yes, Mr. Acosta, this IS an 'INVASION'!)

Trump responded by threatening to close the border permanently for the security of the United States.








"Hundreds of migrants from a caravan that originated in Central American pushing past Mexican riot police and rushing the border at the port of entry in San Ysidro, Calif., in a major test for both U.S. border authorities and Mexican officials.

some demonstrators "attempted to illegally enter the U.S. through both the northbound and southbound vehicle lanes at the port of entry itself. Those persons were stopped and turned back to Mexico."

U.S. border agents shot several rounds of tear gas after some migrants attempted to penetrate various points along the border and threw what appeared to be rocks at U.S. authorities.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement that some migrants "attempted to breach legacy fence infrastructure along the border and sought to harm CBP personnel by throwing projectiles at them."

IMO, the US military, there in part to protect US BPAs and Customs Officers, should have taken the violent criminals into custody, IDed them, and the US needs to make sure these violent thugs / criminals are NEVER given entry into the US or citizenship.

In the meantime, IMO, President Trump is missing a golden opportunity. In light of the attempted violent breach of our US border by these criminals, the President should declare a 'State of Emergency' due to the 'proven invasion' and go ahead and BUILD THE / HIS WALL in response to the 'invasion'. F* getting Congressional approval from a vote the Democrats will never allow.

Trump tells Mexico to ship migrants home or see border permanently closed


Yea I bet those woman and children are "stone cold criminals"
Yea I bet those woman and children are "stone cold criminals"

I remember when Obama mocked Americans for their concern over terrorists entering the US through Obama's careless Syrian Refugee policy - he declared Americans were just afraid of 'widows and orphans'.....and less than 2 weeks later a terrorist he had helped get a visa and enter the US murdered 7 Americans in California in a terrorist attack.

Several US Intel and Law Enforcement agencies have now confirmed that violent criminal illegals are among those in the caravan.

I guess you are trying to claim that the illegals who violently illegally attempted to force their way into the country and threw stones at US border and law enforcement reps were 'women and children'?


See, it's like this. It's frustrating and humiliating to watch our President fawning over foreign tyrants. But we can at least get some recompense from seeing him going all Rambo on the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Fight the power!
Yea I bet those woman and children are "stone cold criminals"

I remember when Obama mocked Americans for their concern over terrorists entering the US through Obama's careless Syrian Refugee policy - he declared Americans were just afraid of 'widows and orphans'.....and less than 2 weeks later a terrorist he had helped get a visa and enter the US murdered 7 Americans in California in a terrorist attack.

Several US Intel and Law Enforcement agencies have now confirmed that violent criminal illegals are among those in the caravan.

I guess you are trying to claim that the illegals who violently illegally attempted to force their way into the country and threw stones at US border and law enforcement reps were 'women and children'?

These leftists are suckers. These foreigners stage these invasions exclusively for leftist photo ops. They tell these women and children to get to the front of the crowd so when tear gas is used, they can show pictures of women and children by the gas. In the meantime, they stand behind those women and children and hurl rocks and bottles at our forces.

Would the left wing media report the truth? Of course not. The only place you’re going to get the truth is on Fox.

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