Why is the Korean war so forgotten?

The far left over looks it because it was sanctioned by the UN. Even though ta the time they were against the Korean war.

Now to the far left, when it comes to war, the only thing that matters to them is the letter behind the name.

Just like now they support the illegal wars of Obama.
One reason would be that it was largely overshadowed by the Vietnam war. Moreover I would say that it was sandwiched between two wars that in a way defined American culture of the 20th century. World War II was one of the most important wars ever. It also shifted the global positions of power, setting up the Cold War between the Americans and the Soviets.

Actually it is more likely because Truman a (D) was at the helm when the war started. Truman was an FDR Democrat, so that could be why it gets lost in the shuffle.

Even though JFK was instrumental in building up forces in Vietnam before his assassination and LBJ escalating the war you will notice that many try and pin the Vietnam War in Nixon (who ended the war).

So if a (D) starts a war it will go basically unnoticed, especially by the far left!
How do you explain WW1 (Wilson -D) and WW2 (Roosevelt/Truman -D) if that is the case? I don't believe those wars are ignored. Also, American involvement in Vietnam started with Eisenhower.

Yes FDR the president who lied the US into war, FDR the president that attacked another country that did not attack the US and FDR who did away with due process. Like I said they get unnoticed, especially by the far left!
What's this far right revisionist history? So Japan didn't attack Pearl Harbor? Germany didn't declare war on the US? Hitler was just a fine upstanding right wing role model that the US was not justified in fighting? You get more insane with every post.

See how the far left will deny and deny to protect their religious leaders and their religious dogma form 2003 - 2009?

See how dangerous the far left religion is?

This drone also proves my comments..
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Koshy, you want a job?

Or do you have one here? Do you get paid for the stupid, non nonsensical posts that you make?
I saw where you have been trying to hit 10k posts in a year. Do you get a performance bonus if you do that?
If you could just make 50 non sense posts a day, you will hit your goal.

Now hit me up again with that far left, illegal, slave wars drone bull shit. That seems to be the best you've got.
Koshy, you want a job?

Or do you have one here? Do you get paid for the stupid, non nonsensical posts that you make?
I saw where you have been trying to hit 10k posts in a year. Do you get a performance bonus if you do that?
If you could just make 50 non sense posts a day, you will hit your goal.

Now hit me up again with that far left, illegal, slave wars drone bull shit. That seems to be the best you've got.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Going to finally become an adult and admit that you support Obama's illegal wars?
Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Going to finally become an adult and admit that you support Obama's illegal wars?

I'm serious koshy. You suffer from some sort of mental disease. Seek help. It's out there. Did you sign up for your Obamacare so you have some medical insurance? Or are you on Medicaid? Either way, seek help.

You've become so fucking whacked that you aren't even any fun to make fun of. I don't pick on the mentally challenged. SO seek help.
Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Going to finally become an adult and admit that you support Obama's illegal wars?

I'm serious koshy. You suffer from some sort of mental disease. Seek help. It's out there. Did you sign up for your Obamacare so you have some medical insurance? Or are you on Medicaid? Either way, seek help.

You've become so fucking whacked that you aren't even any fun to make fun of. I don't pick on the mentally challenged. SO seek help.

Oh my the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Still supporting Obama's illegal wars?
Koshy, you want a job?

Or do you have one here? Do you get paid for the stupid, non nonsensical posts that you make?
I saw where you have been trying to hit 10k posts in a year. Do you get a performance bonus if you do that?
If you could just make 50 non sense posts a day, you will hit your goal.

Now hit me up again with that far left, illegal, slave wars drone bull shit. That seems to be the best you've got.
Had him on ignore for along time, don't even have to look to know he is still posting things like: "Again the Obama drone displays their devotion to Marxism". I think Kosh is some kind of Bot running on some Koch sponsored server somewhere, the names are even similar.
Koshy, you want a job?

Or do you have one here? Do you get paid for the stupid, non nonsensical posts that you make?
I saw where you have been trying to hit 10k posts in a year. Do you get a performance bonus if you do that?
If you could just make 50 non sense posts a day, you will hit your goal.

Now hit me up again with that far left, illegal, slave wars drone bull shit. That seems to be the best you've got.
Had him on ignore for along time, don't even have to look to know he is still posting things like: "Again the Obama drone displays their devotion to Marxism". I think Kosh is some kind of Bot running on some Koch sponsored server somewhere, the names are even similar.

oh look the irony impaired far left drones as they run their far left narrative not based in reality.
The war is "forgotten" because it was never really talked about in the first place. Very much like today, when Bush was President the Iraq/Afghan battles were apart of the news every single day - non stop. Today, the media pretty much never talks about it. Therefore, future people will certainly remember Bush's wars - but will not remember Obama's.
Thanks for this thread. I was stationed in South Korea twice and lost two squadron mates there.

If any of you are interested in learning more about this subject, I highly recommend T.R. Fehrenbach's book, "This Kind Of War". The frustrations detailed in his book go a long way to explain why America doesn't want to remember this "police action".

