why is the left against drug testing for welfare?

so why?
is it because u dont want them to better themselves?
you all care as much about their drug habbit as they do!
I seriously dont understand the justification to be against that

Because it is wrong to assume that those on welfare are more likely to take drugs than those who are not.

Isn't it AMAZING that right wing turds who scream it's the end of civilization if government wants them to submit to a background check to buy a lethal weapon, or hide under the bed if government wants their doctors to share medical histories...

YET, they have FULL faith that the same government should be trusted to make people pee in a cup and then GOVERNMENT gets to decide someone's fate.

what? LOL
Pretty sure there is a BIG difference between govt intrusion and passing a drug test for federal money
you people have no problem regulating EVERYTHING u can but not when it could better a good percentage of the population.. makes sense
so why?
is it because u dont want them to better themselves?
you all care as much about their drug habbit as they do!
I seriously dont understand the justification to be against that

Who said that we are opposed to it?

Good point -- the OP starts with a strawman. No link, no quote, no nuttin'.
why do I need someone else's words to express my own thoughts and answer my own question?
pogo, u kniw damn well a lot of the left are against it
I think only those who have a drug problem should be tested not those who don't.

Just because someone is on welfare doesn't mean they're a druggie.

Despite what the masses think there are people on welfare who really need it.

Ok...how many do you think will admit they have a drug problem? How do you know if they're not tested?

And of course everyone knows just because someone is on welfare it doesn't mean they're druggies....but testing would rule it out.

And...the "masses" know there are many people out there that really need it. But if you're applying for a job, you are going to be drug tested. Why shouldn't someone applying for free money and food also have to be tested?

Yea, as long as we have intrusive authoritarian corporations, why not have an intrusive authoritarian government?

I am SURE you would have no problem peeing in a cup, have government test it and determine YOUR fate.

The right wing brain, capable of self imposed lobotomy...

wtf? u dont have much of an argument. we are talking about getting free federal money not tyranny.
So how many jobs did you lose out on because of it?

Zero. When it came up, they backed down.

Guess you're pretty lucky then. If people can refuse to take the test, then why do most businesses then refuse to hire them because of it? How do they get away with it if it's not lawful? Seems that would be discrimination and they could sue for that.....explain how they get away with it.

yea, I dnt believe that either. I would not hire anyone that wouldnt take a test. I dont want an intoxicated individual handling my business.
I guess pogo doesnt agree with the implied consent law as well..
Welfare is part of the democrat base. The biggest enemy of the democrat party is intelligence and jobs so they do their best to keep their constituency stupid and broke.


Michael Goodwin of the NYPost made the point that one needs a job paying over $21/hour to beat the tax-free benefits provided by welfare.

Something wrong here.....
Yea, as long as we have intrusive authoritarian corporations, why not have an intrusive authoritarian government?

I am SURE you would have no problem peeing in a cup, have government test it and determine YOUR fate.

The right wing brain, capable of self imposed lobotomy...

People here are saying being drug tested is unconstitutional. If that's true, then I want to know more about it. Personally, I don't think ANYONE should have to be drug tested to get a job or for any reason. But I'm being told now that people can refuse to do it....I don't know of anyone that has refused it and still got the job (except for maybe 1 person here that said he does). If the businesses are breaking a law (discrimination?) by requiring it to be hired, then something needs to be done about it.

I may be "right wing" but I don't believe the government, or businesses hiring, should be able to make up the rules if they're not lawful.

I agree. I believe it is a violation of our 4th amendment rights.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

being drug tested for a job is not unreasonable. jesus christ, u have NOTHING LOL. explain to me how it is unreasonable to have someone high on coke to.operate a backhoe at ur business? running into walls, hitting a customers car, yes, that shit is unreasonable LOL

Florida's welfare drug tests cost more money than state saves

Read more here: Florida's welfare drug tests cost more money than state saves, data shows - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

Oh....suddenly, a Liberal worried about spending money.

Have you ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him)?
Zero. When it came up, they backed down.

Guess you're pretty lucky then. If people can refuse to take the test, then why do most businesses then refuse to hire them because of it? How do they get away with it if it's not lawful? Seems that would be discrimination and they could sue for that.....explain how they get away with it.

Far as I'm concerned they can't get away with it. All I know is I refused to play that game.

Do they really refuse to hire on that basis? Or are they dealing with a bunch of sheep too docile to stand up to tyranny? I don't know myself, I just flatly refuse to do it, and as far as possible I don't shop at places of business that trumpet "we drug test employees" on their front door either.

The question really isn't "can they get away with it". The question is, why would anyone give in? The fact is if everybody refused to submit, they will back down. Have some backbone and try it. Because giving in is selling the rest of us out.

that is the most ignorant thing I have seen u write. a business not wanting bunch of druggies is not tyranny, it is smart.
wtf is wrong with u people? the OP got yall grasping at straws! LOL
so why?
is it because u dont want them to better themselves?
you all care as much about their drug habbit as they do!
I seriously dont understand the justification to be against that


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
If a farmer receives a farm subsidy.....can I have him tested for drugs so that we can be sure he is not using the money for other things?

How about a CEO who receives a corporate subsidy?
so why?
is it because u dont want them to better themselves?
you all care as much about their drug habbit as they do!
I seriously dont understand the justification to be against that

Why should someone who uses drugs be ineligible for welfare?

They need different help, not welfare, we as a society should not enable these victims.

Who says they need help?

Maybe they like to do recreational drugs because it makes them feel better.

Why should they be ineligible for welfare?
Welfare is part of the democrat base. The biggest enemy of the democrat party is intelligence and jobs so they do their best to keep their constituency stupid and broke.


Michael Goodwin of the NYPost made the point that one needs a job paying over $21/hour to beat the tax-free benefits provided by welfare.

Something wrong here.....

Goodwin is full of shit.

Welfare benefits are very meager.
so why?
is it because u dont want them to better themselves?
you all care as much about their drug habbit as they do!
I seriously dont understand the justification to be against that

Why do you advocate increasing the power and scope of govt. when your party claims to be against such?
If a farmer receives a farm subsidy.....can I have him tested for drugs so that we can be sure he is not using the money for other things?

How about a CEO who receives a corporate subsidy?

Farmer? Sure. CEO, they might already be tested by the company.
If the heads of our govt and state govts don't have to take a drug test then neither should the common American.
Why should someone who uses drugs be ineligible for welfare?

They need different help, not welfare, we as a society should not enable these victims.

Who says they need help?

Maybe they like to do recreational drugs because it makes them feel better.

Why should they be ineligible for welfare?

Why should taxpayers support drug habits. Welfare is a temporary stop gap when you fall on hard times. Wasting government money and time should not be an option. Being responsible and getting back on your feet should be the goal.

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