The vast majority of Americans have no idea we fought a war with China for two years. We destroyed the North Korean Army in six months but spent two years fighting the Chinese until we could get a cease fire agreement. The Chinese were more than willing to keep pouring bodies into the meat grinder and the Western powers were not. That placed the Western powers in a no win position at the peace conferences. We had no cards to play while the bodies continued to pile up.

This war should have taught us not to get in an Asian land war. JFK and LBJ were too dense to learn such a simple lesson paid for with rivers of blood. They seemed to have been blinded by the fear of the domino theory.
The Korean Conflict as it was called was never forgotten, nor should it be, for the lessons learned were costly and aftermath profound. The failure of the US State Department during the Cairo conference resulted in the cold war, enslavement of eastern Europe.

As for Koshs comments, apparently he failed to comprehend the overwhelming isolationist mood of the country leading up to Pearl Harbor, desire of the Roosevelt administration to simply equip Europe to fight their own war and concentrate on recovering from the depression at home. Roosevelt's failed foreign policy initiative to defuse the Japanese war machine economically proved to be a catalyst for war. As it regards JFK and Vietnam, the failure of Cairo, cold war, and most importantly domino theory, and threat of communist expansion forced his hand. We were engaged in a cold war and Kennedy, an anti communist, understood he needed to make a stand. Kosh you really need to read some history books about the period between 1930-1980 to fully comprehend the events and failed foreign policy initiatives leading toward conflict. Generalizations and baseless assumptions are counter productive in presenting an argument.
Blinded by the Domino Theory? Apparently the aftermath of the Potsdam and Cairo conferences coupled with the aggression of Stalin were of no consequence and played no part? Tell that to anyone who lived behind the iron curtain and millions he slaughtered to insure absolute control of the eastern block. I agree our approach from a military stand point without first employing extensive land reform and removal of cronyism and political corruption was a major blunder. When politicians run wars we are doomed.
I'll tell you one reason the Korean War ground to a halt. Pulitzer Prize winning historian, Richard Rhodes, relates the story in his book, Dark Sun, about the development of the hydrogen bomb. McArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons, hydrogen bombs specifically, against North Korea and China, and so did the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

McArthur and Truman hated one another, and Truman realized it was time to give America's military prima donna the boot lest the office of president lose its intended power and position to a would-be military dictator.

But how? McArthur was America's Caesar after all, a man who enjoyed tremendous popularity with the people. Thus Truman had to take a circuitous route in sacking General McArthur, making it appear that he had nothing to do with it. So he met with the Joint Chiefs and hammered out a deal. If they would sack McArthur, Truman would give them 9 bombs to use at their own discretion.

They talked of dropping two on North Korea and the remaining seven on targets in mainland China. That's what it took to get rid of McArthur: Truman had to grant to the military the right to reign nuclear Armageddon on 9 Asian population centers. Backdoor scheming on a level never before witnessed in American history, but that's what presidential politics is all about. We only get to see the smiles and hear the lies.

The war ground to a halt before the Air Force had a chance to carry out its nuclear bombing campaign. Obviously the North Koreans and Chinese were warned about what was going to happen so they stopped their military aggression toward the South, and we have the result to this day -a tenuous ceasefire.

FYI Even without the nukes, the US Air Force conducted fire bombing campaigns against North Korea more horrendous than anything the allies brought down against Japan or Germany. Virtually every North Korean population center was flattened and more than two million North Koreans died in the bombings -2.2 million according to some sources, twice the number of Japanese who died in WWII fire bombings.
It must be something wrong with it...The American casualties are similar to the Vietnam war. Not to mention this was Nato fighting North Korea and China as well as indirectly combating the soviets. It's often known as the "forgotten war". Why is that? Are we shy of our history?

Democrats in the White House were working for the ChiComs and Russians.

Were they relaying troop deployment to their ChiCom master and getting Marines and soldiers killed? Probably
A war not won is a war lost.

Something of which all liberal Democrats are button-poppingly proud.
It must be something wrong with it...The American casualties are similar to the Vietnam war. Not to mention this was Nato fighting North Korea and China as well as indirectly combating the soviets. It's often known as the "forgotten war". Why is that? Are we shy of our history?

Democrats in the White House were working for the ChiComs and Russians.

Were they relaying troop deployment to their ChiCom master and getting Marines and soldiers killed? Probably
Yeah, that's why the virulently anti-communist Democratic administration had thousands of American servicemen fighting and killing the North Koreans and Chi-coms - because they were secretly working for them. Brilliant! You're fucking crazier than Kosh.
Yeah, that's why the virulently anti-communist Democratic administration had thousands of American servicemen fighting and killing the North Koreans and Chi-coms - because they were secretly working for them. Brilliant! You're fucking crazier than Kosh.[/QUOTE]


Maybe not.

Inept and unwilling?

Beyond question.

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